November 25, 2000, 11:55
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Tales from all new Diplomatic front
post here guys
November 25, 2000, 12:31
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The Cario Star
Top Stories
Pyramids built in Tripoli
Treaty With Babylonians
Barbarians attacks
disorder on the increase
new temple building program
Pyramids built in tripoli
The great tomb to our founding emperor Cockney I has been completed in the great city of Tripoli, a spokesmen said that it was "a great achivement which only a civilisation such as ours could complete" an overjoyed Cario resident commented "Its a great day to be an eygptian". Rumours that other such projects are underway have been denied by officals.
Treaty with Babylonians
Following up on the informal "suez" agreement reached between the Eygptian and Babylonian goverments, a formal peace treaty has been signed. "this treaty represents the dawn of a new era in our relationship with the Babylonian leaderships and its people" said a foriegn ministry spokesmen.
Barbarian Attacks
A recent suprise attacks by two groups of rebels has ended up for defeat for goverment forces and the capture of port haricourt and Kampala . "This is a disgrace, Eygpt must do more to protect it people!" said one oppostion offical. The govermet said it was doing all it could to stop the barbarians and recapture the cities.
Disorder on the increase
Its offical, more and more people are taking to the streets to prostest about, well anything and everything. The govermets approval rating is down to 48% "we are not worried, everything is fine" we were assured by goverment spokemen
New Temple building program acconced
In oder to quell the recent spate of rioting and protest the goverment acconced that it would be spending more money on temples. "We should be spending that money on military equipment rather than temples" said an angry defence ministry offical, although goverment spokemen said that there was no rift bettween the army of the goverment
November 25, 2000, 18:45
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Pravda Exclusive Interview with Czar Epik III - 60 AD
After a brief rule I have decided to turn my throne over to my heir, Epik IV. I am now willing to continue our interview. Let me begin with a statement of my accomplishments.
I have completed the Great Epik Library. This will bring us knowledge of other technologies for centuries to come. I have ransomed another Barbarian leader, so my treasury is full. I have established a sixth city. Our emissaries tell us that we are the smallest of the worlds civilizations, but our cities are productive and we have a technological advantage. You may ask your questions now.
Q: Thank you for this opportunity, oh great and intelligent Czar Epik the Third.
A: Quit grovelling and ask your questions!
Q: <gulp> There are rumors that the silk patch near Odessa have been taken from us. What steps are you taking to secure our valuable resources.
A: Sadly, those rumors are true. I have spoken to the Babylonian King Milo about this matter. He claims that we have treated him badly and that he deserves to use that resouce for a time. Currently the situation dangerous. One of our fine Russian Horsemen has encountered the Babylonian warriors that stole our fine Russian silk patch. I have told our commander to hold his position, and allow the warrior a chance to withdraw. If the warriors withdraw then peace will be maintained. I am sending other solders and diplomats to the frontier, and they will soon re-establish our rightful control of the Odessa silk patch. I am sure that Epik IV will be able to restore the once good relations with our Babylonian neighbors.
Q: We have recently established an embassy with the Egyptians, what can you tell us of this tribe?
A: They have a wonderous pile of rocks, that magically provides them with grainaries in every city. They have given us the knowlege of pottery, and one day there will be grainaries in our cities too. They are a curious tribe... they allow barbarians to rule 2 of their cities. Pharaoh Cockney has assured me that he is planning to remove the red plague from his land.
Q: The French have been good neighbors. Do you have any plans for future trading with them.
A: The French are a secretive tribe. They have honored the borders we established. The Russian people hope to learn more about them. I am sure Epik IV hopes to send caravans of fine Russian goods to there land. Trade can benefit all of the worlds people.
Q: What can you tell us of the rumors of a 5th tribe that lives in the realms far to the east.
A: I know little of them. Rumors have reached me that the barbarians are a problem far to the east, and I have seen a Babylonian map indicating that a Clueless tribe occupies those lands. I am sure Epik IV will send out diplomats to try to establish contact with them. There are claims that they have discovered a new world. We will soon send out ships to confirm this claim.
Q: Do you have plans for any future wonders?
A: Of course we do, but they are state secrets. If I told you I would have to kill you.
Q: <gulp> Well it seems we know all that we need to know.
A: Yes you may go now. I will leave it to Epik IV to tell you of the future.
