July 28, 1999, 22:15
Local Time: 23:17
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Posts: 89
Tales From The (Still) Diplomatic Front II
100 posts was taking me a week to load up so I thought we had beat the dead horse enough to get a new thread.
Just is case we pick up new players (as often has been the case)
Diplo II Multiplayer game is regularly scheduled at 2pm Eastern DST.
Diplomatic= no bloodlust= everyone has to figure out solutions to problems so we all will live to see someone reach Alpha-C
War= someone is going to lose and someone is going to lose more  , but it will end.
No Points= we don't play for point competition only for the hellof it.
We play Large World Map with Random starting points for 7 humans, at Diety level, 1X Prod 1X move.
This thread is where we tell the tales of our fun as accurately and/or theatrically as we dare. Enjoy.....
July 28, 1999, 22:30
Local Time: 23:17
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Location: Pensacola, Fl. USA
Posts: 89
Japanese Trade Federation Daily Post 1400 AD
Shortly after making a lasting peace with the JTF, the Croats, in the throws of anarchy, broke the peace treaty before the ink even had a chance to dry. Early reports from the front in South America tell of a cunning bribery attempt by a well placed Croat spy. The spy was successful in bribing the musketeer garrison into giving up the northern fortress at Hakodate. It is not known for how much money these traitors were swayed, but Field Marshall Koto declared in a statement today “these vile traitors shall be dealt with in due time.”
After the initial bribery attack by Croat forces north of Hakodate, it was learned that English forces, those that had captured the Croat city in Amazonia, were also persuaded to join in the Croat anarchy. These traitors to England then were used to knock again on the doorsteps of a JTF city. The city of Nagasaki, still recovering its reputation from the blown Chinese espionage scandal, was not persuaded by the new Croat spy. Again the city of Nagasaki was prepared for foreign intrigue as the local diplomat thus persuaded the former English diplomat the error of his ways and quickly taught him JTF communist doctrine. Turned, the Diplomat returned to the Amazonian city on a quest for justice. He was confronted down river by a Dragoon Brigade of his former English comrades. Acting quickly, he told favorable stories of the JTF government and promised them riches if they helped him on his quest. Thus, turned from the Croat anarchy, they returned to destroy once and for all the Croat city plaguing the upper Amazon.
Chairman Grau returned from a week long visit to the surrounding cities and promptly fired his Minister of Defense, Comrade Yamato. Despite the apparent turn around success in the War in South America recently, the Chairman discovered the reason why the JTF was surprise attacked by Croat forces. Apparently just before the previous peace treaty with Croatia was signed, the Minister of Defense, who was in charge of handling the retaliations for Mr. AI’s Croat attacks made an arms deal with the English. In this deal the heavily armed English provided an undisclosed number of units to the JTF Expeditionary Forces. These units were loaded onto the fastest JTF ship for insertion into the South American conflict. Fortunately, as they reached the coast, peace was established between Croatia and the JTF. However, war suddenly broke out between the Croats and the English. English forces in South America, once nuetral to the South American Conflict, were now heavily involved in it. As the former English forces were unloaded from their JTF transport, Yamato was approached by the English Defense Minister who promptly asked for them back. Yamato did not give proper instructions to the Expeditionary Force’s General, who stupidly gave the command for all Englishmen to take up their own banner in full view of the Croat garrison at Cempoala. The Croat garrison commander thus reported his sightings back to the capital, where Mr. SmartFart in a fit of rage told his Foreign Minister to break all relations with the JTF. It is also rumored that Mr. SmartFart burned the newly signed peace treaty in front of JTF Ambassador Gota. This can not be confirmed for the Ambassador and his staff have been detained in Croatia pending the outcome of the war. Former Minister Yamato will be beheaded in King Richard’s Square tomorrow.
Yesterday, Chairman Grau instructed Comrade Toga of the Ministry of Imports and Exports to cease all trade with Croatia. All JTF Caravans are being recalled or redirected in response. The new Minister of Defense Diahatsu has been instructed to sieze all foreign caravans breaking the embargo; either redirecting them or destroying those who do not comply.
In response to the renewed conflict with Croatia, the Home Minister, has declared rationing on all major goods, including foodstuffs, metals, rubber, lumber, spices and coal. All caravans that have not left the mainland by tomorrow will be detained and redirected to fullfill military needs. Caravans and merchants will now be registered at the Ministry of Defense, likewise all foreign merchants and caravans will need special permits to enter JTF lands and must be accompanied by a military escort. Multiple caravans will not be allowed to travel together in order to save money.
All Males between the ages of 18 and 38 are advised to go directly to their local Ministry of Defense to register for the predicted military draft. Losses of a majority of the JTF workforce is expected due to the predicted military draft and will need replacing. Therefore, all females over the age of 16 and males over 38 are advised to go directly to the Home Ministry to register for Labor Replacement Squads. More details on the squads will be available at the Home Ministry. Invalids and the elderly over 50 years of age (JTF life expectancy currently 58) need not register, but are expected do their part.
Labor forces of all kinds are being retooled towards war. Cloth is in high demand in Edo and Matsuyama where the JTF military uniform production shops are located. All citizens are asked to send all spare cloth to these two centers for the uniform production drive. The Nagoya’s Dye Works is also experiencing a shortage created by the heavy demand for new uniform production. The Dye Works manager remarked “We are running out of JTF Green, the demand is up 200% from clothing manufacturers and 300% from everyday citizens wishing to show their JTF pride. However, we still have lots of Yellow dye sitting around and getting in the way of shipments of Green, perhaps Chairman Grau could lift the embargo and we could send it to those yellow Croats”
*Quotes do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or this newspaper*
July 31, 1999, 02:24
Local Time: 23:17
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Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
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(purposely leaked)...
<<<< Top Secret >>>> internal memo
From: Viking Chief of Staff, Eric E.Ericssen
To: Presdent Milo
Subject: excessive yakking
Sir, IMHO, Comade GG of the "JTF" doeth talkth too much.
Damn man, as a potential ally this guy exhibits some of the symptoms of the "piles-of-paper" style communism that brought down all those type governments on planet earth.
I am concern that he may be an all-talk-&-no action kinda guy?
15-page paralysis-by-analysis briefing on the pro's & con's of this, & other leaders', traits, habits, & mistresses' names & phone #'s (I mite bring your attention to the 1 little seductress that they ALL seem to be spending a lot of time with; a certain "CivII MP"... I am rather concerned, isn't that the same 1 U have been seeing lately?)
PS: Sir, it is your staff's deepest hope that these world leaders are able to arrive at today's session an hour earlier than the regularly scheduled 17:00GMT summit.
We have some concerns re: that exact point at which the saved versions of history ended & thus which should begin the next session. We note by the date of Comade GG's latest rambling, er, notice... 1400AD rather than CapTVK's 1420AD version, is the time we believe also to be correct.
This is a relatively minor matter. However, since the world has erupted into war on several continents & with most of these fools, oops, leaders being a bit touchy at this point in history this should be resolved. Hopely, the great leader of the Sioux, Colon will be back in his rightful place during the upcoming decades as we need our ally's enlightened leadership.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited July 31, 1999).]</font>
July 31, 1999, 07:37
Local Time: 01:17
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Posts: 1,658
me betrayed you?
is that a joke?
please limit your comments only to correct statements. otherwise,all this have no sense.
what will happen if all of us starting to accuse someone for something he didn't commited at all? think about it.
