Item-rich and Item-poor are, of course, relative terms...
My highest level char, after seven months(?) of play, is a clvl 39 pikazon; the average level of all of my chars probably average out to the high side of 20. I have a large number of low-level (but still nice) rares, due ongoing gambling and imbue-mule projects.
I have never begged for items, though I do trade and will accept gifts dropped in front of me (happened with an entire Cleglaw's set, once...:eek

I have never seen a lance--rare or otherwise.
Same goes for the fabled 'Stone of Jordan', and every other unique ring and ammy.
By item-rich I mean that I can give any new char a moderate number of reasonable items--some white, some blue, maybe a yellow of bronze if the level's right and I feel the need. Mana and life leech are always a given, but for the rest, I tend to let the new char collect items 'naturally' through act I.
On the item-poor side of things, my entire USWest team has two mana leech, and two life leech items between them, including the previously mentioned Cleglaw's.
When someone enters a game and asks "Anything good to trade?", I always answer, "Define 'good'"...