November 25, 2000, 23:16
The Lost and Confused are a small humble gathering of pegans, fighting all elements to eek out a humble existance in this most formittable world. Not a single man, woman, nor child in the kingdom has been spared from the grief, and mourning over the loss of friends or family at the hands of the ruthless barbarians. These blood thirsty hords rained down on the sleeping city of Tsingtao, over running the warrior and phalanx fortifactions. The remaining night of horror held rape and murder for the remaining 30,000 civilians as the city burned to the ground. Charged with blood lust, and driven by the deamon himself they charged the city of Advansed Tribe. Ten thousand innocent people died in the battle of Advanced Tribe but the defences held. The people of Advanced Tribe, already beset in misery over the loss of their brave young sailors and settlers in a high seas battle with these raging hords.
Clueless, the only glue holding this forlorn pesasentry togather. King Clueless stumbles from riot to riot with promises of temples for worship, marketplaces for trade, and newer better equiped armies. Analists cant see how this can be done and most wonder how he manages to hold on to the throne.
if i display a lack of skill, pleace note the enthusiasm
November 26, 2000, 01:14
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Pravda Exclusive Interview with Czar Epik III - 75 BC
Q: As we are about to begin the third era of of your dynasty, please give us your view of the Russian accomplishments.
A: Russia, under the fine leadership of my father and grandfather, have established the most advanced technology in the world. Let me review those accomplishments for you.
Czar Epik the First was first to discover the wonders of Burial, Laws and Monarchy. This greatly reduced corruption and increased productivity. He made peace with our neighbors the Babylonians and French. However, my grandfather could have done better. He blundered by missing the first good chance to change from despotism in 2700 BC, so Russia had to wait until 2500 before changing. We would be a larger civilization if this had been done correctly. There was also the terrible settler massacre by barbarians. He should never have sent out settlers undefended. This greatly slowed our growth and allowed the Babylonians to build cities on the sacred soil of Mother Russia.
Epik the Second continued to accumlate knowledge. He was first to discover Writing, Literacy, Trade and Fuedalism, and Philosophy. His warriors met a tribe that gave us first knowledge of Mysticism. His warriors also captured 2 barbarian leaders which he ransomed for large amounts of gold. He did not make the mistake of his father. He sent out settlers with escorts and built 3 new cities. He established embassies with the Babylonians and French and began a trek to establish an embassy with the Egyptians. He stood strongly against the Babylonian attempt to take over one of our many silk patches. We are happy to remain at peace with the Babylonians, but we must remain watchful that they do not expand too far.
I must pospone the rest of this interview for another time... the Czar is hungry and must eat before we begin the third era of my rule.
November 26, 2000, 03:06
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While the humble Lord Clay Pigeon locked himself in the royal bathroom, in a nervous breakdown over his people's safety, suas the sub had temperarilly assumed the throne.
The plans to build temples were carried out in accordance to the kings wishes. Barbarions are not heard from as the Advanced tribers flourished. Emphasis is placed on expasion, in the old world and new, while each city still has enough defense for all enemies.
The new ruler itched for foreign involvement as tensions grew in the West. News of disputes at the Suez, between Babylon and Egypt, and at Russian front, also involving Babylon, brought great curiosity to the usually clueless people of the empire. Vague border agreement were made with the Babylonians, and will be respected. Any other treaties involving any support for either Russia or Babylon have yet to be arranged.
suas the sub, reporting to the recovered King Clay
November 26, 2000, 11:29
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Babylonian Babbles 40AD Edition
>>>> King Milo the Magnificent Assumes the Throne! <<<<
Ascending to rule the most powerful civ on this pathetic little planet is a unique experience for Milo.
He is accustomed to ruling lesser powers at this stage of history.
The beginning dynasty of Jediscum & the brief, but wise reign of King Berzeker, have launched the Baby's into an enviable position of power & position.
Stretching from the Indian sub-continent to the southern fringes of the great Siberian forests & from the Suez to the western shores of the Malay pennisula, my inheritence is something to behold!
And our people have great happiness fue to the beautiful & popular Hanging Gardens!
Great leaders, these men that preceeded Milo's rule.
