August 5, 2000, 20:51
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Diablo II
Anyone else play this game?
Here's a couple hints:
If you're stuck, can't get out without dying and don't mind losing a bit of progress, exit and come back. You will be automatically teleported to town (don't try this in Act IV)
For the Necromancer: Don't dump more then 3 or 4 points into raise skelton. Blood golems are amazing. Use corpse explosion, amplify damage, iron maiden and bone spear often. Build up bone spear, at level 4-5 it deals over 50 damage for 8 mana!
While fighting bosses, retreat as often as you need. Cast a TP as soon as you enter. Stay near the portal while fighting Duriel, his cold attacks make sure you can't get anywhere fast.
Comments, hints, etc. welcome. Post below.
August 7, 2000, 09:31
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August 7, 2000, 17:32
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Lots of great info to be had at:
To your Necro comments:
Don't add more than 1 point to Raise Skel. Invest them in Skel Mastery instead. You can easily survive to level 6 with out skels and at that point get a clay golem. With a clay golem at a couple of skel mages (level 12) you can easily last until level 18 when you get the blood golem.
So, why bother with Skel Mastery? Well, at level 30 you get Revive so you can raise up some slaughtered enemies. The more points in Skel Mastery, the longer your Revived guys will last.
Also, don't put more than a couple points in bone spear. Save em for bone spirit - it's much better since you can target specific enemies.
Lastly, don't rely on the Blood Golem/Iron Maiden combo. The next patch will likely tone that one WAY down.
August 7, 2000, 18:54
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Dunno about the Bone Spirit, it comes pretty late, not very likely to get more then 1 or 2 points into it without saving up beforehand.
I have always wondered how useful is Revive. If the effect was permanent, it would be great.
I must have wasted too many points on Raise Skeleton. I dumped in four (it looked good in the early going) and it is now useless.
I haven't really used Amplify Damage, Bone Armor or Iron Maiden too much, can anyone tell me if they are really useful? (well, IM is awesome against the bosses) Should I drop a few more points into it? (I'm level 26 so levels come pretty slowly now)
August 8, 2000, 00:32
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Originally posted by Shadowstrike on 08-07-2000 06:54 PM
Dunno about the Bone Spirit, it comes pretty late, not very likely to get more then 1 or 2 points into it without saving up beforehand.
I have always wondered how useful is Revive. If the effect was permanent, it would be great.
I must have wasted too many points on Raise Skeleton. I dumped in four (it looked good in the early going) and it is now useless.
I haven't really used Amplify Damage, Bone Armor or Iron Maiden too much, can anyone tell me if they are really useful? (well, IM is awesome against the bosses) Should I drop a few more points into it? (I'm level 26 so levels come pretty slowly now)
Don't bother putting much more than one or two points into the first three mentioned, go for a few levels in Corpse Explosion and Bone Spear. Bone Spear at about level 5 or 6 is usefull for knocking out fetishes and fetish shamens as well as groups of enemies.
The IM and Blood Golem combo is probably a bug, but right now it's a good strategy. The BG is tough and will save your ass if it was IM.
Don't put too many points into Iron Golem, because it really loses it's punch into later Acts.
Go for fire golem, golem mastery, skeleton mastery, IM, CE, amp damage and revive. That's how I have my nec so far.
August 8, 2000, 17:56
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Revive can be an awesome thing. If you choose who you revive well. Choose casters and swarmers and you will get lots of mileage of of your new friends while they last.
I have 2 points in Amplify damage and it is helpful against stone skinners and bosses and super useful against the lightning enchanted guys. But mostly I stick with Iron Maiden, occasionally throwing in a Weaken if someone really strong is around.
I would also echo the thoughts on the Iron Golem. He is pretty decent at first, especially at level 2+ (thorns and all), but loses his punch later. Blood Golem will do just fine up until you get the Fire Golem. I think most people get the Iron Golem just because they are so damn TIRED of the Blood Golem, plus the BG is just plain ugly.
