August 29, 1999, 03:57
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Glad to hear a public position pronouncement by our newest leader!
Wise perspectives & thanks to thee for hanging tough. As we all now know, not only are the Aztecs by nature an aggressive race, but their original dynasty became easily angered, even tho he did an outstanding job of building a vast empire & holding 1st place almost from the start!
If oh Great SmartFart of the Croat/Aztecs, is reading this now... we understand why thoust was so short-fused. And we hope that thee have now been relieved of those non-Civ causes for your fraustrations & stress... many times over!!
Back to the Diplo world stage: we Vikings & our leaders fully endorse the new peaceful turn of direction of the once-fear-inspiring Aztec civ. We have our RR engineers working fulltime to complete the long, dangerous trans-Gobi line to your far cities. We look forward to mutually benifical trading between our 2 nations & in turn, those of the other peaceful nations of Asia.
Our cabinet feels it will be gold & time well-spent. In return, we hope such an enlightened leader will find it only fair to share some technological advance(s) with us for making these efforts.
PS: we understand U & your cabinet have been thru some long-winded discussions, however, U may want to speak to your Press Sec'ty about the modern concept of paragraphs(!) 
Your former enemy, the English, may be able to teach thee some of their world-class publishing techniques(!?).
September 1, 1999, 09:09
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The New English Times: issue 8
Due to some pressing matters our present leader decided to call elections to attend some personal matters. The first elections were a success, the socialist party gained the majority in parlament, and the new government(communism) seemed stable enough. Thinking everything was in good hands CapTVK decided to leave things to the AI bureaucracy. Not long afterwards, when our leader decided to see how things had gone, he was shocked! "Guess it's another lesson learned, never trust AI bureaucrats!" and "sometimes we're forced to trust the AI in keeping things organized" were some of the more polite phrases he uttered. CapTVK made a promise to get things back on track as soon as possible.
Viking statement puzzles cartographers
Ever since the Viking announcement that they would start the construction of the trans-Gobi line cartographers have been puzzled. "As far as we know the Gobi desert is Chinese territory, we'll look into it..." was the first statement when our journalist interviewed the secretary of the English mapmakers society.
Just before this edition went to press we learned that the Vikings indeed control some former Chinese cities now in the Gobi region. "Seems that one slipped by us. We're already updating the worldmap for the next edition!" so prepare for a special worldmap edition of the New English Times!
Newton college opens in London!
London is becoming a serious place for Science and Education with the grand opening of a college dedicated to one of the greatest English cientist of all time " Sir Isaac Newton". "This greatly enhances our scientific reputation in the world..." mentioned the enthusiastic ex-chairman of the Copernicus Observatory. He has something to cheer about, because he's becoming the new chairman of Newton's college!
September 1, 1999, 09:23
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The Viking Sentinel: 1540-1620AD Regular Edition
HEADLINES: Vikings finally make it to the ranks of the mid-sized powers!!
The addition of 2 cities & the continuation of our military fulfillment program have brought the democratic & hardworking Viking civ out of the shadows of our immediate neighbors! 
Our well-heeled diplomatic corps convinced yet another of the repressed & abandoned Chinese desert cities to come into the fold of democracy! The city fathers were delighted to tour our wonderful President Milo & the entire cabinet with their families through their wonderful JS Bach’s Cathedral. As a result, Joy has spread throughout our lands!! Celebrations continue from the steppes of Asia to the islands of New Zealand!
Congress was so impressed, that they proclaimed “Viking Happy Victory Day” & immediately allocated 20% more of our energies to scientific research; much to the delight of our Dept.of Education & Advancement!
On the home island, the final perimeter city was established. Thus providing a northern railhead for rapid movement of trade & military units plus “closing the loop” against future disruptions by barbarians & uprisings!
With the safety of our home island ensured, the Ministry of Military began re-deploying home guard units to our thinly stretched northern borders. Where they will maintain the security of our engineers continuing their task of building the Trans-Gobi railway.
Business Page:
Our unfettered economic leadership has finally begun to pay off for our free, democratic, hardworking citizenry. Through the completion of several more excellent trading routes with our favorite partners & friends the democratic Russians & their most excellent President Super Pasti, we accumulated sufficient gold to motivate certain city leaders. Furthermore, we HAVE finally reached their rumored railroad system & should shortly complete several more mutually lucrative routes. There is no more powerful force in civilization than 2 well-developed democracies peacefully working together!
Another frigate laden with spices of SE Asia has arrived on the eastern shores of Africa, where it is scheduled to provide these wonderful raw materials to please the palates of the sophisticated Japanese capital & other major cities. Our hard-driving business leaders hope the rail lines will be cleared THIS time for our caravans to expedite their deliveries? Though we feel we owe it to our benefactors at the JTF to establish these lucrative routed with their cities, a quick look at the demand for spices shows seemingly half the world’s cities clamoring for our RICH spices.
Another of our fleet of traders is headed for S.America with caravans for the JTF cities there. Onboard also is a city-building team that will look into the possibility of establishing a trade terminal per the open invitation from enlightened leader of the Japs, GG. Our concern is… in the Andes are there any decent sites left? According to the dated maps we have, there was not much in western S.America to support or justify a decent city & the resources necessary to develop it to the level we Vikings strive to have our cities. We shall see, perhaps such a city could be a bargaining chip in the future?
Encouraged by our hard-working & ever-present Milo dynasty, we continue advancing our world-leading city development. Along with many of the other advanced civilizations, we are in that period of civilizations’ development where there are so many technologies that have been researched that it is difficult to decide which city improvement(s) to build!? Having built extremely advanced economic major cities, we are in a position to rush-build basic improvements in our newer cities, while they concentrate on increasing their populations. Meanwhile, our major cities are concentrating on increasing their production capabilities with factories.
For the most part our citizens are loving the full-employment prosperity. However, there are beginning to be heard rumblings in our larger cities from what is being referred as “pollution”?!
Political Page:
Foreign Minister Freddie Friendly, reports our appeals to the greater leaders of our world seems to have successfully reminded them of the Vikings’ role(s) in keeping this world on a viable & interesting course through history to this point. Resulting in at least an understanding & tacit approval of our limited objectives & mutually beneficial designs for creating a “corridor of stability & trade through central Asia.
Regarding this new group of citizens being termed “enviro’s”…
they are starting to warn about the effects of something called “worldwide warming”. They claim this is caused by the industrialization of large cities & the combination of ALL civ’s rapidly increasing output. Our Interior Minister J.Edgar Phuckem says, “They’re just a bunch of Luddites that want to slow progress & this `global warming’ is not our problem. Put’em to work on the Trans-Gobi, that’ll teach their butts about `warming’!”
Pray tell fellow world leaders, is this happening in your civ’s? Is it something we should be concerned about or just a political ploy by the far left to gain attention & slow down our rush to greatness?
Statistical Section: As of 1620AD the Vikings rate as follows...
1st in; GNP, Productivity, Income, Literacy, & Family size !!! 
2nd in; Manufactured goods ! 
and thank goodness & our far-sighted leadership...
5th in; Military service 
6th in; Pollution 
Editorial Page:
The bar has been raised gentlemen leaders of this world.