July 31, 1999, 11:02
Local Time: 23:17
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Open Letter to this world's (current)2 most powerful leaders:
There seems to be much confusion regarding who did what to whom & especially, where.
From what I can gather, the problems started & where made worse by the in & out of power of the AI dynasty in Aztec-land.
It is interesting to note that no matter how enlightened you have managed your country King(?) SF, by selecting an aggressive, militarist race of people to rule; in your absence, your civ reverts back to its native tendencies. This is something that we all should consider (or perhaps some of us did?) in the initial selection of which race we rule in long contests with many human rulers. Since there will be inevitable temporary periods of rule by the "native" rulers.
Not withstanding the fact that they are not the #1 power, the Sioux & the Chinese civ's have not started conflicts & made aggressive moves toward their neighbors under the rule of their "native" rulers. On the other hand, your natives even declared war on us Vikings & they have not even met us + we are on the other side of the world with absolutely no contact!! :0
Another point I feel we ALL must address & is a part of your immediate situ; is that of swapping units & also wonders. All rulers should post/present their thots here regarding important points.
The Viking & President Milo's position is:
It IS realistic that allies can & do share/assign units to be used & commanded by other than their country of origin.
It is also realisitic & historically accurate that extrordinary developements are, can be, & have been shared amoung allies.
What IS NOT, CAN NOT, & HAS NEVER BEEN done is to have the SAME unit or wonder be used by 2 different civ's during the same time period.
Therefore, it is our position that 2 limitations be placed on these acts of "sharing" that will avoid confusion & more importantly, minimize the distorting & unrealistic effect of these double-use tricks:
1 > only civ's in FULL alliance can swap units & wonders.
2 > the same unit or wonder (to the extent possible, given turn sequences & game programming) can not be used twice in any 1 turn.
This will require a certain amount of "honor system" but we feel it can & must be accomplished even if it slows turns due to timing the swap properly.
Example; if a unit is to be swapped, it should NOT be moved a 2nd time & perhaps shouldn't even "given" until AFTER the receiving civ's turn is completed.
Same with wonders. As the recipent of a recent "gift"(i paid for don't worry), i was surprised that it's effects were IMMEDIATE altho I didn't anticipate they would go into effect until MY civ's turn. That being the case, if the original owner had benefited from it during his turn, my civ should not been allowed to accept the "gift" until AFTER my turn.
Hard but only fair way to do.
We are NOT in favor of barring these swaps altogether as has been done elsewhere. Besides in this world, the genie is already out of the bottle on both of these tactics.
Your thots, Honorable Leaders of this world... & even those of the "non-aligned/non-involved" civ leaders that may be following this fascinating contest.
That is all. CYA @ 16:00 GMT ? No later than 17:00. 
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited July 31, 1999).]</font>
July 31, 1999, 11:40
Local Time: 01:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 1,658
oh please.....how can i be responsible for something what ai did in my absence?
japanese sunked my ship by sneak-attack 2-3 sessions ago. did i bribed any japanese city in gg's absence? no. there's something we call 'fair play' here. i thot we established some internal rules before our very 1st session (about no cheating of any type,all of them listed in some old thread started by ming). i thot wrong. now i am going to be as mean as i can be. do you know why i choosed to not to build SoL? because i thot we agreed to not to swich wonders.
japanese gave 2 dragoons in south america to english just to destroy my city. come on...this isn't some limited battle about rome. this is full unprovoked attack against me on several fronts.
all of you are witnesses when japanese promised that englander will be only japanese city in british isles - he build another one and cede it to russians.
all of you are witnesses when japanese recognised madagaskar as a part of my empire - he builded city there.
all of you are witnesses when we made peace after i returned - he moved 2 dragoons into my city radius,then waited for me to finish my turn and gave dragoons to english.
and now hes talking about me attacked him,before the ink on our peace threaty dried off.
of course that pissed me off. that's a lie. lies always pissed me off.
and after all these crimes japanese commited against me i had no choice than fight back.
and i will assure him i am capable to do more damage to him than he can do to me.
August 1, 1999, 16:02
Local Time: 23:17
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The Ministry of Defense announced today that the Japanese Home Forces in South America have succeeded in routing the Croatian’s from the continent. General Daihatsu’s report on the conflit in South America arrived in the capital today. Upon receiving the report, Chairman Grau was heard to remark, “We are pleased by the brilliant strategy of General Daihatsu and will direct him to guarantee the safety of the 40,000 Croatian civilians left on the continent.” Our correspondent in Nagasaki reported that following the destruction of the Croat stronghold in Amazonia, the city of Cempoala was persuaded to join the Japanese Trade Federation. That same year the traitorious musketeer brigade occuping the Hakodate north fortress was besieged and ousted from the fort . The Croatian spy, that had turned the garrison, was beheaded for acts of espionage against the JTF. However, later that year, that retaken fortress was unable to prevent Croatian forces from skirting around the fort in order to occupy Omi. Fortunately, General Daihatsu’s three pronged counter offensive yesterday was able to completely rout the entire Croatian force remaining. The city of Omi was retaken, but at the loss of one JTF musketeer brigade. These are the only reported losses for the JTF in this conflict. The remaining Croatian cities of Chalco and Chiconautla were also taken after minor battles and heavy Croatian casualties.
It has been dubbed the Battle of Englander; the 210,000 citizens of Englander, have been besieged by what has been called Croat Diplo Bombs. “These saboteurs have wreaked havoc in our city,” one Englander described. “We have lost much to these bombers, but we shall hold our ground.” The JTF strategists have become wary over the unconventional warfare strategy waged, by the Croatians. “What they do seems to defy all wisdom of warfare,” Englander Home Force General Ito responded. “The South American campaign was easy, cannon batteries blasted musketeer garrisons and dragoon brigades rode in to clean up. This situation will require new strategy, but we will improvise and prevail.”
JTF merchants have stepped up trade to meet the growing demands of war. Merchants have done their best to prevent shortages in goods from occuring all over the Federation. Revenue generated from these new routes have helped fund the anti-bribery campaign. “Bribery has been rampant ever since this conflict ensued, warfare has never been so boring” Chairman Grau refected recently in his national address. “Future civilizations must consider limiting the ultimate power that one man could have.” (i.e. Civilization 3!!)
August 2, 1999, 10:05
Local Time: 23:17
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The New English Times: issue 5
In a succesfull three pronged land/naval attack Japanese forces quickly seize Aztec colonies near the coast. The rapid speed by which the JTF forces moved took the Aztecs totally by surprise. After the loss of their major harbour (Cempola) up north the Aztec(Croatian) forces launched their own offensive by bribing the garrison at Omi. After their succesfull surprise raid the Aztecs were content to sit things out and started to dig themselves in. That the JTF forces would be able to mobilize their forces so quickly even surprised our English military observer in SA. "They simply walked over them, they've been caught with their guard down!" and "that Japanese general deserves a medal for this!" were some of the memorable phrases he uttered.
Our reporter in Chalco observed how remaining Aztecs forces made a mad dash for the last ship as JTF dragoons were ready to enter the city. One battle doesn't win the war however, the siege of Englander and the war in southern Europe still continue...
