April 19, 2001, 11:51
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Earth Clan Attempt 2
The previous clan thread is now labeled 11:47 and all the info was lost? I am completely confused and little upset...
April 19, 2001, 13:05
Local Time: 02:18
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Top 7 Members
Rank Name Land Networth
2627 Castle Gobs (#2681) 3045 Acres $1,136,947
3401 Tempest is Watching You (#3723) 2785 Acres $955,711
4139 AmeriCanadians (#1866) 2524 Acres $808,879
4838 Trittin (#965) 3088 Acres $702,127
6618 Wittlich (#1718) 2073 Acres $503,413
9577 Dni (#5745) 1639 Acres $296,071
10,966 The Dragons lands (#17148) 1525 Acres $207,683
Apparently we have lost some of our members to other clans or have quit the game entirely.... Since I have not lived up to the leader we need then I suggest Ribs to be the new leader.
April 19, 2001, 15:32
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Looks like I got hit again, 250 acres are missing .... 
If it's MD then someone is going to get killed.
Where are ApolytonAlpha and The Infidels??
They ate my turrets with giant daily portions and now that I have chosen less reckless allies they are gone?
Last time I looked we had 13 members!
OmniGod, I don't want to be leader, I'm hopeless at leading.
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April 19, 2001, 16:08
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Hmm, too bad, BTW, what happened to the original thread here? Maybe some OT people will help us.
April 19, 2001, 16:12
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I received this message from Shhh were hunting rabbits (#15524)
“due to the lack of aid to my situation, I am leaving the clan and the game...” and this one from PCO (#1880) “While I wouldn't over react to such an attack as the Infidels did, I would like some support from the clan to oppose this double assault with a single-tap from each of the clan members. I believe this to be appropriate.”
PCO, the Infidels and Waterloo broke their alliances with me. (the infidels, of course, first used our offensive alliance to attack somebody else before cancelling it) I have free slots for every type of alliance is case anyone's interested...
I think we’re having something of a crisis and to be honest I’m not sure what’s going on right now either.
April 19, 2001, 17:39
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Originally posted by Colon on 04-19-2001 04:12 PM
...” and this one from PCO (#1880) “While I wouldn't over react to such an attack as the Infidels did, I would like some support from the clan to oppose this double assault with a single-tap from each of the clan members. I believe this to be appropriate.”
Like I was able to do that outside GDI range, under heavy attack myself and HIS jets out on PS all the time.
The Infidels was my defensive ally but he never bothered to build a decent amount of turrets himself. ApolytonAlpha parasatized on my defensive forces as well AND leeched on my research from day one.
So the moment we begin to reshuffle to make better matches, they are gone.
If we want to continue this clan, the first thing we need is a code of conduct. Both for internal and external relations.
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
April 19, 2001, 18:14
Local Time: 07:18
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If you want a real clan:
I'll get you a gamerstown site set up, I'll teach the seven of you the ropes, and we can start recruiting on the other boards on Apolyton in a few weeks...
And, if you are promising enough, I'll quit my job at omega, and lead this mess to the top
April 19, 2001, 18:17
Local Time: 07:18
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I had a lot of handy info and tips on the old thread, I hope most of you got a chance to read it all
Anyone have it cached???
April 19, 2001, 18:36
Local Time: 02:18
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Here's the cached info...
I've got a bit more time now, and so I shall deliver a rather merciless psychological blow to y'all, and give you a nasty intro to 1A politics.
1) You're taking a lot of hits.
Those are simply landgrabs. Large organized alliances hit small defenseless unorganized clans to gain small amounts of land. They will simply send one PS or SS at your country and run off with your land. The only way to stop this at this point in time is to retal EVERY hit. When you retal a hit you send 1 attack for the grab they sent you.
As it is, you will not be able to reach many of the larger countries that bottomfeed from Apolyton's countries. If a small clan wants to get their retals in, they have to run several "all jetters" which are countries playing an indy strat who have tons of jets and nothing else. They drop the land they gain from retals, their only purpose is to discourage other clans from hitting you.