All in all, this world continues its return to peace & prosperity. Though still missing some human rulers, those present continue to make much progress technologically & development-wise.
Milo Mindbender… what a President!! He & his predecessors have been through so much over all these centuries. Bringing our little civ from the isolation of barren Australia to at least a position of becoming a medium sized power on the world stage. Other than being shy & self-depreciating, isn’t he just “The Greatest”?
September 3, 1999, 14:10
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World Review: Nr.2
By the the English Ministery of Foreign Affairs
This is the current situation in 1620:
[*]Russians (21 cities) Pasti2 Size: Large[*]Japanese (22)GrauGeist Size: Large[*]Vikings (17) Milo Size: Medium[*]Aztecs (23) Nappy Size: Large[*]Chinese (13) *open* Size: Medium[*]English (16) CapTVK Size: Medium[*]Sioux (14) *open* Size: Medium
Comments: There are no small civilizations anymore, the world is now carved up between the 'big three' (JTF, Aztecs, Russia). But the 'playful quartet' (Vikings, English, Sioux, Chinese) may have some surprises up their sleeves!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited September 03, 1999).]</font>
September 3, 1999, 14:17
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The New English Times: issue 7 special edition
A newly updated geopolitical worldmap as of 1620AD:
No major changes concerning the large powers, Aztec, Russia and the JTF fill up the empty gaps in their territory. The English and Sioux nations remain unchanged while Chinese shrink to the sub-medium level. That Chinese leadership still remains absent has put the Chinese forces at a great disadvantage against the better organized Viking forces. Military planners believe that as long as the Chinese leadership issue isn't resolved the Vikings will continue to advance into Chinese territory. This expansion may become an issue in further
political developments, but for now we can only wait and see...
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited September 03, 1999).]</font>
September 4, 1999, 19:56
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Posts: 388
MOSCOW MULE, 5th September, Early Edition.
After a quick dispulsion of the sneaky underworld leader AI, Russia returned for another crack at world politics under the inspired rule of Pres. Superstar, (The leadr formerly know as Pastie II).
A particularly interesting episode in world politics has seen a declaration of war from our first meeting with the Chinese, a rush to build the Hoover Dam from at least 3 Civs, the set-up of the United Nations, the Death of leading inventor Leonardo DaVinci (see obituaries)and Scandal in the Viking senate.
The act of espionage committed by the Vikings against the English (Traditionally Allies) has met with worlwide disapproval. Pres. Pastie was amongst the first leaders to condemn the act performed by one of our allies against another, but notes the swift manner in which it was remedied, albeit not wholly satisfactory for the English. The Russian antion continues to hold it's alliance with the Viking nation but warns of any such action against our own nation. Our policy remains that most things are negotiable, and need not be forcifully taken.
On a lighter note relations with the reborn Aztec nation appear to be growing strong with new trade routes and a good rapport with their leader Consul Monty. We hope that this mutual respect remains and past atrocities laid to rest.
The Atrotious behaviour of the Chinese nation upon first contact has led to a war that the Chinese cannot hope to win. Although the generally peaceful Russian people do not enjoy settling disputes with violence, it is imperative that we stop the war with a swift pre-emptive strike and seize a Chinese port in order to maintain a safe route for future caravans of every Civ.
We would also like to thank Mr.Milo for his support, and will not hesitate to call on his services if required. The AI must learn some manners soon.
Disturbing rumblings from the other AI controlled nation, the Sioux, has seen a major war erupt involving the all powerful Japanese. Again we fail to see the logic of the AI attacking the #1 power and allies of the Russians and English, but more manners are bound to be taught. We hope that the war does not get out of hand, but que sera, que sera.
Stockbrokers have been lapping up shares in Russian Spice as several freights make their way through Europe, Africa, Asia and the antipodean isles. Spice routes have been established from Odessa to Baghdad, and are expected in Hastings from New Cuba (Soon to be renamed Super Cuba).
Other Trade routes this turn included a weak Hides link from Smolensk to Bucharest and a nice little earner in Gold to Tijuana from Krasnoyarsk. Watch this space.
Three new cities have been formed as part of the 'Living Room' campaign, designed to increase the number of towns and cities for our ever-growing population. New Home Secretary Fyodor Dostoyevski has stated that although Russia continues to grow it is not allowing enough room to expand, and so new cities are required. New cities include Kursk, Magnitogorsk and Kuibyshev (Cities due to be renamed for ease in foreign relations), with Kazan expected to fill a strategic position between North and South America next turn. In the long run icey terrain is being terraformed for a new city possibly called Vologda.
What continues to disturb the Russian populace however is not the number of cities but the relatively small size of it's older ones. The main reason for this seems to be the abundance of plains at the cost of fertile grassland, a factor that has seen an assignment of engineers try to remedy.
Leonardo DaVinci. Painter, Scientist, Inventor.
The death of the most influential man in world history has left a whole nation in mourning. While perhaps most remebered for his role in improving military capabilites, his art-work and invention ideas remain as a tribute to his legacy. Long before the JTF discovered flight Leonardo had made diagrams detailing how man might take to the sky, but was unfortunatly ripped off by a young Japanese apprentice named Otik. He lived a rich and full life with several wives and children, and a statue has been erected in his hometown of Leningrad.
An exhibition showing his sketches and paintings opens in Dublingrad next week, where Pres. Superstar will be chief speaker.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Superstar (edited September 06, 1999).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Superstar (edited September 06, 1999).]</font>
September 6, 1999, 06:53
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The New English Times: issue 9 early edition
Yesterday (1710 AD),a spy posing as a diplomat to set up an embassy in the South American town of Santiago was caught. Before he was apprehended he managed to steal the technology of combustion. This technology enables ships (destroyers)to move at much higher speeds then with old fashioned ironclads. The shocking part of the matter was that the spy was a Viking diplomat! This diplomat, at arrival on the South American continent, had asked free passage to set up an embassy in one the English colonies there. The governor of Santiago was at first unable to believe that the spy could have been a Viking. "We've been on very good terms for centuries, why would they do such a thing!" was his first answer. After it had been confirmed that the diplomat in question was indeed a Viking the shock quickly turned to anger. "What a weasel!" and "We gave that diplomat free passage too!" was one of the more polite phrases he uttered. The Vikings have felt the backlash of their actions though. It caused a scandal in the senate and the government slipped into anarchy.
Viking relations turn sour
The espionage attempt has seriously fouled up relations between the Vikings and English. Although the Vikings gave the technology of the automobile to make amends it isn't enough to cool the English rage. "We are not amused..." mentioned the foreign minister after an emergency meeting.
Finally we managed to contact the English ambassador in Viking territory just after making an official statement: "The technology given by the Vikings pays for the tech stolen. But it doesn't pay for the act of spying and trust lost..." said the English ambassador who had opened the Embassy in Viking territory 30 years ago.
Other news to follow...