The battle for Istanbul comes to an end as English forces finally remove the last vestige of Aztec power in Turkey. The battle was fought as hard on the ground as it was fought on the sea. Observers have noted that the Aztecs seems to prefer a more covert form of warfare than a fight in the open: 'bribing and sabotage by enemy agents' seems to be their game. Both land and sea units were captured this way, but their strategy didn't help them in the end. English dragoons finally destroyed the artillery units that the Aztec's had bribed near Istanbul and the remainder of their fleet was destroyed by English naval forces. The Aztecs will be hardpressed to enter the Mediterranean now...
news from the front
Aztec forces fail to oust English troops
Once again an offensive by the Aztecs with artillery support on English positions in the Pyrenees has failed. Although our troops were under pressure, they stood their ground. The successful defense, lead our present leader CapTVK to quote : "When the chips are down you can always count on English soldier to pull trough"...
JTF have entered the Mediterranean
The first japanese ironclad to arrive doesn't have to wait long for action, it quickly destroyed a ship near Istanbul. This also marks the first naval contact with Aztec forces since the war started. It won't be the first contact for long as other JTF forces are steaming up the Suez canal.
In other news
Markets are up as war continues
Some say that in war there are only losers and no winners. But that doesn't count for
traders! Business and industry is booming everywhere as banks and marketplaces open up to fund the war effort. "Trade has been up 25% since the war started and going still strong!" mentioned a happy banker in Hastings. He has his reasons to be happy as Hastings has become a hotspot for caravans all around the world.
Cartographers meet in London
Surveyors and cartographers from all around the world meet in London for the very first
time. The plan is to make a world catalogue of every map in existence and publish them (The NET has already acquired the rights). Mapmaking has been done a for a long time but the fact that mapmakers are ready to publish their own creations is quite unique. Another plan is to make a map that shows how civilizations have changed through the ages. Our reporter has already seen some of the maps and he's been quite impressed by the work. The English times hopes to publish these maps soon so that the rest of the
public will gain a better geopolitical insight in worldaffairs.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited August 02, 1999).]</font>
August 3, 1999, 11:38
Local Time: 23:17
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Posts: 388
Moscow Mule,3rd August.
In times of drastic world change the fine Russian Democracy has been forced to take a back seat and merely observe the increasing world tension and violence.
The Russian leader Pastieman II was recently caught sleeping as the underworld conspirator and sometime ruler of every civ, the AI, sneaked a decade of control whilst Pastieman struggled with his technology.
Having hardly any game time, very little was achieved apart from a misdirected caravan and a couple of tech acquisitions.
Pasti II is hoping for a more fufilling experience next time, hoping to send aid to war torn allies who's struggle to contain the 'yellow peril' is so far going well.
Cigars and Champagne have been sent to minister Grau Geist of the JTF and his generals in recognition of his efforts to maintain a new world order, and similar gifts and congratulations are winging themselves toward the fearless strategician CapTVK. Aid is still being sent, and will continue to do so after negotiations with SF failed this week.
After a request for a cease of hostilities by Pasti II to SF, a summit was held between the two leaders to reach a compromise. From the start however the Aztecs demands were unacceptably high, asking for the loan of a key city and respected inventor Leonardo DaVinci's services in trust, when none exists between the two nations. No concessions were offered by Pasti II whose argument for a cease-fire was based skillfully around the Aztecs ability to maintain a war effort on so many borders. His rejection of this proposal was followed by heavy losses, most notably in S.America where his nation suffered a complete 'ethnic cleanse' and was banished from the continent. The Russian select commitee still holds to it's belief that the Aztecs cannot fight all these civs at once, but the door of peace is closing and patience is all but exhausted.
Without a single unit lost, the brave Russian army continues to be one of the most modern and well equipped despite it's apparent small size. General Mattovskii of the Kraigugawa defence unit was quoted saying "The Russian army may be small, but it is perfectly formed. Our great engineer and inventor Leonardo DaVinci is keeping our units state of the art, and it is this that prevents our enemies from striking. Fear of an army so great it is yet to cede a single unit in open warfare is our greatest defence".
A rebel barbarian leader was captured outside Yakust recently, after two ill informed dragoons made a fruitless strike on the city and a garrison of riflemen fortified outside. He was ransomed for 150 gold and after days of interrogation he was found not to be a spy and released back to his rebel base, limping and with one eye badly swollen.
A caravan made a wrong turn and ended up delivering Gold from Sevastapol to Nagoya, despite been dispatched to Edo, where gold is desperatly needed by the Japenese Mr.T fanclub. Secretary of trade and industry Vlad the Importer has been sacked following a loss in much needed revenue and trade bonuses.
Elsewhere caravans heading for Viking territory are on voyage but apparently taking an age to deliver luxury goods to the Merchant Prince Milo's people. There are hopes for long term allies the English to sign a trade pact with the Russian import/export agency, and negotiations and units are well under way.
August 3, 1999, 19:56
Local Time: 01:17
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My deepest apologies for my absence Saturday, I'm not usre what happened, but for 3 days I was simply unable to go online.
It seems that I yet again missed a lot and I'm afraid I'll be missing more because I won't be available next Saturday, I'll try to find a replacement. (if anyone else has one please notify)
August 4, 1999, 15:43
Local Time: 23:17
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The New English Times: issue 5 extra edition
As promised an overview of the world as we know it. Some people say a picture says more that a 1000 words. In this case it's true, this animated gif shows how the situation changed from 1380 till now (1460).
Note: This thread isn't really supposed for placing images (although I made it as small as possible). So'll replace it on a later date with a link....
Image removed to speed up loading times of this thread but you can still view the images on:
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited September 03, 1999).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited November 24, 1999).]</font>
August 7, 1999, 04:30
Local Time: 18:17
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Location: st cloud USA
Posts: 2,808
I will be out of town this Saturday. That's a lot of missing players. Might want to lock up the saved game files until we get a replacement for SF that he finds acceptable.
August 8, 1999, 11:26
Local Time: 23:17
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Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
Posts: 471
Equipment delays cause late publishing of the Viking Sentinel. But for the late news from down under...
Unfortunately a short session that saw much action in the war department + the rapid development of our northern cities & our heretofore weak military.
As openly & repeatedly warned here & thru direct diplomatic chats, the Viking leadership had to take action to contain the aggressive southward expansion of the Chinese empire. The city they so brazenly estalished adjacent to our north frontier was taken through the combined arms of our new ally, the most honorable & generous JTF, led by the masterful dynasty of now comrade GG!! The JTF navy "softened up" the city by eliminating the ragtag musketer the Chinese had stationed there. Then our newly improved (thanks to our fine friends from the other side of the the glode, the Russian Pastie dynasty)dragoons blew away the diplomat they had there {hm-m-m, wonder why) & marched victoriously into take control the this area which is reasonably the Vikings to develop... NOT the Chinese & their big backer, the Aztec/Croats.
It remains to be seen whether the real Chinese, Geronimo, will come back to control himself & his peoples to avoid futher bloodshed in this region he & his aggressive ally & AI second-in-command.
Unfortunately, our senate did not agree with President Milo's thoughtful rejection of the mindless Chinese AI's offer for peace.
