March 4, 2000, 19:27
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Should I buy Civ II?
I bought CtP some weeks ago and it is the best computer game I ever played. Now I read that some people think it is not so good. So I ask me whether I should try Civ II. What do you think?
Thanks in advance,
March 4, 2000, 20:43
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Yes! Buy Civ 2: Multiplayer Gold Edition.
Then, come back to this site and get the patch and a few essential scenarios.
Essential scenarios:
i.Mars, on the CD you buy.
ii. World War 2, Pacific, European, African, and China scenarios.
iii. Mongols version 3.
I haven't seen any good ancient scenarios yet.
Good luck!
March 4, 2000, 21:27
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Sure. Despite the recent "flood" of Civ-related games, the best of 'em all, IMHO, is still Civilization II and Multi-player Gold Edition.
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March 5, 2000, 00:29
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March 5, 2000, 00:30
Most definately buy it. Just don't expect the graphics to be as crisp and up to date as CTP's. But the gameplay and interace is far superior to CTP.
March 5, 2000, 00:32
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Add another yes. Civ2 is the closest you can get to the perfect gameplay experience.
It runs well, it plays well, and it's fun (addictive, engaging, etc...).
March 5, 2000, 00:53
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Resounding YES!! There is definitely a reason that Civ II and Civ II MPG are such popular and addictive games! Now, is the best time ever to buy it with the prices dropping! The current price for Mac version has recently dropped to $9.99 (US) for Civ II and $19.99 for MPG! See the MacSoft/GT Interactive Store. If you're a PC user I'm sure the price is lower yet!  As for the choice between Civ II and MPG, I would choose MPG. While there are more bugs, nothing beats the worldwide friendships that playing multiplayer creates! If you get MPG you can use the King's Chat to annoy THE DIETY with food recipes!
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
[This message has been edited by MacUser (edited March 04, 2000).]
March 5, 2000, 10:00
Yes,yes, YES! Buy the Civ II MGE.
I have a friend at work that thought he liked Call to Power.
He was wrong.
"It's in the way that you use it"
March 5, 2000, 15:11
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i have civ and its clones and SMAC and civ2 MGE is the best by a landslide......  plus its dirt cheap now
March 6, 2000, 07:05
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I don't think you will find a single dissenting voice on this forum - Yes buy Civ 2 (I actually prefer the old v2.42 - there is more diplomacy - but no multiplay - take your choice) 
p.s. I have C:CtP I found that all it did was remind me how much I truly loved Civ2 and get me back playing it after a lapse of a few years
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
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March 6, 2000, 14:30
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Civ2 is well worth the Dmarks or Euros or whatever you have to use to buy stuff these days.  I think the MGE edition ( Multiplayer Gold Edition) is sold in Deutchland as UCC or Ultimate Civilization Collection. One of the German posters here may be able to clarify that fact.
There are several editions of Civ2:
Civ2 Fantastic Worlds Scenario Collection is the best if you like the hundreds of custom scenarios on the net - many better than the original game;
MGE/UCC is the best for internet play, though it also will work for the scenarios (but it makes them harder by breaking designed alliances, etc; ) and
Test of Time if you want to be cutting edge and be the first to use the enhanced graphics and don't mind missing 1000 available scenarios that won't run in ToT.
[This message has been edited by Sten Sture (edited March 06, 2000).]
March 6, 2000, 14:44
i own both MGE and TOT. they're both great. the way that the basic games have been expanded is mind-blowing. however, for a good scenario, i go to MGE. Civ is king...err... emp-DIETY!
March 8, 2000, 02:28
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Hey, War4Ever, how about sending me a copy? I can't find a damn copy in all the stores I could find in New Zealand.
March 9, 2000, 12:28
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OK, you all convinced me. 
But just one stupid question more: Is ToT an addon to CivII, or a different game?
Unfortunately I didn't find an Online Store that sells MPG here in Germany, just the normal Civ II, but I will search further.
Thanks a lot,
March 9, 2000, 17:09
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Comrade Dan which do you want a copy of .....
March 9, 2000, 20:04
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Test of Time contains the original game as well as three 'modpacks' (that is, game variations). One is a sci-fi version, one a fantasy version (elves, goblins, etc.), and one is an 'extended' version that continues for a little while after Alpha Centauri has been reached (one of the end points in 'traditional' Civ2). There's also a scenario included on the CD-ROM (Midgard), while there's another 'official' scenario downloadable from several sites including Apolyton (Time Threat Paradox). There are a small number of independent scenarios for ToT floating around, available from places such as .
If you have no versions of Civ2 at all, I might be inclined to go for Civ2 Multiplayer Gold (MPG Edn.) or Fantastic Worlds first, however I'm a fan of Test of Time, and wouldn't disregard the option of getting that at some point if you can afford it.
