From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): It's silly
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): I haven't attacxked you at all
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): so you want to make peace then?
From Consul Caligula (A.D. 1200): yeah **** it....i will attack the Persians....bring me 10,000 hash cakes!
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): No, I want turn based if you are going to keep attacking me
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): oh - so you don't want to make peace then

From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): it's too late tonight for turn-based
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): why did you attasck with 3 units?
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): it was accidental
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): I'm not figfhting SIMUL wars
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): surrender then
From Consul Spastic AI taken over (A.D. 1200): he meant to attack with 30
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): that just shows how stupid it is
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): what does?
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): you attack accidentally
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): oh that happens in TBS, I tend to rush my moves
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): I made it clear that I play SIMULK but move to turn based in wars
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): Otherwise I have no chance
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): its what the group wants, not you, let's vote
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): I stated it from the outset of SIMUL
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): no one disagreed
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): vote either TBS or simult for war
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): no vote
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): can you both decide whether you're at war? or not?
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): we talked about it before
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): Haven't you seen Elendil's posts?
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): come one deity this is boring, let's vote
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): Host on cable can't lose
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): no vote
From Consul Spastic AI taken over (A.D. 1200): do something for **** sake
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): you are being arrogant
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): I'm not on cable
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): no, what's boring is you two fiddling around - are you at war or not?
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): come let's vote, tbs or simult
From Consul Caligula (A.D. 1200): go to war later....make it turn based next time
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): too late for that
From Consul Caligula (A.D. 1200): if the situation is not immediate that is
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): I have offered peace twice and diety has refused
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): have you, Deity?
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): You have sunk boat after boat
From Consul Spastic AI taken over (A.D. 1200): how many cities have you lost Deity?
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): I've said I'mn moving caras
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): And not attacking AH
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): Horse offered to recompense for the first boat - what happened?
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): 2 boats sunk, yes, that just qualifies as "boat after boat"

To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): liar - you never said they were caras!!
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): And you have cxharoits outside my cityies
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): look at the chat
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): that's what is really worrying him
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): Deity? did you accept the money offer?
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): no
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): so you're at war then
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): yes!
From Consul Caligula (A.D. 1200): fair enuff lol
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): well, I'm not going to turn-based tonight, regardless. It's too late
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): AH declared war on me for not accepting 50 gold!
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): bull****
From Consul Caligula (A.D. 1200): so it is war you shall have for your foolish pride

From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): your response to the offer was a

as I recall, D.
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): that's right
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200):

To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): keep going, there won't be much fighting tonight I suspect
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): what does that mean?
From Consul Spastic AI taken over (A.D. 1200): See Horse this is why we don't have many wars in this group
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): my argument is about SIMUL
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): no, its all bull****, we haven't even tried it
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): get on with the game
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): I don't want to try
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): LOGIC is against you
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): yes, get on with the game, or call it quits for the night
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): I threaten one of his pissy cities and this happens
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): gentlemans agreement
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): its just a ****ing game, get on with it
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): TB during war, I thought
From Consul Spastic AI taken over (A.D. 1200): o gentlemen here
From Consul Caligula (A.D. 1200): this isn't a serious game is it?
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): you sound like Raz, Lowang
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): press enter please
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): what does eberyone else think?
From Consul Caligula (A.D. 1200): i was going to take on the Persians and let them win
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): ha ha ha
From Consul Spastic AI taken over (A.D. 1200): I think you should preessss blooooody enter
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): he he
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): you play like Raz too, Lowang
From Consul Caligula (A.D. 1200): well these Romans are pathetic
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): GET ON WITH THE FARKING GAME!
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): come on, everyone wants ot get on with the game
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): as simul?
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): do you get that impression, Horse?
From Consul Spastic AI taken over (A.D. 1200): play now , sook later
From Consul deity (A.D. 1200): I'm not enjoying it as simul war
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): we've never tried it, let's see what happens
To Consul Caligula, Consul Spastic AI taken over , Consul deity, Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1200): I couldn't care if its COLLAGE, just press enter
From Consul Spastic AI taken over (A.D. 1220): I'm not enjoying not playing
From Mr. Jonathan Shier (A.D. 1220): back to the bar, Hydey
Chaos, panic and disorder - My work here is done.