Well said! Here - here!

Now we're talking compromise & reason!! Just like real life nego's between ALWAYS unequal civ's.
Now i certainly can go with the laying out by a non-participing civ map maker. As long as NONE of the PLAYERS knows what the deal is.
Add in the speed of simul moves during peace times + the challenge & fun of reporting (or not) about an unfolding world = the stuff of legends!
I'm ready, willing, & semi-able. Let's get on with racing to A-C & the team it takes to get there! With of course, an occasional war or 2 to keep bad guys in line (or grab some much-needed resources or... oops, gotta be nice?).
Good point about needing "experts"... it's flexiblity of schedule & stick-to-it-ness that counts much more.
It takes a LONG time to go from before the Pyramids to the next planet. Plenty of time to learn, be mentored, screw up, repent, find good friendly rulers / civ's.
Let's do it... excuse season is over.
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"