If you click on a city you'll see various info including a map of the city radius.You'll also see little icons on the map/These represent your workers and the icons are what they are producing working that particular square.By clicking on these icons you can "move" your "workers" to another square by then clicking on it.
ie-you have a worker on a grass square producing 2 sheilds and 2 food.But you would rather work a whale in your radius.Click on the grass square and then click on the whale.Your "workers" will have moved and you are now producing 3 sheilds,2 food and 2 beakers
Specialists(taxmen,scientists or Elvi) can only be hired once your city reaches size 5.You use the same method as above except you don't click on another square.In other words,you take a worker "off".You now should see an Elvis,If you click on the Elvis once or twice,you can change him into a taxman or scientist.3 times hes back to an Elvis.
Diplomats must be moved like any other unit using the numeric keyboard or the unreliable "go to" command(not recommended).Just move your diplomat into a foreign city and a pop up window will give you several options.
Establish embassy
Steal technology
incite revolt
bribe unit
you will not get the incite revolt option if the city is a capitol
A boat on an inland lake is stuck there unless you have a city on a square adjacent to the lake and another body of water.The boat can "sail" thru the city