As reported elsewhere, we have made peace with the struggling but enlightened Great Pharoah Cocky. We trust & hope this is a mutually benifical relationship that will last a thousand years! We are in fact, assembling a fleet & expeditionary force to help our good neighbors with their barb problems on the east coast of Africa.
To our east we have made contact with the "Lost & Confused" & arranged for a reasonable border that allows our future trading fleets to have a port-o-call & refuge on the SE Asian pennisula. If we can continue our discussions with their wise & reasonable king, we believe we may be able to help our neighbors in China to catch up somewhat. The very difficult terrain between us makes for an obvious border but a hassle to work together. We plan over time to build a road thru this most difficult mountiains.
As with others, our contact & communication with the French in Europe to our NW, has been limited. We did however establish a natural border, the Alps. We magnanimously starved a settler to death that was in French territory when Milo took over.
And then there is the Russians...
Tho we respect their leader for his ruling style & intelligence, we seem to be building a series of... shall we say, offensive incidents. To whit:
A> Immediately upon assuming the throne, we were told their diplomat in our midst was bound for Egypt & had permission to pass thru our ENTIRE country, from N to S. We honored this, after filing a protest (& wondering why our forefathers would have allowed such a thing).
B> As a new ruler to this world, Milo asked politely for some time to assess his new realm & make some needed changes. Host King Epik the Empatient, did NOT honor our reasonable request. Thereby causing 2 cities to riot needlessly. Plus numerous mis-applications of resources set timetables back in many projects... including a most important one... the Great Library of Juel!
C> Presto! The VERY NEXT Russain turn, the world was greeted to the news the "Russians have completed the Great Library of somewhere!". Cute!
D> The complaints of using "our" silk are questionable at best. The square lays between our 2 cities & should be traded off periodically to be fair to both cities. We had to send out patrols, at the cost of happiness, so as to assess what the Russians were up to & had due N of us(a warrior is hardly an invasion force, right?).
Due "C>" above, we had to settle for Sun Tzu's Academy even tho we hope this will be a peaceful world & will have little reason to build veteran units. Well, at least 3/4 peaceful. ):
Nearly all our cities' citizens now have a place to worship the gods of their choice.
Our army of settlers are linking our far-flung empire together with roads & have started irrigating fruitful areas.
Our triemes have stated to venture forth to discover distant shores( & booty  ).
We soon hope to embassies in all civ's so we may better trade & communicate. Good felow rulers of this world, please allow our PEACEFUL diplomat's safe passage... for our mutual benifit. They will take the most direct route possible to your nearest city, so as NOT to spy on your country. Thank thee all. And peace be with most of you!
November 26, 2000, 11:37
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The Cario Star
Special Report
Battle of Asamra
Battle of Asmara
A great battle was fought on hills outside Asmara, our reporter takes up the story.
"the two armies face each other the eygptian force only 4,000 strong took up positions on the hill, a massive barbarian force numbering some 30,000 men waited in the valley below, the tense standoff continuied for nearly an hour then with a blood curdling scream the barbarian leader mounted his horse, drew his sword and bean to charge, his men followed him with bloodthursty looks in their eyes scremaing and shouting as they rode up the hill, the barbarian archers launched volley after volley of arrows against the brave defenders on the hill bring there numbers down to about 3700 by the time the barbarian horsemen fell upon them though outnumbered they raised there spears and drove the horsemen back, the barbarians attacke again and again but could not break the strong Eygptian lines however the barbarians still 16,000 strong tried to make on final effort against the remaining 2,000 defenders, the barbarian archers put away their bows and drew their swords and began charging up the hill with the mounted comrades, the defends looked grimly on, a few said their final prayers but all stood steadfastly waiting for the coming onslaut. But then the sound of a trumpet casued the defends to look round, and what they saw caused their hearts to leap and their morale to soar, the Royal horse division had arrived 700 of the best armoured, best equiped and bravest soldiers in the Empire led by the king himself, king Cockney IV rode infront of his men and said to them
"have faith and we will be victorious"
A sudden shout went up "vive la eygpt, vive la Cockney IV"
The royal horse charged at the barbarians the barbarians were shocked many ran in blind panic those that remained were killed or captured.
However King Cockney IV was critically wouned while trying to help a small group of trapped soldiers, Palace doctors say thats his condition was serious but that he survived a 2 hour operation to remove an arrow from his chest without anasthetic. Prayers are being said all over Eygpt for his speedy recovery.