I am curious as to how many points you guys have in Bone Armor? I put 3 points in until I realized anything more than 1 point was probably not going to be helpful.
My usual assault force is Blood Golem and 3 skel mages ( put one point in it and get +2 from my grim wand), adding in liberal use of Bone Armour and Iron Maiden. For the real toughies I break out Revive and Amplify Damage and sometimes trade the Blood Golem for the Fire Golem.
I have only died three times since getting the Blood Golem and twice was to lag. And thre third was when I lost patience and tried to be a Melee Necro - not a good tactic...
August 8, 2000, 22:02
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You use Bone Armour??????? I just Bone Spear my enemies at a distance (right now 72-80 damage for 9.2 mana, level 8, really level 5 boosted by wand) and they never get though my Golem, skel mages (4) and cold merc (in Act III you can hire wizard mercenaries, the cold ones are useful)
August 9, 2000, 09:25
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Bone armour is great. Here is why.
Let's say you catch a stray hit from a pack boss for 200 hp. Well, my Necros generally don't have 200 hp to begin with so that would be instant death.
However, if you have bone armor on, even at level one, then the first 30 hp damage goes to the bone armour not you. Now here is the best part... the other 170 hp damage does NOT roll over and hit you. Your armour is now gone, but you are still alive!
So, you are right in that nothing really should get through your minions and revives. But if something does manage to slip past them, bone armour can save your life.
August 11, 2000, 14:15
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Originally posted by Kinjiru on 08-09-2000 09:25 AM
Bone armour is great. Here is why.
Let's say you catch a stray hit from a pack boss for 200 hp. Well, my Necros generally don't have 200 hp to begin with so that would be instant death.
However, if you have bone armor on, even at level one, then the first 30 hp damage goes to the bone armour not you. Now here is the best part... the other 170 hp damage does NOT roll over and hit you. Your armour is now gone, but you are still alive!
So, you are right in that nothing really should get through your minions and revives. But if something does manage to slip past them, bone armour can save your life.
Only on lower levels. I stopped using it when I got to nightmere because the enemies hit pretty hard, even in act I.
August 13, 2000, 07:22
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I usually wander around with just myself and my blood golem. Iron Maiden like crazy and the badguys kill themselves.
My bone spear is at level ten and packs quite a punch.
I have four points in bone armour. nearly all of them i put in there very early in the game
August 13, 2000, 10:49
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What level are you? I'm level 26 and i've only got 8 points into the spear (3 from a wand)
By the way, how do you get past the entrence of Trancivalwith all the Hierophants and Zealots/Night Lords?
August 14, 2000, 00:33
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Originally posted by Shadowstrike on 08-13-2000 10:49 AM
What level are you? I'm level 26 and i've only got 8 points into the spear (3 from a wand)
By the way, how do you get past the entrence of Trancivalwith all the Hierophants and Zealots/Night Lords?
CE, Blood Golems/Revives and Bone Spear. Take out the ones that heal the Zealots and cast the cold spells, and then let the zealots chase after you. Nail the first one with BS, then CE away.
Also, the 1.03 patch seemed to institute changes in CE and Iron Golem. The Golem now does a percentage of damage (~120, ~130, ~160...etc) instead of Thorns. I'll have to test this out to see if it makes the golem more effective. Also, the damn patch nerfed the CE to a degree. It's not nearly as fun or effective as it used to be...
August 14, 2000, 07:23
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I'm level 31, with three of the spear points from a wand.
August 14, 2000, 09:24
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The problem is that the mage-type enemies are too far away, by the time I get to them, I can only kill one or 2 with the spear before all my minions are dead and can't find the others. Remarkably, it seems easier with Night Lords up front as opposed to Zealots.
August 14, 2000, 19:28
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I think i need to learn the names of the bad guys to keep up with this conversation. I know I always go for the guys that can revive monsters first, otherwise the battle never ends.
