December 18, 2000, 03:54
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The Diplogame
Alright, this has been the worst two weeks of diplogame organization I have ever seen. Its very simple, who wants to play in a Diplogame?
Thats it, if you want to play in a Diplogame respond in this thread, I don't care how many you have played in, I don't care how good you are, I don't care what your handle is, I don't care who you are.
I am starting a Diplogame and I need some players. The goal is to have a fun diplogame with a good atmosphere which means no complaining about stupid stuff, so you have to understand the following:
[*]We will play on a World Map (map of the Earth) with NO random spots.[*]There will be no SDI in this game so we can have some fun with nukes and so that the idea that everyone could be destroyed by some ***** with nukes is a factor in this diplogame, which adds fun to it.[*]City bribing and all other aspects of Civilization are in the game, there are no changes to the rules in that respect.[*]There may be the addition of a few new units and changes on current movements like the amount of spaces they can move.
Alright well so far those are the parameters, they will definantly change but for now thats it. So if you wanna play in a fun diplogame with people that play for fun and not for a "reputation" then this is where you should be.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited December 18, 2000).]</font>
December 18, 2000, 03:57
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Im in, I approve of all rule changes. I liked the War Trieme we used in Ultimate Diplogame. Im also free on just about any day as long as we begin after new years.
December 18, 2000, 06:09
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Count me in!
The only problem would be the time... when will we play? Most players live in the US as it seems and for me (in Europe) it's bit hard to join in time.
But if the time is ok you can count me in! (Best would be Saturday 12:00 EST if this is really 18:00 GMT+1)
Master Mika
Probably the best player ever
December 18, 2000, 15:16
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I can play if it is on either Tuesday or Friday night.
Come see the evil inherent in the system.
You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've
got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not
cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will
teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You
had best un**** yourself or I will unscrew
your head and **** down your neck!
December 18, 2000, 15:54
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I just want everyone to understand two points in this game before they agree to it, because some people will get pissy over some of this stuff....
1) If someone bribes your city, or does something that frustrates you because there is nothing you can do about it, its nobody's fault but your own. If I get any "I am quitting unless..." bs because someone bribed your unit or ruined your wonder building or something then I am going to be very angry at the lack of maturity shown by your actions.
2) This won't be a "normal" civ game in the retarded sense that the Zone and Apolyton have combined to create, this will not be wham bam thank you ma'am, but on that same token won't be a "No war only talking" game because that is just freakin stupid. So if someone declares war there is no reason for anyone else to do anything for your to help you fight them just because its a diplogame. So don't say "This isn't fair he is attacking me for no reason, this is a Diplogame" to me that argument is stupid.
3) There are going to be changes of the rules, be aware, some you may not even realize have happened. IF you are angry about rules changes I urge you to keep in contact with me (, The_Hapsburg on the Zone) just to make sure, I will probably put all changes on this thread though.
4) I will not play with anyone who is trivializing this game, no stupid tribes. And stupid isn't like, the Megalopolianites, that I can deal with as long as it makes sense. But Ozzy, this is really directed to people like you: The Metalheads is by far the stupidest idea I have ever heard in my life, its time for a reality check because I have wanted to get this off of my chest for so long, that idea is just retarded on so many levels I don't have time to explain it here, it requires a whole new thread to tell you why the Metalheads are a ridiculous idea for a tribe.
Alright, whew, that felt good.
While those may seem like a lot of points, this game will be very laxed, there will be no "leader" in the sense that since that since I am starting it I am controlling it, and further we won't designate any winner at all, if you reach AC first so what? Its the way the game is played so that its fun for everyone.
Thank you and good Civin'
"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."
-Winston Churchill
"Ceterum censo Carthaginem esse delendam"
"Also I think that Carthage must be destroyed"
-Cato the Elder, Roman Statesmen
One Love.
December 18, 2000, 16:39
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1) Totally agree
2) Only way a game should run
3) Yeah, just let everyone know what you have in mind. Having everything in the open from the beginning is the only way to go.
4) I don't necessarily disagree with you on some points Capo, but aren't you being a bit in-flexible here? I have become quite accustomed to your style and I can appreciate it, but your "my way or the highway" attitude is kinda a turn off to some people I'm sure.
Tuesday and Thursday nights are my only possible times (preferably thursday). Oh man........if I add another game I'm gonna be swamped......oh well.....
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
December 18, 2000, 17:51
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my ooh my ooh my
where to begin
First off Capo you dont list an ICQ # in your profile.
