May 3, 2000, 21:48
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Turn sent to Gaians
May 4, 2000, 04:44
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Turn sent to Hive.
Too lazy to write some flavor text.
Oh, time somebody has to reload a turn, just give a short notice why it happened and such.
May 4, 2000, 19:04
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Turn Sent.
(I'm bored, don't wanna type out flavor)
May 5, 2000, 14:49
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Turn sent to peacekeepers
May 6, 2000, 19:03
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I got an error in the zip-file.
Nanuk, could you please resend?
May 7, 2000, 09:46
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Turn received and sent to Hive.
Other than those three faction whose comsignals we received at the start, there appear no other survivors of the Unity on the Planet. I wonder if that power-mad gunchick survived the landing, not to mention my former superior, that wrinkly old professor.
We are already one step further to global peace on this planet, since all other known leaders have agreed to not spend our time killing each other. I'm glad our hopes have prevailed, even if that meant I had to engage in a friendly show-duel of a first-person shooter. Oh well, for such higher goals as a mutual treaty, I was willing to take part in such barbaric rituals (while having to abstain from our highly civilized dance&conversation&other-things-evening).
On a totally different aspect, we discover more and more of the planet and the true nature of that ever-dominant 'fungus' around us. Transport over it becomes more and more difficult, and we have spotted a life-form that is totally unlike we have seen so far. Fortunatly, our biologists managed to tame that bundel of worms and bring it under control, before it could do our valient scouts any permanent damage. It remains to be seen that what it can do for us.
We have also discovered signs of a former civilisation upon Chiron. Judging from the traces it left, it must have been highly sophisticated. Our research crew still takes probes from those enourmous holes in the surface, but most of the heat generated from them is lost, due to our inability to convert it.
-Lady Joer Skye, Chiron diary
May 7, 2000, 13:08
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Turn sent
May 7, 2000, 23:15
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Turn sent to Gaians.
May 8, 2000, 00:05
Local Time: 07:51
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Posts: 472
Hey y'all, the turn keeps crashin' me, after I move a guy, so like, I had to reload it a fewtimes to get it to work... I think its gonna say "guy reloaded" or some ****, sorry, it wasn't my fault, seems the fungus didn't like something, and was causing, well... crash.
Turn sent!
May 8, 2000, 00:12
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Looks like we're picking up pace.
Whee. One turn per day would be cool.
Turn sent to Hive.
May 8, 2000, 17:13
Local Time: 07:51
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Posts: 472
Turn to Morgan
In a shockingly un-normal behavior, Eternal Spark offically changed his title from "Chairman" to "First Citizen".
"We're all citizens of the Hive, with equalness for all. I founded the Hive, so I'm first. The last great leader to use this title 'First Citizen" was Augustus of Ancient Rome, and we all know how well he ruled."
In other news, a unity pod nearby The Hive has shown us something VERY interesting, and according to a techie "pretty damn awesome".
May 9, 2000, 08:37
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Turn sent to Hive.
On another note: If you make an offer to me, wait until I have made a counter-offer before you hit 'accept offer' in the diplomacy box. Otherwise, I can simply take your offer without giving anything back.
I haven't done it so far, to be fair, but if somebody does it again, I will simply consider it a present.
Of course, you don't have to wait for counter-offers when you request pacts and treaties.
May 9, 2000, 09:41
Local Time: 07:51
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(Not a turn send, I'm at work)
May 9, 2000, 18:40
Local Time: 07:51
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Turn to Morgan
Can't type flavor, a big rainstorm might come soon and I might have to shut off.
May 10, 2000, 07:09
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Turn sent to peacekeepers
May 10, 2000, 20:35
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Turn to Everyone's favorite Monopolist
BTW, I recently was able to install SMAC on the computer I use for the internet... is anyone willing to maybe play an hour or so of turns in IP? Is that even possible? Just thinkin'...
"My People, this year has been very exellent for our peoples. Allow me to tell you the joys and interesting things which have occured in this year:
1) First off, we were at first pleased to have located our first native life form. Approaching it carefully, our military unit, bravely made his precence known to the worm. The worm became agressive, despite our soldiers constantly repeating "We're allied with the only {bleep}ing faction that cares about you! Stop attacking" many times. Unfortunately, the worm realized it's misunderstatement and was about to join our side, when it tripped over a hardened patch of fungus, breaking its... neck and dying. We apologize to the Gaian community for not being as enlightened as themselves to be able to capture the worm without it's death.