The reason for so many variants is largely commercial (given Civ's huge following) although each version / add-on has brought something new - Conflicts in Civilizations brought scenario making to the fore and fixed a few bugs in the process, Fantastic Worlds added new commands to the 'events' program language (for scenario writing), extra slots (so you can add more units and technologies) and a scenario editor within the program (supposed to make it easier to write scenarios). Multiplayer Gold brought, obviously, the multiplayer aspect to the game, and it's the latest 'traditional Civ2' version around. You can play all scenarios on MPG Edn. except the very few games written for Test of Time. You can play 'traditional' scenarios in Test of Time, but you will require a conversion program (see the ToT forum - Civ Converter threads).
The downside is that while generally being 'forwards compatable', scenarios are not 'backwards compatable'. That is, a scenario written on MPG can't pe played if you only have Fantastic Worlds (being an older version of Civ2), but a Fantastic Worlds scenario can be played on MPG.
Confused yet?
For varying opinions on ToT...
[This message has been edited by Cam (edited March 09, 2000).]
March 9, 2000, 21:16
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Just my two cents,
If you want to partake in scenarios or customization, there's no better game than Civ2. However, you don't get the same scope as in CtP wrt to undersea and orbital cities.
March 10, 2000, 03:37
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MPGE please War.
March 10, 2000, 12:00
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YEESSSS Buy it ! It is the best TBS game by far nqa. The MGE has some bugs but nothing that we can't live with, and it is the most advantageous version you can buy now. In graphics CIV 2 is already a little old fashioned, but the playability and the strategy aproach consistence is unbiteable. If you are already a experienced player in CTP you, probably, have already realized you don't need to use tech tree, wonders etc. to win. It is mostly a strategy military game. No way in Civ 2. We can win with a military aproach, but it will be very, very hard, so you are challenged to combine strategies and
knowlegement, speed and wisdom. It is better by far.
March 12, 2000, 00:52
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Should you buy CIVII ???
if you don't take our word for it then consider this :
1. Every major gaming magazine in the world always lists CIV2 in the top 5 games of ALL time.
2. Nearly 4 years after its release CIV2 is still selling, still on harddrives, constantly played,constantly disscussed, and new scenarios and graphics created and posted.
3. it can bought for under ten bucks.
4. and finally but most importantly, it's fun to play...
March 12, 2000, 12:06
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Comrade Dan: Have you tried online or mailorder? Mac users often run into the "not available locally problem too. Checkout MicroWarehouse at this URL goes to the Customer Service page where they promise to try to ship to all international sites! (operative word there is "try") The advantage to buying an official copy is that you get a hardcopy manual plus the Tech Tree posters (note to mention the ethical bonus points!) Look around, SOMEONE must ship to New Zealand!
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
March 13, 2000, 23:33
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March 15, 2000, 02:40
Dani, asking these people if you should buy civ is like asking drug addicts if you should use drugs. Don't do it! Before civ, I had a life.
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March 15, 2000, 19:00
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I have been doing some study with the MGE and I am able to conclude that there is a serious AI diplomacy bug in there. Its aggressiveness level makes some scenarios not fun to play.
When I have some more time, I will post over here all I know about this fact and my letter interchanges with Microprose.
As a preview: If you buy MGE because ou think it does contain FW and Conflicts in Civilization with the standar CIV2, then I regret to tell you that you will be dissapointed.
I will explain more about this in a new topic someday.
March 17, 2000, 01:21
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Lazlo - I have played most of the stock scenarios in MGE and I strongly disagree that it ruins them. They do play slightly differently, but I have to say that if you adapt your strategy to the MGE model and don't try to force v2.42 playing style into MGE, you will be much more successful.
I know we have argued this point before, and I am curious about your recent findings, but I repeat that I have essentially NO diplomacy or military problems with scenarios in MGE.
March 29, 2000, 08:15
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So Dani, what's the verdict? Did you buy MPG? If so, was it worth it? (real question, not retorical) Who did you get it through and what did you pay?
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
March 31, 2000, 17:45
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I own Civ2MPG. It is a great game, and I highly recomend it. The only thing that I can say is that it might be good to wait a bit. A bunch of new 'civ' games will be out before the end of the year, and I might wait for the reviews…
April 1, 2000, 08:18
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Dani, keine Frage.
Ich hab' selbst CtP gespielt und muß sagen, daß es gute Ansätze hat aber mühsam umgesetzt ist. CivII ist viel leichter zu gestalten. (Schau Dir nur mal die vielen Szenarios im www an!) Es ist zwar schon etwas veraltet, doch kauf Dir die "Ultimate CivilizationII Classic Collection". Ich hab sie um ÖS 299,-- (ca. DM 30,--) beim Media Markt gefunden.
Viel Spaß, TOMtheONE
[This message has been edited by TOMtheONE (edited April 01, 2000).]
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