August 31, 2000, 19:59
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Thanks Simpson II - I've emailed you, and also White Elephants who I think was the last to play a turn. You should be getting the save game from him shortly.
"Fast-moving" in this case used to be a turn most days or at least every other day - not bad really.
September 1, 2000, 00:06
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We need a replacement player for Morgan in ACT021. The original player was Bustamike, but unfortunately he seems to have disappeared without a trace. Some details:
Thinker difficulty level
Random map tournament game, non-accelerated start, with 4 players
Other factions: Believers, Spartans, Gaians
Year reached: 2155 (early days yet)
Game has been stalled since August 5th, but moved pretty well before then. Remaining players are reliable.
Morgan's position is very good - I haven't seen the game for a while but from memory, he is in the number one slot tech-wise and, I think, overall. He has expanded well. There are no wars between human players, but I believe various AIs are at vendetta with some/all of us.
A nice one for anyone who likes to play Morgan. First to apply gets it
September 1, 2000, 00:13
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Another replacement needed, for Bustamike again, playing as the Angels in AXT015.
This game is in *very* early stages:
Transcend difficulty level
Map of Planet, 4 players, non-accelerated start.
Other factions: Pirates, Morgan, Peacekeepers
Year reached: only 2117
Can't tell you much about the Angels' position, I haven't even met them yet  Busta is a skilled player, so I'm sure that their situation will be perfectly acceptable.
First applicant gets it - I have the latest save so email me at
Tau Ceti has the password of course.
September 11, 2000, 11:57
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It looks like Emjaycue dropped out of AXT025. He was supposed to play the Gaians but he hasn't played his first turn yet.
September 11, 2000, 14:19
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AXT025 is a SMAC-X game at transcend level. Emjaycue had not yet played his first turn. kt_butts, if you want in you should e-mail Tau Ceti for the password and you should e-mail Zaphod ( to ask him to send you your turn. And you should post here that you take the game so that others know that the spot is taken.
September 11, 2000, 19:03
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Alright, I'm the gaians.
September 12, 2000, 00:25
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Paul, Tau,
If this game is being played on a level lower than Transcend I would be willing to take the Gaian spot if a replacement is needed.
September 12, 2000, 00:38
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If anything come's up, I'll be glad to jump in. Email me at
September 14, 2000, 15:04
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Game: AXT007
Faction: Drones
MY reached: 2172
Orginal tournament map, 3-player game, other factions are Gaians and Angels.
We need a replacement player for this game as Jochen is not able to continue. His position is good - number 1 in tech and overall, although he is getting stiff competition from the Gaians. The game is at an interesting point. First applicant gets it - but someone reliable please! - email me at for the latest save game. Tau Ceti has the Drone password ...
September 14, 2000, 17:40
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In addition to the Drones in AXT007, Jochen was also playing as the Gaians in ACT025.
Details of this game are:
MY 2136 (very early days, no accelerated start)
Random map
Librarian level
Opponents are Morgan and PK, with 3 AI factions.
The Gaian position is extremely strong. Morgan got off to an unlucky start, although he is now pulling up. The PKs are trapped on a peninsula and finding expansion difficult. Drop me an email at if you want either AXT007 or ACT025 - I have both save games. Tau Ceti has the passwords.
September 14, 2000, 19:03
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HenryMad ( ) is interested in taking over AXT007. He emailed me about it yesterday in response to joer's withdrawal notice, but both mails were sent to my hotmail account, so I did not read them until today.
September 15, 2000, 06:26
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as Tau reported in the previous post, I would like to replace our friend Joer in AXT007.
Misotu could you please send me the last turn (Tau has already sent me the password) ?
September 15, 2000, 21:11
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I'd be interested in playing as the Gaians in ACT025. Mail sent to Misotu.
- Basil
Edit: too late.
[This message has been edited by Basil (edited September 16, 2000).]
September 16, 2000, 14:51
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We have volunteers for both ACT025 and AXT007. Many thanks ...