Well I agree whole heartidly with the first of your two points. If a person starts cryin and thretans to take his ball and go home. I dont want to play with him anymore. Best not to hav those people in the game right from the begining.
I evan agree with the first part of your second point. A dip game is not an all out war fest, but in the same sence war is possable, and probably inevitable.but in the same sence if someone attacks me, I will cry foul even if it is my fault, in an attempt to get world oppinion on my side. Other players might just need an excuse to vent on the aggresser. which will help my cause. After all it is a diplo game is it not? These first two points listed above are the major reason for most diplo games failing and the other would be schedule changes which sometimes are unavoidable.
But when we get to the 3rd point it starts sounding like, you reserve the right to take your ball and go home. And this talk about changing the rules, dont get me wrong here, I have nothing against changing the rules. But if there is a rule change I dont probably want to know. I absolutly INSIST on knowing. It would be vary bad form not to, ABSOLUTLY post it in this thread. (no probably about it)
Then we get to your stubborn stand on civ. names. If i was Ozzy, I would go up one side of you and down the other. What gives you the right to dictate what people want to name thier Civs. Some people want to pretend it is the real world and not a game world, but hey this is a game lets have some fun. In your words it's time for a reality check here. I see no problem with someone who wants to play a Civ. with realy strong heads.
Alright, whew, that felt good
if i display a lack of skill, please note the enthusiasm
December 18, 2000, 18:35
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About certain ways to play this game...
It is a DIPLOGAME! That should say all. So everything that wouldn't work if you would be a real leader of a nation shouldn't be done in such games. Like wonder trading or once I heard about building only those fanatic fundamentalists... well all that takes out the fun for me even if it is possible in the game. You can be mean, you can be a bastard, you can do almost everything here... but if all are playing like a real president (or whatever) you will see what reactions this will cause and THAT is the funny part of the game
Played just one round so far in such games but that was the best game I've played ever. And with really funny mates.
Preseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeent arms!
Master Mika
Probably the best player ever
December 18, 2000, 19:55
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When I say probably I mean 99.99999999999% chance that I will. The only time I wouldn't is if I forgot, and that hardly ever happens.
As far as me dictating the game, that's not what I am doing, I don't make changes unless everyone gives the okay but for some reason there is always someone who was brought in late, or didn't know about it or something so I am just telling those that weren't up to par with everyone else as far as info goes not to ***** and complain about it, because they should have known by the thread or through talking to me.
I don't have ICQ that's why there is no ICQ number.
Secondly, I have talked to a lot of people who don't like what Oz does, and I would think that it takes away from the feel of the game, Ozzy is a good guy and I repsect his ability, he his way better than me, but I cannot play against a tribe called the Metalheads, its stupid, again, on so many fronts that I won't even attempt to tell you why here.
There are at least TWO others, and I am sure there are more, who agree with me on this point.
Again, the rule changes are up to the players, not me, if you got the wrong impression I apologize.
December 18, 2000, 20:02
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Well if i wanted to play, would the name "Traders" be acceptable? This is the name of my civ in all my civ games unless the computer refuses to accept the name which happens periodically. Would seem unfair that i couldn't call myself this, especially if anyone else had a custom name.
December 18, 2000, 22:28
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I'd like to play a Diplogame, i played EuroDip with Ozzy, who is a really good person and shouldn't be critized, and Marko and someothers. It was my first and it was freakin Fun!
I wanna join another one!
Hey Drake did u get my email?
Well i wish to play 
December 19, 2000, 11:39
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All I think Capo is looking for is something historically concievable, not totally accurate. He just isn't looking for a "fantasy" style game with any kind of absurd silliness. Which is fine! Some people just want to have a good time and not worry about how silly and crazy the game is and THAT'S FINE TOO! I personally like both styles. They are both fun.
But what Capo is saying is: this is my game, these are the rules, play if you want to, don't play if you don't want to. He's not forcing anyone to join up, he just wants a serious type game. One with some realistic nationalities, influenced some how in a historical sense. He wants believable role players. Thats all. (Atleast thats what I have gotten from him).
Truthfully, I think this is the best way to get the kind of game you want going....cut the bs and just get straight to the point.
All said, Capo has a hard head, but is a most enjoyable person to play a diplo game with, guaranteed. This will be a fun game no doubt......
That's all I've got to say......
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited December 19, 2000).]</font>
December 19, 2000, 15:31
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I realy wish I didnt let myself get pulled into this thread, but now that i'm here, sorta the in for an ounce, in for a pound syndrome.
