August 14, 2000, 22:54
Civilization V News Editor
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truly 'other games'
does anyone here play other games as in non-computer games? like board games, or collectable card games... or minitatures games? i myself have just recently gotten back into legend of the five rings, and epic card game set in a feudal japan type place.
also, i have a sizeable Dark Angels force for warhammer 40k. to give an idea of exactly how big, i have recently fielded 3 land raiders. and the terminators to go in them.
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Apolyton Legend
August 15, 2000, 03:45
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CCG: nah, too expensive. Once I sank a truckload of money into M:tG (Magic: The Gathering for those uninitiated  ). The one big problem is they keep producing more stuff so you have to keep buying. Good money making trick for the publisher but sucks for the players.
Boardgames: yeah, used to play lots of them. The games we played most often include Civilization, Titan, Starfleet Battles, Talisman, Kings & Things, and British Rails. You can tell that we were into silly games than deeply involved ones such as Empire at Arms. We played some of the games so much that we knew all the optimized moves, or at least an optimizing strategy. The rest are either too complex or random for that to take place.
These games were a major time eater. Civilization or Titan easily took up a whole night as we usually started after 2100 (that's when the grad courses ended). SFB might be longer, might be shorter, depending on the scenario. Anything more than a dozen capital ships and a few fighters would take forever to complete. As a matter of fact, we had a computer program to aid in bookkeeping for the game.
Card games: mostly Bridge, Spade, Hearts, and something we called Back Alley Killer Bridge Substitute. I have no idea what its real name is  . We used to play Nightmare Bridge ("Play till you drop.") all the time in the dorms.
Other games: Chess, Weichi (Go), and a few others.
[This message has been edited by Urban Ranger (edited August 15, 2000).]
August 15, 2000, 09:05
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I never got into paper games, mainly because I never had anyone to play with. But I do play chess and Monopoly when I can. And of course, blackjack and poker.
I tried Go in college, but the guy who introduced me to it was a crazed mathmatical genius and I could never last very long, so I never really got into the game. Though lately I have been thinking about taking it up again.
August 15, 2000, 10:48
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The new M:TG sets are pretty pathetic in terms of card power so an older deck should be able to do pretty well against them. Heck, I still play M:TG, just that there aren't many people at the same level I can play against.
August 15, 2000, 22:29
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I never did look at the new sets. I started with Forth Edition of M:tG and stopped with homelands. I had some older stuff, such as Fallen Empires and the Dark. Ice Age got some really cool cards (no pun intended). I still have my cards here. Do you keep track of their prices? I am afraid the general trend is down but I haven't look at it for a few years.
August 15, 2000, 22:32
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Hm, Go does have an elaborate handicap system just for the occasion. The most you can get is 25 stones placed on the board in a pre-arranged pattern. You should be able to do quite well against the strongest players with such a headstart.
August 15, 2000, 23:31
Civilization V News Editor
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i used to play magic, but i gave all my cards to my singer's girlfreind so she would take her top off for us. and it was her idea, too. the only magic card i have intentionally in my possesion is a signed lady of the mountain.
August 16, 2000, 06:20
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edge: that's rather silly if you ask me  So what does this "Lady of the Mountain" do?
August 16, 2000, 19:29
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AD&D(rocks), MTG (like the preconstructed decks), Chess, Go, Axis&Allies, Civilization the Board Game (kicks ass), among others. I love board games, card games, computer games, anything to stop me from getting board.
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August 17, 2000, 22:00
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I must say AD&D is just a poor excuse for an RPG. There's no character development after you have finished rolling some dice. Traveller was worse, though.
Some really great RPGs: Champions, Ars Magica, Fantasy Heroes, and Shadowrun.
Your mileage may vary.
August 17, 2000, 22:05
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Dunno if the preconstructed decks have any staying power, Fitz. It takes months of hard playing and deckbuilding to make a masterful creation that'll give you a chance. Then there's always the careful honing over time if you choose to follow that path.
August 20, 2000, 11:43
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Or (ages ago) you spend lots of time and money making a bad theme deck! Orcish Cannoneers, artillery, circle red, chaoslace, whee...
August 20, 2000, 15:40
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On the other hand, you might have a chance with a Goblin Sligh deck (not legal in Type II). Most of the cards are cheap, other then Ball Lightning, Hammer of Bogardan and Goblin King but still.
August 20, 2000, 22:31
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I was always into blue/white control decks. White weenies decks could be interesting, too. Green has interesting cards though I couldn't really get into it. Never played red or black much.
The red/green "channel ball" deck was such a killer before it was made illegal.
August 21, 2000, 09:55
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Well, I'm more into weeenie decks. I've been toying with the concept of combining weenine decks with one or two huge creatures/generators.So far, its worked fine. But playing red is more luck of the draw then skill, i.e. if you get 3 mountains, a ball lightning and 2 of lightning bolts and fireblasts, and draw a mountain, you win (when not playing against a counter deck)
I'm always been interested in playing control, but never knew when to play it. I guess that I was never cut out for bluffing or waiting.