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited September 06, 1999).]</font>
September 6, 1999, 10:22
Local Time: 23:17
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Posts: 89
The JTF has sent men into the skies! On a cool day in Nara, Greenland, in 1630, two Federation men made their dreams into reality. The brothers were both experienced kite riders and the eldest, Kito held the world record of 789 ft. They translated this love for the sky from kite riding into a quest for powered, sustained flight. Launching from on top Glacier 241, the youngest brother, Otik, was the first to fly their contraption, what they call an “airplane”. This magnificent hawk-like apparatus had two slightly curved areas, one on top the other, creating the width and height. An elongated rectangle, creating length, was placed in the center of these two planes. At the front of the rectangle was a riding space, and directly in front of that was a small gasoline powered engine somehow turning multiple blades that were aligned perpendicular to the ground. The exact details of this “airplane” have been classified by the Home Defense Department, but it is suspected that the general knowledge has been shared with some of our allies.
The Big 5 held a conference on the future applications of the recently discovered Chinese theory of Atomics. The exact details have remained classified by all 5 governments. However, contacts in the Aztec Republic, known for its lax security, have mentioned a discussion on weapons applications. Most JTF scientists willing to comment about this possibility assured this paper that such applications were feasible, but highly unlikely. All scientists approached were anxious to see the knowledge applied to creating a clean and long lasting power source for JTF cities and ships. One leading scientist prophesied, “Applications to this Theory are far down the road, not in this lifetime, but our children’s’ children will be able to enjoy a world powered by atomic energy” .
Relations with our Sioux neighbors soured early this week as war broke out. Federation Embassy officials in Banglore suspect foreign connivance was involved. What could be at the heart of the matter is the superior technology possessed by the Federation. Sioux spies have recently been captured in and around the secret military flight testing area, according to Home Defense Force Chairman Hoto. The first open hostilities occurred when Sioux infiltrators overran Fort Sapporo North and killed nearby Terrain Transformer Engineers. Many Federation soldiers were captured and forced to join the Sioux fort defense. The recent reductions in JTF treasury surplus has been an explanation for these turncoats. The border city of Sapporo has also been a way point for Sioux immigrants seeking work across the Red Sea in Satsuma. Sapporo Home Force records reviews indicate that an unacceptable amount of Sioux immigrants were recruited into the fort defense and could be another explanation on how the fort was bribed so easily. Embassy officials in Banglore were the first to report good news as this bribery attempt cost the Sioux about half of their sizable treasury.
Federation Forces were quick to deal the Sioux a blow where we already held undeniable superiority, at sea. The Battle of the Gulf of Mannar pitted the Monitori and the Merimaca, two JTF Ironclads, against the Sioux Ironclad, Geronimo, and the Frigate, Running Scared. The Monitori sustained heavy damage but was able to sink the Geronimo. However, limping back to port Satsuma it was pounced on by the Running Scared. The Merimaca sped out of its station in the Gulf of Aden to defend the Monitori, but arrived too late. After picking up the survivors from the Monitori, the captain of Merimaca was able to determine into which direction the Running Scared had fled. It was only a matter of hours before our superior ship ran down the Running Scared, survivors are being detained until the end of the war.
The second naval battle occurred in the Gulf of Oman where JTF transports ran into a Sioux Destroyer patrol. A special volunteer force was able to sneak aboard the Sioux vessel during the night and convince a majority of the crew to defect to the JTF. Though this battle ended without destruction it was no less important, perhaps even more important; there has been no further Sioux naval activity. It has even been suggested that the Sioux Navy is completely destroyed, though this is mere speculation.
These were the last words muttered from the commanding officer of the annihilated 7th JTF Cannon Corps. Rush attempts to retake Fort Sapporo North have failed, causing heavy casualties. Following this failed attempt the commander of Sapporo Home Forces was relieved for his incompetence. His successor inherited a terrible situation, but has been able to hold Sapporo through the valiant efforts of his men and thorugh his brilliant defense strategy.
Recent attempts to make peace with the Sioux have failed. Embassy officials in Banglore are being detained until the cessation of hostilities, however its anyone’s guess when that will be. All four peace negotiators have been detained at the entry point of Basra. The recently created United Nations, headed by the Viking Democracy has added insult to injury in questioning why the JTF is at war with the Sioux. Their suggestions for peace are noted, but Viking alliance with the Sioux is suspect. The Federation suggests the Vikings use their power of the U.N. to force peace with the instigators of the war, the Sioux, rather than with the victims. The JTF has ruled out Total War as life elsewhere in the Federation continues as before.
September 7, 1999, 23:04
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Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
Posts: 471
The Viking Sentinel: 1640-1710AD Midnight Edition
HEADLINES: Greatest Peacetime Blunder in the History of Civilization!!
Subtitle: Lowly shopkeeper allows the WRONG WONDER TO BE BUILT!!
Since the coming of peace throughout nearly all the world, the major & would-be major civ’s were quietly racing to acquire the technology & means to construct what all experienced leaders knew would be one of the, if not THE most important wonders of the modern era… the massively powerful 1-of-a-kind HOOVER DAM. Our Viking business, military, & scientific leaders were in complete agreement; our national pride & future abilities would take a huge leap forward if WE, the Vikings were the civ to create this Wonder.
Our (formerly) great leader, President Milo set this as our national priority for this century. He sent emissaries out to acquire the needed “electronics” technology. The response was an eye-opener… NO ONE would trade or even sell the required tech!? The scientific mission reported back that it was useless, we would have to do it on own if the Vikings were to have a chance at a hydro plant in every city.
“So that’s the way they want to play, huh?”, Milo is quoted as saying upon learning of this uncooperative response. “We Vikings will rise to the challenge!” was his rallying cry.
Having only re-established embassies in half the world’s civ’s since the expiration of M.Polo’s, we had only partial intelligence on other civ’s wonder-building. And that was only partially believable since they, like we, were probably showing the building of another wonder rather than the REAL objective. In our case, Pres.Milo instructed the construction crews to show “United Nations” on all their blueprints & the city production orders. Knowing that for the same 600 shields worth of production, THE DAM could be built.
After decades of preparation, intense technological research, rushed construction of factories, “food” caravans waiting in the Outback, & last but least, HUGE sums of gold… we were within striking distance!
As the completion of research on electronics neared, tensions within the highest levels of government & industry mounted. The caravans were awakened from years of sleep mode, trade routes were completed bringing in bonus gold, a old coliseum (no longer needed due to JS Bach’s) was even sold, & homeland factories churned out new freight convoys as fast as they could. Our new cities’recently completed Libraries were set to around-the-clock shifts of research as the President’s executive order directed 70% (!) of our resources to discovering the secret of electronics.
The tension was unbearable as each decade passed. Our leaders watched the news flashes & monitored the diplomatic channels as best they could for news that another civ had beat us to THE DAM. This stress-filled drama was all unfolding between random visits by aliens from the outer world. Known in the retail world as, the “Customers”. Of course these visits necessitated President Milo being called away, to do shopkeeper duties. So as not anger our god, “The Wife”; since the Vikings were operating from her universe.
Editor’s Note:
Intelligence sources tell us that other civ leaders have periodically had similar visitations from aliens referred to as “Girlfriends”, “The Kids”, & even by that most powerful of aliens… “The Wife” herself! It is our understanding, unlike with other aliens life forms, “god” usually only makes her presence felt in short, but rather clear, communications from afar.
