May 1, 2000, 22:07
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Stunts - down memory lane
Downloaded this again over the w/e.
How cool did this game used to be? Generally car games don't do heaps for me, but I loved making my own tracks and testing them out. I think I'll be giving this a little bit of a work out.
[This message has been edited by MidKnight Lament (edited May 01, 2000).]
May 1, 2000, 22:22
Local Time: 07:15
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Three titles
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
Death Rally
All excellent racing games.
Sorry, never heard of stunts...
May 1, 2000, 23:42
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Go download it off an abondonware site or something. Only 1mb-ish. And yeah, it might be from the Test Drive era, but it was good fun.
May 2, 2000, 00:33
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I snuck it into work, and I play it almost everyday.
BTW: If you take the default track, remove all of the roads, scenery, etc. and save it under a different names [e.g. "Blank"]), you will have a sixth terrain!
May 2, 2000, 03:17
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Good thinking, Zkribbler! I never noticed that.
Hey, in the copy I got there are a few tracks that crash the game (which I deleted). I think Apline and Alpine2 did it. You got any ideas why?
Would you be interested in swapping tracks? I haven't got any of the ones I made 5 yrs ago, so I'll have to do some new ones, but would you be interested in sending some my way?
May 4, 2000, 22:35
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Wow, I didn't know that one existed. That was a bit restrictive how you couldn't do your own terrain or water. Do you think you could have a look for it, and send it my way? That'd be fantastic.
I haven't started making any new tracks yet, because I've been too busy playing SMAC that I bought a few days ago, but I intend to start making some soon. I'd love to trade some tracks with people. There's a few in there already, but not many of them are any good. I hate it when they set it up so you go flying over a jump only to wonder where the road has gone because they've put a sharp turn straight afterwards. I like fast skillful tracks.
May 5, 2000, 00:29
I have the game zipped somewhere in the forgotten lands of my hard drive, I also have an editor that lets you create your own landscapes (water, mountains, etc.) Hmmm... I wish they make 3d accelerated version with multiplayer, instant classic!
May 5, 2000, 18:16
May 5, 2000, 21:35
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Andz -- Do you mean the original Default track or all the original Bernie's etc.?
MidKnight - I'm e-mailing you some tracks I think you might like.
Some designing tricks I use:
If I need to signal an upcoming area for which you need to slow down a bit, I use a length of dirt track (on the ground) or a pyloned bridge (if elevated).
If you need to slow down a whole lot, I insert a stunt (e.g. a loop, a corkscrew).
On banked curves, the speed at which the car reaches it determines the number of leading extensions I put on the bank: slow = 0 extensions; moderate = 1 extension; fast = 2 extensions.
May 6, 2000, 23:00
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Sounds like you know what you're doing  I've got them in your email and I'll try them as soon as I get offline. Any chance I could have your high score tables for each of them as well, so that I know if I'm doing any good?
Again, thanks heaps. I'll hopefully have time to make one soon.
Oh, and btw, I don't think the one I have has the original tracks on it either. A strange thing happened though. There's some tracks that have my name in the score table the way I used to write it with dates. And the dates are about the time I had the game. Made me wonder who on earth I would have given the game to who'd put it up on an abondonware site. Weird! None of my tracks are with it though.
May 7, 2000, 05:31
Hey, ZKribbler!
Don't you check your e-Mails?
As I've been on vacation I send you one asking for the tracks! Is the e-Mail adress you've given to apolyton only a fake that you never check because you don't want to have contact with those stubborn guys.
NTL, I'm still searching and asking for STUNTS-tracks different from those included in the Version that's beyond the link someone provided in another thread in OTF a few weeks ago...
May 7, 2000, 22:57
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Hey, anybody know how you zip a bunch of files into one zipfile? I've done it before about 1 1/2 ago, but all I remember was that it was counterintuitive. Then I could send you guys a bunch of tracks & highscores at once.
BTW, Stunts' game index has an upper limit of the amount of tracks you can access. As a result I keep my tracks in two which I don't run anymore, and my current tracks.
May 8, 2000, 00:37
| about a little tournament? granted you can hack the High Scores easily, but we'll play with honor?
Let's say each of us make a couple of cool tracks, then we vote for the best ones (pick about 2 from each bloke), post them on the net, download them and play them. I can 'host' the whole thing on my page (no, don't worry DanQ, not the Apolyton  , that is)
how 'bout it, kids?
May 8, 2000, 02:37
Local Time: 17:15
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Zkribbler - Those tracks were mad. I couldn't finish most of them because I kept crashing going over jumps too fast. I loved Flatout3. It was insanely fast. I just kept diving head first into the road after going over a jump.
