May 18, 2000, 15:34
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Growing dissatisfaction in Cybernetic military ranks reached a peak today, when paper-thin Cybernetic defences were unable to repel simultaneous attacks from both Alien factions. Two crawlers were lost, while elsewhere a new alien creature, the Locust of Chiron, was identified ravaging Cybernetic crawler operations not far from Alpha Prime.
This latest threat has unsettled citizens and the creature itself is still roaming unchecked after 50% of the CyC chopper fleet was lost in a disastrous attack.
Official comment was sparse and low-key. It is believed that a shard chopper will be prototyped next year in an effort to placate the military.
The Prime Function sent a personal note to Provost Tig assuring him that CyC military will support UoP troops in their efforts to contain the Alien threat.
Next turn sent to UoP.
May 18, 2000, 17:46
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Military victory rang out today amongst the humans today, as The University took yet another alien city from Marr. It is believed that two more cities will fall in the next 3 years. A special thanks to the CyC intelligence files allowed us to grow a 'controlable' locust of chiron and it is believed to be instrumental in the war effort against the aliens.
All intelligence information on these new life forms from the culture experiment has been sent to military scientists in the CyC.
May 20, 2000, 17:54
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Rumours circulating at Morgan Industries say that leading military experts are slightly worried to learn that the University is currently building weapon research labs known as 'Skunkworks' in two of their cities.
'They may say what they like,' an anonymous source comments, 'but everyone knows that those facilities are only really useful for one thing - a thing we would prefer not to think about.'
May 24, 2000, 22:23
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Cybernetic intelligence functions were preoccupied today, after receiving urgent Morganitic despatches regarding University military build-up.
Prime Function Misotu appeared briefly on the popular programme "Good Morning Chiron", to dispel rising anxiety in the Cybernetic population. "The University is at war with the Alien factions. They fight this fight for the good of humanity" she insisted.
"Our allies on Chiron have proved their good faith on many occasions" she continued. "The human factions on Chiron have made their intentions plain from the start. We are committed to building in peace, unlocking the secrets of this new world without bloodshed, and we have no reason to believe that either of our Allies would unleash the horrors of war upon this planet. Cybernetic children have nothing to fear, either from the University laboratories or from the boardrooms of Morgan."
Elsewhere, Cybernetic functions spoke off the record to emphasise the futility of aggression on the part of either of their neighbours. "Although we are peace-loving and ill-prepared for war" said one "our first action in the event of hostilities would be to turn over all of our research and wealth to the friendly party. Our laboratories would continue to function, though some of our cities were in ruins, and the aggressor would soon turn in horror to see the flames of war licking around his own cherished settlements."
The usual data package was transmitted to the University.
May 25, 2000, 03:42
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We of the University wish to rest assured that the few skunkworks buildings that were created over the last year are not intended to build weapons of war to be used against a human faction.
May 25, 2000, 13:55
Local Time: 09:51
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CEO Tau Ceti has made very few public appearances in the last months. Inside sources at Morgan Industries say that he has recently taken to muttering to himself about 'unreasonable boycotts' and 'going out of business'.
May 27, 2000, 00:32
Local Time: 08:51
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Pandemonium broke out in Alpha Prime today, as reports came in of spontaneous fungal blooms and waves of worms and locusts in the south of borg territory.
As scientists worked feverishly to identify the cause of increased native life activity, top-ranking generals arrived at Cybernetic Headquarters, demanding an interview with the Prime Function.
It is believed that the Generals are insisting that the Consciousness switch their priority from research to defence. It is believed that a compromise has been reached, but seasoned commentators expressed serious reservations. "Our analysis indicates their military is completely unequipped to deal with the threat from Planet" said one.
May 28, 2000, 10:16
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A brief public appearance by Provost TigToad today shocked the public as he made the following statement:
"The time to have such close economic ties with the Consciousness is over. They are quickly dominating the planet's economy as well as having so many more techs than us and the good Morganites that it does not make sense to stand by while they move themselves into a position to completely own this planet. While we wish them no ill will, it was necessary to try for tech equality. To that end, a tech has been removed from their datalinks and uploaded into ours. The automated response forced us to downgrade the pact to a treaty."
