January 8, 2001, 18:40
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Alright, nobody has confirmed yet, but its only a few hours later so that isn't a big deal, I have made the following graphic to help people realize what is going on in this game, on the left are obviously cities, next to that are the flags of the nations involved, from the top down we have India, China, Pax Romana, Aztecs, the Rus, Australia, and U.S.A.
It was a tough decision for the cities, I went with the Aztecs getting the nod rather than the Indians or Chinese, if this is a real problem for anyone please let me know. The Indians and the chinese have an Inodnesian style.
The only unit changes I am making:
- Changing graphics of Cavalry, Riflemen, Alpine, Crusader, Legion, Horsemen, Warrior, Caravel, Frigate, Dragoons and possibly other units.
- Adding Mobile SAM, War Trerime, and Spy Plane units. I believe that is all of the units I will add, if anyone has further suggestions for units (someone suggested a non-unhappyness trade ship for modern times).
And that's it so far, I need all suggestions by Friday, and all confirmations by Thursday, so I can get to work on the file.
Thanks, The Cap'
January 9, 2001, 14:58
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about ur suggestions capo...
please don't make demo stronger by decreasing unhappiness to one per army outside the city... I know that it's unrealistic but demo means capitalism and wherever is capitalism there is corruption... so that is also not very realistic and that is a big advantage.
everything ok except the colonial era inf... useless imo.
I think Oracle should die with universities (when ppl don't believe that stuff anymore)
about bribing cities... I would say that only cities in disorder should be bribed. So you have at least a chance to survive that.
About war until X:
definitly no! I don't intend to get rid of my neighbours in the beginning but you play completely different if you can feel secure. Not the sense of what we are doing here I think...
communism replacing by fascism is no good idea. instead of fundamentalism is ok imo.
Another suggestion:
Make nuclear missiles more expensive... like 300shields or something. I really hate them...
then cruisers should see no subs (or subs are completely useless since a battleship is too strong anyway and in ww2 most cruisers were not even equipped with deatch charges. And u still can move on the subs field and discover it that way)
That are my thoughts... I hope they are not too strange
January 10, 2001, 02:16
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Nuclear Missle cost increase seems pointless. We turned off SDI with the specific hope to have people use them as strategic threats in diplomacy, increasing cost goes against that intent. I doubt many nuclears will be started, its simply to costly to get in a nuclear exchange, everyone hates them, let that regulate them, not jacked up cost.
There should be no rules restricting war, governments, etc. If I can get Musketeers and Democracy by 500 A.D I want to be rewarded not hindered. By the same token, taking away the threat of war increases land grabbing of ridiculous preportions. Like me in the Russian hinterland claiming land in the Middle East. Without war I can do that, I have time to set up defenses. With war I cant, because its to far away from my homeland, I have to expand to it. There is a huge diffrence.
January 11, 2001, 22:04
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Keep in mind everyone was supposed to e-mail me confirming their spot in the game. So far the only people that have confirmed are....
Me - Rome
Chris - Russia
Joe - America
Sun - China
Mika - India
Which means two people haven't confirmed yet, which means that two spots are open and that we could realistically get any two people that wanna join, please make your prescence known.
Also, due to mitigating circumstances we may have to change the playtime and day to Wednesdays at 8pm eastern time, I hope this doens't change anything...
January 11, 2001, 22:14
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I don't quite follow you GNGspam about not being able to get more land w/o war or with it.
Anyways, i think a nuclear war would be kinda cool between 7 humans =]
Nuclear missles need more DISTANCE! Me personally if i had an arsenal of them i would use them if provoked. And well in real life. Nuke missles can hit USA from Russia.
How about Oracle doesn't expire until Mikes Chapel is built. Churches took over Temples in real life at religious purposes.
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January 12, 2001, 00:06
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Sun, they can only reach Russia from NA because they go over the North Pole. But I think I will increase the movement rate to 25, or maybe make a new Nuclear missile, like an ICBM or something that moves that much, I am not sure yet, because there was an increase in effectiveness of a Nuclear missile in real life after all.
Chris (GNGS Spam or whatever) simply meant that if we had a "No war until 1000 b.c." clause for example; he could move troops into Persia blocking India from entering with mere Warriors while Egypt had, let's get extremem here, Howies, and secure the are with India being unable to do anything about it. Which is a very valid, if not the most valid, of points. The second point, and probably the one I think is the most obvious, is that a no war clause is actually stupid and unrealistic for the simple reason that it negates certain units from being created, and is simply unrealistic.
BTW we still need one more tribe to join this game, currently we have...
Romans - Me
Russians - Chris (GNGS)
Chinese - Sun
Americans - Joe
Indians - Mika
Aztecs - Aburtt
Keep in mind the time has been changed FROM mondays at 7pm eastern time (U.S.), TO wednesdays at 8pm eastern time (U.S.) if you are signed up and cannot play please let me know so I can find a replacement, thank you...
