March 28, 2001, 03:08
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B & W Reviews
Daily Radar says Black and White proved to be just as good as advetised. I had my doubts, but I think I'll get it after all.
In order to save space on the Other Games Forum (not turn it into a Black and White forum, which I bet we're going to have soon), you might want to post other reviews on it just put them in this thread.
March 28, 2001, 20:07
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I have a review  .
BUY IT! I played for 23 hours today (don't want to play more because I have to go somewhere and I'll forget to go  ), and it just looks, feels awesome!
No lie, my friends, no lie!
March 28, 2001, 20:35
Born Again Optimist
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23 HOURS!? Are you for real? My God, Imran, you sure are a nutty gamer. But damnit, you do the community proud. Any crashes or bugs so far? Is the AI really anything special?
March 28, 2001, 20:48
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what are the req's and what do you have imran?
I have a voodoo3 3000. Is that enough. I have a p3 800 and 256 megs of ram. It took this just to run diablo2 good.
this looks amazing. but I'm not sure I'm in to this type of game. but it looks so amazing I have to get it. I don't like RTS games. How are the time restrictions Imran?
One thing I like though is you seem to be only controlling one unit not lots of small units (the most trouble I have in RTS). but you also have to do tasks in the town at the same time.
Is the pacing decent for a novice player? This is something the reviews never tell you. I'm not the fastest thinker (why I play TBS) nor am I the fastest clicker.
but the ai looks incredible. I pretty much have to buy it. But I sure hope I'm able to do ok in the game. I don't play games I suck at (syndicate wars being one example- that game was freakin' hard). He made syndicate and dungeon keeper. I wasn't very good at dungeon keeper2 either  . I'm just too slow.
March 28, 2001, 22:11
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Where's it cheapest at? I saw it for $39.99 at
March 29, 2001, 00:31
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Dissident: there have been numerous reports of serious problems with the Voodoo chip. You should check out the Lionhead Boards, or at least make sure you can return the game for a refund before buying.
Lionhead is wall to wall with bug reports, so it looks like Imran is lucky.
March 30, 2001, 22:26
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Gamespot gives B&W a 9.3! Does it deserve it? From what I've seen so far, I'd have to say, YES!
March 30, 2001, 23:19
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23 HOURS!? Are you for real?
Oops, typo, and I haven't been around to correct it  . 13 HOURS  .
I was just playing around at first, now I'm in a serious game, in Board 2 (because the power went out yesterday and I was saddened I couldn't play my game  ).

Any crashes or bugs so far? Is the AI really anything special?
crashes? No... there have been some slowdowns however, but nothing serious. The AI, so far looks real good.

I have a voodoo3 3000. Is that enough. I have a p3 800 and 256 megs of ram. It took this just to run diablo2 good.
WITHOUT A DOUBT you'll be fine  . I have a P2 350, 244 mg RAM and a Voodoo3 2000, and I run 800*600/Low, and it is fine and looks utterly beautiful.

I don't like RTS games. How are the time restrictions Imran?
I don't either, but this isn't like any RTS you've played. The time restrictions I haven't found so bad.

Is the pacing decent for a novice player? This is something the reviews never tell you. I'm not the fastest thinker (why I play TBS) nor am I the fastest clicker.
Yes... take this from someone who can't stand other RTSs.