Milo is quoted as saying "These politicians simply do NOT understand the importance of keeping the military options open with regard to the manifest destiny of our northern regions' development!"
Thus our government & economy are temporarily in a state of flux, that may necessitate a new form in the coming years.
Trade in gold & tech's fourished during this time of rapid military build up to the benifit of our most grateful populous & the excellent allies of the Russian & Japanese civ. We were able to do several mutually benifical deals & are all the better for them!
We again had only brief contact with the brilliant leader, CapTV of the gutsy Engish.
And we do SORELY miss the enlightened leadership of our 1st & favorite ally, Consul Colon of the Great Sioux civ. We ahve read of his communications difficulties & we earnstly hope these are worked out & that he can come to power once again. For these are times that try men's (game)souls!
Editor's Note: We are amazed & MOST impressed by the English press' map-projecting abilities. Most excellent & accurate! We thank you for your hard work & ingenuity.
To the Staff: Did U slobs see what that English rag published, now U either get with-it technologically, or we will find some publishers that can!! Do i make myself clear!? English, of all people! Hurphf!
August 13, 1999, 16:23
Local Time: 23:17
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Location: Voorburg, the Netherlands, Europe
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English World Review: Nr.1
The English Ministery of Foreign Affairs
This is the current strength in 1460: - Russians (16 cities) Pasti2 Size: Medium
- Japanese (22) GrauGeist Size: Large
- Vikings (11) Kenthur Size: Small
- Aztecs (22) *open* Size: Large
- Chinese (17) Geronimo Size: Medium
- English (11) CapTVK Size: Small
- Sioux (15) Colon Size: Medium
The Aztecs are still at a loss by the sudden departure of their leader SmartFart. Will someone be able to take his place?  Time will tell...
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited August 13, 1999).]</font>
August 14, 1999, 06:55
Local Time: 18:17
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Posts: 2,808
Ok I see you've been taking my cities while my civ was under AI control. After so many sessions under AI control I was ready to quit this game a loooonng time ago, but I kept at it because I thought I owed it to SF. However I did not like the idea of previously agreed and recognized borders being arbitrarily altered in my absence and then dealing with indignation when I try to assert control over a small corner of the stolen territory. This was supposed to be a 'diplomatic game' right? well I don't think it is usual foreign policy for borders to get changed without completing a replacement formal agreement. There really never was a shred of justification given for unilaterally changing these borders. Instead i was just lamely informed that it had to be done to keep the japanese from doing it instead. It just baffles me that nobody seemed to have any problem with the vikings just up and settling all over my territory and making border adjustments and attacking my civ when I was absent. But if i build a city 6 squares from my capitol in land that was formally agreed by all involved parties to have belonged to me and to which I *never* relinquished my claims and which did not overlap with any viking city, I find everybody pretending that this is somehow hostile and provacative. What a crock. Anyway I don't think I'll miss this game so much, given the curse of technical difficulties that plagued me in it from the get-go. I'm actually a little grateful to SF for letting me off the hook. I may accept substitution duty later if it is requested, but only if I am reasonably sure my connection will be working well and if I am given a chance to learn what the precisely what the diplomatic situation is with any civ I sub for. Anyway, the game wasn't all that bad. Not all the way through at least, and quitting formal commitment now is probably a good way for me to avoid harboring any ill-feelings. Look at the bright side, the Chinese were an AI controlled civ when I joined so I kept it in human player control for a few sessions that would have otherwise been one long uninterupted AI reign.
August 14, 1999, 14:06
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Location: Pensacola, Fl. USA
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Matt we shall certainly keep you on the list, we enjoyed having you play as well. I hope you can take some constructive criticism though: TALK TO PEOPLE
Not just your ally, but people who are your enemies as well. Cap said he never heard a peep from you. I barely heard a peep from you and I was right off your coastline!
I'm sure SF appreciates your effort, but it was your job in a diplomatic game to convince SF that he was on a sinking ship, and convince him to make peace. In your position you could do that or even convince one of my allies to turn sides! that is what the diplomatic game is about. Not threatening to turn the game into bloodlust
as for your loss of territory, Milo accomplished that with a master stroke of reasoning and diplomacy. convincing the world that it was necessary
I'm not the expert at all on diplomatic games, since this is my first one as with everyone else. But this is how I saw things
look forward to playing with you again GG
August 14, 1999, 19:36
Local Time: 18:17
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'master strokes of reasoning and diplomacy' are easy when the other person isn't there.
August 15, 1999, 08:02
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Location: Voorburg, the Netherlands, Europe
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The New English Times: issue 6 (early edition)
English, Russian, JTF, Viking and Aztec representatives sign a peace treaty in the warn torn city of Rome. Thereby ending a war of global proportions that almost lasted two centuries. Under tense negotiations with the Vikings working as intermediaries between the parties a deal was finally reached.
Diplomatic meetings were already underway: a cease fire between the Russians and Aztecs was already agreed before the English negotiations had started. This greatly speeded up talks between the English and
Aztecs but things finally started moving after the JTF promised to return some of it's former colonies in South America.
Details about the 'Treaty of Rome' and more news to follow in the normal edition of the New English Times
August 15, 1999, 08:42
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Flash Bulletin via M.Polo's Viking Embassey Network:
Direct printout off the diplomatic chat system(note "To:" = message from your leader, Master Milo) ...
To President Pastie II, Comrade Graugawa, President Montezumas Revenge, Lord Protector CapTVK (A.D. 1480): K! Wish they were all that fast. Where we at? Is the ICQ I'm receiving the final deal? = congrat's(?) to U all !!
From President Montezumas Revenge (A.D. 1480): ok ill start with vikings
From Lord Protector CapTVK (A.D. 1480): Congrats to all, we should name this treaty...any names in particular?
From Comrade Graugawa (A.D. 1480): Treaty of Rome
From Comrade Graugawa (A.D. 1480): that is where it all started
From President Pastie II (A.D. 1480): How about the Pasti Peace Pact, No vanity in that!
From Lord Protector CapTVK (A.D. 1480): Treaty of rome sounds good and there it will end too
From Comrade Graugawa (A.D. 1480): good meeting place geographically as well
From President Pastie II (A.D. 1480): Ok, Treaty of Rome, 1480AD.
From President Pastie II (A.D. 1480): Let peace bless our lands for evermore.
To President Pastie II, President Montezumas Revenge, Lord Protector CapTVK (A.D. 1480): Hail to the Signatours of the Treaty of Rome, that city that has been racked by warfare for the last 3 centuries!!
And this is only the tail of long, hard-fought, well-presented arguments from both sides & many factions.
What more can we add?!
Only that much credit is due the brand new Aztec dynasty & it's rather remarkable leader; Nappy. To be thrust into such a difficult situ, for which he had only a very short time to prepare, & to hang tough despite seemingly overwhelming adversity is a tribute to his abilities. And this despite, once again; seemingly no support, not even diplomatically, from the Aztec's historic "allies" the Chinese & their new human leader T-Man.
May the Nappy dynasty's rule be long & properous! (you WILL keep this leader on your watch-lists & code networks)
That is all.
Note to Spin Staff: we ARE back to a democracy now & your President WAS nominated for the Peace Prize... need I say more?  Other than...
