April 25, 2000, 18:02
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Turns of ACT025 game in Apolyton PBEM Tournament
The players of this game: Difficulty level: Librarian.
Please, read and obey the rules posted on the thread Apolyton 2000 PBEM Tournament
You should post turn administration/notification messages below.
April 25, 2000, 18:41
Local Time: 07:50
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Turn sent to Hive.
After the diseaster and breakup of our mothership, we have managed to save two seperate groups of colonists from sure destruction. One of them built immediatly the first base in a beautiful, sheltered valley on this virgin planet, while the other was sent out to explore the main land of Chiron.
We have little information of what happened to the other members of the Unity. By chance, we managed to pick up communication frequencies to three other factions. It is our deepest hope that they will help us to protect this amazing ecosystem in peace.
A few brave men recovered a pod of the now destroyed Unity, which gave us an immediate access to the planet's resources. We will treat it with respect.
Unlike anything we have seen on our home planet earth, fields of thick, red vegetation grow close to our home base. We cannot be sure of the purpose of this field, but our botanists claim that the plants contain high grade nutrient.
What else will await us on Chiron?
Can we fulfill our destiny to live in harmony upon this new found garden of Eden here, or will we once again live only to destroy us and the biosphere around us?
-- Lady Joer Skye, Chiron diary, first entry, 2102
April 25, 2000, 20:07
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Turn sent to Morgan.
Upon the destruction of the Unity, our forces wisely stole 2 colony pods from another faction, now dead aboard the Unity... what was the name... ah yes, the University. Oh well.
Our Glorious People have landed in a slightly arid region of this unexplored continent, causing the region to be slighty less than perfect... pods are enroute to a better place; we expect the first of them to be in their new positions to rightfully control the planet within one mission year. The other is seeking a habitable place somewhere undisclosed.
Sadly, My People, it seems we were not the only Factions to land on planet. They are Gaian, PeaceKeeper, and HenryMad Industries.
Remember, any Drone withholding evidence of these faction members in Hive Territory shall have up to Thirty-Four (34) years in a Punishment sphere set to "ooze".
First Citizen Eternal Spark
Address to The People
[This message has been edited by EternalSpark (edited April 25, 2000).]
April 26, 2000, 14:08
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Trun sent to peacekeepers
There are evidences we are not alone on chiron: nevertheless we are here to fight for a better world, to stay more confortable and to push our economy to the highest levels. Be prepared to fight, my people, and to defend your home. You will be requested to discern enemies from friend: that's the key to survive !!!
"First Day on Chiron" from Morgan HenryMad memories
April 26, 2000, 15:19
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Turn sent to Gaians
April 26, 2000, 16:19
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Turn sent to Hive.
I propose we simply index the filenam (ACT025-#-(year), where # is your position in the mp setup), rather than giving the whole faction name. Makes things easier.
[This message has been edited by joer (edited April 26, 2000).]
April 26, 2000, 16:33
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Posts: 472
Turn to CEO... as for file name, I'd rather have it be faction name, because that way I can easilly know which file I gotta use and stuff...
We are able to contact other players, right? Thats why we have commlink, right? I didn't use it this turn, but I will if we can..
Our second year on Planet is doing very well, My People. Our first Pod has dug a large hole for the base "The Hive" and our engineers are proud of the base.
No contact from other factions, but we shall begin contacting the other Factions next year, in accordance to Hive Policy 213323-223-A-42-2.
First Citizen Eternal Spark
Yearly Address To the People
April 27, 2000, 13:12
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Turn sent to peacekeepers
April 27, 2000, 15:23
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Actually, the intention now is that you should not contact each other until you have met or obtained the commlink frequency in-game. I edited my own alpha.txt to remove the commlink frequencies, but apparently that does not work - all the players would have to do it, and that is too much trouble. However, please do not contact each other before you could have done otherwise.
[This message has been edited by Tau Ceti (edited April 27, 2000).]
April 27, 2000, 17:13
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Eeeek -- I didn't know that.
