December 7, 1999, 18:17
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The Age of Piracy
World of Jules Verne
December 8, 1999, 02:41
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2194 days was fantastic.
Also the alien invasion scenario in cic was pretty good. Especially playing the humans was interesting.
December 9, 1999, 01:40
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IMHO, my new scenario, Red Front, is 10 times better than 2194 Days of War (Which I also made). Play Red Front (Made for FW) and it should blow away everything you think you know about scenarios! It's difficult, historical, addictive and completely new. Warning, it's a WW2 Russian front with a big map, many units and all kinds of twists!
My favorites (excluding my own) are:
Spartacus (AlexMor)
Alba de America (Jesus)
Quebec (AlexMor)
January 5, 2000, 18:25
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Ahhh, Mr. Nemo
It is a pleasure to be in the presence of greatness.
Your 2194 Days is SWEET!!!!
Nothing like Belgrade pumping out Me262's every 2 turns!!!
I had a problem when the axis discovered Radar. Internet Explorer of all things cause the program to shut down.....hrs and hrs down the tubes.
So the next time, I researched everything except Radar and then purposely destroyed(sold) all my scientific production before it could shut off.
Also, why do empty American Liberty ships arrive every turn off the French coast after "Overlord"? I repelled the initial invasion, if they gained a foothold do the ships just pour out units? They were easy targets for my JU87's and I even threw a few 262's at 'em.
Beyond that, 2194 is the greatest thing since sliced bread for me. Best units I've ever seen. I love it and you are a Master.
Red Front will be better? Is that possible?!?
PS- the mountain fortress East of Moscow was key to hold the waves of tanks from the Soviet heartland. I'm Ukranian so it was tough to see all of my bretheren slaghtered, but I laughed all the way to victory. Keep up the stellar work.
January 25, 2000, 12:06
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Ah WW79, loved it. I played Russia, and immediately made allies with... (whatever the western europe civ was), amazing how quickly they acted to join with me. Of course it was all a prelude to getting my units into place outside of all their cities to take it all in ONE turn (muahahahaha). The rest was a total nuclear nightmare. Great fun!
The Mad Mad Ruler of the World
January 25, 2000, 18:14
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From Microprose: Revolution (American Revolutionary War) with Continentals, Hessians, Brigadiers, Militias, Man of Wars, etc., all on a detail East Coast map.
From Apolyton: Age of Discovery using the 1660? start and map.
January 25, 2000, 18:44
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i think that the best Civ2 scenarios are:
WW2FW from Eyn
1804 from Eyn
Ameriques from Eyn
Shogun from Eyn
January 26, 2000, 01:54
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Alba de America, by JB
Al-Andalus, by JB
Slash and Burn, by Dan Scheltema
January 26, 2000, 14:22
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WWII:Japan made by R.K.S. LEE!!!!!!
ThermiteB(that's me!) RLZ like HELL!!!!!!!!!!
January 29, 2000, 14:47
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Well, I tried Red Front boys. Indeed it is 10 times BETTER than 2194Dayso'War. Also it's 10 times, no, 20 times harder!
Captain Nemo and Alex do a truly impressive job at building scenarios.
Red Front was packed full of all these dope events and All kins of new units and terrain. And best of all there is a REAL strategy! You have to be good to win. Really good. The map is huge, leading to a realistic front with buldges and pockets of action.
"Try to survive the Summer of '41, and we'll see you in Moscow."
[This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited January 29, 2000).]
January 29, 2000, 17:17
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Field Marshal Klesh:
Just saw your posts, thanks for the endorsements. Red Front 1.4 is just about ready for release and it should fix most of the loose ends of the previous version(s). It also has about 20 new units and a separate American Civ that enters the game in 1944.
Regarding the crash of 2194 Days of War, it is as you noted related to completing all research goals...I should not have disabled the Future Tech which is designed to insure that players never run out of research goals. I am planning a revised version of 2194 Days of War incorporating the better graphics of Red Front.
BTW how did you do on Red Front?
February 1, 2000, 18:58
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Captain Nemo,
Well, I survived the summer of '41 and that was about it! I was able to defend the Caucus region. But I did experience the fall of Leningrad, and then Moscow. Stalingrad remained out of reach.