Lionhead is wall to wall with bug reports, so it looks like Imran is lucky.
Hmmm, I guess I am. I always wondered what is that  . Maybe I should thank Gateway or something?
April 8, 2001, 11:30
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Great game, and a hint. When your beasty goes Anorexiac on you, rub his tummy and he'll eat anything edible. (so he can't eat excrements  )
April 8, 2001, 18:50
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Brilliant game - I've now lost 3 days to it. Completed lands one and two, and a skirmish. Unfortunately my net connection is too unreliable (and expensive) atm to allow online play, but that'll change in a couple of weeks.
My ape is learning spells left right and centre, the only problem with him is that he won't eat grain at all - animals or fish only. This is a right bummer and makes him nigh on useless any distance from home, as he dies before he can do anything and is teleported back to the temple. He's now 13, and grew 17% in the skirmish, so he's getting quite big.
Tip - for converting enemy villages, nothing seems to work quite so well as a quick Winged Flock.
I can't seem to find my own personal alignment - my alignment change yes, but not my alignment. My creature is 0.25, described in the creature cave as upright and true! He has had a lot of practice as Water from putting himself out after fireball attacks
With my system of 800Mhz, 256Mb, 32 Mb Geforce 2 the game runs well and usually smoothly on high detail. My only niggle is that the autosave seems to be taking much longer than it used to. Incidentally, does anyone elses lanscape sort of oscillate as you move up to and away from it?
The table of miracles in the manual - how do you get the powered up miracles? Do they just come with the requisite prayer power or what? I think it needs the appropriate Wonder, but there's a conflict between that table and the list of wonders
April 9, 2001, 00:20
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Built my first wonder today... the norse Wonder.... and dam it improves things alot.... time to find some more wood to build others....
This is one game that I can't live without... at the moment... hours and hours of fun, too bad I'm only on a PII 333 with 256 ram... I bet it wouldn't slowdown as much if I had a better system... but sofar that's the only problem I've had as I'm starting world 3.... save my creature
April 13, 2001, 22:33
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I'm running it on a 500MHz with 128 RAM and a TNT2... It gets pretty choppy sometimes... especially when I have the actions and stats of the villagers showing... but I kind of like to see those...
Now, on the subject of World 3, How do you go about converting the village to bring down the third spike? It's too far away to do much, and it takes 1500 belief to convert! All I can think of doing is taking that hobo from the campfire and throwing him over there, enabling me to cast off a few miracles because when you're messing around with him you can act outside your influence shortly, but I'd have to do that about 40 times...
[This message has been edited by Eternal (edited April 13, 2001).]
April 14, 2001, 20:07
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Build the Indian village as close to that village as possible, maybe building the Indian wonder as a helping hand (side effect of making all your villagers move super-quick). From there you should be able to do a few things.
Try winged-flocking them - up to 150 belief a go.
Create an artifact and bung that in - good for about 40 or 50 belief.
Missionaries provide a slow trickle.
Healing always wins a few hearts as well.
And just in case your blind, there's a very handy wood dispenser just by the waterfal. The winged flock miracle you get as reward for another 9-tree puzzle, near the large forest next to your first village IIRC.
May 3, 2001, 14:33
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I just picked up the new CGW, and they have a review.
haven't really looked at it, but they gave it 5 stars, rave about it the whole way.
I'll read it and get back...
May 3, 2001, 15:26
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Hmm... this looks interesting(found from the user reviews at Daily Radar)...