I saved a replay of one on the second track you sent me because after hitting a bump, I bounced, then literally took off like a plane, seemingly went into orbit. On the TV Replay I'm just a spot in the distance in the sky, before turning hood down, and plowing straight into a crossroad at a 90 degree angle.  I'll send it your way when I get home. Should be good for a laugh.
btw, earlier I mentioned that some tracks were crashing my computer as soon as I opened them... Well, that happened when I opened your track, Terror. Maybe it's just the terrain file or something. Do you think you could send me the terrain file for whatever terrain that track uses? That'd be great.
I'd be up for a bit of competition. I still haven't had time to make any tracks of my own though yet. I'll play with honour. Otherwise, where's the fun? Looking forward to it actually. Even though I'll probably suck.
May 8, 2000, 06:14
Local Time: 17:15
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Could someone please send me the terrain files? I think alpine.pvs is the one that's buggy, but if you could send all of them, that would be cool. They're only about 6-8k each.
I'd finished almost all of my track, and was testing it out when it started crashing on me. I'd unwittingly changed the terrain whilst I was editing, and now because it crashes, I can't get back in to the editor for my track to change it. It was looking good though
Zkribbler - thanks for those high score files. I'll try to beat one tonight if I get time.  I sent you that replay file as well. Have a look and see what your track did to me!
May 11, 2000, 02:14
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Hey, onepaul - I checked out your site and had heaps of fun with asteroids. Takes me back to those Atari 2600 days.... I've got them all on my PC with an emulator these days for an extremely modest download. Much fun to be had.
You want another quote to put on your site? How about " 'Tee he he he!' - MidKnight Lament".
Yhanks for those terrain files, Zkribbler. I'll try them out as soon as I get offline, and hopefully get my first new track sorted out.
May 11, 2000, 18:18
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Oh and anutta tip:
If you have a particularly hellish turn somewhere in your track, put your start/finish line right before it. That way, a driver will encounter it when he's just starting off and is still going slow enough to survive it.
May 11, 2000, 18:56
hey, if I create a track on a non-default terrain you guys would still be able to play it, right? or do I have to send you the empty terrain file as well?
[This message has been edited by onepaul (edited May 11, 2000).]
May 12, 2000, 00:38
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Not sure. Haven't played with it before. Btw, I had to d/l another version of stunts because those terrain files were just coming up with more errors. And while I was there, there was a zip file with 400 odd tracks in it that I got also. Haven't tried any out yet, but I sent them to Zkribbler. You want them too?
I finally finished my first track too. Have you thought any more about a place to upload them?
May 12, 2000, 13:52
sweet, the finals are over!!! Anyway you can send the tracks to me and I'll put them on my site... I won't be back until Monday so see you later...
May 14, 2000, 20:54
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I'll icq you when i get home.
May 16, 2000, 14:57
Well, I would like to get some non-default trakcs as well as any other tracks I can get. Would you be so nice and send me some of them you have and that you don't expect me to already have got?
Was this sentence correct?
May 16, 2000, 23:02
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Probably not, but who cares?
Well, I can send you the one I made last week. And probably that zip file with 400 odd. That should keep you busy.
Have you had any luck finding that editor?
onepaul - I haven't sent it your way yet because I haven't been online much. Too busy playing SMAC.  Saw you on last night, but the message wouldn't go through.
[This message has been edited by MidKnight Lament (edited May 16, 2000).]
May 17, 2000, 15:29
MidNight: Well, I'll be grateful if you send them to me.
Nwe idea: What about a competition in nice replays. I've saved some weird replays were I make jumps without a elevator bridge etc.
Who wants them? Who has made weird playing experiences and saved them as replays?
May 17, 2000, 21:58
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Yeah, I've got a weird I called "orbit" that I did on one of Zkribbler's tracks. I'll send it your way when I finally get online at home.  I didn't get on last night because I went down to the pub after work and got a little fingered. But I'll try to send you some stuff tonight.
May 17, 2000, 22:37
is it when you land in an akward way and you just fly off into "outer space" it takes about 30 seconds to come down... a cool physics bug in the game
May 18, 2000, 02:32
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Yeah, pretty much.  The most air I've had since, (which I named "orbit2") was about 45 seconds worth.
They should so redo this game.
May 18, 2000, 07:19
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I've sent some files to both of you.
May 19, 2000, 17:20
MKL: I can't remember that I have received any files from you. I think when you were talking with "you two" you meant onepaul and me, didn't you?
Well, I still wait for any REAL reply to me. I said that I would be pleased to get any tracks. Well?
May 20, 2000, 22:23
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Sorry, mate. I'm forwarding it now. Tell me what you think.
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