January 22, 2001, 22:59
Local Time: 23:15
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I'll show up to help this contest thru it's final phase... if someone needs me?
If it is to be so, please ICQ file or email me the latest & greatest save so i can get a little familiar w/ what's happening.
January 22, 2001, 23:16
Local Time: 23:15
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Markus....if u cant show up to finish our pluel could you post your password so we can get a sub for your civ
January 23, 2001, 01:24
Local Time: 15:15
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Good, lets all try to be here tomorro (tue) eve by 6:30 for sure. Brocher thx for being a good sport
Markus, what says you? Can we get this one wrapped up proper tue?
Sorry about having to take off sat, despite my best reasoning, they are not a time I can be counted on as being reliable in civ. tue eves will work for me.
PBEM is a option so as to continue the game if all else fails. I think it is a good game.
There are some adjustments I think should be made to make the next pluel more of what it was ment to be.
Any suggestions after playing this one would be appreciated.
So far:
smaller map, but not too much smaller,
sabotage after espionage,
are suggestions. Any others, or comments/critisisms?
January 23, 2001, 18:17
Local Time: 23:15
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Posts: 1,721
I haven't been able to get on apolyton for a week(site doesn't exist error messages). I was expecting to play last wednesday but when no one showed up i figured it was over. I didn't think we where going to play on saterday, and besides going to bed at 3am and getting up at 6am to play civ is the last thing i want to do on a saterday morning. Brocher take a pill. Also I will be there tonight to play, as i have every week for the past 5 months we have been playing this.
January 24, 2001, 00:42
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well are we agreed markus won so i can end my obligation to this game ? WELL DONE MARKUS........... guess you fooled nappy,  not easy to do
January 24, 2001, 02:58
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Location: Newport Beach, California
Posts: 162
Not soooo fast Brocher....Markus hasnt won yet. I was in anarchy for 5 turns so I lost my 4 tech advantage on Markus.....but we will probably both get fusion next turn and then we will see who launches 1st. Brocher...please try to make the final session Sat. 9am. Markus promised to be there and AC should be launched in 3-4 turns.
January 24, 2001, 20:50
Local Time: 15:15
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Location: of Idaho PST
Posts: 794
I can finnish up tuesday, but not saturday.
If you guys need to get it finished saturday, just nuke my civ I guess and carry on
January 25, 2001, 01:00
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Posts: 162
No problem Crusty.....lets finish this game up Tues. evening at 6pm PST. Brocher and Markus please post to confirm this
January 25, 2001, 01:18
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Posts: 1,721
hehe you had a little more then 4 techs. More like 6. I increased my science output by 50% in one turn (building proper connections between cities) I was getting 2 techs a turn for a bit, but it was to little to late. Nappy has 6k cash on hand i have 0. Although i am already 70% done my spaceship, i think he will beat me by one turn.
January 25, 2001, 02:43
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Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
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Gentle(?)men, pls finish this thing!
It'll be worth it, just to finally see the ending videos & screens from an MP game taken all the way to A-C.
I can probably be hanging around if U need a step-in so can finish. (as long as i get to attack everything in sight while the SS race to the stars.)
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
January 25, 2001, 21:42
Local Time: 15:15
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Location: of Idaho PST
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Thx for your availability KT.
Tuesday works for me then, hope to see you guys there.
January 25, 2001, 22:16
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I am always availible weekdays.
I say we build nukes and nuke crusty after we launch
January 25, 2001, 22:51
Local Time: 23:15
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Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
Posts: 471
NUKE Crusty!!??
Hm-m-m... now i REALLY want to get in.
Has anyone developed a missle that will get all the way to back woods Idaho? Then thru all that snow & ice, penetrating into the undergound sod bunker, & find them under their pelts of beaver & muskrat?
January 28, 2001, 03:09
Local Time: 15:15
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Nuking me would be easier than nabbing Markus capital when his SS is launched.
Space Ships are only a wild fable anyway, cuz:
"If nature purposed men to fly, wings would he given you and I."
February 6, 2001, 20:13
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Posts: 63
i presume this game is over , haven't heard from any one in a while . who won?
February 7, 2001, 23:11
Local Time: 23:15
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Location: Newport Beach, California
Posts: 162
Game is not quite over Brocher. Crusty is having trouble making it on Tues. eves. for the next couple of weeks. We should easily be able to complete the game on Tues. Feb. 20th at 6:30 pm if not sooner. Watch for Crusty's post here regarding playing dates.
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