Finally! The year of completion arrives. It all comes together like a precision machine:
1] Science Minister Testla announces we had perfected “electronics”.
2] Commerce Minister Rockefeller moves the caravans & freights directly into our capital “V”, where the “UN” wonder is being built.
3] Finance Minister Richie Rich calculates & recalculates how much gold is needed to complete this masterpiece in 1 dramatic payment; WE HAVE ENOUGH goes up the word!
4] President Milo waits patiently before giving the final, last-minute word to complete the wonder; lest the other world leaders be alerted with by a “Vikings have nearly completed the United Nations” news flash. He knows full well, that among this distinguished group of civ leaders most know it takes the same amount to complete THE DAM as the UN.
5] At last, we’re in the decade prior to completion. Of course what Milo didn’t know, was how many of the leaders had noticed we Vikings had just mastered “Electronics”. So as a ruse to, hopefully, divert the other leaders’ attention & keep them from checking their intelligence on the Vikings, Milo engaged them in lively chat session. All the while watching time tick away until the final decade began with the Russians. 1710AD, the year of completion was here at last!.
6] The (then) Great Milo gives the command, “Make it so.”
The gold flows & our capital’s production box is filled completely with shields!! It was glorious folks! Secret congratulations go out to our great business leaders for making our civ the great economic power that could do this great deed!
We are almost there.
7] Still no announcements of THE DAM being completed! Just 1 more civ to go, but it was THE civ to watch… the powerful, rich, & well-run JTF’s turn. Though our embassy intelligence reports showed they were still building the “Cure of Cancer”, we knew that could mean as much as us building the “UN”. The Jap timer ticks down ever so slowly, closer & closer to release…
8] OH NO! Customer aliens approaching! Oh, my god, they want to land & actually buy something! Don’t they know, this is a critical moment in our world’s history?! What can I do? I can’t tell them to bugger off. They are upon us, looking over the counter at Diplo world on the screen! We can’t ask for a stopping of time, GG the masterful leader of the JTF would surely suspect something & he still had the ability (we assumed) to switch wonders & complete THE DAM. To protect our doing’s & do the deal with the aliens, Milo switches the civ screen over to wife-god’s alien customer-trading software.
9] Milo the shopkeeper’s face is flush with stress. Trying to put on a happy face for the aliens. All the while consumed with the fear a window awaits his return to this world… “The Japanese have nearly completed the Hoover Dam”. Milo’s thinking,” Hurry customers, give me the damn gold-oops, I mean credit card!
Alas, the Customer aliens are satisfied, the wife-god will be pleased, & Milo the shopkeeper can return to being President Milo.
10] Diplo world switches back on the screen… Milo slowly opens his eyes… NO wonder announcement. Whew! But the Japanese still have a minute or so to move. A quick check of their cities; they are still building the “Cure”! YAHOO!! We are on the verge of one of the greatest feats of all civ history, we have come from centuries of 2nd class status to THE Civ to Beat as we enter the modern era!!!
11] The top map bar finally announces “Vikings Moves 8:00”.
Now all the world will know… “THE VIKINGS COMPLETE HOOVER DAM”. We did it! 
But wait, what the… ?
What!? What is this, “…complete the United Nations”!! NO-NO-NO, this cannot be! It’s supposed to be THE DAM! 
The UN, so what. That’s nothing, we already have embassies in most civ’s & another on the way. We didn’t do all this work & make all these sacrifices for the damn UN, we did it for THE DAM!! 
12] Instantly answer came to the Viking leaders. Milo the MEATHEAD in all his stress, chatting, & shopkeeping (not to mention having his head up in the self-congratulatory clouds or up something!) … FAILED TO CHANGE PRODUCTION ORDERS TO HOOVER DAM!!!
All these years, all these resources, all for naught. This will forever be remembered as; “Milo’s Dam Blunder”.
Political Page:
In his humiliation & agony, Milo immediately compounds his error. Utilizing what had just become a useless diplomat on the way to establish an English embassy, instead uses him to steal a tech as a desperate move to at least salvage some gain out of all this. Unfortunately this did not go unnoticed. Not only did CapTV of the English get upset at our quick advance but Milo’s fellow countrymen, the honorable Viking citizens, immediately poured into the Streets in waves of protest. Bringing down the government in a pile of scandalous dung.
Oh the humility of it all!
Ex-President Milo the Meathead was last seen running out of the back of his wife’s shop near the capitol, in the direction of the Great Outback wastelands. Being pursued by an angry mob of wonder construction workers. Screaming something about those damn aliens, the Customers.
Business Page:
(see the details of front page story)
Military Section:
The only conflict our armed forces & diplomatic corps engaged in this century was a quick hitting campaign against the nasty Chin’s. This was only to support our friends & allies the peaceful Russians. As reported in their press, President Super became rightfully enraged when the Chin’s attacked & destroyed 1 of their caravans on a mission of mutually beneficial trade.
We lent our assistance in teaching these aggressors another lesson in international good manners. President Super sized up the situ rather quickly with the aid of our intelligence gathering network. Confirming that his navy had more than enough firepower to escort a small task force to capture 1 of the offending Chin port cities. If we could draw their army reserves to the south. A lightning raid by the veteran 3rd Cav division did just that. Catching a hapless Chin cannon in the open steppes as it approached to attack our central border city. This victory was quickly followed by the capture of a secret little Chin city our explorers had discovered on the northern edge of Tibet.
With these rapid successes, the Chin’s wisely begged for mercy & we agreed to a permanent peace treaty. We truly hope this is a lasting peace for all time. We Vikings have not territorial designs at all in this region now that we have cleared the way for our continuing Trans-Gobi RR.
Editorial Page:
The formerly great Milo Dynasty has fallen. Bringing down with it any hope for The Vikings becoming the supreme civ on this planet. The fruit of such ambition is indeed a bitter mouthful to swallow. Milo Mindbender… what a President!!
But like a Shakespearean hero, he brings himself & all that would fallow, crashing down; foiled by his own mistake. Milo Mindbender… what a Meathead!!
We Vikings must now relegate ourselves back to the role of supporting actor on this world stage. We must not forget the debts we owe & the (almost) unfailing support shown throughout history by the JFT & their astute leader, GG. We can only hope to hasten the end to this contest of civ’s, wherein, we are guilty of:
Greatest Peacetime Blunder in the History of Civilization!!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited September 07, 1999).]</font>
September 8, 1999, 09:13
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Location: Voorburg, the Netherlands, Europe
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The New English Times: issue 9
Two New trade routes set up
After a long wait the first English caravans arrive at their destination to set up trade routes in almost a century. Finally we have also come in contact with Chinese after our coal caravan arrived in Beijing. The English never had any straight diplomatic contact with the Chinese till this time and hope to keep our relation on a friendly level.
The second caravan finally arrived in the Aztec capital after a sharp detour through Sioux territory. It seems well manufactured English cloth is in high demand on the Aztec market.
Plans for other trade routes are already underway. The Atlantic Trading Company (ATC) is planning to send a convoy with caravans towards North America.