I am an ashamed Ukrainian. The Fall of Kiev was hard to watch. I loved the concept of refugees, and ABSOLUTELY LOVED the summer/winter change. One must take full advantage of the winter to drive back those Krauts.
I gave up in early '43, and am going to start it up again. I usually play on Prince, or King if i'm feelin' frisky. But this one is sooo hard I may have to step it down. I'm glad to hear that the 2194Days crash thing wasn't my fault. I hestated to end every turn on RedFront fearing the inevitable crash that never came. I'm glad to hear that it wont happen on RF.
Can't wait for 1.4, you guys do a stellar job. So many cool things that I can't even mention them all. Loved "destroying" German concentration camps
and the tons of pop up events. How long does it take for you two to get these scenarios made? Must be months....but I will tell you that both 2194DaysofWar and Red Front have given me hours and hours of enjoyment. I play them more than the actual CivII!
If I may make a thing to fix on 1.4 would be the write up on some of the wonders. It extends past the bottom of the screen and you sometimes can't tell what the effects of the wonder will be. Other than that.....BOOOYA sweet scenario!!!
As I said before, keep up the stellar work!
I even have the title.gif set as my desktop pattern!
[This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited February 01, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited February 01, 2000).]
February 1, 2000, 22:29
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Field Marshal Klesh:
I am surprised that the wonder text runs off the page... It definitely doesn't on my game... I "wonder" if there is a way to set the fonts or if the fonts get bigger if you are playing in a higher zoom that "Normal"
Were you able to see the entire text of the Operation Barbarossa opening screen?
Regarding the time cost of RedFront it is really tremendous... Probably 2-3 times as long to make as 2194 Days of War which alredy took months of concentrated effort. RedFront probably has over 1000 hours of work in it. I've been at it for almost a year...And I've had a lot of help.
February 2, 2000, 15:18
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Captain Nemo,
The opening screen explainin gthe game is fine, I quick checked the wonders by starting as Germany(to avoid the wait of the opening round) and these are the Wonder-write-ups that gave me problems:
-Civillian Donations
-German-Finnish Solidarity
-NKVD Intelligence Agency
-Naval Convoy System
-Nuremburg Rallies
-Socialist Pragmatism
-T-34 Upgrade
As I said, you can read most of it, just the bottoms get clipped off. I'm not sure about the font size thing, I'm playing at normal zoom. That is, I haven't changed anything myself, so it's whatever the fonts are set to. I don't make scenarios myself, as they seem to be too complecated to make a good one that I'd be proud of. If I did make them, or when I start to, yours will be the measuring stick by which I judge mine.
I'd love to test out anything you need testing on. Playtest 1.4 for anything that may glitch up. I'm sure you already have whomever you need for that, but if you need me, my email is on my profile.
February 2, 2000, 17:05
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Maybe there is a setting for the pop-up window size, and Captain Nemo's default setting is bigger than the rest of us.
I'm playing 2194days now as Hitler. I was able to wipe out the Soviet Union in 4 turns, now want to reduce it to 3.
February 2, 2000, 18:50
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I'll check those text boxes out. 1.4 should be out in a week at most so the playtesting is all done.
What level of play? Did you use the correct events? (German events) What strategy did you use? The Soviet help should make it impossible to easily capture Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad... How did you manage that? (I'm interested as I am planning an upgrade and I don't want it to be too easy)
February 2, 2000, 21:23
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I play on Deity.
First turn the following cities were captured (listed by order of occupation): Moscow, Leningrad, Sevastopol, Rostov, Saratov, Stalingrad, Murmansk, Klinin, Kharkov. Two other cities were wiped out: Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan. Gorkiy was reduced to size one without being wiped out since it's an objective city. I lost 20+ units (About a dozen SS stormtroopers and half-dozen stuka) in attacking, and 3 more in the counter-attack after the first turn.