Provost TigToad
May 29, 2000, 11:09
Local Time: 09:51
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Due to an increase in propaganda transmissions from the other factions, the Morgan Industries board of directors today decided to initiate a strict censorship program. In a statement issued two hours ago, they declare that 'Now is not a time for our people to be divided. We must stand united against those who seek to weaken and destroy us. It is imperative that our news contain only the truth and not the lies our adversaries would have us believe.'
Critics say that this is nothing but a covert attempt at exerting Thought Control over the population. 'We have descended into a dark age,' says one mid-level executive who obviously would like to remain anonymous. He is not alone with his sentiment, as our next report will show. MorganLink 3DVision has been under pressure to not air the following program, but we have decided to stand firm in the name of freedom and journalistic integ-"
(Holoscreen goes blank.)
May 29, 2000, 16:30
Local Time: 08:51
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(hop system, hop system)
>>Greetings from Misotu, Prime Function, to the fullhuman Morgan ...
(hop system, jump to Morgan headquarters)
>>Though you have implemented your thought control measures, this is no proof against the Borg.
>>We are part of your network, we read your thoughts, we are everywhere ...
(click, ---white noise---, patch, reconnecting)
>>Your security measures are indeed impressive CEO, but they are no match for the technical might of the Borg. We swim through your circuit boards, we breathe your data flows ...
>>Now listen up, fullmeat.
>>Provost Tigtoad has made an unprovoked attack on one of our bases, stealing valuable technology and betraying the Pact we swore.
>>He has violated the tri-partite agreement of which he, himself, was the architect and founding father ...
>>We hope that he will think again before descending into darkness. Only dishonour and the contempt of his peers can follow where betrayal and treachery lead ...
>>But we are children of Chiron and we deal with the ways of men. The Provost will build a Planet Buster next turn, and we cannot believe that his faction would go to such expense simply out of curiosity. Once the Buster is deployed, he will lose all trade with noble human factions ... he would not wish to incur such a penalty simply in order to inconvenience the Aliens.
>>Accordingly, although we cannot believe that our former ally would descend to such treachery, our analysis indicates that the sun will set on Alpha Prime ...
>>Our grief at its passing will be inexpressible, but we will not stand idly by. We cannot Ascend if Alpha Prime is busted, and the Universe will be deprived of the One Truly Efficient Way as a result. Only one outcome is more unspeakable, only one course of action will be left to us ...
>>Since the Provost has betrayed our trust, we offer you a Pact. As a sign of our good faith ... and the riches that will follow if the Provost unleashes Horror on the world ... we offer you some of our most valuable technologies. Our science can unlock for you the secrets of Orbital Defence Pods and 8-Res Armour, powerful weapons in the coming fight.
>>We cannot defend ourselves against the Provost, we have lived simply and in peace, devoting ourselves only to the betterment of humankind. If the Provost continues on this path, we will support the Morgan cause with research, with energy, and with supply craft to enable you to build the Projects that will free us all ...
(crackle ... fizz ... connection terminated)
May 30, 2000, 11:55
Local Time: 00:51
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Out of character--First off, let me say I apologize for what the not-so-good provost has done. I feel terrible about having to do it, but you'd run away with the game, Mis and something had to be done.
In character... Provost Tig speaks before an amassed crowd at University Base.
"Today several citizens of the University, without knowledge or backing of our government stole a prototype fusion planet buster, transported it into Consciousness territory and detonated it." (Break in speech as the crowd roars with approval). "We cannot condone this action. It is an attrocity of the highest order, and it has likely thrown us into a permanent state of war... we are truly alone now." (Someone in the crowd yells 'who needs anyone else!' others take up his cry). "We believe these are the same terrorists who stole technology from the Consciousness government last year. We have caught the criminals and after a quick but legitiment trial expect them to be put to death." (Scattered boos). Suddenly an older man steps out from the audience. I immediately recognize him as one of my old talents, a top research scientist who we had forced to retire because of his obsession with nerve gasses, planet busters, and other nasty technologies.
"Good Provost--what is done is done. Really, it was necessary. The Consciousness had long been proclaiming themselves to be our staunchest ally and supporter. They loved us, wanted us to be friends forever. However, as soon as our research rate slowed and their facilities did not, there were NO offers of support or aid. As our society slid further and further into techological darkness they offered no support. They flaunted their better life style and said what great friends we were while removing the table scraps cleanly from the floor. They used us and they needed to be taught a firm lesson."