SQUASH any further remarks re: our continuing border clashes with those damn Chinese. 1 such comment reminding those monitoring the celebration cost me the award!  You get my drift!?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited August 15, 1999).]</font>
August 15, 1999, 18:35
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The turn of the new millenia has seen a new hope for peace in the world. The long standing war has ended after hard fought peace negotiations between the Russian, JTF and English alliance with the Aztecs came to a succesful close.
President Pastie II was first to reach a cease fire agreement in return for an important tech advance and a ceasation of all naval movements near Russian land by the new Aztec leader Nappy. Press officer Boris Punchyeredov released this statement. "The war was not going to benefit anyone in the long run, as the English with our support would almost certainly have wiped out more Aztecs cities than the peace negotiations ceded to them. The wisened new leader Nappy fought a hard negotiation, and has won the respect of other nations in his efforts. Our quick cease fire speeded up the process and our UK citizens need not fear naval bombardments in the future".
Our editor would like to congratulate Cap TVK in his succeful defence of his civ and hopes to see our great allies become one of the dominant world forces now Aztec oppresion has finally been defeatd.
Praise also goes to Pres.Grau Geist for his continued support of the English and Russian empires in their time of need. It is pleasing to behold the new powergraph with the JTF now being the dominant world force.
Viking leader Milo has been awarded the Honourary Citizens Cross by the Russian cabinet after his Nobel peace prize was refused due to his war with China. His efforts are greatly appreciated worldwide, and his continued neutrality holds him in high regard for future disputes.
The trade sanctions with the Aztecs has now at last been lifted, and a boom in vodka sales is expected.
Continued trade with the English earned our mighty nation 350+ gold to our treasury, and the trade arrows were mutually beneficial also.
Caravans heading for Viking territory continue to make slow progress, but will hopefully arrive before the next millenium or the Vodka crisis of 1500 will no doubt cause great discontentment for the Viking populace.
The arrival of tactics has seen our great army become still stronger, and as of yet still undefeated save for the infamous traitorous mercenaries bribed by the old Aztec empire.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Superstar (edited August 24, 1999).]</font>
August 19, 1999, 16:03
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The New English Times: issue 6
The geopolitical map after the treaty was signed in 1500
This a general overview of the treaty with the conditions (and obligations) laid out for all players involved. May it help as a
guideline for further discussions and any new diplomats in the future.
The English[*] English receive Spain (Gibraltar)[*] English keep Italy and Turkey[*] English receive the Lower Caucasus (Baku)[*] The Aztecs promise not to build ships for the Mediterrean Area[*] The city of will be placed under Viking controls for the next 10
turns to act as a buffer[*] In return the English have promised not to advance further and sign a peace treaty with the Aztecs
The Russians[*] Aztecs cease naval attacks[*] Aztecs promise to reduce their fleet[*] The Russians return the city of Bordeaux to the Aztecs that was placed in their custody thanks to a assault by the English [*] Aztecs will supply technology to the Russians on a later date[*] In return the russians will call a cease fire
The JTF[*] JTF will return one of the former colonies in South America [*] Aztecs will cease diplo and naval attacks on Englander
The vikings[*] The Vikings will supervise the city of Tequixquiac in the Caspian sea for a period of 10 turns and act as a buffer between the Aztecs and English. The city is open for trade by all parties.
The Aztecs[*] The Aztecs will fulfill all the conditions set out above and cease hostile actions
While the Aztecs were waging naval bombardments on Russian colonies on
the British isles the mainland of Russia underwent a complete transformation. Thanks to strong goverment, effective planning and new scientific advancements like the railroad and industrialization Russia
has emerged as a new worldplayer. Under the leadership of pasti2 the west of North America was finally conquered and gained control over Mexico. "The momentum was already there. The war with the Aztecs only
accelerated it" mentioned the English ambassador. On the military front the Russian have modernized their army and navy but they remain small compared to other nations like the Aztecs and English or the strong JTF navy. But with increased production this handicap would quickly disappear. For now the Russians are happy the war is over and are quite contently concentrating on trade relations, the silk trade with the English has been a big payoff for them!
Mapmakers plan approved: European cities renamed
Mapmakers have their work cut out as their plan to rename cities with their original historical names is approved in parlament today. "this confusion with all those foreign unpronounceable names has always been a thorn in the eye of the mapmakers union, I'm glad they agreed to it" mentioned the chairman of the English cartographers union. People shouldn't worry about cities changing their names overnight though, only cities in southern Europe will be named to their historical counterpart, at least for now...
news from the front
Bordeaux captured and placed under Russian control
Thanks to a surprise attack by English dragoons the city of Bordeaux was taken in record time. To prevent covert actions by Aztecs insurgents the city was placed under Russian control who thanks to a better experience with administration know how to deal with diplo attacks. The city was later returned to the Aztecs as part of the "treaty of Rome" agreement.
Sioux remain restless
Although the official treaty has been signed the former allies of the Aztecs, the Sioux aren't very contend with the treaty. The strange reaction of the Sioux could be due to the take over by the mysterious leader only known as 'AI' when their former leader: 'Colon of the Sioux' disappeared. After the lower caucasus was handed over to English
forces several Sioux dragoons moved closer to Baku. Despite diplomatic contacts requesting the removal of those forces they declared war on the English.
DAWN OF A NEW AGE: The Railroad
It has gone unnoticed because of the war but finally the railroad has arrived. The railroad isn't new, traders heading towards the JTF or Russians already have seen and used railway lines between the major cities. This amazing piece technology has now reached the English nation. All over the land engineers are working on completing new tracts of rail. No cities have been connected as yet but the first cities will be connected in the next few turns. the Royal Corps of Engineers predicts that every major city will be connected by the end of this century and cause a boom in trade and productivity.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited August 19, 1999).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited November 24, 1999).]</font>
August 22, 1999, 15:44
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1560 AD
The Treaty of Rome enacted, the world was thought to be at peace. The English gained living space from the rich fields of the Aztecs, The Russians and JTF gained peace, and the peace loving, and nominated Nobel Peace Prize leader of the Vikings re-established his northern border with the Chinese. Thus the world was ready to settle into a peaceful and trade abundant realm. However, this was not to be. The most recent events have disturbed this columnist. Under the guise of territorial protection, the Viking juggernaut has absorbed more than the agreed upon border with China. Chairman Grau immediately canceled the Alliance with the Vikings lest the JTF be associated with this obvious attempt at expansion.
The JTF council considered whether or not to impose economic sanctions on the Viking Democracy, as delivered in part of Chairman Grau’s speech to the council:
“As the leading nation with global presence, the JTF is very interested in the developing situation in Northern Asia. Though we have not been great friends with the Chinese, and often been enemies, we in the Council believe that current Viking action in Northern Asia has gone beyond the protection of agreed upon borders. We expect that upon the return of a stable rule to the Chinese Republic, that the Viking state will return all territories captured beyond the Yellow River Valley. This was our original agreement in our treaty of Alliance with the Viking Ruler Milo, thus since the Vikings have failed to cease their attack beyond this point we have no other choice but to cancel the agreed alliance. If these aggressive action do not cease the JTF must consider further actions to prevent the collapse of the Chinese Nation. Sanctions will be considered....”