One interesting easter egg involving sound is that if your name is one of a list that Black and White recognises (mainly common first names) then it'll very occasionally, and usually late at
night, say it in a whisper.
Ouch... Think of it, it's late night, you've been busy micromanaging stuff for hours, and listening to the "DEEATH" whisper. And then you hear your own name being whispered.
Well, knowing that Lionhead probably doesn't know the name "Ari", I think I'll proceed and buy this game... someday. When it's cheap  .
May 3, 2001, 17:01
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I'm kinda regretting buying this game. I probably will just give it to somebody. It really is just another RTS game with a creature thrown in. It's a pain micromanaging the villagers. The evil way is just easier. I'm going to let them starve. And expanding is riduclous!! It's hard enough keeping enough forests.
I only played 1 day though. I've been too involve with fallout:tactics. Once I finish this game (I am thourough and this game is taking a while) I will move onto black and white again. but I don't think I can play the good way. F*ck expanding  . They'll take what they can get.
May 6, 2001, 19:57
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Originally posted by Eternal on 03-28-2001 09:11 PM
Where's it cheapest at? I saw it for $39.99 at
It's cheapest from my friend with a CDRW Thankyou this game is Great I got it two days ago and have played about 20 hours or so I just dragged myself away from it and only slept four hours last night.
The AI is Spectacular
The Graphics are Great even on the lowest setting.Even my P3 633 256mb RAM and 8mb graphics card cant run it on anything higher.
The Ape is cute.
The vilagers are brainy and run when your creature starts eating them.
The Ape is very intelligent. Throw a tree over his head and he might try it himself if he likes it he'll do it more (smash goes another house  )
This is a great game BUY IT!
" Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few "
May 6, 2001, 20:09
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[quote] Originally posted by Chowlett on 04-08-2001 06:50 PM
Brilliant game - I've now lost 3 days to it. Completed lands one and two, and a skirmish.
What do you mean lands 1 and 2 I've only found The skirmish games??? 
God I'm missing something in this great game. Damn it why no manual WHY!!
May 6, 2001, 20:13
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May 6, 2001, 22:25
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Funny  , I thought that first map was a tutorial but just in case I played it and what dya no big ugly mug got burnt and I'm into the second map. What I want to know is how do I expand my village without any woodworkers place. Yer man keeps on telling me to expand. I've got my creature over converting that village to the North(??) but they dont have one either. Although I can take their wood and food  . My god this game is great! God I just realised I haven't eaten drunk or pissed in the last 7 hours.
hmmmm bye...
" Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few "
May 7, 2001, 09:25
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The CGW review gave it 5 stars (the one game that gets it all right), and kept raving about its innovation. the downside would be the micromanagement neccesary to keep your people happy if you're a good guy. The reviewer says that this probably won't be imitated, because if it's not done right, it won't work at all. I am reminded somewhat of Ultima IV, which was different (in making your character be good for a change), but as far as I know, never imitated.
The PC Gamer review gave it a 95%, and raved continuously about the AI of your critters. gave the gesture spellcasting system a thumbs up, too. possible downside would be that the invisible interface is sometimes awkward.
Funny, nobody suggested "game of the year" yet, like they did last year with the sims.
May 7, 2001, 16:10
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May 11, 2001, 19:02
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Again I LOVE this game. One thing all my villagers died in my four villages, plenty of food belief was OK around 500 - 1000 . Why did they die? I had them (supposedly) doin it in their huts making more villagers and even had a creche for them?? I converted one of Lethys villages and have sent half of them back to repopulate my first town (which I got my woodcutters place in  ). I'm just waiting to see what will happen. My apes killed pink panther four times and lost to him once.(not bad??) Would it be a bad idea to convert my allies villages?
" Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few "
May 12, 2001, 13:56
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Again I LOVE this game. One thing all my villagers died in my four villages, plenty of food belief was OK around 500 - 1000 . Why did they die? I had them (supposedly) doin it in their huts making more villagers and even had a creche for them?? I converted one of Lethys villages and have sent half of them back to repopulate my first town (which I got my woodcutters place in ). I'm just waiting to see what will happen. My apes killed pink panther four times and lost to him once.(not bad??) Would it be a bad idea to convert my allies villages?
Darkknight: I assume you are in level 2. I'm not sure why all your villagers in 4 seperate villagers would die. It could be a glitch, but I know four other reasons why entire villagers could be lost.
Reason 1: This is the most likely. After you convert a village, most of the population heads to your temple to build a new section where the miracles will be displayed, plus a worship altar. You could be mistaking their mass departure for them all dying. But don't worry, after they complete the new temple section, they all return and continue with normal village life.
[Beware: below are spoilers].
Reason 2: In the third village on level 2, one of the silver story scroll quests involves your villagers getting sick because of some mysterious illness. You must solve this quest to restore the village to health, otherwise a large portion of the population will die. If you wish to know how to solve this, scroll down...
It turns out that your grain has been poisoned. You must remove all grain, and then heal the sick and dying villagers. With the increase heal miracle you can do this in about two casts. With the normal heal miracle, it takes about half a dozen casts to heal them all. Target the off coloured ones who are coughing and being sick.
Reason 3: In one of the villages in Khazar's region, there is some kind of witch doctor who is sacrificing villagers. If you kill this witch doctor, the entire village will die.
Reason 4: There is a circus kidnapping villagers in another village in Khazar's region. If you do not do as they wish, and find animals for them, but instead try to steal the villagers back, or harm the circus people, they will come down to the village and start killing people.
But then again, maybe your Creature is eating them all?
Hope I've helped.
[This message has been edited by Bkeela (edited May 12, 2001).]
May 12, 2001, 19:30
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Thanks, I did get rid of the grain and healed a few of them but I was caught up in converting another village. When I came back a load were dead and some guy got angry with me  It wasn't that they were building me a altar site. I haven't gotten to the other villages so I'll try to forget 
My creature does eat a few villagers every now and then and he does look suspiciously fat  I haven't played yet today I bought this airport inc. game good enough but pretty complicated. There is a bug in my game, My creature is called Darkknight and the pink panther is called darkknight too I thought that my creature was black hearted for a while there.
" Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few "
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