October 24, 1999, 19:48
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2199 sent
October 26, 1999, 00:21
I am very pleased to announce to the peaceloving people of planet that a truce with CEO Aredhran could finally be signed.
A few sad side notes: only the destruction of most of his fleet, military and civil, could convince the free marketeer that his military campaign against the Hive nation would fail in the end. Unfortunately, further aggressions of the CEO cannot be ruled out. I quote his last message to me:
" I'll repeat: How do you expect peace when you keep bombarding my shores ?
That will teach to trust the honorless bastard you are. Next time i'll sink your ships when i have a chance. Nevertheless, i will agree to a truce"
I'm convinced that my succesful ending of this first real crisis on planet shows my qualities as a potential planetary governor in the future.
best regards,
Chairman Flomeise
October 28, 1999, 13:31
Local Time: 02:42
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Lord Zod made a shocking announcement today:
"Time has been suspended by High Lord MoSe after attorneys representing Aredhran industries filed litigation claiming numerous high crimes by our good buddy, the evil Hive Chairman. The universe in now being roped off with that cute little yellow police tape."
Lord Zod said privately the he felt the delay was being manufactured by the CEO to mask the fact that Aredhran Industries has not adequately prepared for the Y2.2K bug.
October 29, 1999, 10:24
Local Time: 08:42
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acquiring frequency.......
capturing broadcast..............
overriding source.....
Lord Zod schmod made a shocking announcement today:
"Time has been suspended by High Lord MoSe after attorneys schmorneys representing Aredhran industries schmustries filed litigation claiming numerous high crimes by our good buddy schmuddy, the evil Hive Chairman. The universe in now being roped off with that cute little yellow schme
locating pirate broadcast......
jamming transmission.......
Aredhran Industries wishes to formally apologize to Lord Zod for this most disrespectful interruption of his speech as it was broadcast to A.Inc cities.
The perpetrators have been located and a police SWAT team is - as you hear these words - arresting the criminals who will be put to trial for their crime.
Without further delay, we will now return to our regular program, featuring a heated political debate about the current diplomatic status with the Hive - right after a commercial break.
Stay tuned !
[This message has been edited by Aredhran (edited October 29, 1999).]
October 29, 1999, 20:20
Local Time: 08:42
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MY 2199 is in the hands of the Governor (at last)
We shall see who has the Y2.2K bug here...
Nice move on the University, Lord Zod(although you're killing my precious commerce money  )
Let it be known that as you may have heard through the grapevine, the peace negociations with are a failure. I shall not pursue these efforts until further notice, as this is just wasting my time and efforts.
CEO out
October 30, 1999, 13:07
Local Time: 07:42
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Turn 2200 has been sent to Lord Zod.
Governor Animus is happy to announce that PeaceKeeper network nodes have experienced no Y2.2K problems.
October 31, 1999, 17:01
2200 to CEO Aredhran
i apologize for the premature report of planetary peace.
After the long years of negotiations, and the final signing of a cease fire, the CEO decided to not accept some harmless probe actions, only upgrading our databases really, by retaliating in the hardest possible way. The immediate decleration of vendetta on my science-loving people.
No offers to change the diplomatic status were made in 2200, i have to reconsider the situation once again.
Flomeise, Chairman of the Human Hive
November 1, 1999, 18:51
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2221 sent to gaians.
Animus is AGAIN dismayed by the breakdown of peace talks.
November 1, 1999, 18:59
Local Time: 07:42
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2221 sent to gaians.
Animus is AGAIN dismayed by the breakdown of peace talks.
November 1, 1999, 23:58
Local Time: 02:42
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Lord Zod today proudly signed a Treaty of Friendship with the University of Planet.
Zod indicated that he hoped Gaia's actions would foster a new round of peace inititives and that the Hive and Aredhran Industries will reconsider peaceful expansion.
Rumors that UoP scientist's have transfered new technology to the Gaian Federation were neither confirmed or denied. Zod cautioned all to refrain from undue speculation.
"The thing is that peace was achieved. That should be the focus. We have not sought conflict, and when it was forced upon us, we retaliated with only that force necessary to restore order."