The JTF continued to grow in prosperity as more profitable trade routes were established with the far flung Russian nation. The heavy emphasis on strengthening the South American trade cities has kicked off to great success. Look for goods from the south of americas coming your way soon!
The JTF Council, always interested in world trade and international growth, has handed over the former Aztec colony of Sao Luis to our English Neighbors. Their blood shed in the South American Conflict will not be forgotten. Chairman Grau has also considered offering more former colonies to our English Allies, details have not been worked out. This comes with the expected hand over of Guyana, with an Aztec majority population, back to the Aztecs upon their rulers return. In addition Chairman Grau announced that vacant South American lands have always been open to settlement by who ever makes the effort. Opposition Parties to these hand overs have expressed dissent to what they call “blatant appeasement of weaker nations at the expense of Federation world domination.” However, further attempts at contacting the opposition leader has failed, for his secretary reports he has decided to take a vacation in the tropics for an unspecified period of time.
Traveler’s visiting Russian Territory were amazed to find liberated women travelling throughout their cities. Russia’s decision to grant Women’s Sufferage has had a profound effect on their society and on the world. JTF Council members are currently debating the subject of extending women’s rights in the Federation. This enlightened discussion is apparently a side effect of the JTF’s most recent important discoveries. The gaijin immigrant Charles Darwin and his team of JTF biologists recently completed their voyage to the South American territory. Their discoveries have provoked rapid developments in science and technology fields across the Federation. Our field reporters have even heard rumors of men attempting to reach the skies and fly as the birds. These reports have not been confirmed as yet. In addition, one foreign correspondant sent word of a new break through technology; The sioux are reported to have candles without flames or wax. Attempts are underway to discover how this is possible, preliminary reports show an increase in the coal demand in Sioux cities
August 24, 1999, 08:21
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MOSCOW MULE 24th August, 1560
With the great war finally over, the Russian citizens have started to look for a prolonged era of peace and prosperity. With the emphasis of our great nation concentrating on infrastructure for several years now, the rewards are beginning to show. With greater shield production and the aid of engineers to transform some of the rolling plains to much neede grassland, Russia is beginning to grow. New cities are springing up and the new Home office minister is encouraging further growth.
"We hope to be able to colonise the entire N.America within 250 years. Although this is a long period, the effort in melting ice-caps and tundra will not be an easy task."
Finally the efforts of the female population in the building of our empire has been recognised. The chauvinistic pride has been put aside by millions of Russians to allow women a greater influence in society. No longer will our absent military leave our women uselessly twiddling their thumbs and crying into their crochet, for now women are a valued section of the industrial age. All we can say to other nations is that by ignoring the female populace you will ultimatly slow down any military efforts.
The Russain empire now has the second largest number of cities, yet a recent demographic report showed us lagging 5th in overall population. However, with the growth of these new cities and our large family size, we are sure to catch up. New govt. incentives are offering families of 5 or more children cash rewards and free prams.
News arrived at Moscow today of Pres.Milo's aggresive stance over the Chinese. Although the Vikings appear to have gone further than agreed in pushing the Chinese back, they remain our allies for the time being. New Prime Minister Superstar has appealed for a cease fire and a detailed explanation of his intentions. A similar appeal has been sent to the English leader CapTVK, as his continued aggresion toward the Sioux continues. Although no love for the dishonourable Chinese and Sioux nations exist from Russia, potential new leadres will be put off if current 'living room' expansionism continues.
Our intelligence agencies have picked up alarming whisperings of discontent within certain quarters of the supposed civilised and allied nations. The cancelation of the JTF with the Vikings is disturbing news, but further whisperings of proposed action from all nations (incl. the absent Aztec govt) is stirring paranoia around the world.
Our ears are to the ground but who can we really trust? Watch this space...
With new units, the start of a navy and new cities the powergraph has seen a visible push into third place in the world. The news was greeted with 'modesty' by PM Superstar. "It is only a matter of timwe before we overtake the Aztecsa and then the JTF and Russian alliance will become the most powerful in the world. hhahahahha!"
Caravans have recently seen an improvement to their basic nomad-like camel herders, to dirty great big freight units with the arrival of the corporation. Quite how these horseless carriages work is being kept secret by our scientists, but some are suggesting that they run on clockwork.
New freight units have taken advantage of the recent opening of trade with the Aztec nation, setting up a Dye/beads trade route.
The Viking bound trade ship has also reached it's destination, with a convoy of coal being shipped to Ven from Stalingrad. The other freight units are yet to make their decision on the final destination, although their is a rumour that a wine route with Manila from the already over-traded Moscow may bring substantial monies.
New factories are being created in several cities, hopefully speeding up production further, and bringing new Banks and stock exchanges to our now now stable economy.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Superstar (edited August 24, 1999).]</font>
August 25, 1999, 17:29
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The New English Times: issue 7
Relieved troops head home as Sioux sign cease fire.
The war is now truly and finally over as the Sioux signed a cease fire in Baghdad after it was captured by English forces located in Baku. It's clear that the English have become war weary after the conflict with the Aztecs had ended. Troops were already marching home but the Sioux wanted to show their force at Baku. They gambled and lost that action with the loss of Baghdad. Nobody wanted this (short) war although the Sioux AI leadership had other ideas about that. We hope that the Sioux will find a new leader that can act more responsible towards others.
What was lost...
Now that the final shot has been fired and the last musketeer comes home it's time to ask for the bill, what did we lose and what did we gain? The ministry has released a report of the real cost of war. First we count up the shield cost for units remaining in the field and those that were lost in the campaign. the total cast for all military units amounts to: 1880 shields. We should take note that England is under military rule(fundy) and does not incur the one shield maintenance costs for every military unit. From this number we should substract the cost if there had been no war: conservative estimates (city defense and other naval vessels) put this on roughly 650 shields making for a real loss of 1230 shields in production. To put this amount in perspective: roughly equivalent to 12 turns total shield production or 2 modern WoW's!
What was gained...
Against these cost we can post gains, and gains they are! But they are small, if we add up the total shield and gold production of the gained cities we come out at: 27 shields/turn and 17gold/turns (city improvements taken into account). We can convert into shields for around 2gold/shield so the total production would be: 35 shields/turn. If those cities remained the same size it would take 35 turns before we would have paid the cost of this war! Naturally cities grow through time but even if we take average city growth into account it would still take 28 turns to post a net shield 'profit'.
And the rest...
Of course there are other gains that can't be measured in shields/gold so easily: the control of the Mediterranean area is one , the threat of an Aztec invasion which has been greatly reduced is two and finally some colonies in SA which will be excellent for trade is three. Finally there is the 'what if..?' scenario. If the Aztecs had invaded Africa (SF did threaten to take London!) there would have been far greater losses on our side in the forms of lost cities, civilians killed, units, production and gold or even total defeat...
In a final analysis...
All in all it was a victory but a hollow victory at that. As the English will have to incur the cost of this war well into the 18th century! May it serve as a warning for any leader who goes to war for economic gains...
Military planners have been busy making an assessment of the new defence policy. The focus will shift from large stationary forces to small quick moving ones like cavalry and beyond. Rumours have it that the 'possible' discovery of flight by the JTF lead to this new policy have been denied by the goverment. "After the war it was clear that new advances had made old tactics worthless". "This policy was already under review while the war was still going on". "Now we have time to implement it..." mentioned a government official.
