Hello again,
First, I´m very sorry that this delay has lasted for so long. It´s been a number of reasons but mainly it´s because finding an ISP that can offer _temporary_ internet service is very hard to find where I live. I have now found one and I hope that my account will be up and running in the beginning of next week (around the 10th).
I´m posting this from a computer that I have borrowed and I can also use it to play turns for this week until my ISP account kicks in. This brings me to the next problem *sigh*. The latest turns that you guys have sent me has been stored on my mailserver since I have had no way of retreiving them. Now it turns out that my university (where my mailaccount is) has had some kind of crash on the server so all of the saves have been lost
So I need you guys to send me the files AGAIN and I will play them immediately, starting now. I am very sorry for all the inconvinience and if anybody wants to "kick" me from their game, I understand, though I would be sad to leave. I am doing everything I can to rectify the situation and hopefully, everything will turn out OK.
Again, my apologies.
(I will also post this message in the turn specific threads.)