It may sound to some people that I'm putting down Capo, I'm not i'm tryin to help him.
If you look at the replys after his first post you will see, that he has people who want to play. After his next post however, I fear he may lose people. (this may not be the case, i could be wrong)
There are 2 seperate historys being compared here: There is the game history, and our history.
In our history certain events took place that created the culters name. For example the Romans named the Barbarians as a way of making a joke of their speech. The Barbarians spoke with a lot of their words starting with bar. And we all know what happened to the name of the Vandals. Im sure if we looked into this there are lots of other examples.
In the game history the players create the events. The history of a Civs. name is created by the players. So the Civ. called the Metalfeet could be warmongers or friendly, history in the game will tell. For example when I run into the Ferrits, history tells me to build defence, and look for walled citys on the mountain tops.
What im saying Drake, is that a name will not make a fantasy world. Loosen up a little and let the game history make the tribe name.
if i display a lack of skill, please note the enthusiasm
December 19, 2000, 16:03
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<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font>What im saying Drake, is that a name will not make a fantasy world. Loosen up a little and let the game history make the tribe name.
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
Oh I agree Clay, I don't think the guidelines need to be completely rigid. I don't think names of a civ or their cities automatically pre-determines that it will be disney land. A player's personality is obviously the most important aspect. However, this being said, a certain, historically minded train of thought should be present in a game such as capo proposes.
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
December 19, 2000, 17:03
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Posts: 101
Im sorry Copo if i hijacked this thread...I didnt mean to it just sorta happened.
maby history will give the name Clay Pigeon to mean DUCK
Insteada PULL...
December 19, 2000, 18:09
ACS Staff Member
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****, thanks for stabbing me in the back Capo. Jeeze.
What the hell is your problem? And since when have you been declared sumpreme master of Diplogaming, able to dictate what is 'correct' and what isn't.
Even though this is a Diplo game it is still a GAME. We are not playing scenarios where all of us truly do play earth roles and earth characters. We are making up our own game from scratch a making up a new history for this planet of ours. Just because i don't call myself the Germans or the Chinese or something how does that detract from the game AT ALL?
The Metalheads are indeed a fantasy tribe, and for that matter so is the European Union. If i want to make my leaders be Ozzy Osbourne, Axl Rose, and Lars Ulrich, how is that different from you making your leaders Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Hitler and Caeser. They sure as hell didn't know each other, but you have them all in stories together, is that realistic? No.
But what matters is how we roleplay it all. I can play my Metalhead character a heck of alot better than alot of people can do with Chinese or Zulus. So Capo, you can go screw yourself.
Ozzy - King of Metal
Ozzy - Hungarians in Eurodip I
Ozzy - Proud Sayen member
Ozzy - Prez of NYRA,
December 20, 2000, 00:51
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The concern, I think, is over how someone would roleplay the metalheads.
In a post on a previous diplogame you have a scence
The Metalhead's loved leader, Ozzy, leaves the stage.
One more!
One more!
One more!
One more!
One more!
One more!
After 20 minutes of chanting the crowd bursts into applause as their ruler walks back onto stage once more.
Ozzy, "I'd like to introduce you to a few members of my cabinet. Jonathan Davis on Vocals and Foreign Minister."
"James Hetfield as the Minister of Defense"
"Phil Anselmo is the trade minister"
"Our department of Science is led by Axl Rose"
"and last but not least, our attitude advisor, Celine Dion"
BOOOOO, NOOOOOO, it can't be!!! Booooo
"HA, HA, just kidding everyone, our attitude advisor is none other than the clown prince of Metal himself, Alice Cooper!"
Horray!! Horray!!!
"Good night all, your leader will bring you updates from the battles soon to rage in SE asia with the evil English empire."
The Metalhead's great leader douses the crowd with some water before walking off stage.
Not very "Divine King" like.
I think the idea Capo is shooting for is keeping it within the perimeters of being "National" and all that jazz. Acting like world leaders. Not many heavy metal singers act like world leaders.
December 20, 2000, 01:02
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First of all, I am not against Fantasy tribes in any way shape or form, what I am against is anything that takes away from the game, Ozzy contends that my European Union should be equated with his Metalheads, which is quite ludicrous if you ask me...
Hitler did not know Caesar, Caesar did not know Napoleon, and Napoleon in turn did not know Joan of Arc, bu the differance is they were great leaders, and not only did I use them and their character in a very effective manner, but I applied it to the game so that it made sense.