Oh well, in that case, just turn down or ignore my requests...until we meet again.
Seriously, it might be worth noting somewhere, Tau Cauti. Maybe add it to the rules section or something. It's far from obvious.
Humm...some rules only work if /everybody/ makes those changes in the alpha.txt? You sure about that, TC? I always thought that all the relevant text files got encoded in the game status (which makes cheating harder and explains why I get English names in MP for my German version).
April 27, 2000, 18:29
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Turn sent to Gaians.
I like Joer also thought we could communicate from the start. In the rules thread it states no restrictions, communications between factions is allowed from the start.
Unfortunately I received and replied to a communication before seeing TC's comment above. Just thought everyone should know.
[This message has been edited by Nanuk (edited April 27, 2000).]
April 27, 2000, 19:48
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OK, apologies everyone. I thought I had edited the rules page to reflect this, which I had not. I also, until reading this thread, thought that settings were saved with the game, and that my alpha.txt edit would take effect for all, which would have made it a non-issue anyway. Evidently it did not. That does seem rather strange, I agree; even the prices of SPs are in alpha.txt, so if each player can edit it and get effects that apply only to him, this could get wild...
But anyway, it is not very important. Now that you have started the game with open communications, please continue like that too. There will be no further restrictions in this game.
April 27, 2000, 19:56
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Turn sent to Hive.
Aaargh....I posted the reply a few minutes after TC answered. I broke up the connections to 'fix' things, now I told that I am allowed to have a treaty with folks before meeting them.
I'll try to undo this in the next turn. Sorry about the erraticness, I'll try to straighten it out again.
I'll add more commentary tomorrow, but I'm gone for tonight. Too late here.
[This message has been edited by joer (edited April 27, 2000).]
April 27, 2000, 20:02
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Ah, the case of bad timing...
Well, I leave it up to you to find out what you wish to do, then. Sorry to have caused so much trouble.
April 27, 2000, 20:17
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Posts: 472
Turn to Morgan... didn't do any commlink things, but since all the problems, I will next turn...
The First Citizen is busy, do not talk.
April 28, 2000, 16:55
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Turn to Peacekeepers
April 28, 2000, 16:57
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Turn to Peacekeepers
April 28, 2000, 22:39
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Turn sent to Gaians
April 29, 2000, 02:58
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Turn 2105 sent to Hive.
Our exploration progresses, however, I feel that we are falling already behind in other areas.
Last year, our communication frequencies got disturbed by a planet from outer space. My communications officer tells me the disturbance signal originated from another planet with a biosphere simular to Chiron, with the name Tau Ceti. I wonder if those two planets, while vast distances apart, are standing in any connection.
The communication failure resulted in random messages getting sent to the other survivors, cancelling any diplomatic progress we have made so far. I hope that we can find peace and cooperation again, now that this distant brother of Chiron has gone silent again.
We built our second base today, close to those vast fungus fields, so we can study them more closely. Nobody knows what awaits us in them. The mineral pods of the Unity are distributed all over the planet, it seems, and are proving useful to us, even know. I have launched a project to locate as many as these pods as possible. Early expansion is a requirement for this.
Other than those unstable communication frequencies, we have no sign of any other survivors of the Unity. Let us hope that any other faction leaders will understand the importance of ecological harmony even without our guidance.
Lady Joer Sky, second diary entry.
April 29, 2000, 11:05
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Posts: 472
Turn to morgan... as I was writing this I realized I forgot to do comlinks, but I will next turn... I'm an idiot
Expansion is proceeding well, My People... we have countered no resistance from other factions or the plains of Red "Fungus" nearby, although a Hive Patrol was unable to reach a Unity Pod because of the entagling mess...
On a sad note, a Drone from Sector 7-G hampered Our communication array, using a Transmode Virus (*) to infect the system. All robots inside became erratic, attacking their human masters. Luckilly, the robots were cleansed of the virus within the year. The Drone has been located, and is undergoing... processing.