Sioux conflict leads to English blockade
It seems the warmongering never stops with the Sioux these days. They've set their their eyes on the JTF city of Sapporo in the middle east. Although the JTF can handle things at sea it is still being pressed on in Sapporo. Our conflict with the Sioux ended not so long ago and relations seem to have returned to normal and we don't want to risk another conflict. Yet we can't stand by and not assist our great ally the JTF in time of need.
That's why we decided to sent a small contingent on a training exercise to block off the route from Banglore to Sapporo. Thereby denying the Sioux the opportunity to sent reinforcements they need to hold onto their captured fort near Sapporo!
Leonardo DaVinci passes away
A great scientist has passed away today. Details of his death remain sketchy but it seems there was an accident whilst testing out a horseless carriage which he dubbed the 'automobile'. He will be missed, the advancements he made in science, art and literature is too long to list, but it's clear that the fruits of his work shall live on...
Many noted English scientists have had the pleasure to meet Leonardo in person thanks to the 'Science of Life' exchange program set up with Russia. They will be present at the opening of the exhibition in Dublingrad to give their condolances to the family.
London drought finally over!
It's been decades overdue but London finally has what no large city can do without: "an aquaduct". People have always wondered why Londoners like rain so much, here's the explanation: "no water rationing!". Thanks to the new aquaduct London may finally reach the size that is fitting to a nations capital.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited September 08, 1999).]</font>
September 8, 1999, 13:19
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Viking Sentinal Supplementary Edition
Though our civ is in anarchy due to the events reported earlier & a new leader has not yet emerged, the Viking remaining peace-loving & cooperative.
In all the stress & concentrated effort of our civ's leadership during the construction of... a wonder. The Foreign Ministry was not able to translate & analyze all of the communiques that were swirling around the issue of our former ally & always friends, the Sioux.
Now we have had the opportunity digest the foreign press releases & indirectly, been asked to intervene in an effort to halt further bloodshed & draining of resources.
We here in the still-functioning Viking press corps will take the initative to offer the services of our recently completed United Nations.
Let us first be clear to the world; we had NOTHING to do with the deteriorating leadership of the Sioux's reported aggressive behavior toward the JTF. Remember world leaders, many leaderless civ's take a very poor view of the supreme civ in any world contest.
As for the English "reaction" to transgressions as reported in THEIR press... well, we Vik's may have our doubts. We frankly have to believe & support our neighbors & friends. We will frankly take a dim view of any further intrusions into Sioux homelands by the militarist leadership of certain civ's. We hope other enlightened civ leaders who have always believed in peace or have made the transition from aggressive to peaceful relations, will take a hard look at any civ that continues to push it's borders & agenda at the expense of it's neighbors.
Despite already giving the English a much better technology than our wayward diplomat got from them; we will offer this exchange/challenge to their tough but hopefully, fair Consul CapTVK...
If thou art sincere in your desire for peace with, we Vikings will allow the use of the United Nations to make peace. In return, we ask only for the use of your Statue of Liberty to bring our peoples back from their current state of anarchy.
You will find that the science & taxes generated by our great Viking capital, V, will far surpass those of York.
This we offer for the peace of the world. And let us remind thee Consul CapTV, the eyes of the world are upon you & we Vikings WILL get out of anarchy without your Statue... how do the English & it's leader plan to get out of war without the UN?
To Consul Graumoto(what kinda name is THAT?): we offer the use of our UN without conditions, as we believe you to be an honorable & peaceful peoples & (believe it or not!) the Vikings have not forgotten our committment to provide use of a wonder many centuries ago. Of course, donations are gratefully accepted.
The humbled but still strong Vikings wish only peace on our planet for centuries to come.
September 9, 1999, 14:02
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Where's the latest map Cap? I look forward to seeing the changing face of our planet.
September 9, 1999, 17:38
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Gentlemen, patience please! 
It seems that the worldmap has become so popular that it will be released on a weekly basis from now on. Unless the map doesn't change significantly expect a new one every week.
There's seems to be some problem uploading the maps to my homedir on the server. If you can see the map the problem is already resolved. If not, you'll have to wait a little longer.
(added 10/9/99)
Finally managed to upload the map but it still doesn't show up in the thread. Seems the homeserver is overloaded at the moment...
Main Changes:
North America is almost filled up and a Russian surprise in South America this week, it seems that the Russians have established a colony in Colombia! The only other significant change this week is that the Aztecs have established a city (Marseille, English city naming convention) with access to the Mediterranean. The English foreign minister would like to remind the Aztecs that the treaty of Rome still stands. That's all for this week...
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited September 10, 1999).]</font>
September 10, 1999, 01:12
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Wow. Our last session was very exciting! Ive been involved in games where there has been a space race. Ive been involved in games where there was a missile (nuclear) race. But this was the 1st game where there was a "Dam" race.And it was one of the best dam races Ive ever been in. Lots of tension.JTF and I Aztecs were the only ones with the techs to build the dam but neither one of us had the requisite production. It seemed as if all 5 players were racing for the dam.Everyone was trying to trade with me every turn for the necessary techs. On the turn when I finally finished the dam, the Viking leader went mad and accidentally built UN instead. On a lighter note, the Aztecs would like to announce the founding of a new resort town in southern Francethat was built more for the mines and ski resorts of the hills and mountains of the ALPS as opposed to port access to the Med.We will soon be trading with our friends in the western hemisphere and Id like to assure our English friends that all trader transports will be leaving thru the Atlantic and not thru the Med. Id also like to reassure the English that our new Mediterranean resort will not overlap any city squares on the Iberian peninsula sw of the Pyrenees or on the Italian peninsula. It is also our hope that the great nations of the world can quickly settle their differences with our hapless AI neighbors.....the Chinese and the Sioux without further degradation of their territorial integrity. Finally, the Aztecs are happy to announce that the new AZTRAK RR is nearly complete to central Asia and we promise free rides to all the caravans of the world for the next 200 years.
September 12, 1999, 23:24
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In an amazing turn of events, scientists were able to discover a cure for the scourge of the 17th century, the black death, Cancer. The race to cure this disagreeable disease has been long and hard, but in the end the leading scientists of the JTF medical community came through for its people and all of mankind. This came as no surprise to many as the Federation has been the front runners in disease control for its population for ages. In 500 AD, JTF scientists discovered the secret of medicine and have progressed our nation throughout the ages with sanitation, and more recently with the break through genetic engineering. Therefore it is only natural that the #1 disease controlling nation produce such an achievement for mankind.
With the most recent achievement of the communist scientists, the government has received record approval. When the cure was announced citizen approval for the government rose 5 percent, to a record high. This achievement of course is underscored and perhaps tampered by recent scandals in a few major cities. Every city party leader was given notice of the cure 12 hours in advance of the general announcement. A few of these leaders attempted to take advantage of the future citizenry happiness growth before the announcement. These attempts backfired as the announcement came minutes after unhappy citizens, who were supposed to be pacified by the announcement, created disorder in a few major JTF cities. The disruptive citizens were eventually pacified by the announcement, but not until after the damage was done.
