April 9, 2001, 00:21
Local Time: 03:18
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ACS Game inventory
I'm doing a bit of spring cleaning this weekend and I'm organizing the computer room. As a bit of a lark, I decided to take an inventory of ALL of the games that I own, regardless of whether I played them or not. As it turns out, with all the compilations and bargain sets I've bought over the years, I now have almost 100 games!  When I think about all the games for the other platforms I've owned or played (Atari 800, Colecovision, Nintendo and N64, Atari 2600, and arcades), I've spent some serious jack on all this. Anyway, this is a list of ONLY the games currently on my shelf or installed on my computer and is very likely incomplete.
An asterik (*) means that I have the original manual. Many of the manuals are on disk, though. A plus (+) means that I have the game guide (likely on newer games.)
*+ Black and White
*+ Civ 2
Civ 2 MGE
*+ CtP
* The Sims
*+ Homeworld
Bridge Builder
* Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
*+ Rollercoaster Tycoon
*+ Railroad Tycoon 2
*+ HOMM2
*+ HOMM3
* HOMM3 – Complete edition
* Planescape: Torment
* High Heat Baseball 2000
* Jack Nicklaus 4
*+ Might and Magic World of Xeen (originally bought separately as Clouds and Dark Side, then bought the CD-ROM with the full game with the original floppies got wiped.)
*+ Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
* Ultima 1-6 CD-ROM
* Ultima VII
* Ultima Underworld
* Ultima Underworld 2
* Dragon Wars
* Wasteland
* Wizardry: Gold
* Stonekeep
* Pro Pinball: The Web
* Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey
* Pro Pinball: Timeshock!
* Hyper 3-D Pinball
*+ Starcraft
*+ Age of Wonders
* Sim City 2000
*+ Sim City 3000 Unlimited
* Sid Meiers Gettysburg
* Diablo
* BattleZone (Activision, not Atari)
* Age of Empires
* Moto Racer
* NCAA Football ‘98
* Quake2
*+ Caesar 2
*+ Caesar 3
* Monster Truck Madness 2
* Midtown Madness
* Motocross Madness (all of the above 3 for $9.99 at Wal-Mart.)
* Williams Arcade Classics (the original arcade versions of Defender, Defender 2, Joust, Bubbles, Sinistar, and Robotron: 2084)
* Robotron X
*+ X-Com: UFO Defense
*+ Descent
* Descent 2
* Stars!
* Conquest of the New World
* Frederick Pohl’s Gateway
* You Don’t Know Jack TV edition
* You Don’t Know Jack vol. 2
*+ Master of Orion 2
*+ Imperialism
* The X-Files
* Star Control 1
* Star Control 2
* Star Control 3
* Renegade: Battle for Jacob’s Star (?)
* Command and Conquer
* The Elder Scrolls: Arena
* Emergency Room
* The Bards Tale 1
* The Bards Tale 2
* The Bards Tale 3
(On floppy)
Castle Wolfenstein
(Installed to drive, disks lost.)
* Colonization
So, that's my list. What's yours?
[This message has been edited by JohnT (edited April 08, 2001).]
April 9, 2001, 18:48
Local Time: 01:18
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Wow, you buy a lot of extra game guides!
I'll check when I get home, but my list isn't nearly as big as yours. Although I have a number of games that aren't installed and I threw the CD into the void of my spare room closet
April 9, 2001, 20:30
Local Time: 03:18
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A number of those guides came with the games - being a cheapass, I usually wait until a game is below $20 to buy it. Many times, if you wait long enough, they'll package the guides with the games.
April 10, 2001, 21:51
Local Time: 01:18
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*Alpha Centauri
*Space Empires 4
*Imperium Galactica
*The Operational Art of War
*Xwing vs Tie Fighter
*Pacific General
*East Front2
*Age of Kings
*Warcraft2 Expansion pack
*Allied General
*Panzer General2
Jagged Alliance
*Panzer Commander
*Steel Panthers
*Front Page Sports Football pro 97
*Star Trek Starship Creator
*Lords of teh Realm2
2 Pirated CD's my friend brought back from Hong Kong I don't remember what's on them
Any other CD's or disks that I have are in the closet and I am not going to inventory them
[This message has been edited by Garth Vader (edited April 10, 2001).]
April 16, 2001, 20:21
Local Time: 03:18
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Oh dear  . I have a manual for ALL of these games (plus most of the original boxes), except where noted.