I used my two engineers to build a railroad southeast of Minsk, then used vet SS stormtroopers to soften the defense of Moscow. After the 3 AA batteries and 3 Red Guard turned yellow, I used non-vet SS troopers to attack and most of them won and promoted to vets. I used planes to cover the squares so only 3 partisans appeared when I took the city. Then I used the SS stormtroopers of Riga followed by the tanks via Moscow to storm Leningrad (1 AA, 1 battleship). Again I took care of the partisan problem with my planes and vehecles. Then I used my planes to air-raid Sevastopol, Rostov (had an AA gun which costed me 1 bomber and 4 stukas) then Stalingrad. The planes could cover the squares while moving on so no partisans appeared. I ran out of planes while air-raiding Stalingrad so I used about 5 tanks. After taking Stalingrad I used my planes for Klinin, Murmansk (reduce to size 1 when occupied to ensure no partisans would appear), and Saratov (easy target). My tanks from Minsk wiped out Astrakhan and Arkhangelsk as well. The combined efforts of tanks and planes reduced Gorkiy to size one. I suffered heavy casualty when attacking Kharkov but I still managed to get the city with a handful of tanks left. I used them for defense against counter-attack: I had 3 bomber/tank combos setup on the road from Stalingrad to Baku, between Moscow and Gorkiy, and the railroad between Gorkiy and Serdlovsk. Other tanks were used to protect my bombers close to Baku. I sacraficed a stuka (ran out of gas) to get two mobile infantries to the hills next to Sverdlovsk to pillage the RR thus ensure no reinforcements could arrive Gorkey (the two mobile infantries were killed from counter-attack the next turn so they were also sacrafice victims).
Second turn Gorkiy got anti-tank and returned to size 2 so I took it. I took Sverdlovsk easily since almost all 'recarnated' AI units in this city were out of the city to North or Northwest (the bombers stuck in the air next to my bomber/tank combo and I used one fighter to kill 10). None of the other cities on the railroad had anti-tank so I ran over the defenses with my tanks and went all the way to Vladivostok. Although the city had anti-tank, its ships were all out so the defense was not heavy. I took that also (I had some Field Artillaries). Baku's defense units were also out of place so I took that city with minimum casualty as well. I moved a dozen of vet AAs to Sverdlovsk to take care of the counter attack.
Then I built M109 fighter or stuka in certain occupied cities (built improvement then switch to unit since the cities were in riot) so the third turn they wiped out the remote small cities for me.
Two southern cities were too far away so I could not get there in turn 3. I'm now trying to capture Krasnovodsk in turn 2 using air raid and paradrop, so in turn 3 I can use air raid again to finish the Soviet Union and refresh my record.
February 3, 2000, 01:46
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I used German setup of course.
The preparation for invading England is also carried out well and I think on turn 4 or turn 5 I'll get the islands.
In Africa I occupied Alexandra (Turn 1) and Cairo (Turn 3) while using stuka to raid Jelusalem to kill some tanks before they can attack me. Pretty much a stand-off.
Now I can trade with my ally Japan and get more income and science. I'm not sure if I should attack the neutrals since Soviet cannot get money from them anymore.
Correction: Just checked my saved file, in the first turn I lost 17 SS stormtroopers, 12 PzKw IVs, 1 fighter, 2 bombers, and 7 stukas for attacking the red army (I lost 4 more units to British). Soviet lost 148 units.
[This message has been edited by Xin Yu (edited February 03, 2000).]
February 3, 2000, 06:02
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If you want to know about those boxes:
there's what I found out. If you want more details just ask me.
You can have great fun with these. One example is to add a listbox with a huge text in the scenario introduction text, which can scroll down. You can include half a book in there.
Another fun thing to add to the scenario intro text is adding the @options so that the player can choose which civ to play right in the very first screen. Also you can devide them into 2 (or 3) columns to save space.
February 3, 2000, 17:57
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Captain Nemo: in 2194days Chinese should have lost Peking, Harbin, Tientsin, Nanking, Wuhan, and Shanghai long before Pearl Harbor. I learned from Chinese history that in 1931 Japan occupied northeast of China (Harbin included), then in 1937 Peking, Tientsin (Tientsin's position on the map is not accurate), a total war abrupted between China and Japan at Peking. And Peking was not the capital, Nanking was (after lost Nanking the capital moved to Chunking).