With the recent overthrow of the old Sioux regime, Chairman Grau was only too happy to negotiate a peace with the incoming Sioux leader IL Duce. In exchange for peace the newly elected Sioux leader relinquished control over Fort Sapporo North and released the half strengthened rifleman home guard. When abandoning the fort the Sioux also left the 12 inch cannons intact within the fort. Chairman Grau said he was pleased with the developments and lifted the Japanese Trade Federation blockade on trade, which was imposed following the Sioux attack. Unfortunately remnants of the old guard created a bit of anarchy in Siouxland and JTF merchants found little profit from trade bizarres setup shortly after the end of hostilities. Future plans are in the works as JTF merchants are not easily deterred.
With the recent introduction of electricity in the past century this world has moved toward the future with lightning speed. At the same time our growing world demands constant construction projects to meet the needs of the ever enlarging populous. These two aspects of our world societies have begun to clash. The most recent events in Aztecia are by far the most disturbing yet. Power interruptions causing a disruption of everyday activity, especially during the weekends have caused great turmoil in that burgeoning nation. In the race to build, construction crews severed the life lines of that nation. Though recent scandals have erupted over construction projects on our side of the world we must hope that such major events will be avoided in the JTF. However, the rest of our global community has already been effected by such occurences; trade and communication breakdowns occured this century between all nations and Aztecia. The result was a global affect that practically slowed the world to a screeching halt. With the dawning of new technology we must review the JTF policies and trade practices to assure greater disruptions will not affect the future of the Federation. A policy is reportedly going before Chairman Grau and the Trade Commitee this week as an attempt to curb such future disasters. The self-sufficiency of the JTF is undergoing great scrutiny and it is believed the new policy of trade and communication may be drastically changed. Unconfirmed reports have been circulating, suggesting the possible imposition of isolationism, or less extreme, the isolation from non-Communist nations as prevention against future breakdowns. For as the party teaches us, capitalism is the route of all evil.
September 13, 1999, 14:27
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The New English Times: issue 10 Special edition
A new geopolitical worldmap as of 1740AD:
Main Changes
A very short time period but some interesting developments nonetheless: The Sioux/JTF conflict has ended thanks to the arrival of a new sub by the name of 'ilDuce'. The editor of the NET hopes that he'll become a regular source of inspiration for forthcoming diplo sessions (I need something to write about!  )
Back to the map...
After hostilities ended the JTF has established a trading outpost on the tip on India. Furthermore the Vikings finally allowed our Cartographer access to their map archives, which resulted in some interesting updates. The Viking nation is almost shaped like a questionmark! "Coincidence or Symbolism?" who can say...?
Other news to follow...
September 16, 1999, 08:36
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The New English Times: issue 10
Relations with vikings return to normal
In a closed meeting between top officials a settlement has been reached regarding the Viking spy scandal in South America. The agreement hammered out seems to be a big package with several issues rolled up into one: Due to to state of anarchy in many Viking cities they requested if some our government specialist could help in restoring order, this was the first part of the agreement. Returning to a more peaceful state was the second part of the agreement for the English. In return the vikings have made the commitment to: Supply a new tech on a later date plus a substantial amount of gold for payment of our specialist and retribution for the act of espionage.
Convoy reaches the Atlantic
It has gone a bit unnoticed but the trade convoy that set out a few years back has reached the Atlantic ocean. It has been smooth sailing till now but quite boring for the passengers, convoy ships aren't luxury cruise liners. Especially some traders, who've been bored out of their wits, went berserk after the only football on the ship went into the ocean during a soccermatch on the aft deck. Fist flyed and heads cracked before the captain was forced to assign some of the passengers to their cabins for the duration of their voyage.
New improvements in Agriculture
Thanks to new advancements in storage and transport of foodstuffs grain production will increase with almost 50! These gains can't be utilized at once however as it requires large investments in special buildings called 'supermarkets'. Despite the costs several distributors in the food and retailing sector have already made marketplans. "It will mean more choice and lower prices for all the consumers" mentioned the Chairman of Topshop who's company is already building a supermarket in London. Well, who can disagree with that?
September 16, 1999, 11:21
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NEWSFLASH: Aztecs are NOT cable ready.The Aztecs have been furiously trying to modernize and improve their infrastructure including prewiring their new planned communities with cable. Unfortunately one of our contruction crews inadvertantly cut the cable in Santa Ana and all service downstram was lost including communication with the rest of the world. Our cable crews are working day and night trying to restore service in a desperate race against time. The masses are out in the streets rioting since they are missing their beloved Nick at Nite reruns and ESPN. If service is not restored soon the government could collapse with an eventual change in the leadership.
September 17, 1999, 00:51
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Viking Sentinel Short Version:
Progressive & mostly productive times in Viking lands. Most of the news that is news has been reported by foreign sources.
Talk about a protest vote!
The new & more passive woman's touch now holds our highest leadership position.
We got out of 20(!) f__ing years of anarchy caused by the tech-theft scandal with the "help" of our "friends" the English & their Statue to a great female. It was a discusting lowering of our morals to have to make any kind of a "deal" just to get the citizens together once again under democracy. But year after year, the people would not pull together & form a new government of any kind. 
So with war upon us, once again, due to the aggressive Chin AI leadership & not wanting to risk a border city being easily captured by the lure of gold & a stable government... we felt it in the country's best interest to rent the English's Statue. We most note here publicly, that the English press has over stated the terms of the deal. A tech yes, "large" sums of gold, no. As we told their bold leader in our negotiations, we have already replaced the stolen tech with a much newer 1 + we lost a dipolmat in the act. Also, York(the city of the Statue) provides little of anything we can benefit from under anarchy. So we hope the English leaders lower their expectations as to how much gold a civ getting out of 4 decades of anarchy can/will pay.
Business Section:
There was little incentive to complete trade routes while there is roiting in the streets. Now that organized, normal commerce has been re-established; our caravans & freight that finally reached the Russian homeland in N.America will make their rather fruitful connecting routes from there to the shores of eastern & southeatern Asia!
Settlers with armed escorts are nearing S.America's west coast to establish as best a colony as possible in the slim pickin's that are let in the Andes.
Technology Section:
Frankly gentlemen, it sucked. We seem to have spent more time on hold than progressing. In the interest of getting this world contest wrapped up before the next big bang, we strongly suggest setting a limit on the # of times a dropoff can stop time. This has happened before & whether it is technical, alien customers or leaders' concubines lustful wooing... the world must move on.
Future Section:
The Viking leaders will be on "leadership retreat" this Sat. We intend to learn much about the production, marketing & racing of this new invention on the horizon... the Automobile!! For those so inclined, the details can be seen by following the competition thread of
We look forward to restablishing our normal rule & showing U all how to "Suck Viking exhaust!" 
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited September 17, 1999).]</font>
September 17, 1999, 08:07
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Leaked Russian Technical Document
Advise Pres. Superstar on failing technological problems. Display drivers are a shambles, unlikely that Civ2 will run on 16 colour. Hopefully correct drivers will arrive in the post tommorrow or govt. control may have to be returned to the subversive Mr.AI. Please inform other nations asap.
September 17, 1999, 18:40
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Official Statement from Pres. Superstar to all world leaders.