August 14, 2000, 19:30
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OK, the names are:
Mage-healers: Hierophants
Fireball shooters: Night Lords
Melee warriors: Zealots
August 15, 2000, 09:09
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Have you guys heard about the Bone Wall Farming bug?
Essentially it works like this. Kill everything in your area. Take your Necro and build as many Bone Walls on screen as you can, fill up the whole thing if possible. Then run at least 2 screens away. Let the walls disappear naturally (DO NOT LET MINIONS BREAK THEM). When you come back, there should be a bunch of items lying on the ground.
People have been reporting the best results (best items) in Hell Act 1. Also, it seems that if you keep doing this in the same place, you get the same kinds of items. Check for more info....
August 24, 2000, 08:46
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I created a hardcore chatacter in single player. which is allowed with the new patch.
i made it to level 24 and the very end of the game. where you have to activate the seals. i activated a seal and about 15 big deamon minions with wings and their named dude jumped out at me surrounded me and killed me. i used up 12 health potions and 4 rejuvinate potions trying to stay alive, but they had me surrounded.
August 29, 2000, 10:07
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hehe, funny
amazon's best with bow, paladin go with thorns until vengance, and sorc. are most fun with lightning
August 30, 2000, 22:01
This seems as good a place as any to get a critique of the necro plan I'm following. So, what do you guys think?
Lvl 2: Teeth
Lvl 3: Amplify Damage
Lvl 4: Reserved
Lvl 5: Reserved
Bonus 1: Reserved
Lvl 6: Clay golem
Reserved 1: Corpse Explosion
Reserved 2: Dim Vision
Lvl 7: Corpse Explosion
Lvl 8: Corpse Explosion
Lvl 9: Corpse Explosion
Lvl 10: Corpse Explosion
Lvl 11: Corpse Explosion
Lvl 12: Golem Mastery
Reserved 3: Iron Maiden
Lvl 13: Golem Mastery
Lvl 14: Golem Mastery
Lvl 15: Golem Mastery
Lvl 16: Golem Mastery
Lvl 17: Golem Mastery
Bonus 2: Golem Mastery
Lvl 18: Blood Golem
Lvl 19: Bone Spear
Lvl 20: Bone Spear
Lvl 21: Blood Golem
Lvl 22: Iron Maiden
Lvl 23: Iron Maiden
Bonus 3: Bone Armor
Bonus 4: Bone Armor
Lvl 24: Iron Golem
Lvl 25: Iron Golem
Lvl 26: Summon Resistance
Lvl 27: Bone Armor
Lvl 28: Bone Armor
Lvl 29: Bone Armor
Bonus 5: Reserve
Lvl 30: Fire Golem
Reserve 4: Raise Skeleton
Lvl 31: Raise Skeleton Mage
Lvl 32: Revive
Lvl 33: Revive
Lvl 34: Revive
Lvl 35: Revive
Bonus 6: Revive
Bonus 7: Revive
Bonus 8: Revive
Lvl 36: Revive
Lvl 37: Skeleton Mastery
Lvl 38: Skeleton Mastery
Lvl 39: Skeleton Mastery
Lvl 40: Skeleton Mastery
Total: 1 Teeth, 1 Amp Damage, 1 Clay Golem, 6 corpse Explosion, 1 Dim Vision, 10 Golem Mastery, 3 Iron Maiden, 1 Blood Golem, 5 Bone Armor, 2 Iron Golem, 1 Summon Resistence, 1 Fire Golem, 1 Raise Skeleton, 1 Raise Skeleton Mage, 8 Revive, 4 Skeleton mastery.