Due to the malfunction, we had to go a full year without being able to contact the other factions... we have reason to believe the Gaians will get pissy with us, as I accidentally stepped on one of those "mindworm" things as I was walking to the washroom...
But I digress.. My People, I am proud of how much We have grown in 4 years on Planet.
Remember - The Hive is One, and All that Is Not the Hive Will Be The Hive
First Citizen Eternal Spark
Yearly Report
April 29, 2000, 17:14
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Turn to peacekeepers
April 29, 2000, 23:21
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Turn sent to Gaians
April 30, 2000, 00:38
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Doublepost deleted.
[This message has been edited by joer (edited April 30, 2000).]
April 30, 2000, 00:45
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Turn sent to Hive.
"Oh, I am sure the drones and the mindworms agree to his visions. Must take that commi boy all of his resources to keep'em under check."
-Lady Joer Skye, unconfirmed comment while waatching Chairman Spark's speech on 3D-TV.
On another note: We are truly not alone.
April 30, 2000, 14:08
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Posts: 472
Turn to the Monopolist..
!!!HiveFlash!! - 2016 - March
In recent news, the HHACS (Hive Huge Ass Communications System) went online, allowing us to contact the other factions quickly and reliably. Due to the size of Planet, it will be a year before the mesage will be received decoded, and sent with a counteroffer...
"Of course we're going to try for peace first!" First Citizen Eternal Spark said to HiveFlash reporters after the ceremony. "The Hive ain't some sort of crazy 'blow 'em all up' faction. "Besides, look at the faction that landed with us. PKs, Morgan, and Gaians... did we get stuck with that witch Mirriam, or that paranoid freak Santiago? Nah. We got the most "normal" factions. Hopefully, those factions understand how important Human Peace is."
The First Citizen would not comment on how "Human Peace" would be achived.
In other news, it turns out the factions we knew about were not the only ones to have escaped the Unity. The Believers did land somewhere nearby Hive territory. Luckilly, however, the HHACS beamed the Virus which infected the HHACS last year. The Believer Base "New Jerusalem" was last seen being retrofitted into a spaceshit by infected Robots, and lifted off planet, in the direction of the planet "Tau Ceti". No human lifesigns were onboad the BaseShip. We wish the robots a long live of peace and prosperity on the planet Tau Ceti, and are thankful for ridding this Planet of Believer terrans.
1) One, no, the believers ain't here, I just wanted to use 'em for part of a story.
2) The virus is actually from the Descent series, and I'm playing that now, so I figured, why not have them in the game, at least for one turn
May 1, 2000, 13:34
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Turn to peacekeepers
May 1, 2000, 21:51
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Turn sent to Gaians.
May 2, 2000, 02:44
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Turn sent to Hive.
May 2, 2000, 17:25
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Turn to Morgan.
First Citizen Eternal Spark looked notably agitated in our interview with him this mission year.
"I wouldn't say agitated, per se, but I am sort of miffed. While the Peacekeepers we willing to a free World Map exchange and the Gaians have accepted a FriendShip Treaty, HenryMad Industries has shown to be rather bullsish, not wishing to depart with a mere 30 energy credits for a simple tech which he would be hard pressed to get any other way." he said, rubbing his forehead lightly.
"We're on a >edited< unknown planet, and he is all "no, I won't give you a lick of money!" Ya know, I wanna be a nice guy. I reinstated our offer in case HenryMad will understand how important this is to the survival of our people!"
In other news, the recent Gaian-Hive Peace Treaty was commemorated with a game of "Planetary DOOM" featuring The First Citizen playing for the Hive, and the Honored JoeR for the Gaians. The end was a tie, and all citizens applauded greatly.
"Curfew will be abolished for this night, giving the people time to meet with the Enlightened and Honorable JoeR." "The Spark" as the First Citizen is known through The Hive.
HiveFlash 2107
May 3, 2000, 10:00
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turn sent to peacekeepers
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