2) NAPS.
You're not going to get any Non Agression Pacts from any major alliances, this includes RAGE and about 20-30 others, any time soon. Any other NAPs or FDPs (with other small clans) will just get in the way, and should be avoided. The only way you'll get a NAP or 2 is if you run some all-jetters and retal EVERY hit you recieve. The alliances will take notice, and offer you a nap. This often takes 2 or more resets. I work FA (Foreign Affairs) for a top alliance, I know.
3) Retals:
Do them 1:1 for the first hit on you. Just hit them back once. For missiles hit 2:1 for the first missile. Number of retals allowed grows with the number of hits recieved (2 grabs in a row mean 1 retal for first, 2 retals for second, totalling 3 retals).
Don't kill a country for grabbing you, it wastes turns and doesn't help gain respect with the top alliances. Retal all grabs you can!
4) Netgaining:
The art of gaining networth.
There are several basic strategies:
Indy (Commie Industrial): Communist government, build only industrial complexes. You lose a bunch of cash every turn. You get enough cash to survive those losses by selling a bunch of your military on the market every day. This strat is good for fighting/retalling, but not for getting a top ranked country.
Casher: Government can be dictator or monarchy (for fighting) or democray, republic, or monarchy (for netgaining). Build about 500 indies (for spies) and then equal amounts of enterprise zones and residences on the rest of your land. You gain much money. You buy jets/turrets etc on the market. Good for fighting and netgaining, can get top ranks.
Farmer: Gov can be demo or monarchy or tyranny or several others. Build 500 indies for spies, and then build farms on the rest. You will lose $ every turn. Sell only enough food to support your turns every day. You'll have a big stockpile of food towards the end, you sell that on the public market and convert it to military in the last few weeks. This will give you a huge networth and good ranking. Good for netgaining, ok for fighting good for top ranks.
Techer: Theocracy is the gov of choice. 500 indies for spies, rest of buildings should be research labs. Research tech and sell it. Stockpile money and bushels for the last few weeks. This is a good strat, but only for the highly advanced player. Apolyton members should not bother with teching at all, don't even build research labs.
NOTE: for technology, just buy it on the market, don't research it. You need the techs for your strat, and some SDI and spy tech. Also the warfare one that multiplies the strength of your forces by a percentage.
5) You can't survive on Apolyton's site alone. You can use this for your forum communication, but you'll have to get mark or dan to give you a few forums. Omega uses about 25 boards on a daily basis. There is also a database of earth countries at www.gamerstown.com. It is a great place to search for landgrab targets (you type in how much land and networth and stuff you want to grab, and it finds countries that would be good targets), and they have boards you can use also.
6) About the merger: Apolyton's your identity and best source of member's right now. Don't alienate it! You can merge with the other civvers, but keep apolyton the focus!. It's quite easy to get plenty of members.
7) Good news! About 2 years ago, a group of friends from a mud found earth and decided to start a clan. They were active and enthusiastic. They worked hard, and created an alliance that ruled earth for about 4 resets last year, and they're still top 3. They've got about 150 members, and they haven't been associated with teh mud for about a year and a half. They were Moral Decay (MD). You guys can do the same thing, but you'll have to keep at it. Yay!
I don't know if you want to put that much into it.... being a small clan can be fun too...
I just like to play to win!!
April 19, 2001, 18:37
Local Time: 02:18
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Eternalist States of America
May 2000 posted April 18, 2001 21:15
Despite your warnings I am playing techer in Standard A... A TTR actually. It's hard yeah but I like to learn by plunging into things like that. I pick up things fast.
And as for Clan politics, It would be nice to have a dedicated all-jet retaller, but who wants to do that really? We should ask JPC if they have some of those.
And I'd like to joing Omega with you but so many clans seem to demand you to have ICQ or AIM... I don't like that...
Eternalist States of America
May 2000 posted April 18, 2001 23:52
I visited the JCP site and looking at the rules I'm not sure if we want to adopt their rules... As I understand it we're only allowed to landgrab once every 48 hours, and any retal they make against us thats not a SS or PS will be retalled against. I don't know if that is sensible policy.