Gentlemen, it has been brought to my attention that the Russian Civ has recently been experiencing problems. First there was ill-fated distractions of the female persuasion that caused myself to miss out on control of the great Russian nation last turn. Also, technical troubles have left me without the required facilites to re-join the diplomatic front. I believe that although problems are not entirely satisfactory, I will be able to resume control of Russia next time. I still only have a ghastly 16 colour version of the world map, but I believe I can carry on regardless.
I hope to see you all tommorrow, and I shall hopefully once again return to lead Russia to glory.
Thank you for your patience,
Pres. Superstar.
September 18, 1999, 08:14
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The New English Times: issue 10 late edition
English have to sit this one out
Our beloved leader of the English CapTVK was invited to royal family celebration today. The Royal family has taken a few steps back in controlling England but sometimes our leaders have to be present during important royal festivities, in this case a memorial service later in the afternoon. It's certain that CapTVK won't be available at the presidential opening of the parlement tonight "I'm afraid I just won't be able to make it to the start of todays session, but maybe I'll return later in the evening for some late diplomatic discussions" where his last words before he had to leave...
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited September 18, 1999).]</font>
September 20, 1999, 08:39
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Dispatch from Viking Secret Service:
Messages have been received from unnamed but freindly & reliable sources warning that while the real Viking leadership was on hurricane mandatory evacuation & automotive research retreat... the new leader of our FRIEND & former ALLY, the Sioux has taken 1 of our most valuable cities & wonders!!!
At this point we do not have an updated file (which we trust the host leader will IMMEDIATELY send us). Regardless, we see NO REASON WHATSOEVER why a civ that we have NEVER done anything but help from the dawn of time feels they can suddenly & without provocation or justification take a city!!??
Even if the lame substitute AI leaders provocated a fight (wish we seriously doubt, since we were "Enthusiastic" in our attitude toward the Sioux), this new "leader"/war-monger(?), "Il Duce", could have sought out relief from the UN & other great leaders. As a last alternative, the city in Tibet would have served the purpose of capturing to make peace with the AI. To get to the city taken, the Sioux leader had to actually work his way thru a doz squres of GUARDED territory... how & why did he do that??!!
This IS NOT in the spirit of this contest & we protest in the loudest & most serious terms! Frankly, who the hell do does this guy think he is? Coming into this world, we know little of him since he is is NOT plugged into the international commo system (known as ICQ) nor is he a member of the international press & reporting pool (ala, these forums).
This issue must be explained & resolved before the world reconvenes. Or drastic action must be taken.
And if anyone believes this is justified "playback" for the Viking treatment of the Chin's... I suggest U read ALL the posts & pleadings & reasons why we Vikings earned & took this city. Where is there ANY word from this mystery "man" that comes into this world in it's 6th millentium & in his 2nd session in power starts taking cities!
And from a civ that would have GIVEN him the Tibean city & has NEVER violated the borders set in the BC era... allowing plenty of room for growth into rich territory. Note on the excellent maps provided by the English press & the techno-advanced leader of their's, CapTVK. The huge area of white between the Vikings in blue & the Sioux in purple is the area that we speak of, lots of area for them to grow & develop especially valuable now that we are in the industrial age!
Gentleman & "Il Duce"(if U ever read these communiques)... there must be IMMEDIATE redress of this most serious of violations.
September 20, 1999, 19:59
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I would like to take this opportunity in lending Pres.Milo my full support. It was not until late in the game that I noticed this outrage, and cannot see any justification for Duce's actions. This is a Diplo game, and although the odd sneak attack is allowed, this was unprovoked and there has so far been no excuses made.
If this matter is not resolved soon, then the Russians will mobilize troops in aid if required. This is a serious violation and will NOT be tolerated.
September 20, 1999, 23:01
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NEWSFLASH: AZTECS NOW ARE BROADBAND.......The Aztecs have repaired their cable system to restore communication throughout their widespread empire and also to the rest of the world thus avoiding chaos and overthrow of their government and its current administration. In addition, we have now completed laying fiber optic cable throughout Europe and western Asia just as Computers were discovered last turn. The massive investment in education and infra structure has finally paid off and soon the entire country will be linked by supercomputers.
September 21, 1999, 00:14
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The Aztecs would like to address the constant skirmishing in central Asia and the Far East over the past 2 centuries. Since signing the historic TREATY OF ROME in 1480 AD, the Aztecs have demilitarized and become pacified, even isolationist in their dealings with the rest of the world in an effort to rebuild their backward and war-torn country.Recent events in the lands to our east cause us great concern in regards to future world peace. There has been a slow but constant erosion in the power of our former allies the Chinese as several nations have taken advantage of its weak and incompetent govrnment(read AI).Now apparently open warfare broke out between the Sioux and the Vikings just before the end of the last session. Both countries are valued trading partners of ours and we hope that an end to these hostilities can be reached before they spread to other parts of the world. We call upon the one remaining superpower of the world, the great JTF, the one country that can project its power around the globe,to intervene with its military and /or influence in Central Asia to restore the status quo to the area. to that end , the Aztecs will support any resolutions to censure the sioux and restore Viking and Chinese territorial integrity.
September 21, 1999, 09:25
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The New English Times: issue 11 Special edition
Seem to have missed a great session: SETI race almost over and the Sioux moving into Asia and the Vikings taking some hits in the process. Very good material indeed!
A new geopolitical worldmap as of 1766AD:
Main Changes
The main news is in China this week. A bold move (if questionable) by the Sioux in Asia puts the Vikings in a weakened position. We should be reminded that the Viking leadership wasn't present at the time due to the danger of a natural disaster. Although the English applaud the Sioux in taking a more proactive stance in worldaffairs it is considered undiplomatic taking strategic cities whilst no leader is present.
Meanwhile the Chinese(AI) have recaptured one of their cities. Thereby putting Viking influence in SE-Asia even more in question.
The last major change in China was the taking of the last major ports by the JTF and Russian forces. China no longer has any naval presence in the Pacific. Making it the playground of Russian,Viking and JTF naval forces.
No other news this week...
SDI proprosal
With Computers around the corner, rocketry and nuclear fission will be easily reached by most players in the forthcoming sessions. Making nuclear weapons a distinct possiblity.
Sooner or later one of the players (or the AI) will build the Manhattan project so they can build nukes. Maybe for protection against or for threatening others. I have no problem with allowing nukes in a diplo game. But I do have a problem with the ultimate defense against nukes: " SDI is 100% failproof"
Once the laser is discovered it's really easy to rushbuild SDI in all major cities if your a major civ, the smaller civ's don't have this luxury.
In real life SDI wouldn't be failproof (if it worked at all!) against nukes. That's why I proprose:
Make it impossible to build SDI
A simple change in the rules.txt would suffice. Just change the tech you need for SDI to something like plumbing.
So what do you think? Continue and see how things turn out? Ban SDI? Ban nukes altogether? or is there another possibility?
Remember, this is a race for Alpha Centauri and not a race for who can light the nuclear bonfire, diplomacy comes first!
This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited October 04, 1999).