In the policy there's also special attention for the aspects Guerrila Warfare. Should a city be captured by enemy forces, trained civilians (partisan units) will spread themselves out over the countryside and try to hamper enemy forces by sabotage and blocking important roads/railwaylines. We can only hope that it will never come to that...
In other news
Railway is introduced at record speed!
The speed by which the public has accepted the railway as a new form of transportation has even surprised the engineers working on them. Although some sceptics claimed that trains would frighten livestock and other animals and people would suffocate above speeds higher 55/mph. These critics were quickly silenced after the great northen line connecting Liverpool in Egypt and Edo(JTF) in south Africa was completed. Trade has been steadily increasing in all places connected by railways. Engineers are now certain that all cities will be connected on the African mainland by the end of this century.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited August 25, 1999).]</font>
August 26, 1999, 10:45
Local Time: 23:17
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Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
Posts: 471
The Viking Sentinel: 1500-1540AD Late Edition
Well readers, as reported in other publications, this world continues its return to peace & prosperity. Though still missing some key rulers, those present made much progress technologically & development-wise.
Business Page:
We Vikings led by our hard-working & ever-present Milo dynasty, continued advancing our world-leading city development. Along with many of the other advanced civilizations, we developed & fielded modern engineers who, now armed with the ability to tie our cities together with the wonderful advance of railroads, have rapidly done so. We look forward to completing the mission of tying our system into those of our allies the Sioux. And despite the uncooperative Chinese to our north, ultimately to the newly peaceful Aztec civ & their amazing new leader, Nappy.
Our modern well-developed homeland cities continued to welcome & handsomely reward caravans from the JTF & (finally!)our friends, the Russians, from the opposite side of the world.
On the other side of the trade ledger, our 2nd galleon of caravans (finally!)arrived on the western shore of Mexico! They stand ready to establish more world-record trading routes with the illustrious Super/Pasti II’s Russian democracy! (we only wish he would build up their road system to facilitate trade)
We also completed nice routes to the stout English civ.
Editor's note: 1 of these had been scheduled to lock in with a JTF city in So.Africa, but due to numerous delays caused by their units in the way of our caravans + their decision to unilaterally terminate our alliance, Commerce Secretary Rich Richard ordered that mission to bring the benefits of our advanced trade to the nearest English city. Which was immediately done. Thereby providing gold for our border-protection campaign & another good trading route for Comrade CapTVK.
In Asia, our long-wandering nearly-worthless salt caravan made it across the Gobi desert & eastern steppes of mid-Asia to a friendly Sioux city on the eastern shores of the Caspian Sea. Though economically insignficant, it was very observant during its journey along the Chinese border & sending back invaluable reports of Chinese aggressive expansion into these areas. Areas that our longtime allies the Sioux, were to have developed if their rightful leader Chief Colon been able to fulfill that mission. *see story Political Section that follows…
Political Page:
Our modern, rapid-strike army & it’s accompanying diplomatic corp continued our northern border consolidation by annexing another of the leaderless & uncooperative Chinese minor cities. This after an unsuccessful attempt at sealing the border directly south of their capital. The cost of a couple of non-veteran units was a small price to pay to get the leaderless Chinese government to appeal for a ceasefire.
At that point, having accomplished what seemed to be a defensible line of cities along our northern border & with mounting pressure from our friends in Kyoto & Moscow, we offered a permanent peace treaty to the AI leaders of the Chinese. The arrogant idiots that they have become, demanded technology from our ambassaor in order to made peace! Having been through so much effort & still being a much smaller power than they, plus with the above knowledge of their further expansion into our Sioux ally’s territory... our fearless President Mr. Milo instructed our peace mission to explain, in no uncertain terms, where the Chinese could insert their demands!
Editorial Page:
Milo Mindbender… what a guy!! We love him!
He & his predecessors have been through so much over all these centuries. Bringing our little civ from the isolation of barren Australia to a position of becoming a medium-sized power on the world stage.
Patiently being very cooperative & asserting our little power through the only means we had; diplomatic & to a lesser extent, economically. Through centuries of non-responsive & unfortunately, non-exsistent leadership of the nations around us.
The Milo’s have earned us the right to take our place on the world stage. Not as a back-water stepchild civ that has to depend on the generousity of other civ’s; but as a full partner that will step ahead of those civ’s that have too long wallowed under the leadership of lesser leaders & worse, the mindless AI regimes. Hear, Here!!
We worship the carpet he stands on!
Note: We will never forget, & hope one day to repay, the generousity of those magnimous leaders of the JTF & the Russians, GG & the Pasti’s respectfully. Our people ask only that they & the other permanent leaders of this world understand why we, The Viking People, deserve to move out from their large shadows. In front of those civ’s that have NOT put forth the efforts that we have to build this world to where it is today. Where it can go in the future centuries, with or without, permanent intelligent leadership in the long-empty halls of some governments.
May all us HUMANS make the most of our increasing limited world, as we race to other worlds!? 
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited August 27, 1999).]</font>
August 27, 1999, 04:49
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Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
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Admin Notes to World Leaders:
I have not yet received the final save from last session... if U'll played on after I had to check out. PLS, get that to me via ICQ or email richthur@earthlink.net
Also, if we have not recruited a new permanent Chin ruler, i would be interested in switching to them since a # of U think that the Vikings should be "nice" to them & remain quite little minor power forever(!?).
As i have said all along to the several rulers that have "managed" them... they have a MUCH better part of the world to work w/.
Plus at this time, if we are going to be short some hang-tough, mature players to work in this far into the contest, i would just as soon have a better civ to work w/ as we enter the modern era.
Thot's & opinions pls. Or better yet, any GOOD players out there that have the talent & guts to step up to the plate?
August 27, 1999, 09:06
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Statement from Pres. Superstar, Wisened leader of the Russians.
Upon reflection the cabinet has decided to pass a resoloution supporting our allies the Vikings in efforts to expand their civ into a more formidable world force. However, we do not want ot see the entire chinese civ destroyed and propose a meeting of world leaders to decide how much territory gain they should be allowed. Pres. Milo has been a loyal leader to the diplo world and perhaps should be given some reward for remaining so long with an undersized nation.
In the meantime, we suggest that all hostilities cease and Milo to build further cities in land available to him. My maps of Viking territory maybe old but according to current data their appears to be room for 4-5 cities in Viking occupied land. We also suggest a S.American city be settled by the Vikings.
On a lighter note, I think you'll find that the road system in Russia is not as ancient as you think Milo!
My brother Pastie the elder will hopefully be taking charge of Russian affiars this week as I have guests to entertain.
Gentlemen, I thank you for your time and I hope these ideas will be given due attention.
