October 19, 2000, 21:39
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I was in for game #1, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot going on here, specially this week. So, I'm joining Capo's Diplogame. Sorry yall, I'm not very patient 
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October 20, 2000, 13:06
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hutts can be removed although I like to play with the hutts.
I agree that evreybody should have a look at the premade map so that the creator does not have an advantage. Also the creator should be the last to pick his civ.
If you see me online I can icq the maps.
October 22, 2000, 15:39
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I would like to play in the 1st game if there are openings . i vote for king if no wonders allowed
October 26, 2000, 10:12
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we might yet have 2 games going.
there are some who want huts, and some who don't.
some who want deity and some who don't.
I would like to try a no huts game whatever level king to deity. anyone else who wants a copy of the game just let me or drake know. Drake came up with a great map to try.
It is nov 1st, all those who want to be there post so we can get on ICQ lists ahead of time.
there are confirmed so far...
**Arii, would you remind me how to illiminate huts from the game? I would just like to try one without huts for once unless everyone hates the idea.
October 26, 2000, 10:21
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I wouldn't mind the map being revealed, or at least reviewed by the players ahead of time, but only if it is the map that is revealed. Seems like Carnide tried this but ran into problems with opponants not only seeing your units, but also being able to change city orders in the other Civs.
Drake made a map and I can send it to you to check out if you like.
<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font><font size=1>Originally posted by Spider on 10-19-2000 07:19 PM</font>
Hey, guys,
I played on one of Cavebear's maps one time where the whole map was revealed from the start. That might be something to consider as well.
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
October 27, 2000, 00:41
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It is in the cheat menu under senario parameters. You can remove the hutts and then save as scenario.
October 28, 2000, 04:04
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If you guys have enough to start a second one of these on Tuesday nights, I'm in. I've enough Wednesday evening matches in progress; don't want to cause unnecessary conflicts.
I'd prefer deity level on Tuesday nights, if a Tuesday night game is doable.
October 29, 2000, 04:59
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Just got back in town. Brocher/Frankdogg/Arii....would love to have you guys participate in this game. Just post again in this thread to confirm your status.
October 29, 2000, 11:24
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ok 'i'll be there at 6 pm pst . hope we can finnaly play
October 29, 2000, 12:36
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I am so thoroughly disgusted with myself!!
I've beaten alot of bad habits in my many moons on this planet. But I cannot seem to beat this addiction!?
Actually i'm OK... it's that damn "Milo Mindbender" that pulled the "Civ II MP Gold" box out of all the other games & software as KenThur was donating it all to the Boys Home! 
This is too good to pass up... the concept & the contestants! The timing = most excellent now that i'm on my own on the other side of the continent(!).
Count me in if...
The map is NOT known to anyone in a particular game. Half the fun & intrigue of the game is the discovery. I'm not real big on everyone being so "equal"... different terrains = different +'s & -'s = part of the challenge & fun. FIRM from here.
Other prefer's if it matters...
At least villages for barb's.
Is there some reason we shouldn't just strike a balance between Diety & King = Emperor? I understand & agree with both sets of considerations of this point.
Not so sure i understand or agree with all the diplo restrictions/changes. More on that?
PS: ridded my computers of ICQ & all of U months ago. Where's the best place to go get the latest & greatest verision?
I'm BACK, i'm BIG, & i'm BAD. ):
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited October 29, 2000).]</font>
October 29, 2000, 14:14
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So we starting on wednesday crusty, I guess your due for another lesson
October 31, 2000, 22:00
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Hello' gentle(?)men(?).
Is this thing going to come off or it is another good idea that doesn't bear fruit?
I'm ready, willing, & semi-able to start & FINISH.
It's been so long since i'v played, i bearly care if i get my civ kicked.
Got ICQ re-installed & think may even have my old # back... 70838652.