Castle Gobs, Enroth
Aug 2000 posted April 19, 2001 04:06
The MD clan has declared war on me!
While I was negotiating with Roman Alliance (#472) about compensation for my landgrab, and after I already sent him some help (spy info), he reported on their retal board that I should be hit 3 times.
First a bunch of them tried to spy (at least some of them failed),
then MDs Carnivorous Sheep (#3079) sent an SS, failed but announced that more was coming my way.
Next thing MDs jet flying sheep master (#6098) declares war and sends a PS with all he has that takes 365 of my acres.
I am demanding compansation within the next 20 hours.
If nothing is coming, I say we take out Roman Alliance.
Latest news: War has been stopped by their general!
Message from MDs jet flying sheep master (#6098) sent on 04/19/2001 02:34:55
Mok. here are some updates. i imediatly hoped on icq, and let em know the situation, it was originally a 3:1 retal, the last of the three will not happen. as for the trade thingy, i don't know what to tell you. see, MD rules say we don't accept FA or such, retals only, but our friend seemed to skim this part being that he is knew, and didn't catch that rule.
Message from GT Messages (#4856) sent on 04/19/2001 02:45:16
From: MD\Waser (General V)þ
Subject: Retals
I heard that you have been negotiating with Roman Alliance about compensating your doubletap+destructive spy op. MD only deals with landgrabs, but since you have sent some spy op to him, I'm cancelling last of the three lg:s we were to made at your country. All hostilities are ended now.
In reply I have demanded 25,000 turrets from Roman Alliance for causing unnecessary troubles by trying to have it both ways. Let's see if we earn some respect here as a clan, then the losses will have been worth it!
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
[This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited April 19, 2001).]
Castle Gobs, Enroth
Aug 2000 posted April 19, 2001 04:13
Originally posted by Eternal on 04-18-2001 11:52 PM
I visited the JCP site and looking at the rules I'm not sure if we want to adopt their rules... As I understand it we're only allowed to landgrab once every 48 hours, and any retal they make against us thats not a SS or PS will be retalled against. I don't know if that is sensible policy.
I for one will not play by those rules, so I say let APOLYTON continue as is! Maybe some of their members will come to us if they see how we're doing.
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
Eternalist States of America
May 2000 posted April 19, 2001 05:07
MDs Carnivourous Sheep tried a Spy on me. I wondered what it was about when he then attacked you.
And I don't know if we should scrap merger altogether. First we should get a clarification on these rules. If I read right, the only two things we should demand out of them is reform to these rules, and the application of the Apolyton to the name (though I guess it would be creating a new clan).
If we're not going to merger we should probably get a website on gamerstown. As you can see from my webpage, I'm pretty lazy about web designing, but at least we'll let people looking for a clan know we're out there.
BTW, Beefhawk, where in gamerstown is this think to find landgrab targets? I had looked on it before and I still can't see where it is.
Castle Gobs, Enroth
Aug 2000 posted April 19, 2001 06:03
Originally posted by Eternal on 04-19-2001 05:07 AM
If we're not going to merger we should probably get a website on gamerstown. As you can see from my webpage, I'm pretty lazy about web designing, but at least we'll let people looking for a clan know we're out there.
To get a site in gamerstown we need a minimum of 20 members IIRC.
So it's recruitment time!
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
Rand Al'Tor
Newsmax N/CE Moderator
Apr 2000 posted April 19, 2001 07:11
Recruiting time? i heard that, (zooms of to OT)
BTW, Beefhawk, thanks for the hints (oh, so I'll have to undo my tyranny for communism, DANG) Any hints what I should do for a two missile retal on me for one random SS?
April 19, 2001, 19:08
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Oh, and is there a way you can make the combat readiness of your troops reform faster?
April 19, 2001, 22:23
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Hmmm, I wonder if I might have had a hand in ApolytonAlpha leaving the clan. Just this morning I dumped ApolytonAlpha as a research partner(after realizing he has vertually no funding in HIS research) and asked Ribannah to basically take his place.
