March 21, 2001, 17:10
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2122 to that former junkie (read it any way you want... ;-) ), cbn...
March 21, 2001, 23:32
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2122 done 2123 to the Cult
March 22, 2001, 02:06
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turn 2123 to tench
March 22, 2001, 05:00
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Year 2123 to Walt.
"The mind worms are Planet's native wildlife. They seem to feed off of neural energy, requiring squads with the utmost in morale training to fend them off. However, we are encouraged by the reports that at least one of our talents, a young girl named Lindley, seems to have an innate ability to establish mental contact these mind worms.
"We will send her to one of our expansion bases, Song of Planet, for further study. We will closely monitor her condition as she tries to establish further contact with the worms."
March 22, 2001, 08:50
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Suddenly the freak shows (meaning the cult) isn't the wealthiest anymore, instead, the "lazy trouble makers" (pa 49 smac manual) is.
CEO Walt, having trouble eh?
March 22, 2001, 10:10
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Of all the factors I would put the least emphasis on "wealth". You can go from first to last with a single rush-build.
Oh and walt- "former junkie" ROTFLMAO. I will assume you mean "former" in the game sense of a tractor and not in the sense of "previous" LOL although some of those parties at Drone Central get pretty wild. party on and pass the soma.
Foreman cbn met with the treasurer of the Workers Savings fund.
" Can you explain the sudden outflows of cash? We had stockpiled many credits and I am concerned that the workers pension funds are being taken for other purposes"
" Honored foreman, It is true that I have used my powers to borrow against the pension fund. We used the credits to invest in the former building drive. Our projections show that the added production of our factories will yield a 33% return on investment. The credits are quite secure and the trickle down effect of the added industrial activity will provide an economic boost. I have some graphs here showing the regreesion tendencies of the multivar-"
"-- No NO thats quite all right. So what you are saying is that we can use up credits now to build things now and that the benefits are such that we would get a boost in credits and production so that we are further ahead in the future"
" yes foreman. It is a long-standing theory that was best explained by the great Vel in his papers on Turn Advantage. It is now widely accepted by most economists"
" Can I rush any item I want, training of a new military squad, anw building or a Secret Project"
" Yes foreman, anything. Although it is quite expensive to rush a secret Project, it is possible. However I advise that there are better ways to spend the money. In fact I advise that you consider -- . . . "
" --Thanks. Thats all I need for now . You have given me much to ponder"
[This message has been edited by cbn (edited March 22, 2001).]
March 22, 2001, 10:13
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sorry --Double post
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March 22, 2001, 11:28
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2123 to cbn.
CEO Walt listened dispassionately to the report of his Senior V.P of Operations.
"So, to summarize, it seems that our researchers have plateaued. They're primarily pursuing communications technology that would allow us to link up our various bases in a pure democratic forum, while also allowing us to free up some resources now being used to monitor production distribution.
"But the early technology trades with the Spartans opened up so many avenues, that the research is no longer as directed as it once was, and its pace is lagging behind: basically, all the brains are working on different problems."
CEO Walt knew there was no point in forcing his researchers: they would work on what they wanted to work on. But there were ways to provide incentives.
"Alright," he said, "slash the research budgets. Tell Croesus over in Finance that he has the go-ahead on the capital development plan, and tell Scott in Engineering that his ten-year plan for the recycling tanks is approved...only, he better have results in five...
"Tell Media to play up the 'unity of purpose' of the Engineering and Finance groups. I want to hear on every news report how they embody the spirit of the original Unity mission, and how they best exemplify the Morganite pursuit of the original mission goals.
"We'll see if we can't shock the eggheads into giving their all for the team..."
The finance picture did indeed look bleak, but he'd overseen enough start-ups in his venture capital days to know that the lack of cash was just a sign of rapid growth. The latest colony pod would roll of the line by the end of the year, as would the latest fleet of formers, and by the end of the decade four bases would be building the capitalist dream that he knew would bring freedom and prosperity to all willing to work for it here on Planet.
"Rachel! Another coffee! Black! And get me Santiago on the Red Phone!"
March 22, 2001, 11:59
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ignore this.
[This message has been edited by knowhow2 (edited March 22, 2001).]
March 22, 2001, 12:00
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Originally posted by cbn on 03-22-2001 09:10 AM
Of all the factors I would put the least emphasis on "wealth". You can go from first to last with a single rush-build.
you should be glad over all those little things in life, such as actually BEING ON the list over "most poweful" faction (well who's who anyway). I use to be on one of those, now, not so much.
"so do you really know what the prophet means when he wants us to worship the planet voice? I mean, the order was to build a rec tank. What does that have to do with listen to the vocie?"
said on a coffee break by someone
March 22, 2001, 21:19
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Guys, I'll be gone between now and Saturday night (Pacific time), so I won't be able to play my turn until then.
I also won't be here next week from Wednesday night (March 28) to Sunday night (April 1), so the game will have to be suspended during that time as well.
My apologies. There probably won't be any more interruptions on my part after that.