I'm plugged in via a DSL now from my new office in Santa Rosa & anxious to see how it works. 1 Q for experienced DSL'ers... they've installed a "firewall" to prevent the bad guys from coming in here. Will that prevent or otherwise screw up MP?
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
November 1, 2000, 00:42
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Milo, maybe you could get a second game going with some of the other interested players that can not make it tomorro. Arii, Deity, Spider, Drake, and a couple others want to play, but will not be able to til later. That way you might be able to adapt the settings a bit more the way you like. I hope there will be more games like this played too, and hope to enjoy another one with you someday.
Here ye here ye:
Nov 1st at 6pm pacific time
will lock horns in strategic compitition.
A premade map with fairly equal starting locations was made by Drake. I made it into a scenario. Thanks to all who chipped in maps. Each of us have looked it over, but I hope none of us will use it as a referance during the game.
No Ai's
Manhattans & Apollo wonders only.
No huts, villages only barbs.
Diplomats and spys can only make embassies, gather visual intelligence, sabotage units, not city improvements. No stealing, no bribing.
No trading stuff between players please. Trade routes and techs from capturing cities should be enough... this is an every person for themself game.
Any objections to these settings just post.
I can host but would rather pass the responsibility to someone else
Let the Pluel begin!
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
November 1, 2000, 09:06
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Just out of curiosity, could you send me the scenario you set up Crusty? I'll be on ICQ tonight, so if you have time (if you don't some other time) could you zip it up and send it to me then? Thanks.
November 1, 2000, 14:43
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There is a 4 player confirmed game to start tonight.
I hope to be here at 5:30 pacific time so we can chat a bit. Sent you 4 player version of scenario based on Drakes map and can make a few last minute changes if necissary if you see a problem.
To Milo, Spider, Potsy, Arii, Iadkins, or anyone else who wants to start one on your own for your schedual, just let me know and i can send you what I have for a 4 or a 5 player version, and of course you can doctor it up or use any parameters any ol way you want.
***** Please can I flag the "no tech on conquering city" flag in scenario editor??
November 1, 2000, 16:08
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Hey! lets set up "pluel2" my icq = 83944397
I'll be on tonight about 5pm PST.
Be there!
November 1, 2000, 17:18
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Did you know that there are 12 "frankdog"s on ICQ - scarey! I just went to the web site to find out my number, which is 13971146.
I'll be online tonight before 6 PST and will join a game if there is room.
However, my usual strategy is to pray to my CIV's god-de-jour for friendly Legions to pop out of huts. I will have to think of some other plan if there are no huts allowed.
November 1, 2000, 18:24
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K, good luck with your venture Crusty & crew.
I'll coordinate another, 2nd, contest. However, there are some things i am NOT willing to change from the normal, original rules-as-designed-&-normally-played.
Since we all fear the unknown & i know nothing whatsoever about any of these dozens of ways to manipulate both the map & the rules...
if folks are interested in joining this one, it will be:
a> on a COMPUTER-generated, RANDOM map, that must be explored during gametime only (parameters are open as long as it a regular, as-written option of Civ's creators);
b> using STANDARD set of rules (for example, 1 of 4 levels of barbs, as written by the designers).
Having said that... if U R still interested in a 1x1x, no-alliances, no-cooperation, no-wonders straight game of Civ, i'll be on ICQ starting around 17:30.
My PREFERENCES / vote is for:
> diety(get 2 settlers to start & can manage happiness w/o wonders, i do it all the time)
> villages (huts seem to balance out both poor starting terrian + power balance)
> unit, but no city bribe... all other diplo functions remain the same (if want to stop'm from stealing & such then build some yourself + courthouses with all those shields U would otherwise use building wonders)
> best world building parameters to promote fast/easy civ growth (normal land mass?, 3 billion?, wet?, med-sized?)
Hope this is agreeable to at least some of U that have expressed interest. Let me hear what U want / desire.
Ought to be fun & fair.