November 26, 2000, 18:52
Local Time: 18:11
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Location: Columbus, Ohio, USA
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Press Release from the desk of Czar Epik IV - 300 AD
As my rule comes to an end, I am happy to announce that peace has been maintained on the Russian/Babylonian frontier. Odessa enjoyed many years of silk production before I honored our agreement to share the Odessa silk patch. It is now used by the Babylonians, and I believe that they will return it to us in a few years.
Our diplomats and soldiers will remain watchful on the Babylonian border, for we have heard that they have built a terrible war wonder that gives their soldiers great strength.
It is a well known fact that they they grow some strange herb in their Hanging Gardens that makes the Babylonian peasants strangly happy. You need only look at their silly smiling faces to know that this is true. Now we hear rumors that the Babylonians are forcing their soldiers to take drugs, such as steriods.
I call upon the peace loving tribes of the world to stand united against the use of performance enhancing wonders!
The Great Epik Library is, of course, a much more peaceful wonder. During my rule it has given Russia, thanks to visiting scholars from the other tribes, several wonders (such as the Wheel and Construction). The assimulation of this knowledge has slowed our own research, so I have begun a program of library building.
I have also instructed several Russian cities to assemble settlers for a new wave of expansion that will be completed by my heir Epik V.
There have been barbarian attacks during my rule, however they have done no damage. It has only strengthened our soldiers and increased the treasury. I do not understand why some of the other tribes are having such difficulty with them.
There are many great accomplishments ahead of the Russian tribe. I now turn over the Czar's throne to Epik V. He has promised me that he will be the one to discover the rumored new world.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Epik (edited November 26, 2000).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Epik (edited November 26, 2000).]</font>
November 26, 2000, 22:30
King Cluless the Small was led to the throne at the tender young age of 13. Most would describe him as a boy, led by his hormones. Then there are the rumors that abound; of a boy who lived 13 years locked up in his parents royal attic. Which in turn led to the description of Washington in the travel guides as the city with two moons, but that's another story.
As he sits he is reminded of this thrones comfort; much better than the tin can he used in his attic,it left a royal ring. This is a good place to contemplate domestic and forign affairs he thought out loud. Yes; and what of the great Babalonian offer of maps said the rps. (royal peter shaker) Yes what of this thing called maps, we have the technology, now we need the map. I decree we commission a royal mapmaker to make us a map. This way we can lure the mighty Babalonians into friendship and betray them later.
What do you think of these rumors of a great land to the west Sire filled with riches for the taking inquired rps. Well he said as he shifted his weight, the great Babalonians are to the west, and rumors of Egyptions to the west. Even rumors of French and Russian to the west and north. We must let them fight over this great land to the west: we are not strong enough to join in this fight. I decree that we send our young men to the east. Go east young man - Go east.
Then the raw ( royal ass wiper ) interrupted Bend over sir. This brought back a flood gate of memories, of sticking his royal ring out the attic window for the rain to clean.
if i display a lack of skill, please note the enthusiasm
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Clay-Pigeon (edited November 27, 2000).]</font>
November 27, 2000, 01:52
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French progress report
The french , a peace loving people seem to have secured borders with both the babylon & russian nations. a peacefull coexistence is wished for by the french when dealing with any nation , though our armies remain diligent, well trained & constantly being equipped with the latest weapons of war .our most pressing need is to keep the population content. a religious ferver has swept the kingdom & the citizens demand places of worship. according to reliable sources the french are lagging in technology but are working hard to remedy the situation. of concern though are rumors of colonization of a great new world to the west of our continent, a nation allowed to grow unhinderd with such huge resources could dominate the world in a short time. hopefully good sense will prevail.
November 27, 2000, 18:26
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Babylonian Babblings 280AD Edition
This WORLD is Ruled by LOONIES !!
Editorial Opinion Section:
Based upon the press releases herein, Milo the Magnificent, enlightened king of the Bab's,is beginning to wonder if some of his follow rulers have gotten some bad batches of our Hanging Gardens juice!?
 (good stuff, aye?)
General News Section:
Our great, supreme civ continued to consolidate the infastructure of roads & temples. Nearly the ENTIRE expanse of our lands are now connected! 
Which along with temples & Happy Hanging Gardens has allowed for a nation of happy campers!