Provost Tig stands their stunned. "You cannot be serious. These traitors were responsible for the death of MILLIONS of consciousness citizens. If war comes from this it could be hundreds of millions dead on both sides. I have sent a message to the consciousness begging us to forgive them and reinstate our pacts and treaties even though we get no energy from such a state of affairs."
Suddenly, from the crowd, guns are drawn and the old man gestures towards Provost Tig. Loyal army officers draw their weapons as well, though it was quickly noted that was not all of the military present. Many of the soldiers simply laid down their arms and stepped back. Others are pointing guns at their fellow soldiers....
(Live Video/Audio feed picked up by the Chiron News Network (CNN)
I don't know if Provost Tig, champion of peace dieds or not yet.. I'll know by next turn, i'm sure.. Grin
May 30, 2000, 15:36
Local Time: 08:51
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Posted out of character, and in haste as I'm on the way out ... (why oh why did I think it was a good idea to check the board before I left. I need my head examining).
****** YOU BASTARD !!! *******
Bastard, bastard, bastard, gnash.
More gnashing.
(Official comment from the Prime Function will have to wait until the game arrives from Tau and she's had an opportunity to contemplate her now even teenier empire ...)
May 30, 2000, 16:45
Local Time: 09:51
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CEO Tau Ceti has just made a short speech about the recent tragic events.
'Words cannot express the shock and grief we all feel at this horrific deed. Our deepest condolences go out to the survivors of Alpha Prime. We will send all humanitarian aid we can to the Consciousness. Though it is hard, life must go on, and it is our hope that we can prevent further deaths. It is also our hope that the people of the University will understand the monstrosity of this action and see to it that the responsible be brought to justice.'
May 30, 2000, 22:50
Local Time: 08:51
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Surviving Senior Functions gather in the Consciousness Underground Bunker, located far below the smouldering rubble formerly known as Alpha Prime. The small group is sombre, the silence broken only by an occasional death rattle as yet another aide succumbs to the effects of the blast.
Seated in the centre is the Prime Function, resplendent in mourning black. The chic off-the-shoulder number she wears is dazzling, although it must be said that it looked even better when she had two arms.
>>There is little to be said at this moment, the way forward - if there is one - is unclear.
>>Astonishingly, it appears that the Provost is attempting to restore peace.
>>Yes, peace. That *is* what I said General, you can wipe that smirk off your face. And Admiral, further comments containing the words "murdering bastard" and "I'd rather die by blowtorch" will not be tolerated.
((How can we trust these people Prime Function? Their culture - like their technology - remains in the Dark Ages.))
>>Trust can be rebuilt, General. Great offences may be forgiven by beings as enlightened as we. Our actions are governed by reason, not emotion. And in any event, our pilot is pretty good but he's not *that* good. The scouts are complaining about facing x choppers and planet busters armed only with a sharp stick. We've no ODPs, the probe budget was spent on test-tubes and the only perimeter defence we owned got vapourised this year.
>>Any questions?
(( ))
>>Then I'll proceed.
>>Unfortunately, we have been unable to accept these overtures, due to the unsanctioned actions of one pilot.
>>*The* pilot.
>>A University X Chopper was shot down over Consciousness territory. You know what that means. The rules of engagement state that we may not subsequently accept the offer of a Pact if a hostile action is taken during that mission year.
>>We understand that feeling is running high. But there is no reason why millions more of our citizens should pay the price for such foolishness. There will be no further attacks on the University while negotiations continue. We have sent a message to the Provost indicating that we are willing to abandon our Vendetta next year. We would even be willing to sign some form of treaty, although naturally we do not normally like to consort with war criminals.
>>If terms cannot be agreed, then and only then will the might of the Consciousness Home Defence Scouts (Motto: 1-1-1 Rules) be unleashed on the defenceless University citizens.
>>I have spoken - there will be no discussion. We wait to hear from the Provost.
The usual data package has been sent to Provost "Mad Dog" TigToad, the "Champion of Peace".
May 31, 2000, 14:09
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"Yes sir. Skunkworks."
"I see. Unfortunate... at least are the peace negotiations going well?" Provost Tig manages to say despite the respirator hooked up to his lungs and the tubes in his nose.
"They shot down the helicopter that escorted the warhead in. Not a tragic loss considering it also belonged to the insurectionists. However, the damned Chiron News Network broadcast the incident live. The people are outraged. We've sent back and offer of a treaty, I don't think the people are able to handle anything greater without war reparations."
