February 13, 2000, 02:46
Local Time: 22:35
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Red Front
Posts: 556
I would love to change the leader name after Hitler commits suicide, but that isn't possible via the events... I could ask the player to save the game launch a hexedit subroutine and reload the game (Similar to the change of season sequence) but that seems too cumbersome just to change the name and title of the leader...
About the above post, the general rule to win RF is to "inflict 3-4 times more damage than you take". Never trade 1 for 1 always 1 for 3 or 4, then you'll win...
February 14, 2000, 20:16
Local Time: 18:35
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: Massachusetts, USA
Posts: 2,048
Captain Nemo,
Perhaps you could make the fall of Berlin more of an event. It would be worth the saving and reloading if other things happened, not just the leader change. Maybe there could be some units that represent high German officials. You know, to simulate the rush to capture the war criminals. I suppose you have filled all of the unit spaces, but like the change of winter/summer units there could be space. It would be nice to capture Goering, Speer, Keitel, ect. Then perhaps turn-based events such as "Goebels has his guards shoot him..." or "So and So takes poison ..."or "General such and such escapes to South America in a u-boat..."
These would give a sense of urgency to rounding up the High Comand before they could escape justice.
I suppose adding all this would delay 1.4 so maybe for a later version. I don't want anything to hold up it's release. Can't wait.
February 15, 2000, 15:27
Local Time: 22:35
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Red Front
Posts: 556
The only ways to change a leader name is:
Enter cheat mode and change the name or
edit the name in the RF.sav file, which can be done manually or via a C program that searches and replaces the name string in the RF.sav file. It's complex and will take some time to implement...
Version 1.4 has enough new stuff to make heads spin. I am currently testing the American AI's aggressiveness to make sure there truly is a race for control of Eastern Europe when Germany falls. Also for those who have trouble winning the game the US offers very powerful help especially in 1945 when massive numbers of GIs, Tanks and Jabos start entering Western Germany. If the Soviet player isn't fast enough Berlin may fall to the Americans!!
March 23, 2000, 17:05
Local Time: 14:35
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: Emeryville, CA, USA
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Bump for 'The Art of War' Site
March 24, 2000, 10:24
My favourite scenarios are:
WWI (from CiC, but with my own upgrades)
The Mongol-Scenario V 3
Most of the WWII-Scenarios are quite boring because they all are showing the same historical background (surely the WORST of all is the wwii-scenario that came with Civ2)
March 31, 2000, 19:47
Local Time: 17:35
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