We now have embassies with all but the Clueless Ones to our east, they too will soon be "in the loop". With these, as the good leaders of other civ's know, we have been more than willing share our knowledge, even giving away some advances to our struggling neighbors.
HOWEVER, we can no longer be as generous with our now VERY extensive maps of most of the world. We have simply paid too high a price to gain this knowledge & cannot depend on future dynasties to remain friendly & not use this knowledge against us.
BEWARE tho fellow rulers, the "Great"Library owner is already bragging of his effortless gains. And we SERIOUSLY doubt that "scholars journeyed here" to inpart their wisdom. More like... their sneaky spies & "exchange students" are in THEIR embassies inside OUR countries stealing every thing they can get, as soon as any 2 of us achieve such knowledge!! ):
So we must all be careful on how & when we develop & share advances. 
We look forward to expanding this new trade ability & rapidly increasing our & our friends' wealth & knowledge. Get your cities ready fellow leaders! The more improvements, the more we both will benifit.
Great wonders should also be springing up in great cities as we move forward to our destiny of benevolent bigness. 
PARTING (future?) SHOTS:
Our great leader continues to be fraustrated by this Epik dynasty of Russian kings! These guys are just too nice! They just keep doing the right thing & not allowing for us to get very upset. The lords of our northern regions are... gr-r-r! Shouts of "Damn nice guy!" are all too often heard.
But that will not cover up the fact that the Russians are expansive & obviously expanding across the vast hidden regions of the North... including these rumored vast, wonderful lands on a great northern contintent.
BEWARE Russian expansionists... we will require a certain "token" to keep you in line & pacify our new veteran units in check. And fellow rulers that are hoping to tap this rumored vast land... we will aid thee in your efforts to expand in that direction (in return for some exclusives... fair?).
November 29, 2000, 11:07
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Just wanted to confirm my availablity for Saturday and Sunday...
I will be online by 1 PM eastern and I can play until about 5 PM eastern time. I should also be available at the same times on Sunday.
Epik of the smallest tribe... so don't go picking on the little guy just cause he is smart.
November 30, 2000, 17:22
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The Cario Star
Top Stories
Expanision in West Africa
New trade deal with Babylonians
Barbarians defeated at Kampala
Expansion in West Africa
"This is a great period of expansion for the Eygptian empire" said king Cockney V as he handed the city of Freetown's charter to its new duke, Freetown is just the lastest of a number cities to recivce dukedom status, "West Afica is the biggest growth area of the empire" said one analist. However doubts about its sustainability continue.
New Trade deal with Babylonians
A new trade deal has been struck with our friends the Babylonians, a goverment spokesmen reported, the new deal allows Babylonian traders to visit the cities of Cario and Tripoli although sources close to the goverment have hinted that more may be added to this list shortly. The Babylonians have not specified any cities yet but a sumit if planned to discus the issue.
Barbarians defeated at Kampala
A major battle involving 3 units of the royal army and as many as 5 rebel units has been reported. The rebel leader was captured and reportedly ramsomed for an undisclosed figure, however reports say that the battle was blody with as many as 30,000 rebel dead and 3,500 Eygptian casulaties, one officer of the Royal horse said it was the biggest battle he had ever seen, Early indications show that Kampala was almost completely wiped out by the fleeing barbarians, King Cockney has annocned plans to rebuild the city.
December 2, 2000, 16:05
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Fellow Rulers / Players... we've got some serious re-thinking to do here.
There is no way in ____ this, or any, 5+ player diplo game will be finished in our lifetimes if U R not prepared to let the AI take over for a session or 2.
These turns are going to turn into 1 hour each & there will be days like today when bearly get in an hour.
We gotta talk about this... on the forum. I for 1 am not interested in spending the rest of the year trying to coordinate times when EVERYONE can be there+can't even finish a turn like today.
The game does NOT have to begin & end on the host's turn. By setting it up to destory civ's when the ruler leaves or is dropped, all the other players, like today, that had time alloted & were avail to finish turn up then stop, just before DEPARTED player's turn, are out of luck!
It must take on a certain "PBEM" quality if these future turns want to be finished. Imagine the time it will take for each turn when the world is covered w/ cities. Or when a war breaks OUT.