(-) = Expansion Pack
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
-Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire
Baldur's Gate
-Baldur's Gate, Tales of the Sword Coast
Front Page Sports Baseball Pro '98
Black and White
Caesar 3
Civilization 2
-Civilization: Conflict in Civilization
-Civilization: Fantastic Worlds
Civilzation 2: Test of Time
Close Combat III
Delta Force
Europa Universalis
Fallout 2
Fifa '99
Front Office Football 2001 (No manual - online)
Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001
Sid Meier's Gettysburg
Icewind Dale
Imperialism II
Master of Orion II
NHL 2001
Madden 2000
The Operational Art of War I Elite Edition
Panzer General II
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Risk II
SimCity 3000
The Sims
Ultima IX: Ascention
You Don't Know Jack XL
You Don't Know Jack, Version 2
You Don't Know Jack: 5th Dementia
April 20, 2001, 11:45
Local Time: 00:18
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Location: My head stuck permanently in my civ
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give me a bit to list them all. I'll be back to list mine.
April 21, 2001, 09:17
Local Time: 00:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: My head stuck permanently in my civ
Posts: 1,703
Boy, have I got a lot of crap!
after aol deleted my hard drives, I had to reinstall everything
OK, Here we go...
Now Installed
- civ editor
- civ map editor
Master of Magic
-Master of Magic Grimoire cheats
Civilization for windows
Civilization II
-Conflicts in Civilization
-Fantastic Worlds
Civilization II: Test Of Time
Alpha Centauri
The Sims
Sim City 2000 special edition
SimEarth (Can't get it to work)
Sim Mania pack, including:
-SimCity Classic for windows
-Streets Of Sim City
Dune 2
Lode Runner Online
Battletech 3 pack, including:
-Battletech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception
-Battletech: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge
Duke Nukem 3D
Skyroads Christmas
Pirates Gold! for windows
Ultima Underworld
XCom: Ufo Defense
Ultimate Cribbage
Sherlock for windows
Secret Of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Might And Magic 3: Isles Of Terra
Might And Magic 4: Clouds Of Xeen
Might And Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen
Swords of Xeen
World of Xeen
Curse Of Monkey Island
Elder Scrolls: Redguard
Descent 3
Heroes Of Might And Magic
-Homm editor
Heroes Of Might And Magic II: The Succession Wars
-The Price Of Loyalty
Heroes Of Might And Magic III: The Restoration Of Erathia
Age Of Wonders
Baldur's Gate, Chapters 1 & 2
Master Of Orion
Master Of Orion II: Battle At Antares
Jedi Knight
-Mysteries Of The Sith
Warcraft II: Tides Of Darkness, Battle.net edition
-Beyond The Dark Portal
Dune 2000
Birth Of Jesus Activity Center
Return Of The Incredible Machine: Contraptions
Toy Story 2 Activity Center
Toy Story 2 Action Game
Cluefinder's 4th Grade Adventures
Bugs Bunny: Lost In Time
Diablo II
Frogger 2
Battle For Naboo
Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine
Escape From Monkey Island
Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed
Earth 2150
Moon Project
Starfleet Command II
Aliens Vs. Predator
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Half Life
No One Lives Forever
Longest Journey
Worms: Armageddon
Zeus: Master Of Olympus
Lemmings Revolution
Age Of Empires II
Tomb Raider 2
CDs Not Reinstalled yet
Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego
Magic School Bus Explores the Ocean
Time Warp of Dr. Brain
Mixed Up Mother Goose
Captain Crunch's Crunchling Adventure
Animorphs Demo
Carmen San Diego, World Detective
Rugrats Demo
Amazon Trail 3rd Edition
Game Of Life
Hasbro's Classic Card Games
Caesar II
Casper Brainy Book
Space Invaders
XWing Collecter's series, including:
-XWing Collector's CD Rom
-Tie Fighter Colletor's CD Rom
-XWing Vs. Tie Fighter Flight School
Duke Nukem Atomic edition
Eraser: Turnabout
Journeyman Project Turbo
Journeyman Project 2: Buried In Time
Rise & Rule Of Ancient Empires
Official Guide to Babylon 5
Links Pro CD
Transport Tycoon
Ultima Collection, containing:
-Ultima : The First Age Of Darkness
-Ultima II: The Revenge Of The Enchantress
-Ultima III: Exodus
-Ultima IV: The Quest For The Avatar
-Ultima V: Warriors Of Destiny
-Ultima VI: The False Prophet
-Ultima VII: The Black Gate
-Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle
-Ultima VIII: Pagan
Piles O' Shovelware
Classic Pack (21 CDs!), including:
-The Home Entertainment Cube, including:
-Arcade I (Blake Stone, Commander Keen,...)