November 2, 1999, 16:20
2201 to Aredhran
"Zod indicated that he hoped Gaia's actions would foster a new round of peace inititives and that the Hive and Aredhran Industries will reconsider peaceful expansion"
is he talking about the actions of introducing chopper technology to the shared network of the combatants ;-)
November 2, 1999, 19:24
Local Time: 08:42
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I cannot load the game, SMAC is giving me some stupid virtual memory - Flo, please re-send.
I would do this by e-mail, but SMTP server is down tonite...
November 2, 1999, 19:25
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I cannot load the game, SMAC is giving me some stupid virtual memory - Flo, please re-send.
I would do this by e-mail, but SMTP server is down tonite...
November 3, 1999, 04:51
Local Time: 08:42
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Couldn't send turn because of SMTP errors.
November 3, 1999, 15:31
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2201 sent to Animus
November 4, 1999, 15:10
Local Time: 07:42
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Belated control letter. 2202 sent to lord zod.
November 4, 1999, 17:08
Local Time: 02:42
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Better belated than never.
Turn Complete.
Lord Zod and Monica are both in the hospital. Zod let her drive his new chopper and she got a call from her bookie on her cellphone.
And crashed.
November 5, 1999, 11:20
2202 to the CEO
Unfortunately, the war has reached a new level of violence, thanks to the latest rekindling of the war by the violent CEO and his childish refusal to accept some slight adjustments of our techlevels by Hive probes.
i love you all !
Flo (having way too much fun with those cute blue smilies)
November 5, 1999, 14:49
Local Time: 08:42
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2202 in the hands of Mr Governor
Whaaaaaaaa ! My needlejet !
November 9, 1999, 01:50
Local Time: 07:42
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Another late control post. 2203 sent to Zod sometime Saturday evening.
Is anyone else as worried as I am about Zod being in the hospital? I mean, what will happen with the game? Kidding.
Seriously, I hope you're alright Dale.
On a similar note, I took my GRE subject test this weekend
November 9, 1999, 14:35
2203 to Aredhran
who has the biggest ?
I discussed matters in an informal meeting with CEO Aredhran. We concluded
- the best wine on chiron is grown in the Uranium flats. Strictly for export purposes
- the closest thing to transcendence in this century is a night of carnal pleasures in the hole of transpiration, with our famous mutie cuties.
We couldn't decide who had the biggest. The CEO: mine, mine, i can even share it with you.
Yours truly: nonononono, its a draw between you, Zod, and me (Monica would disagree here)
Animus and Zak are shrimps, everyone knows that. Miri and the other b**** can't even dream to compete with us, for obvious reasons.
Now i checked with my best statisticians: Result.
*Mine* is the biggest, with a respectable margin of 4% over Aredhran. (research output)
Chairman Flomeise
P.S.: Who or what is a GRE ?
November 9, 1999, 15:49
Local Time: 07:42
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The 'Governor' would like to take this time to remind everyone that it's not the size of it that matters. Rather, it's what you do with it and how well you do it that makes all the damn difference.
Something, I might add, that we at the 'Keepers do quite well, having the largest Might:Size ratio on Chiron.
Perhaps if Chairman Flo spent less time measuring his and more time using it he would know this on his own. Alas, it's been ages since the Chairman has last been seen in downtown UN H(e)aven City.
The GRE is a wonderful privledge given to aspiring graduate students before they are allowed to study for the next 5-6 years. Some call it a pain-in-the-ass standardized exam, I just call it 'fun'.
November 9, 1999, 22:08
Local Time: 02:42
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All of this chitter chatter is very nice, but, where is the damn turn?
November 9, 1999, 22:11
Local Time: 02:42
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All of this chitter chatter is very nice, but, where is the damn turn?
November 10, 1999, 04:15
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Probably in my home in-box, as I had guests last night and did not check my mail.
November 10, 1999, 14:05
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We heard you the first time, Dale. We got the message, "Less talk and more action."
(Just another useless post designed to irk Dale)
November 10, 1999, 15:19
Local Time: 08:42
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2203 sent to Animus
November 10, 1999, 15:26
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2203 sent to Animus
November 10, 1999, 15:28
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2203 sent to Animus
November 11, 1999, 05:06
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That is ****ing weird !
I tried three times to post this last night, but everytime I got a timeout error message back from the apolyton.net server. But it registered my post anyway...
Oh well.
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