Yes, the MM tourney is still on. Some games are progressing more slowly than others.
Three games have been resolved. Five are still being played.
The winners so far: cousLee, korn469 and Phil_E.
The losers: Pawnie, Nell and HeavyPressure.
All three of the losers of the first round have expressed an interest in a "losers bracket". This sounds like a great idea and I hope everyone can participate.
An arbitrary cutoff date will have to be established to bring the first round to an end. I was considering that cutoff date to be Monday, June 14th. That gives three more weekends to play. If neither side feels it warranted to resign to the other, then I will adjudicate the winner for that game.
I will be sending e-mail to alert those who are not reading this forum.

n ... Ted S.