March 23, 2001, 08:48
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Thanks for the heads up and no apologies necessary. Real life will intrude from time to time if we are playing games for months. I know that I will be unavailable for 3-4 days in late April (around the 25th). I will post the exact dates for all your info closer to my departure time.
March 25, 2001, 05:05
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Back from my first abscence, and I still don't see year 2124 yet. Has something gone wrong? Seems like Walt was the last guy who completed year 2123, and we're waiting on cbn.
March 25, 2001, 07:15
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Turn 2123 done and 2124 on its way to the cult
March 25, 2001, 15:29
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turn 2124 to tench
March 25, 2001, 16:43
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Year 2124 to Walt.
"Another scout patrol encountered a boil of mindworms just off the northern settlements. We tried to make telepathic contact with the worms, just as Lindley had accomplished a few years back. Unfortunately several members of the patrol succumbed to the nightmarish psychic attack of the worms, and the rest were forced to activate their flamethrowers and exterminate the boil.
"The dead husks that once belonged to the mindworms we just killed contained deposits of rare elements that have now become known as Planetpearls. These Planetpearls can be directly converted into energy for our stores. Because our energy reserves are dangerously low, we went ahead and plundered the worm husks for the Planetpearls they offered. Yet I feel very guilty doing this, because we are profiting from the death of a lifeform that only sought to defend itself.
"At least we too only sought to defend ourselves. Or do we even have that right in the first place, considering we are the intruders and the mindworms are the natives?"
March 25, 2001, 23:21
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2124 to cbn.
March 25, 2001, 23:48
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2124 done and on to the cult-- 2125 dawns
March 26, 2001, 01:45
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turn 2125 to tench
"a general who became a slave, a slave who became a gladiator, a gladiator that defied an emperor"
taken from a oscar winning film
edt not sure about the exact words, I welcoma any corrections that might appears when needed.
[This message has been edited by knowhow2 (edited March 26, 2001).]
March 26, 2001, 04:18
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Year 2125 to Walt.
March 26, 2001, 11:53
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2125 to cbn.
March 26, 2001, 22:31
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Turn 2125 done and 2126 to the Cult
"Foreman, Foreman !!! Great news !! Our production manager has announced that a secret project known as the Weather Paradigm will be completed in 2126. Come quick and see the unveiling"
And so it was that the news passed throughout the world that the first of the secret projects was to be completed by the Drones in 2126
March 27, 2001, 10:54
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turn 2126 to tench
"The world just expand beyond the sea."
head of research deparment
March 27, 2001, 14:24
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Year 2126 to Walt.
March 28, 2001, 07:19
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2126 to cbn.
March 28, 2001, 21:49
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2126 is done -- 2127 to the cult
Drone News
Today foreman cbn unveiled the Weather Paradigm before a crowd of 10,000 cheering drones. he announced that this amazing invention will double former productivity. With this inititive the foreman announced that the drones high productivity will enable the govenment to improve working conditions throughout the empire.
March 29, 2001, 04:29
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Accoding to an earlier message, tench won't be around until sunday so I, despite receiving the turn right now, am gonna take it slower than I use to. I do get like FOUR days to do my turn so.
March 29, 2001, 09:16
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Congrats again to cbn on the Weather Paradigm!
I, too, will be gone until Sunday evening, so I'll share tenchusatsu's responsiblity for the delay. Into every game a little real life must fall... :-)
Enjoy the time off guys. Since all of you have expressed interest in a tcp/ip game, is there any interest in speeding this game along by that means (assuming we can perform the requisite organizational miracle)?
Is that even permitted under the rules of the tourney?
March 29, 2001, 09:44
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turn 2127 to tench
just so we're all on the same page here, I wasn't blaming anyone just a simple comment to why I took it a little bit slower with this turn than I normally would.
I also would like to congrat The Drones, but not for their first SP, instead for leaving the last position on the faction chart.
I raise my hands for a tcp/ip game if we're allowed to do it. Although we're closing to stages were a turn can take some time to finish (well not for me, but perhaps for you guys - not that I am better player, just that I don't have that much room to move around .... ), I think we could race through 15-20 turns in a few hours.
March 29, 2001, 14:34
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Foreman thanks the other world leaders for their congratulations but must credit the dedicated workers in our factories
I am all for something that allows us to get through these early turns. I am still playing each turn on this game in a couple of minutes . Having little technology kind of limits your options (Will I build a former or a scout??LOL).
I'm assuming that I will have to get an ICQ account ( not a problem to do) and that we would have to find a mutually agreeable time to "meet". Then do we just play our turn and pass it or is it a more interactive setting? is it periods of playing interspersed with periods of waiting about??
I know that timezones (stretching across 8 or 9 hours) and work schedules will eliminate a good chunk of the week. If we decide to do this and start picking times, I suggest that we all use a single timezone ( ie Apolyton server time) when referencing times. Perhaps if we all want to do this we should just each email each other with our unavailable times and see if there is ANY time when we could possibly get together.
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