The Cap'
January 12, 2001, 02:38
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I hadnt previously responded to this thread as the Mon. playing time did not work with my schedule. However, if you are going to play on Wed. nights I can commit for the next 20 Wed. evenings and can be online by 8- 8:15 pm EST. I am agreeable with any settings/rules/units/maps you all want. However, I would want to start as an African civ as discussed earlier in this thread...Ethiopians, Egyptians, Carthaginians,Zulus or whatever.
January 12, 2001, 19:11
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Okay so far here is the "finalized" list, based on those who have confirmed on time, and those who picked up the slack afterwards, if I mistype your name I am sorry but I am very sick at this moment.
Capo - Romans
GNGS Spam - Russians
Aburtt - Aztecs
Nap Bonaparte - Mali
Mika - India
Sun Tzu - China
JDI_Falcon - Americans
A few new units were added, the Longship and Mobile SAM, most units got makeovers, and the Fanatic was replaced with the Storm Trooper as Facism has replaced Fundamntalism, in case any cares about such things the Storm Trooper unit has no specific markings making him a soldier connected with WW2-Germany.
The units are now more "ethnically" dispersed, but you should expect for Europe to have the most "in house" units.
i.e. the Marines are now Black, the Horsemen Asian.
The SDI has been removed, I have added one move to the Trerime, the Longship (ancient attacking vessel) is a 2/1/3.
Storm Troopers - Free with Facism - 6/5/2 (2/1)
Mobile SAM - Requires Rocketry - 0/5/1 (3/2) During tests these units are strong in forts while fortified against all planes, they should be used to equalize front line forts that were usually easy pickins for any bomber unit.
Longship - Requires Seafaring - Seafaring is mastery of traversing the sea, and in order to establish a proper attack vessel the crew would need nourishment as well as a proper heirarchy upon the ship, thus Seafaring, rather than mapmaking is the prerequisit, I already stated its stats above.
The game is to begin on Wednesday, the Zip is nearly completed, I would really appreciate it if any of you that know/think you won't be able to make it please contact me so I can make arrangements, if you know that you are going to be unable to play in this game please let me know.
Thanks, The Cap'
January 13, 2001, 12:19
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Thanx for the invite Capo..I will be there at 8 to 8:15 pm on Wed. My ICQ # is 37676739. Everyone in this game should post their ICQ #. By the way, where is Mali...is that a jungle infested area on the west coast of Africa...wouldnt Zululand be better? Or did you beef up the starting terrain a little bit?
January 13, 2001, 18:00
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Alright the Mali (now the Zulus) situation has been fixed, and I think that Nap is correct, we should all post our ICQs as well, not to mention that it shows me who is actually looking at this thread.
Mine is 101832697.
January 13, 2001, 19:01
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Go chinese!
January 14, 2001, 07:24
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Sorry Capo....Go Raiders.....I feel sorry for any Baltimore Ravens fans that made the trip to Oakland to root for their team.......RIP...
January 14, 2001, 19:00
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We're up right now, we don't need your pity.
Not yet anyway.
January 15, 2001, 14:15
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Tis time for Nap to eat Crow....
And Nap, they are big fat juicy Crows too, because they just ate up 22 Raiders!!!
January 15, 2001, 14:17
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<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font><font size=1>Originally posted by Nap Bonaparte on 01-14-2001 06:24 AM</font>
Sorry Capo....Go Raiders.....I feel sorry for any Baltimore Ravens fans that made the trip to Oakland to root for their team.......RIP...
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
I can see how you feel sorry for them too, I would feel sorry for anyone that had to go to the city of Oakland too.
January 16, 2001, 01:46
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Looks like someone's eating their words
January 16, 2001, 11:02
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So what's the plan? Are you mailing us the zip today or tomorrow? I never did get the final word, are we playing MGE or TOT? Thanks, see y'all tomorrow
January 16, 2001, 20:13
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I sent out the zip file, if you didn't get it please make sure you tell me so.
I am putting the thread up right now.
Chris has a prelude post, so let's all look forward to that.
January 17, 2001, 23:01
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Last night was pathetic, I am ****ing disgusted with Sun and Nap, I am sorry Nap but its simple ****ing logic.
I don't even ****ing feel like playing this game anymore, I am ****ing burnt out on this ****, ****.
I dunno what the hells going on anymore, someone else run this game, obviously I have ****ed up.
January 18, 2001, 07:33
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well that was quick.
Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.
You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've
got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not
cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will
teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You
had best un**** yourself or I will unscrew
your head and **** down your neck!
January 18, 2001, 10:44
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Capo, if you don't want to host it I will. If you guys still want to play, let's shoot for next Wednesday. If that day doesn't work for people, let me know. Nappy, if you still haven't figured out how to do that, let me know, maybe I can help you. I hope to hear from all of you. See ya all next week.