"Reparations!? We nuked their capital city, and our people want reparations? What for? The cost of a planet buster?"
"Um. Yes sir."
"Ridiculous. Send the treaty offer. We put down their insurrection, and I didn't really need my kidney, and one lung will serve me fine. Eventually."
June 10, 2000, 17:44
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Turn to Tau... treaties been broken so I no longer benefit from trade.
June 11, 2000, 08:56
Local Time: 09:51
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According to a top secret intelligence report that has recently found its way into the hands of MorganLink 3DVision, a University Planet Buster was shot down over Morgan Industries yesterday. Neither University nor Morganic officials are available for comment, but there are indications that production of bomb shelters and advanced defense systems has been accelerated.
June 11, 2000, 14:26
Local Time: 08:51
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The War Chamber, Cybernetic HQ
>>Greetings, my generals. I have called you here today to consider the latest developments.
>>Our scanners indicate that the University attempted to detonate a Planet Buster over the HQ of Morgan Industries. Thankfully, this attack was foiled completely. The defences installed by resourceful Morganite engineers performed perfectly.
((This is excellent news, Prime Function. We know that CEO Tau is reluctant to shed blood, but we assume that his attitude has shifted somewhat since this latest outrage?))
>>That is indeed the case. The CEO lost no time in proposing the repeal of the UN Charter. His thinking on this is flawless. Since we must deal with a war criminal intent on world domination, there is no reason why we should not respond in kind without losing the benefit of our lucrative pact with the Morganites.
>>We are at one with the CEO. We have voted to support his proposal, and it will be carried by a majority of 2-1.
>>In the meantime, what of the mood of the University population Prime Market Research Function?
((Madam, the news is not so good. We find that there is some level of discontent, but so far the Provost is containing it. The people have been swayed by the appearance of the "top research scientist, forced to retire because of his obssession with ... nasty technologies". They believe that Zakharov has returned to lead them to glory.))
>> Not possible.
((Indeed Madam, it is possible))
>>Have they studied the videos? The address from University Base was completely faked. A cinema trick, enabling Tig Toad, wearing a sappy wig, outdated shades and a ridiculous false nose, to appear to challenge himself. How could that fool anyone other than children?
((Madam, the University empire still lives in the dark age. They are falling behind in tech and unlikely to improve that position. Their citizens are credulous idol-worshippers.))
>>Then contact the CEO! Together, we will wipe the University Blight from the face of Planet! Transcendence will be achieved, and in a very few years. Either by the Morganites, or by the Consciousness. It matters not which, for we shall walk hand in hand to victory ...
((We have prepared the optimised datalink Madam. We stand ready to transmit everything we have to the Morganite faction.))
June 12, 2000, 11:29
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It so sucks to be me.. ah well, I brought it upon myself... Tig
June 12, 2000, 17:30
Local Time: 09:51
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Nearly the entire surplus from the Morgan Industries conglomerate now goes to the national defense budget. New radar, SAM and AAA installations are being built everywhere, and a forced draft has had to be imposed to get enough personnel to man these positions. The streets are unusually quiet; there is an uneasy calm atmosphere. Morganic generals recently publicly confirmed that there was an attempted Planet Buster attack by the University. Although it was thwarted this time, everyone knows that next time, it might be spotted too late...
June 14, 2000, 04:45
Local Time: 08:51
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The mood in Cyberland today was one of grim resolve. Unconfirmed reports circulating this morning suggested that the Cyberpilot had engaged the enemy in his heartland, inflicting serious losses.
At midday, a brief official statement was issued, confirming that hostilities broke out when a University elite foil probe was discovered lurking in fungus close to Cybernetic territory.
The patrolling chopper neutralised both the probe and the nerve gas chopper escort. "The pilot then acted on his own initiative, and attacked the nearest enemy base" declared a Spokesfunction. "We regret that the pilot found it necessary to use nerve gas to overcome hostile units found in the city. The responsibility for this tragedy rests with UoP leadership, who insist on basing offensive military units in population centres".
"More concerning was the discovery that this base was garrisoned with an Alien unit, codenamed a "battle ogre". This confirms what we have long suspected. Provost Tig has been lured to the dark side."
Condolences have been sent to the pilot's family. He was able to radio in his last farewell, but it is known that his craft is heavily damaged and low on fuel deep inside enemy territory.
