Count me in Nap!
As 1 of your playtesters, i don't know all the details, but from what i saw & experienced, this makes for a great change of pace from the same old, tired MP starts.
Plus, as U say, it seems to provide for / require some cooperation if 1 is to be successful in achieving eother of the victory conditions.
The timing = great by me.
Let's do it folks!
Now, if they'd only come out with a scenerio that recreates the era & status of the European & Mediterrainean powers as the board game classic, "Diplomacy" did. Right after the turn of the century, with imperialism at it's height! With cruisers, factories, RR, et al.
And fighters & BB's on the verge of being discovered! Heck, if someone was really good. They could include US, Russia, & Japan as budding imperialistic powers; making it a truely worldwide scenerio... with MODERN era stuff just coming online!!