-Arcade II (Blockout, fairy Godmom,...)
-Strategy (Chess, Mastermind, ...)
-Adventure (Alone In The Dark, EGAtrek, Dark Ages,...)
-Casino/Card/Puzzle/Maze (Megatron, Pyramid, Robomaze,Uno,...)
-Simulations (Digital Baseball, F117 Demo, Power Putt Golf,...)
-Children (Bert's Animals, Talking ABC's, Mousepaint,...)
-Kid's Cube, including:
-Art (ABC Paint, Young Picasso, Dot 2 Dot,...)
-Hobbies+ (Guitar Teacher,Organize Your Coins, Piano Invaders,...)
-Games (1993Tris, Ballgame2, Llamatron,...)
-Culture (German, Japanese, Geoclock,...)
-Logic (3DCube, Hexxagon, Picture Puzzle,...)
-Math (Box Star, Merlin's Multiplication, Number Squares,...)
-Science (Build-A-Fish, Dinosorcerer, Laser Light,...)
-Fun Cube 2, including:
-Best Of Imagisoft and MVP (Chinese Checkers, MVP Bridge, Wari,...)
-DOS Edutainment (Jazz Jackrabbit, One Must Fall, Perfect General,...)
-DOS Kids English Tutor (Animated Alphabet, Scramble, Textris,...)
-DOS 3D Games (Heretic, Dark Forces, Magic Carpet,...)
-Windows Games (Mother Of All Battles, Mahjongg, Stellar Empires,...)
-Windows Multimedia (Cellwar, Science Calculator, Win FLI Viewer,...)
-Windows Productivity (Debt Analyzer, File Finder, Jewel Thief,...)
1001+ Games (contains a bunch of stuff - C&C add ons, bunches of cheats and walkthroughs, windows and early Win95 games, etc. lots of crap, but some good stuff.)
Game Empire, Vol. 2 (250 games. lots of good stuff, too. like Comet Busters, Ragnarok, Curse Of The Amazon Queen, Clydes Castle.)
Ten Tons Of Games (this one is mostly crap)
Tetris Games (a CD full of them!)
On CD In Storage, Probably Won't be reinstalled.
Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco And The Time Rippers
Star Trek 25th Anniversary
Companions Of Xanth
Merit's Galactic Reunion
Tom Landry Strategy Football
Railroad Tycoon
David Leadbetter's Greens
B17 Flying Fortress
Head To Head Game Pak, including:
-H2H Doom
-H2H Rise Of The Triad
-H2H Warcraft
Litil Divil
Critical Path
Activisions Commodore 15 Pack, including:
-Little Computer People
-Rock N' Bolt
-Top Fuel Eliminator
-Toy Bizzare
-Master Of The Lamps
-Web Dimension
-The Great American Cross Country Road Race
-Zone Ranger
-Park Patrol
On 3.5" floppy, probably never to reinstall
Quest For Glory II
Shadow Of Yserbius
Fates Of Twinion
35 great games for windows (I'm not going to name them)
Bodyworks 3.0
Cyborgirl Pinball
Christmas for windows
Commander Keen 1
Commander Keen 4: Aliens Ate My Babysitter
Spear Of Destiny
Archon Ultra
The Strategy Game
Buck Rogers: Countdown To Doomsday
Navcom 6
Star Control 2
Death Knights Of Krynn
Magic Candle III
Dragon's Lair
Adventures Of Robbo
Fairy Godmom (hmmnn... I think I'll get that one back on, after all)
Tank Wars (oh, yeah, that too.)