January 18, 2001, 11:21
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Gentlemen...I sincerely apologize about the delay in starting our diplo game. I have been involved in 50+ Civ 2 MP games over the last 2 years that required nothing more that entering an IP address and then selecting a civ. However, after much frustration last night, I finally used the AOL utilities to unzip the file and transfer it to the scenario folder. So I am ready to go and if you want to host Aburtt I will be online next Wed. at 8:15 pm EST.
January 18, 2001, 12:48
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Don't take this the wrong way capo, but you need to work on your patience
This will get off the ground. Don't let a few in-conveniences ruin it for you. You did a fine job of organizing everything to this point, and it just didnt work out last night. Thats ok.
So did I hear in-correctly that we were going to try to launch this game tonight? Is this not happening? We just going to wait until next wed?
Be it a song or casual conversation
To hold my tongue speaks
Of quiet reservations
Your words once heard
They can place you in a faction
My words may disturb
But at least there's a reaction
January 18, 2001, 16:04
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Guys, as I told Capo, I can't tonight. I can on wendsdays like we planned and even this sunday if you all want to. If you guys start tonight, it will have to be without me. I have prior commitments tonight. Sorry. I hope to see you all wednesday.
January 18, 2001, 16:08
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Wednesday is fine, but I can almost garuntee you I will be thirty minutes to an hour late.
Alright, we are playing on Wednesday.
Dimble I am surprised that you even read this thread.
January 18, 2001, 18:20
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sorry Capo and the others, i had 3+ hours of baseball practice and i got home 1hour before the game was to start so i laid down on the couch to wait and i fell asleep on accident i'm really sorry
January 22, 2001, 08:57
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Alright, this is just a reminder to all players that this Wednesday, January 24th we start the Diplogame, I hope everyone shows up this time.
This is two days notice, so if there are any possibilities that you will not make it, or you will be late, then please make that known on this forum or to me in a private E-Mail if that suits your needs.
I can tell you already that there's a very real possibility that I won't make it/will be late. I will probably be late.
But this comming Wednesday (January 24th, at 7:00p Eastern Standard Time) we will begin the game. After that we will discuss a possible new play-day/time, so if there is a better time for you make sure you think about one.
Sorry, but I just got myself into my ritual for school again, and some things are unexpectedly arriving on the scene, so that's what's going on.
Anyway, as far as the game goes, me and Chris have been playtesting it, and so far we have had a good time playing it, the AI is a bit dumb but there are no AI in our game so that's a non-factor. I am very excited and I hope everyone gives us solid posts, I am quite sure we will get just that and more.
January 22, 2001, 12:07
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Perhaps we should split this sucker in half. Pick up one more player and play two 4 player games. It is just getting increasingly more difficult for me to believe that all seven players are going to be able to consistently make this game. Perhaps I am wrong. I just have that feeling. By splitting the game into halves, scheduling will be easier to coordinate. One time possibly for one group and another for the other. I would really like to start the game much earlier (and no blame given to anyone), at say 6-630 est, but this obviously doesnt work for everyone.
I know the game might not be as complex or interesting with 4 players as opposed to 7, but I think it's better to be realistic and get this thing off the ground (in some fashion at least), than to be overly optimistic and think that seven people are going to show up on time every week.
What does everyone else think?
January 22, 2001, 12:17
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Perhaps Drake has a point here....previous posts on this thread indicated an 8pm EST start time. I cannot make a 6:30 or even 7pm EDT start time. I will be online this Wed. Jan. 24th at 8-8:15 pm EDT.
January 22, 2001, 14:14
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Well here is my problem with the entire thing.
The first issue is people saying they could barely make the scheduled time, which I don't like becuase this has been at least a month in the making and the question was do you want to play a diplogame and this-and-such time?
But apparently people don't understand that I didn't ask who wants to play a diplogame, I asked who wants to play a diplogame with x and y in effect.
As far as me changing the time goes, I ask beforehand, if its shot down its shot down, if its accepted its accepted, so I am not forcing any time on anyone.
Drake; four player games blow, the distribution of land is far too arbitrary.
Right now the schedule is this Wednesday at 8:00pm Eastern Standard Time, there have been no changes to this game, I was simply asking whether or not a differant time woudl be better, because I had a lot of players that were early and ready to play at around six. A few as early as 5:30.
I see no reason of splitting this up, it may seem arrogant, but I started the thread to form a game that I can play in, not to fit everyone else's needs. And frankly splitting the game has nothing to do with me, if a few of you want to form your own game, that's your business, but this thread is about a specific game that WILL HAVE 7 PLAYERS.
As far as I know wednesday the 24th of January 2001 is when we begin this game. We start at 8:00pm eastern standard time (U.S.) The players are Capo, Chris, Joe, Drake, Nap, Adam and Sun.
That's all I have to say about that.
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