As far as the Infidels are concerned, he just signed a defensive pact with me yesterday, made A LOT of attacks, was counter-attacked attacked by other players and of course bled off of my defensive weapons, and now has also flown the coop. I feel so used. Oh well, live and learn I guess.
So I have both of my defensive pact slots open.
April 20, 2001, 00:07
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Okay, I see that MD is really going after us now. I caught a spy from one MD country, was attacked by another MD country, and noticed two others had made attack agaisnt other Apolytoners recently.

Oh, and is there a way you can make the combat readiness of your troops reform faster?
Sending as little force as is needed, since the more you send the more you lose. Conditioning tech also can have a impact, but not necessarily a noticeable one unless you're in war or have a lot. Fortunately it's often quite cheap. In my Tourney game now I have got in some bruhahas and bought up enough tech so that it is 140% what it normally is after I attack. I also have a 3.3% Warfare tech so I can send missile while I'm waiting to recover. I love being a casher.
April 20, 2001, 00:13
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My vote is for Beefhawk!
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
April 20, 2001, 00:22
Local Time: 07:18
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Posts: 164
Concerning your problems with MD: If you attack them with more than a landgrab, expect serious retribution. They're organized and they are tough. I was astonished that you got such a good deal from their FA, I would never be that nice to a newbie clan  . If they just spy or landgrab once don't worry, they're just farming... it's no big thing.
Concerning GT (gamerstown): You find grabs by having a clan site, and a login. You can only search for targets if you are a member, and you upload some HTML from your scores screen.
The 20 member thing is just a formality, I think I can get you a site if I promise Brian you'll be up to 20 members by the end of the reset.
We need to get this core of players organized and online before we expand, we'll be able to handle it better...
I'll be happy to help y'all along as long as you need me... and if we get some actual participation and activity, I'll join up for the long haul!
So far, so good...
I'll E-mail GT tonight.
April 20, 2001, 01:33
Local Time: 08:18
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Hey! I sent a message to this thread and it disappears!
Anyway, here is the follow-up, after the announcement:
My message to MD's general.
"I have destroyed 3 of Roman Alliance's missiles because of their betrayal,
and made one SS attack that I count as a retal for God of Death EH's attack on ApolytonAlpha.
For now, I am satisfied. It will depend on his reaction if anything else will follow."
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
April 20, 2001, 04:19
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Triple strike done on Dni by GQD nr 12657. Retals? I'd love too but my army doesn't want to die yet. (Treacherous bastards)
April 20, 2001, 04:29
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GQD (#12657) (I) SElitez rank=1337 nw=1,616K land=8090 att=89% def=100%
Bastards. Feeding on the mini-states. Way out of our reach.
But DNI should join GDI to prevent such abuse!
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
April 20, 2001, 05:09
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Here is a list of MD countries that bombed a GreyJedi country to pulp today. Some of them seem all-jetters created for this very purpose.
MacrossMacrossMacross MD (#4842) (H) MD 83 3,194K 9362 91%/67%
Baaaaa goes the MD sheep (#10633) (C) MD 288 2,415K 7713 87%/29%
MD has sheep with five legs (#950) (I) MD 551 2,114K 9741 93%/0%
MDs Sheepherder (#7794) (I) MD 1900 1,416K 7236 85%/71%
Sledge MD (#8965) (T) MD 2059 1,362K 5737 87%/67%
Sheep That Fight Back (#4882) (T) MD 2212 1,320K 6218 70%/20%
Killing with sheep power MD (#11654) (M) MD 2287 1,299K 5467 92%/0%
SHEEPS FROM ABOVE TFS MD (#10601) (I) MD 3100 1,077K 4793 97%/100%
I am the only MD sheep owner (#8480) (M) MD 3126 1,069K 4577 82%/0%
MD aint Pimpin Sheep (#11899) (T) MD 3791 919K 3464 72%/100%
Smokeys kingdom MD (#15088) (T) MD 6738 511K 2554 75%/11%
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
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