I'm playing a game with a friend and I'm leading right now. I took out the AI Civ on my island, so now I'm expanding and growing. He still has 2 AI civs on his island. He is ahead of them and it's only a matter of time before he kills them and comes for me. Now....I'm ahead in tech and units sooooo.....I'm beefing up the AI so that they will put up more of a fight against him so that when he does win...I'll be able to take him easier.
Was this a good idea???? I want 2 opinions. Tatically and morally.
Tatically, I feel it is unsound. I'm giving away my tech lead to all players. (He will steal the techs when he takes the cities.) But even though he will have the techs he will be worn down afterwards. Had I not have boosted the AI their 5 combined cities would have fallen already. And he would be preparing to attack me. I'm actually at wat with the Japs. I gave them Conscription and they declared war on me. LOL Anyway....
Morally, I think it's unfair to do this to a friend. 3 vs 1 isn't too fair. When it's 1st, 3rd and 4th place against 2nd place, he can't live forever....but then again it's only a game and who gives a crap!!!
"I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
"If LESS is MORE, just think of how much MORE, MORE would be!"
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