February 3, 2000, 18:00
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My very own Africa scenario
February 3, 2000, 19:21
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Xin Yu:
You are correct and I was aware of it... My problem was always to prevent the Japanese from destroying the entire Chinese Civ very quickly after 1941 because the Chinese are so weak. My easy-fix solution was to set them back a bit... But when I redo 2194 Days of War I plan to remedy this along with several other shortcomings!
February 3, 2000, 19:25
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OK, I got the red front scenario. I was thinking I needed MGE to play, glad I didn't. That's the scenario I wanted to play.
I am hurting though. I'm close to losing caucasis, but I'm doing good up north. So far it's been a fantastic scenario. One question? Do the hordes of Germans ever let up? I'm at the end of 1941 (it takes quite a while to play), at this rate I won't be able to hold moscow for another year. I may have to play at a lower level. I love the units, and sounds. And of course the events. I can't believe I lost minsk though.
February 3, 2000, 23:45
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Yes, the Germans slow down in the winter (After you load the winter events/units), come back strong in the summer of 1942 then slow down again in the winter of 1942-43. By the summer of 1943 they don't get much help from the events anymore and your position, research and production will determine if you can beat them back to Berlin...or just survive until 1945. The real "turn-around" is usually the fall of 1943 when lots of newly produced Soviet armor hits the front and face the last Panzers of operation Citadel near Kursk/Voronezh...Quite historical, but it requires that the human player has spent the time from 1941 building up the Soviet industry/infrastructure to produce all the extra units. If you take a pure wargame approach you will lose.
BTW losing Minsk, Kiev, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Kharkov, Tallinn, Odessa, Sevastopol, Rostov... is pretty much unavoidable. Start worrying if you lose Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, Maikop, Grosnyy, Baku or Gorkyi, then you are really in trouble.
Good luck.
[This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited February 04, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited February 04, 2000).]
February 4, 2000, 14:13
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Captain Nemo: Found a strange thing in 2194days. Because the German has neither Mysticism nor Monotheism, the Mich's Chapel (Neurenberg Rally?) doesn't have any effect, and I have one gold from the church. So each city only gives me 3 or 7 golds (church 1, J. Bach 2, Theatre 4). It looks like a mistake since I can't build cathedrals.
If the church only gives one gold, I'll choose to sell it for 40--the game will end in 40 turns! So perhaps you should give German Mysticism to let players keep the church. Lowering the shield for church is another option.
Monotheism (MT) is 'Japan or USA' in your tech tree. Japan has no problem in its income: 2 from church, 2 from Oracle, 3 from Cathedral, and 4 from Theatre.
[This message has been edited by Xin Yu (edited February 04, 2000).]
February 11, 2000, 01:54
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You are finding all the mistakes I uncovered when I created Red Front... I had never noticed the problems with 2194 Days of War but in RF losing "Socialist Pragmatism" (Michelangelo's) was supposed to cause unrest in the Soviet Union but didn't because the Soviets didn't have MT... So I made a number of changes to allow the Soviets to have MT. Same thing with the temples: They will not function without "Cer".
February 11, 2000, 20:03
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Cool. Can't wait to play RF 1.4. When you revise 2194days I suggest change Chiang Kai-shek's title from 'General' to 'Generalisimo' (can't remember the exact spelling but that was what he was called by his men).
February 13, 2000, 01:29
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Captain Nemo,
I find that RedFront is impossible! I've tried it on 3 different defficulty levels and I get wrecked every time. The concept of moving the refugees East is great, but I can never build the Ural region up fast enough. I've used the cheat menu at different points to see just how much the Germans had....and they had a ton of arms. There was no way(even with T-34/85's being produced i per turn) that I could make my way into Germany. I'm usually able to take back most of my territory, but I don't have enough turns to capture German lands.
I'm pretty decent at Civ, so I feel like a fool when I get beat down every time.
I have gone as far as to manually(cheating of course) build some cities way up, but the german onslaught kept coming and coming and coming. During winter the Germans slow down, but they hide in their cities so you've got to expose yourself whilst you wage a frontal attack. I want to beat RedFront legit. but it is a real challenge. My college education is now on the backburner as I've become engulfed in this scenario. I am glad it isn't too easy though, yes certainly not too easy!