This evening, the Prime Function confirmed that an offer of truce has been received from the University. "We long for peace" she said. "But this attack should send a clear message to the University. Though they are powerful, we are by no means vanquished. If it is war they want, war they will have. If they truly desire peace, then we urge the Provost to make his intentions clear by abandoning the construction of probe foils, planet busters and nerve gas units."
June 14, 2000, 11:37
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In an official statement today by Provost Tig he made it clear that the cybernetic helicopter was to be allowed to go home. "Enough have died already in what was a simple misunderstanding. Killing one more man won't change that..hopefully the consciousness will see this act for what it was, a peace offering."
In other news, a massive military build up has been moving towards Morgan territory today after inital peace offers were harshly scoffed at. "We do not desire war," one University official said, "But if they insist, we have to be prepared.
June 14, 2000, 15:06
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What the Provost must understand is that when he makes an offer of peace immediately after attempting to nuke our capital and while still preparing for his second and third attempts, as well as building huge squadrons of Nerve Gas-armed choppers and Probes, he does not have a lot of credibility.
If he immediately stops building any Planet Busters, Nerve Gas units and Probes, then Morgan Industries can accept peace. If he only wants a breathing space to further build up his weapons of aggression, we will not provide it.
The University of Planet attacked Morgan Industries without provocation, and seem to have every intention of fighting an offensive war, aiming to conquer their opponents. In contrast, Morgan Industries produces only defensive troops and structures. We have no aggressive intentions, but if the Provost decides to attack us, it is a decision he is going to regret for the rest of his few remaining days.
June 15, 2000, 02:28
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It was confirmed today that the offer of a truce from the Provost has been renewed. In an unprecedented gesture of goodwill, The Cyberpilot was allowed to leave University territory unharmed. Unfortunately, despite desperate efforts by Cybernetic Search and Rescue Units, heavy damage to his aircraft prevented his safe return home.
While the hero's family were too upset to speak to the media, close family friends expressed their dissatisfaction with the rescue operation. "It was highly unsatisfactory, not at all what we expected" said one. "The Search and Rescue Division is nothing more than the renamed Home Defence Scouts, for goodness sake. We expected something more than just a bunch of blokes with sticks. All they did was stand there on the cliffs bawling 'Come on sonny, you can make it' in the vague direction of his flightpath. We thought there'd be an aircraft carrier. Or a boat of any kind, really."
While the public mood was a little more optimistic, officials remained grim. "The truce offer is a problem for us" explained one. "If we don't accept, we appear to be warmongers. But look at it - the Provost has already slaughtered millions of our citizens without provocation. Now he promises peace, while stealing our technology and building waves of foil probes and x choppers near our borders. And finally, a further University planet buster will be completed in just two years."
It is believed that the Prime Function has indicated that a truce might be agreed if the University ceases building foil probes with immediate effect, in expectation of further reductions in University military spending. No comment on this was available from official sources.
June 15, 2000, 13:46
Local Time: 23:51
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Location: You think you're better than me? You've been handling my ass pennies!!!
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Just curious...
What was the reactor on the planetbuster that was used? Also I would love to see a save of this game if someone wants to send it to me. Thanks.
June 15, 2000, 13:47
Local Time: 23:51
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Location: You think you're better than me? You've been handling my ass pennies!!!
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Just curious...
What was the reactor on the planetbuster that was used? Also I would love to see a save of this game if someone wants to send it to me. Thanks.
[This message has been edited by BustaMike (edited June 15, 2000).]
June 15, 2000, 13:50
Local Time: 23:51
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Location: You think you're better than me? You've been handling my ass pennies!!!
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friggin' thing didn't do anything when I clicked submit and it's still won't even now. anyway sorry for the triple post
[This message has been edited by BustaMike (edited June 15, 2000).]
June 15, 2000, 22:00
Local Time: 08:51
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Fortunately for me, the reactor was only fusion. I'll send you a save game Bustamike.
June 18, 2000, 13:43
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No problem about the delay Tig. On the sanctions issue, I think that's why the UN Charter was repealed? I thought that meant that sanctions would no longer be imposed for atrocities?
June 19, 2000, 00:35
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Sorry about the delay guys.. These turns just take me so long and I've been so busy of late.. I hadn't been able to get to it.
In any case, I think one of you nerved gassed one of my cities and sanctiosn weren't imposed. If that was what happened, we need to do something about that as I don't want to be the only one ostrisized from income.
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