Jill Of The Jungle
Jill Saves The Prince
Battle Chess
Millenium: Return To Earth (mmmm... pre civ1 addiction)
Sentinel Worlds: Future Magic
On 5.25 Floppy, Probably never to be reinstalled
Space Quest
Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge
Kings Quest III
Mines Of Titan
Clue: Master Detective
Impossible Mission II
Codename: Iceman
Dragon Sword
Last Half Of Darkness
Nephi's Quest
Where In America's Past is Carmen San Diego
Secret Agent
Star Goose
Martian Memorandum
Kings Quest IV: Perils Of Rosella
Lords Of Conquest
Chessmaster 2000
Super Huey II
Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure
Amulet Of Yendor
Police Quest II
Castle Of Dr. Brain
Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed
Moraff's Super Blast
Moraff's World
Moraff's Stones
Super Jeopardy
Ultima V
Robomaze III
IGO (Got To ressurect that one)
Moraff's Fly
Room Of The Abyss
Lunar Lander
Microsoft Flight Simulator (for PC and PC Jr. !!)
Star Control
Most of my manuals have been PDF files for me to print out. only a few are bound that came with the boxed product. These that follow are actual, bound, manuals.
Sim City 2000
Battle Tech 3 Pack (all 3 manuals in one book)
X Wing
Dune 2000
Heroes Of Might And Magic
Heroes Of Might And Magic II: The Succession Wars
Civilization II: Test Of Time
Sim City Classic
Elder Scrolls: Redguard
The Sims
Descent 3
Transport Tycoon
Links Pro CD
Jedi Knight
-Mysteries Of The Sith
Civilization II
-Conflicts In Civilization
-Fantastic Worlds
Master Of Orion II
Alpha Centauri
Fallout 2
Ultima V: Warriors Of Destiny
Manuals for games not to be installed
Railroad Tycoon
David Leadbetters Greens
B17 Flying Fortress
Chessmaster 3000
Millenium: Return To Earth
Sentinel Worlds: Future Magic
Dragons Lair
Quest For Glory II
Kings Quest IV: The Perils Of Rosella
Mines Of Titan
Impossible Mission II
Clue: Master Detective
Lords Of Conquest
Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
Navcom 6
lode Runner
Star Control 2
Super Jeopardy
Death Knights Of Krynn
Magic Candle III
Star Control
Strategy Guides
Sim City
Man, that's a lot of stuff. John, Why'd you start this thread?
[This message has been edited by Father Beast (edited April 21, 2001).]
April 22, 2001, 11:16
Local Time: 15:18
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Man, FB, you got games coming out from your ears
I have bought 30 games on CD-ROM (some given away) and about 100 on 5 1/2" floppies. Some of the classics include:
- Empire
- Command HQ
- Crusade in Europe (by Sid)
- Decision in Desert (by Sid)
- Conflict in Vietnam (also by Sid)
- Balance of Power (by Chris Crawford)
[This message has been edited by Urban Ranger (edited April 22, 2001).]
April 22, 2001, 13:00
Local Time: 03:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 4,264
Man, that's a ton of games FB!
I also own two arcade games, both in working order: Asteroids and Battlezone. Though I am selling them to make room for the crib.
I didn't count the demos as I rarely throw away the disks that come in the gaming magazines. I do have the (June? July?) PC Gamer disk with all the classic games on it though, and I don't think I counted those (with the exception of X-Com.)
[This message has been edited by JohnT (edited April 22, 2001).]
April 22, 2001, 19:22
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Originally posted by Father Beast on 04-21-2001 09:17 AM
John, Why'd you start this thread?
I think I said "it was a bit of a lark."
But aren't you glad that you've taken the effort?
April 22, 2001, 23:09
Local Time: 00:18
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Location: My head stuck permanently in my civ
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Originally posted by JohnT on 04-22-2001 01:00 PM
Man, that's a ton of games FB!
[This message has been edited by JohnT (edited April 22, 2001).]
Yeah, and except for the Sims and Livin' Large, I never paid over 20$ for any of them! I lurk in the bargain bin.

Originally posted by JohnT on 04-22-2001 01:00 PM
I didn't count the demos as I rarely throw away the disks that come in the gaming magazines. I do have the (June? July?) PC Gamer disk with all the classic games on it though, and I don't think I counted those (with the exception of X-Com.)
[This message has been edited by JohnT (edited April 22, 2001).]
I have a lot more demos than that, those are just the installed demos...
My son is calling for me to install the Force Commander demo. Go figure...
I never throw the game mag CD's away, either. you never know what might be useful. the latest version of directX, or tweakUI.
I might be pushing it a bit with my stack of aol and compuserve CD's over there...
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