Base Stats: 15 Str 25 Dex 15 Vit 25 Mana
Stats 2: 5 Str
Stats 3: 5 Mana
Stats 4: 5 Str
Stats 5: 5 Vit
Stats 6: 5 Mana
Stats 7: 5 Str
Stats 8: 5 Mana
Stats 9: 5 Str
Stats 10: 5 Vit
Stats 11: 5 Str
Stats 12: 5 Str
Stats 13: 5 Mana
Stats 14: 5 Vit
Stats 15: 5 Str
Stats 16: 5 Mana
Stats 17: 5 Mana
Stats 18: 5 Str
Stats 19: 5 Str
Stats 20: 5 Mana
Stats 21: 5 Str
Stats 22: 5 Vit
Stats 23: 5 Mana
Stats 24: 5 Str
Stats 25: 5 Mana
Stats 26: 5 Str
Stats 27: 5 Mana
Stats 28: 5 Mana
Stats 29: 5 Str
Stats 30: 5 Vit
Stats 31: 5 Mana
Stats 32: 5 Str
Stats 33: 5 Str
Stats 34: 5 Str
Stats 35: 5 Str
Stats 36: 5 Vit
Stats 37: 5 Str
Stats 38: 5 Str
Stats 39: 5 Str
Stats 40: 5 ManaTotal: 115 Str; 15 Dex; 45 Vit; 90 Mana
August 31, 2000, 11:40
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Too many Corpse Explosions. They lose a lot of effectiveness in v.1.03. I think the radius is reduced by half...
August 31, 2000, 11:44
DinoDoc: your figures look very interesting. should be very effective. have you done that yet?
Shadowstrike: I agree on your point
August 31, 2000, 15:15

Originally posted by Andz83 on 08-31-2000 11:44 AM
have you done that yet?
I am currently on lvl 26 now trying to figure a way to beat Mephisto. So, no I haven't done all of it yet.
BTW, if anyone knows any necro tips on how to beat Mephisto, please post them.
August 31, 2000, 15:21
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Get an iron golem, and all other followers. Open a town portal. Attack Mephisto. When you're golem is dead go into the portal. Go into the forest and get some corpses. Raise them as skeletons/mages. Hire another merc (cold pref). Buy a metal item. Make a golem. Go though the portal. Cast a new portal. Fight Mephisto. Continue as many times as needed.
September 2, 2000, 20:17
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Ya know whats great, I found a unique cap which boosts all my skill levels by one. So if I get something, I automatically get it level 2. I just hit level 18 and I've got level 4 IM and level 2 Blood Golem... I wasted a bit on raise skeleton (4 points  ) they're still a little effective b/c I'm only on the second act.
September 2, 2000, 20:44
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Don't worry Caesar, I wasted 4 too. And they'll be obsolete very quickly. Need to get back to playing D2 soon.
September 2, 2000, 22:23
bliz announced expansion
unnamed already knew all that stuff they announced anyway.
its the highlands because the assassin in actiii said she was going there b4 they cut it in v1. something and removed it
the assassin and druid were known because of the file the guys opened with them in it. the story is kinda new everyone knew baal got his stone back and blah blah fight baal blah.
September 3, 2000, 13:17
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Use my tip for beating Mephisto and change Mephisto to Andariel. Works, just use clay or blood golem instead of iron and teeth in place of bone spear.
September 3, 2000, 18:54

Originally posted by Andz83 on 09-03-2000 12:37 PM
what can a Necromancer do to beat Andariel? unfortunately I don't know his particular problems with her, but some of you might know the main difficulties wit hher and how to handle with them...
Is this nightmare, hell, or normal? If it is normal, that strat I used with most super-uniques, until Mephisto, was to cast a golem as close to the monster and cast Iron maiden on the monster and keep a TP up in cse things got too hairy. Reapeat that process until the monster is dead. Also, for andariel, if your friend can bring along a rouge merc that shoots cold arrows, it would help ease his problems with her. BTW, teeth is a useless skill. Its only good as a prereq to corpse explosion.
BTW, how exactly did you people kill Diablo? He is currently kicking my ass all over the screen. Any help would be appreciated and want to thank all of you for posting how you beat the Mephisto. Your tips were helpful.
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