August 22, 2000, 00:15
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I didn't know White has creature generators... could be in the newer expansions that I don't have.
I was also toying with the idea of deck/hand destruction decks, something along the lines of 4 millstones and 4 vex machina (sp?). However this can easily be killed by just one blue card.
August 23, 2000, 09:35
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White has Sacred Mesa, which has the advantage of generating as many creatures as you can pay for. Then, there's always Phyrexian Processor (the all powerful) which generates x/x tokens depending on how much life you payed. Pay 10 life and start cranking them 10/10s out on turn 5.
August 23, 2000, 21:46
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What expansions do these cards come in?
August 25, 2000, 00:10
Civilization V News Editor
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look, i didn't want this to be a magic discussion. what about board games, or miniature games, huh?
get together, let's collaborate
this time the world will shake
make a stand, for what it's worth
get together, control the earth
Apolyton Legend
August 25, 2000, 00:57
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What's your problem?
Drink Maker is a variant of King Maker we used to play. The rules are exactly the same with these additions:
[*]Drink when there's a peasant revolt.[*]Chug when the king or a heir dies.[/list]
There's always Cosmic Encounter. It is sheer chaos when you have 5 or more players with 4 or more powers each.
September 2, 2000, 04:21
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I played lots of boardgames - Conflict Simulations. Publishers like Avalon Hill, SPI, GDW ...
The games I played most were: Civilization, OGRE (Steve Jackson Games), Imperium (GDW), Napoleons last Battles (SPI) and I loved the "Great Battles of the American Civil War" Series (SPI).
And last not least "Imperial Governor" (The Games People play)
I am a CoSim-Vet.
September 8, 2000, 04:16
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Personally, I'm fairly mundane. A bit of Milles Bornes with the wife on quiet nights. 3 player MB is so cutthroat though, it's a miracle if anyone ever finishes a race.
The whole family plays clue so much we bought some of those cereal boxes with the CD for computer clue inside. Couldn't stand it, though. Clue in hot seat play is a disaster area
Board games like life, Scrabble, Careers, Trivial pursuit, etc.
Card games like MIlles Bornes, Skip-bo, Uno, Phase 10.
You get the picture.
September 8, 2000, 06:27
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Me - I'm just a fanatical game player - most of those mentioned above have captured me at one time or another, but I must admit that M:TG is one that mpassed me by. I guess - seeing as it still consumes two evenings a week I must admit to Bridge as my other game of choice, but I play a mean game of Crib, pretend that I can play Chess and Go - can't get the hang of brat daughter's N64 games and therefore die frequently and messily - and adore all forms of RPG.
Scouse Git[1]
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September 8, 2000, 06:37
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Originally posted by self biased on 08-14-2000 10:54 PM
does anyone here play other games as in non-computer games? like board games, or collectable card games... or minitatures games? i myself have just recently gotten back into legend of the five rings, and epic card game set in a feudal japan type place.
also, i have a sizeable Dark Angels force for warhammer 40k. to give an idea of exactly how big, i have recently fielded 3 land raiders. and the terminators to go in them.
I am trying to get back into wargaming, the kind made by AH, Victory Games, SPI, etc.
I have a number of Civil War & Modern Warfare games, I even have a couple of WWII games. Recently I have started acquire the out of print games through E-bay.
No one wants to play with a Charlie in the Box.
I'm the operator of my pocket calculator. I press on the special key, it plays a little melody.
September 11, 2000, 21:50
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Anybody plays Cosmic Encounter? It's a riot when you have a bunch of people, esp when slightly tipsy. You have never played it until you have tried a game with the full 9 expansion sets, but these are quite rare these days.
It simply is chaotic
September 12, 2000, 18:42
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I play Chess in my local league, the West Wales Chess League. I'm not much good, I still get beaten by bright ten year olds, but I play because I enjoy it. My current ELO grading is 1141. I reached 1405 once in 1994-95, but I was never really that good. The previous year had given me phenomenal results against very weak opponents, and the grading calculation didn;t take full account of how weak my opponents were.
September 12, 2000, 19:36
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Risk! Risk all the way!
September 15, 2000, 13:50
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I used to play Boot Hill, Victory in the Pacific, War at Sea, King Maker, Statego, Midway, and Risk fairly often.
I still play AD&D and Monopoly when I get a chance.
September 17, 2000, 13:50
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Well, if you want to talk about miniatures, then I'm your man. I play GW's games, a bunch of historicals and miscellaneous other sci-fi and fantasy stuff.
I also build and paint non-gaming models.
Currently I'm working on Ork Speed Freeks for 40k, 28mm Sassanid Persians for WAB (damn GB forgot my order so it had to be re-sent though  ! ) and a Warmaster Dwarf army.
I'm also eagerly awaiting for Warhammer Fantasy 6th ed., and I sincerely hope it hasn't been botched up like 40k 3rd ed.
September 17, 2000, 22:51
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Miniatures are great to look at if painted well. Alas, I have never got the hang of it.
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