2) The far-off PeaceKeeping faction, which recently signed a friendship with Ourselves, will be recieving a quid-pro-quo tech transfer idea. We most happilly await any and all responses!
3) Sadly, no comment from Morgan. Whatevah. His loss.
4) The "Hivin' Stomp" dance has not only infected our bases with its noxious (yet just so wonderfully enjoyable) dance beat, but a few other bases on other factions as well. Cool, ain't it?
5) Whoever wrote "Sparky likes taking Lady joar in da ass" in fecal matter better come back and clean it up before JoeR finds out about it! Cuz I mean, we're pretty good friends and I don't want that crap (literally and figuratively) on Our Bases!
First Citizen Eternal Spark
"Adress to the People"
May 11, 2000, 05:44
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Turn sent to my quiet friends Peacekeepers :-)
May 12, 2000, 09:11
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Turn to Sparky.
May 12, 2000, 18:47
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Got on the apolyton servers today, for the first time of connection all day... turn to morgan.
May 14, 2000, 14:20
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Turn 2114 sent to Sparky.
Lots of stuff. Great stuff!
And more PokeWorms. Will they hurt us?
--scribbled notes on a smeared page of Lady Joer Skye's diary.
May 14, 2000, 18:39
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Turn to Morgan
[This message has been edited by EternalSpark (edited May 14, 2000).]
May 16, 2000, 01:06
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Turn to peacekeepers
May 16, 2000, 08:20
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Turn sent to Gaians.
May 16, 2000, 09:23
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Turn to Hive.
Ack, it looks like I'm in a totally screwed strategic position. With all those factions surrounding me, I gotta up my defense big time, which means I will seriously lag in other aspects.
And there's no way I can just expand the way I want to (and the way some other folks here can), so my efficiency bonus is moot. Oh well, let's see what we can make of this.
BTW, I used the map information that's given at the end when you reload a saved game and just end it. I assume that's not illegal or unethical, and I know Spark's been doing it, so I thought it was fair to notify the other players of it (in case they haven't done it so far).
On another note, we're already on our second page...I think as the first post-ACT20-game. Keep on rocking (or maybe it's just our major spam!) 
May 16, 2000, 09:48
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Posts: 472

I know Spark's been doing it
I did it once, when I kept having ave game problems.
I dunno if it was legal, I honestly don't think its a cheat.
May 16, 2000, 15:45
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What kind of map info? Do you mean the replay, which shows the location of the factions and their territory at different points in the game?
May 16, 2000, 16:06
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Yep, that's the one I mean.
So TC, is that allowed, or is it considered twinkish?
I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, and I haven't seen any discussion about it so far. I certainly don't want to overstep any rules or get into unethical stuff, but I do play with 'whatever is not illegal (and has been declared as illegal beforehand) is allowed.
May 16, 2000, 16:30
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I had actually never thought about this feature before I read it here. Personally I think it is questionable. Getting to see how the continents look is no big deal, as you can usually see that from the map grid anyway, but seeing where the other factions start can be a large advantage early on. In addition, this is not really "in-game" information, it is more like "after-game" information, and it makes the comm beacon in the Unity Wreckage rather worthless. My opinion is that it should be disallowed, but I am willing to listen to arguments to the contrary. At any rate, since it has already been used in this game, it will be allowed here.
May 16, 2000, 16:55
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Posts: 472
(This ain't a turn send)
I didn't plan on fidning this out... I was having save game problems which was crashing the game after a move was made... and then, I decided to quit the game, maybe that would conk out the bugs and I found the replay feature... plus, the "unity survey" option was NOT on in this game, so I had no way of knowing I was on an island or a strip of land...
The "unity wreakage" you speak of, TC, is a SMACX feature, yes?. Smac can't do that. With the options provided, I had no way to see the map otherwise.
I believe it was wrong of me to do this, because it would require you to quit and restart the level. I did it to attempt to save this game, which kept crashing. I didn't even remember about the replay option. I think it should be wrong. (If there is a way to view the replay without having to quit, it should be allowed, though)
Sorry to have caused so much grief
May 16, 2000, 18:11
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Posts: 472
Turn off to morgan
HiveFlash 2115 is offline for a period of one year. We will be using temporary facilities in Gaian bases (thanks to the wisdom of Joer) to give you up-to-date Hive news within a month!
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