Oh, I've got a small thing you may want to add to 1.4, when the Soviets capture Berlin and Hitler kills himself (p**sy) It would be cool if their leader name changed hands too. that is, after the fall of Berlin, the foriegn minister still reports that Hitler, rather than Grand Admiral Doenitz is in control of thr Reich. I don't know how to build scenarios, so I don't know if it could be done.....but it would add to the realism a bit.
So, don't keep us waiting... when will we get our hands on RedFront 1.4?
February 13, 2000, 01:40
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The trick is to be on TOTAL defense until winter. Don't build any planes. Build lots of T-34s, but just have them sit in Moscow and Stalingrad. Then, when winter comes, hurl your huge infantry force to it's death to get all kinds of super partisans. You should be able to liberate smolensk and dnepropetrosvsk this way. Then wait for next winter...
February 13, 2000, 02:31
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I'll just give you a few hints to help out:
I've played 3-4 full games on Deity and I have always achieved decisive German defeats by the early spring or summer of 1945. That means the Germans are down to 20-30 objective points (Italy, Norway and Western Germany)
1. I don't mass-pillage the roads because I need them to get back to Germany when the roles reverse. I just remove a few segments around Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad to protect the cities.
2. I build barracks in all cities that will produce units. Only veteran units are useful.
3. I withdraw everything of value from the Western region. Especially AA batteries, tanks and motorized infantry, if I can.
4. I build a massive number of veteran AA guns in Leningrad, Stalingrad, Moscow, Rostow, Tula, Voronezh, Serafimovitz, Sevastopol. I move all available NKVD units to those same cities + veteran motorized infantry + T-34s... When the Germans attack I want them to suffer massive losses and only wound my units so they can get repaired by the barracks before the next turn but this requires at least 20-30 tough units per city. It's better to have 30 units in one city and none in the next than 15 in each!
To get enough AA units to defend Moscow, Rostov and Leningrad I need to speed build them so I sell everything I can in the Western cities from the beginning of the game. I end each turn by going through EVERY Western city still in my hands and seeing what I can sell...Refineries, Railroad terminals, steelmills, powerplants, banks, hydroplants, universities...sell, sell, sell!
5. I add Katyusha launchers to the cities to kill the wounded attackers after each strike.
6. I move all refugees + labor brigades to the East and put them to work converting plain squares to industry ASAP. I may found a few new cities also where there are very good ressources. But priority number one, before growing the cities is building industry. Typical improvement order: granary, kollektiv farm, steel mill,(ammo-plant), barracks, units
7. In general I let them build industry until a city has 4-5 industry squares, then merge a few to the city to get it to size 7 or 8. The rest move on to build industry around another city etc... I usually build up 15-20 cities in the Urals to produce 50+ shields, with at least 6-10 in the 80-100 shield range.
8. In the winter of 1941-42 I counter-attack only to inflict maximum damage, not to conquer cities, except to keep the supply road open to Leningrad. I usually attack stacks of tanks, planes left out in the open (Infantry can kill those) and infantry outside cities. I always try to attack, kill and withdraw to a city within the same turn so as not to lose the attacking unit.
9. I continue to stack veteran AA batteries/NKVD/T-34s in the cities forming the main line of defense
10. In the summer of 1942 I try to hold the line and inflict damage with counter-attacks against units that stop next to my cities. I build mostly AA batteries, T-34 and Katyushas. When KV-1s become available they are the best defense units coupled with the AA batteries.
11. If I can hold Rostov through the summer of 1942 I start counterattacking in the winter of 1942-43 against the Southern German army in front of Stalingrad.
12. By the Summer of 1943 I usually have large numbers of T-34/85s and Katyushas. The key to win is to strike with mass force... I try to lose very few units, which means sometimes withdrawing a unit after one strike even if it has a full turn left so as not to leave it open to counter-attack. City are best attacked with Katyushas first(To take out the toughest units) then with planes, T-34s and Red Guards. Better attack 3 cities in a turn and take them than attack 6 cities and only weaken them (And have German wounded units be repaired by their barracks).
13.I build the electrification wonder first so I get a "free" powerplant in every city. (And I sell the ones I have)
Also build Civilian donations and Labor Front to help the economy get into the black, but building trade routes to Baku, Gorkyi and Maikop has more effect than the wonders.
I hope all this helps... I know the strategy works!
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