August 28, 1999, 22:27
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President Monty of the Aztecs here.......just wanted to update everyone on the state of the Aztec nation.Well...I was trying to get into a civleague tournament game a couple of weeks ago but it was cancelled and the beach was overcast so I was just hangin out and........Milo invited me to take over Sartfarts Aztec civ.I had the impression that I had the #1 civ and that I was at war with a couple of smaller civs but it wasnt too big a deal and I have to admit that I hadnt kept up with the posts on this forum and..............WOW- did I ever walk into a hornets nest! I was the #2 power( soon to be #3) and I was at war with the #1 Japs, #3 Russians, and #4 English.And even though this was a "diplomatic" game, it seemed as if nobody wanted to negotiate. Everyone wanted a piece of me , even the barbarians and my ally the Chinese were nowhere to be found.One player wanted Scandinavia and Central Asia, another player wanted all of southern Europe and the Caucasus from me. AND REPARATIONS.I got some much needed verbal support from Milo of the Vikings and the Russian player seemed to be the most agreeable of my myriad enemies so I approached him first.The Russian player was most concerned about the safety of his coastal cities in the British Isles so I unilaterally mothballed and dismantled my entire navy and pledged to not build any more naval units or enter the North Sea for the next 100 years.To settle the question of war reparations,I pledged a future tech to Russia which was paid in 1610AD.The next most agreeable leader was Grau Geist of the great JTF.He didnt really want any of my territory, just a pledge of peace, room for his ally the English to expand, and renouncement of my former South American colonies.The English however wanted to extract their pound of flesh from the Aztec nation.The English were concerned about future threats to North Africa and demanded all of southern Europe and the Caucasus. Again I offered a unilateral disbanding of my fleets and a pledge not to build any naval units or enter the Med. for the next 100 years but that was not enough.The English continued to demand all of southern Europe and a continuation of the war seemed inevitable until Milo of the Vikings stepped forward with a Nobel Peace Prize performance and offered to send in a peacekeeping to Bucharest to act as a buffer between the Aztec and English empires.A peaceful settlement was now possible. With a little cajoling from the JTF and the Russians we were able to hammer out a settlement that was not overly punitive to my great nation. I conceded the Iberian and Italian peninsulas and the southern half of the Caucasus to the English to give them room to settle their teeming masses. I gave Bucharest to the Vikings in a trusteeship for the next 100 years.The JTF returned one of my formmer South American colonies.I went from 22 cities to 17 but at least the Aztec nation survived.England however was not completely placated. So great was their disdain for the Aztecs that they demanded that I change all the names of my cities.....they couldnt bear to see the hated Aztec placenames on the map.To honor his demands I have "modernized" all the traditional Aztec names to Mexican placenames and I have renamed all of my border cities with the English after 4 of the busiest crossings in the world: Tijuana,Nogales,Mexicali and Ciudad Juarez in honor of the expected hordes of English illegal aliens that will shortly be crossing my southern border in hope of finding a better way of life.I have further demilitazed the Aztec nation save for a few Border Patrol units on my southern border.
August 28, 1999, 23:40
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Location: Newport Beache, CA, USA
Posts: 99
AZTEC STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS: Greetings from President Monty of the great Aztec nation. The Aztec people have spoken.After 100 years of high taxes and constant warfare,the Aztec people have voted out the previous Democratic Party leadership and relaced it with Republican control of not only the Oval Office but also control of the House and the Senate.As my campaign advisor so succinctly put it: "Its the economy stupid".We have been elected on a platform of lower taxes.....the marginal tax rate was 90% when I took office ...and a program of turning swords into plowshares.I have already reduced both the marginal tax rate and the capitol gains tax to only 20%.I furhter promised jobbs for all and better education and more ATM's and to that extent I have put the unemployed to work building libraries,universities,marketplaces,banks,roads, mines, and irrigation canals.In addition, since we lost some of our southern lands in the peasce settlement,I have engaged our best engineers and homebuilders to carve out new cities in our extreme northern provinces for a massive poulation relocation.I have mothballed and dismantled our fleets and demobilized our excessive ground forces to cut down on defense spending and assure the world that we are responsible and ready to assume our rightfull place as a member of the community on nations.I have also travelled around the world to promote free trade agreements and advertise our nations large population as a stimulus to the other nations prosperity and economic growth.As a further stimulus to free trade we have formed a nationalized corporation-AZTRAK-to cover all of Europe and western Asia with a viable rail net.Remember........we want your caravans and freights.And finally to keep the peace, we have sent all of our spy/diplomats back to college to re-educate them.I have begun a new dual MBA/SPY program at the Universities we have been building since we will need more MBA's to run all the financial institutions and universities we have been building. Maybe one day all the MBA/SPY graduates will go on to corporate raiders.I know that there is a lot of work to be done to undo the excesses of the previous administration but I feel that we are off to a great start and have even been able to open constructive dialogues with our former enemies and hopefully future trading partners.Thank you all and good night.
August 29, 1999, 00:16
Local Time: 23:17
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
Posts: 471
Gentlemen & fellow human leaders of the Diplo II earth:
As ruler of the Viking peoples from the dawn of our history, I, on behalf of my hard-working, peace-loving democratic citizens wish to present our case & explain our designs to thee & any potential heirs to the Sioux & Chinese civ’s.
Let me first unequivocally state what we do NOT desire to do or wish to see happen any time soon, if ever. That is the destruction of ANY civ on this planet. We furthermore pledge our resources & talents to prevent that from occurring, as we have demonstrated on several occasions over the course of history on our planet.
It is becoming increasingly evident that our planet is running out of room for civ’s to grow geographically. In fact there are only “2.5” areas of any size left; 1= western S.America, 2= south central Asia, & .5= the polar regions.
Current plans for these regions, as indicated by your official press releases, are:
1= the JTF’s Chairman GG has graciously(?) invited other nations to build here though they could obviously be there first. That is good. Although, having scouted that area centuries ago, it will not support development of any major cities.
2= there is, we have discovered, a brand new Chin city in Tibet; isolated, unconnected to any others, & in clear violation of their early human leader’s agreement with my (former?)allies, friends, & fellow small civ, the Sioux. North of this is another minor city that also has done little to develop the area around it. Other than that as you all no doubt know, there is nothing! Though large in size, this part of the globe is small in anything to support even medium sized cities.
.5= an interesting prospect for those civ’s that are in a position to colonize & exploit. As President Super Pasti has wisely indicated, with recent advances in engineering & transportation, these are areas of the world that have rarely (if ever?) been tapped in other worlds we have all worked in any past, more non-cooperative lifetimes. We believe that leaders of those northern civ’s that border on this areas, either through enlightened management or “forcing” the less astute leaders to expand in that direction have tremendous opportunities to tap these resource-rich territories. We of the southern hemisphere frankly are envious of not having the rich forests & oil to exploit now that we are entering into the industrial age!
In addition to the above resource realities, let me also point out the realities of the other geographies of transportation & communication considerations:
A > ocean routes from our island nation are long, slow, & subject to interruption by unfriendly navies. To the GG dynasty’s eminent credit, the JTF has locked in the advanced technological wonders of fast sea transport.
B > if we are to ever bring all the nations of this world into the fold of international trade, there must be a dependable & defendable land link across the vast Asian landmass
Adding all of this up, it became rather apparent to my cabinet & myself, as well as the powerful & well-healed Viking business leaders that the Viking nation is the only nation that can & has worked for the right to complete & control a corridor of trade & safety though region 2. By unanimous vote, the leaders of the Viking nation have authorized the expenditure of gold, units, & time to complete this great project for the benefit of ALL the civ’s of Asia.
Leaders of the World; We ask not for your permission or assistance, but only understanding of our limited objectives. And ultimately peaceful & beneficial nature of these endeavors.
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