As for the AI "ruining" a civ for a few turns, suggest U read the discussion on CapTV's excellent thread re: Big Diplo games. The departing player MUST adjust attitudes toward other civ's before leaving... then the AI will tend to behave as the ruler wants them to.
They may mess up some plans, but the human comes back to a pile of gold & units & even a wonder occasionally... that he could NOT have done on his own.
It's a balance. If they buy a city, so what? Human can give it back. 1 side lost some gold, the other some production. U think every city or state in even the United States does EXACTLY what the central gov't wants it to?
If we can't work somthing out on this to be much more flexible & open, then perhaps a new ruler for the Bab's mite be in order. This time issue will get alot worse before it gets better(if it ever does).
Express yourselves rulers.
December 2, 2000, 17:09
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Posts: 198
The MP games that I have played that included an AI have all be a mess. In my opinion the Artifical Ignorance is a bad player.
1. It bribes cities (violating an agreed upon rule)
2. It violates agreements amoung players, such as borders.
3. It will change a city's priority to food and population, when a leader would have gone for production and trade.
4. It will change a wonder being built. (I have seen the AI change from a valuable wonder like Leo's Workshop to a weak one like the Oracle).
5. An AI can give away tech advances that a player would not. It can also be cowed into paying tribute.
For these reasons, I do not care to play an MP game with an AI. If a player cannot make a session, then we have tried to find a substitute. With the aid of the diplo posts, a sub can get the feel for a leaders goals. If we cannot find a sub then my opinion is that the game be postponed.
I am not concerned how long the game will take to complete, when I started this game I figured it might take a few months to complete.
December 2, 2000, 17:57
Local Time: 16:11
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Location: MST Canada
Posts: 101
I will get back to the subject at hand but first the important stuff.
You will note that Epik is a Chieftain from Columbus, Ohio, USA registered June 2000. But why does mine read that also. I'm Chieftain MST Canada regeistered Nov.1999. Looks like a glich or am I the only one to see this?
I have to agree with Ken Thur; the AI could run my civ better than I can. I only wish I could have the production box that the AI has. Then I could build things with half the shields. But then it wouldn't be fair to the other players with the normal production box. Would it? I didn't Commit to this game to play against the AI, I can do that at my leisure.
It would be fun though to pay the ai to go to war with those nasty Russains
In any event the subject is rather mute as the settings are already set into the game and cannot be changed at this point in time.
if i display a lack of skill, please note the enthusiasm
December 2, 2000, 18:36
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Posts: 198
To KenThur:
We were planning to resume the game at 11:30 AM eastern time tomorrow. I hope you will join us, but if you decide to drop out of the game then please let us know, so that we can find a substitute.
December 2, 2000, 19:18
Local Time: 16:11
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Posts: 101
The next in line for the Lost and Confused throne was the 99 year old drunkin Prince Clueless of Glenlivet. Who never sits on the throne but rather ralphs into it, and sleeps with his head in it for emergencies. Though he is of the opinion that this is a rather wastfull use of good single malt scotch whisky. I would like to say that his age would bring wisdom and experiance to the throne; but with all honesty, I can't.
Just ask his aides, we can't speak with him as he is passed out, his rgarihsbocohovyg (royal general all round is he still breathing or chocked on his own vomit yet guy)says " I never met such a cantankerous old grouch." just look how he treated the dangerous Babalonian's replyed RCW (royal chin wiper). He bribed a Babalonian horsie unit and kicked out their ambassador. Truth be known he wanted the ambassador's head hanging from the distillery rafters retorted rgarihsbochovyg. And all this just when we are to start land negotiations with the Babalonians. If he ever wakes up from this drunkin stupor I fear we will be dragged into a war that will cost us both dearly. rgarihsbochovyg replyed on the one hand i dont want to be dragged into a lasting war but i do have a rather specialized job and will be out of work if i mess up.
if i display a lack of skill, please note the enthusiasm
December 3, 2000, 14:00
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Posts: 63
sorry about quiting but this game will take forever, and after new years i have to work out of town for a few months  & it is doubtfull we will be much further ahead at this rate, too much connection probs and co ordinating times people can play  . suggest u play with people in a time zone within a few hrs of each other i am available tues & fri nights & most weekends if a new game is being considered  im in pacific time zone
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by brocher (edited December 03, 2000).]</font>
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