Case in point, let us take a gander at these Metalheads that we are so friggin' in love with, just take a look at ===> THIS THREAD TO SEE FOR YOURSELF.</a>
Obviously that post not only made no sense, that post made no historical sense. In my European Union game everything made perfect sense, Charlemagne was the leader of a Union of European Kingdoms who were formally nomadic and at war until Charlemagne decided to settle down and build a nation out of them. He died and succession of the crown was called into question, after years of strife his son Charles Martel eventually took control from the Habsburg family. To prove his strength he began to rule with an iron fist, at the same time Mongolian dissidents who were Republicans lost their Republic to the Mongolian Drake Dynasty, and in turn fled west, where they met up with the forces of Alexander the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte who were generals in Khazakstan and Persia. Alexander died and since he was not a "duke" he recieved no accolade, Napoleon feared the same for him and took up the Republican notes the Mongolian dissidents had, thus starting a European Republican movement. Which caused a civil war between Royalists and Republicans, Napoleon eventually took control and promptly waged war on the former allies of the Crown; Egypt.
I hope someone can try to point out how that is stupid and unrealistic, especially to the same level of the Metalheads!
I also find it disturbing that Ozzy has taken this so personally, when I said I would play as the Slackers since I am pretty much a stoner that listens to jam music and likes to have fun, he was angry. What's the differance Oz?
What I want for this game is very simple: I want an evnironment condusive to intelligent thought, I would have no problem with Ozzy and his Metalheads if they weren't so ridiculous.
What has occured now is a thread where I simply said IF YOU WANT TO PLAY RESPOND, has turned into the Metalhead thread, therefore I will start a new one, I hope you will at least not bring this argument to that thread.
Thank you, Ozzy again, nothing against you you are a great player and are much better than me, but I just don't like playing with the Metalheads.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited December 20, 2000).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited December 20, 2000).]</font>
December 20, 2000, 01:10
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I think the question is, why be the metalheads? Because you want too! But whats the diffrence between the European Union, the Metalheads, and the Super-Fantastical-Non-Existant-Dwarves? Nothing unless you bring those elements into roleplay.
If you demand to be the metalheads, then its for the purpose of enjoying roleplaying a nation built on a musical genre. A nation built on music requires eletric guitars, amps, flashing lights and pyrotechnics, etc. Whose major stars did pretty crude stuff for the expressed purpose of shock value. While this is all well and good for entertainment, it is after all entertaining, it simply is NOT world leader like.
You have great roleplays, why not just be some boring nation and act normal? Why is it so overwhelming nessecary to have your nations Secetary of Defense smash a guitar in BC times on a stage?
December 22, 2000, 21:35
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Screw history. I mean, if that's what all this is about, to heck with it. Don't get me wrong,I minored in history, but I don't want to assume a historical background for someone cause he's the damn Romans or whatever and I don't want to be historically correct. I don't want to have to think about that crap.
What's in a name? You want to know about my civ, come on and find out.
Personally, I like to call myself the Glorious Empire of the Rednecks, but if I'm trying to get into Capo's game and he don't like that, fine -- I'll call myself Greek or Celt or whatever crumbles his cookie but it ain't gonna matter one damn bit on how I play the civ.
so what difference does it make?
December 23, 2000, 00:11
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Its not the name of the civ that is the problem, its what the civ is. The Rednecks could make sense becaue there exists a culture that would exist despite technology or lack of it, the Metalheads are a tribe that exists due to technology. Thus ushering them useless.
But even then, even accepting that, and even saying the Metalheads themselves is fine. The fact of the matter is, I have every indication that Ozzy will not play them in a well thought out manner. That's what I am saying.
December 23, 2000, 12:09
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Alright, a little update action, the first thing is we have been getting a great response for this game, and its really cool.
The second is that we have around five people that I know are going to play and have already given me their tribe....
Sun Tzu - China?
Chris - Russia
Me - Romans
Joe - Brazilians/Americans?
Drake - Incans
I am not really even sure if that is entirely accurate, but I have recieved minor okays from the following people that I am not sure about yet...
Clay Pigeon
Curomber Endelil (sp?)
That is the status right now, I want to get this cleared up before the next semester starts (January 22nd for me) so we can start at least a week beforehand to set the stage.
I probably mistyped a few peices of info as far as the tribes go, so if you could respond and clear that up it would be cool of you. Also, I think we are going ot need another Asian tribe, so if someone could be a country like Mongolia, India, Persia, Babylon or something of that nature (and you can choose any tribe in human history or make one up yourself as long as I okay it and you tell me where you want to generally start from).
One last note; Europe is taken. No more European civs.
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