September 19, 2000, 00:24
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We need a replacement player for JoeR in RP2. He was playing the University; the other players control Morgan, the Peacekeepers, and the Hive. The year is MY 2109. It is a thinker-level game played using the Alien Crossfire engine, and it is using a scenario file. The game has a role-playing theme and it has the special rule that you must use your faction's built-in research priorities, so as the University you have to research discover technologies regardless of the situation.
For more information, check out this post. Email me for the password if you're interested.
- Basil
September 27, 2000, 14:30
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As Basil says above, we need a replacement for the RP2 game...Please let Basil know or post here....
September 28, 2000, 16:49
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September 28, 2000, 16:51
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ACT006: Spekter (University) hasn't played for 3 weeks. Game is in 2168, Uni is at vendetta with Morgan (me) and Hive (Grigger).
September 29, 2000, 01:44
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The ACT006 position has been taken by stuntman19.
September 29, 2000, 18:10
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Unfortunately I found out this week that I will not be able to participate in my PBEM games during weekdays from no on, so I am resigning and seeking replacements for myself. All are Smac games. They are:
WDRS (TRanscend level)
Informal game at turn 2117. Decent start as Spartans. Currently stalled for a few days, but usually a medium speed game.
DNSS (Transcend level)
Informal game at turn 2113. Excellent start as University. Very fast, someone who checks their e-mails regularly would be desired.
ACT021 (Thinker level)
As Morganites at turn 2165. Fairly fast game. Morganites are at the top of the powergraph and no. 1 in tech. Very interesting diplomatically, I will write some notes on the situation for whoever takes it over.
ACT028 (Thinker level)
As Spartans at 2129. Decent start, but low on the powergraph. First in territory.
ACT031 (Transcend level)
As Morganites at turn 2114. OK start. Too early to say much.
ACT034 (Librarian level)
As Peacekeepers at turn 2106. Mediocre start as far as I have seen.
If you want any (or even all!) of these games then e-mail me at and I will send you the necessary information.
September 30, 2000, 19:49
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Update to my note above; ACT021, ACT034, DNSS and ACT028 have been taken. Thanks to the people who took them on! The others are still open, so get them while they're hot. WDRS is no longer stalled.
October 5, 2000, 15:35
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We are still looking for a replacement in the WDRS game. The game is transcedent level. It is turn 2117 and the faction you would be taking over is the Spartans. Please post your interest here. We are all patiently waiting. Thanks.
October 5, 2000, 15:59
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I would be interested, that is, if it is SMAC and not SMACX.
October 5, 2000, 17:44
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Sorry, for some bizarre reason (I was in a rush) I forgot to leave my e-mail address, so here goes:
October 5, 2000, 18:15
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It is SMAC so you get the prize!!! I'll get in contact with the others and see if we can't get you the turn.
October 6, 2000, 17:27
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Thanks for keeping it moving, guys! I'm back for the weekend, so if anyone wants to get into ACT quickly remember that ACT031 is still open! Any Morganites out there? It's only 2114 and things are going well.. e-mail me, as ever, at
[This message has been edited by Simpson II (edited October 06, 2000).]
October 6, 2000, 17:35
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Nice to see you still at the forums on weekends. I checked out ACT034, but it is PK's and seems to be taken by Mark13. Is there still another one out there?
October 6, 2000, 18:05
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Ach, Stuntman19, you caught my post before I edited it! ACT034 was a missprint, it is in fact ACT031. I just e-mailed someone who posted wanting Morganite games in the sign-up thread (sorry, I was getting desperate here  ), but if he doesn't want it then I will certainly let you have it.
October 6, 2000, 22:40
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As the person who got emailed, I'm posting to say that I accepted the place.
October 11, 2000, 06:46
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AXT013: Gaians, MY 2158. Grosjos had to quit, so we are looking for a replacement. I didn't post this sooner because Tigtoad is away for the first two weeks of October, but I guess we can start looking for a new player by now.
AXT013 is a 4 human, 3 AI transcend level game (random map). I play the Cyborgs, Meister Flo is the Drones and Tigtoad is the Peacekeepers. The AI factions are Pirates, Hive and Believers.
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