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited November 01, 2000).]</font>
November 1, 2000, 21:30
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Hope the second game goes well as well! It would be interesting to compare results and notes. It was brought up, and agreed TOT is a good suggestion for this game too...lets keep it in mind til Civ3 comes out.
P.S. I will attest to Milo's ability to hold his own w/o happiness wonders.
Meanwhile I Crustacian of the Sea Folk search for a band of 20,000 clever, skilled, and brave nomadic wanderers and minstrels to explore out an ancient world, and found a hopefully dominant world Civ.
Brocher, Nappy, & Markusf...when you are ready.
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
November 2, 2000, 00:37
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KenThur: The reason I was interested in this was because of the "equal start map" that was proposed. I've seen a couple maps that Cavebear has made for this, and they looked great. Without the "equal start maps" I have no interest; it's just another game that the host will have an advantage in territory from the beginning.
November 2, 2000, 22:23
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The first round of our 4 player Pluel left us pushing close to 1AD with Markusf ahead on the powergraph.
He has a fair amount of blue in the top five cities too. But us other peons are not too far behind, and he should be VERY afraid LOL.
I am concerned the quiet giant Nappy will not be quiet long...
Brocher was first to Rep, and Philosophy.
Top five cities have been German & Mongol since however.
"Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to?"~Clarence Darrow
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Crustacian (edited November 04, 2000).]</font>
November 5, 2000, 19:23
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the babs are confused they have never competed in this type of game before . its a slow slog that's for sure,
dont know whether to concentrate on expansion or prepare for invasion  other civs are expanding at a frightning rate ( they seem to breed like rabbits)i guess i will just have to conquer other civs to satisfy my expansioninist needs
November 7, 2000, 00:44
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See you guys wed at 6 pacific time.
November 8, 2000, 01:43
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my deepest apologies if i can't make wed , emergency at work might have to work late  i will try my damndest to make it but i cant promise anything .couldn't find sub, every one seems to be commited to ongoing games
November 8, 2000, 12:03
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Thx for the caution brocher. We will try and wait up for you.
So anyone wanting to sub for brocher in case he can't play post here please.
November 8, 2000, 21:57
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brocher and I are here...
November 12, 2000, 15:26
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Well I got off to a slow start in this game....Ive never seen such arid land for a civ starting point....almost 50% desert/plains. Markus got off to a big lead in the 1st session while I was busy irrigating. The 2nd session started at 125BC and I found Markus on the 2nd turn. I was outnumbered in pop. by 3.2 mil to 1.2 mil. By the end of the 2nd session at 300AD, I had quintupled my pop. to over 6 mil and regained the lead in the PG. Markus and I are in full hot war now with numerous land and sea battles.....especially in the large continent in the center of the map. Markus kicked my butt with a couple of catapults(havent seen 1 of those since Civ1). I then tried to go around Markus' flank and bumped into Crusty. Now all we need is for Brocher to join the party in the center of the map. See everyone Wed. night at 6pm
" First France......then the WORLD!"
November 12, 2000, 16:32
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i seem to be on a med size continent with very few specials.  most of the grasslands dont have the shields needed to build units  so i have been concentrating on science . perhaps when i discover navigation i can expand to more resourcefull lands most of my cities have only a few shields extra to build with,im growing at a snails pace,need to get democracy soon to keep up. i hope the war up north keeps everyone occupied for a while so i can play catch up
November 13, 2000, 04:16
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Mabe we all will have crossed trails by this next session. The central continent is going to be crazy I bet!! see ya wed
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
November 17, 2000, 16:01
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Sorry about the game wed. My keyboard was not into drinking tea and quickly went into a state of toxicity.
So after playing by mouse a few turns we got booted, and i was unable to mention clearly what was going on with me, and by that time the keyboard was all the way gone. No rejoining...no explenation.
But this new keyboard seems more of a "social drinker" and should be fine
If the old one gets it together again, then there will be a spare for this most unpreci-dented problem.
See you all wed same time
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