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited November 28, 1999).]</font>
September 21, 1999, 11:08
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Ban SDI? The Russians are not entirely convinced that this is such a good idea. The human nations can certainly be expected to show restraint in nuclear affiars, but the AI certainly cannot. They will quite likely embark on random bombings and any nation not allied to them would be in danger, even if a peace treaty exists. Do you wish Global warming Pres. Cap? The Russian nation certainly does not.
The development of Nuclear missles will be an interesting time, which will definatly prevent world affiars from growing stale. SDI is not foolproof. All it takes is a well used spy et voila, no SDI and one great radioactive mess.
Pres. Nappy, I acknowledge your concerns as regards to the China situation. I would like to make a few points in my defense.
1. The Chinese declared war on me and no amount of diplomatic pleading on my part ended thier aggression.
2. As I constantly send Freight units around the world I cannot afford to lose ships, and have already been unsuccessfully attacked by the Chinese navy.
3. In taking their city a tenous cease fire has been established, and their navy no longer a threat.
4. Although this is still a Diplomatic game, there must still be room for military strikes when diplomacy fails. A nation historically results to violence to resolve disputes that cannot be sorted diplomatically, and it is the Russian policy to attack only when provoked. We will not sit back and let the Chinese or any other nation take pot shots at us.
5. Continued Chinese aggression will continue to be dealt with in this manner. May I suggest that if Chinese aggression continues then a carve-up of it's territory between the existng players could be a final soloution. Just an idea, but one that might prevent ill-feelings if everybody benefits.
I would like to state as a final comment that the main fear of the Russians is that the world develops into an event free, private planet where everyone concentrates on micro-management. We are also worried that technology will be witheld by the more advanced nations who seek to win the space race. It is unrealistic to expect smaller nations to sit back and watch others win, content to build catherdrals and banks in order to keep bored citizens placated. We can retain diplomacy, but the game shouldn't grow stale.
Thank you for your patience gentlemen, any comment or discourse is cordially invited.
September 24, 1999, 21:32
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The Weekly has uncovered an untold race. A race for technology that would lead to search for life on other planets. Not since the advent of Astronomy has the world been baffled by the actions of scientists. Recent rise in pollution, outbreak of war, and city overcrowding are issues being discussed at the Communist Summit this fall, not whether or not there is life on other planets. However, it is believed that quite a few of our worlds’ capitalist nations are being led by their citizens to take such outlandish actions.
Chairman Graumoto was the first to welcome Siouxland to the Communist fold. Keeping with the newest trade programs, he has directed the Trade Ministry to increase trade routes with our fellow Communist comrades. Privately, Graumoto admits that recent Sioux foreign policies have displayed poor judgment. The taking of the Viking City containing JS Bach’s Cathedral was one of these. However, the JTF realizes that the Sioux Nation has been minimized over the centuries into a third rate power. But, the benefits of a theological structure should not come with pure Communist theory. The Trade Federation Communist Party, about to celebrate its 500th anniversary, appeases the discontent of its citizens with newer electronic coliseums; designed to appease the masses of the Federation.
As for Sioux expansion into other realms and destruction of the treaty of alliance with the Vikings; the Council has refused to comment. However, approval for Sioux expansion could be forth coming as it has been recently discovered that the Viking High Priestess Gunhild has entered into a secret pact with JTF enemies, the Chinese, to “contain” the spread of the JTF.
After the JTF was drawn into the Sino-Russian War, forces under the command of General Yamamoto, sprung to action. Pacific Theater Home Forces were loaded up and sent into action. Shortly after the Russian bribe attack on Yakutsk (now New Yakutsk), JTF Marines took the sole remaining Chinese port of Khabarovsk. Chinese officials quickly negotiated a cease-fire upon the loss of Khabarovsk. However, this was only a ploy to gather their forces. The sneak attack came on Fort Korea North. Chinese Cannons were brought to bear against and destroyed fort defenses, at which a Calvery Brigade exploited the hole in the defenses and slaughtered Federation Terrain Engineers. The situation looks dim, as Chinese forces prepare to overrun Korea. To add to the situation, Viking High Priestess Gunhild sent secret communication, intercepted by JTF insiders, in possible support of Chinese movements.
In accordance with host nation agreement, Baja Air Base and San Juan Air Base are preparing to enter active service. The base facilities are up and running and ready to receive traffic. This couldn’t have come at a better time, as the Sino-Russian War escalates, and Chinese forces threaten Korea. These bases are part of the Federation Global Reach strategy, enacted to link all Trade Federation Posts in a mutual defense strategy. With the recent tensions with the Fundamentalist regime, negotiations have ceased over the final link.
With the spread of air travel into other world nations the Council has begun hearing proposals on the construction of international airports. These ports would be found on nearly every continent or island of the JTF or possibly within transport distance. In exchange for an access fee, the cities, when constructed, would be leased to merchants from every nation. Supporters of the proposal agree that it would be costly, but highly beneficial to the promotion of world trade. The International Airports would each employ around 10,000 citizens. If approved construction could begin immediately. The first proposal sites discussed have been in the Bizen desert, Nagoya Jungle, or the Horn of Satsuma and Santiago mountains, Patagonia plains or possibly Amazonia. Sites in other areas of the world will be discussed as the popularity of constructed sites are evaluated
(any takers on this idea? it would speed up trade)
September 25, 1999, 21:47
Local Time: 23:17
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Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: UK
Posts: 388
MOSCOW MULE Sunday 25th September, 1774
The recent attempt to beat the Aztecs to the Search for Extra Terrestial Life caused great controversy earlier this evening, and was scrapped due to overwhelming condmenation from world leaders. The plan would have involved a theft of technology and the SETI program being built in a Russian city in Japanese hands. The move was deemed illegal by the high council and 'just not cricket, old boy'.
An Apology was issued to Pres. Nappy and the situation has now returned to normal.
Other world stories include peace in China, and the return of New Yakust to the Chinese. For details see Foreign affairs.
In a bid to battle the slow development of science, a fact further slowed by the failure to build the SETI program, Pres. Superstarski has invested in a new University and research centre drive, ensuring science output is at a maximum as the great leaders look to the stars for enlightenment.
This paper is becoming concerned with the growing strentgh of China after New Yakust was handed back. It appears that several nations are calling for further cities to be gifted to China, whose army is constantly growing and they're power getting stronger. We hope the new leader continues to reign, but not at the expense of other nations, such as the Vikings. We are also concerned about the threat of AI leadership returning to throw Eastern Asia into chaos once more. Particularly now they're Army is stronger than ever. We advise a cautious and considered approach to gifting too many cities until it is apparent that the new leader is fully committed.
The Great Wall of Sverdlovsk was finally built, centuries after it's use has expired. The blueprints were found in an old ladies handbag, and swiftly built as a monument to times past. To further the cities Wonder building tradition, The Oracle is now planned in what this paper sees as a reckless folly. However, Pres. Superstarski has been known to hold an ambition to posses a top 5 city and this waste of space maybe just what he needs to realise his ambition.
The new city of Superstarski was founded in recognition of our great leader and his contribution to world affairs. It is the first of 2 new domestic cities planned, the other serving as a link between North and South America.
Foreign Affairs.
Details of the treaty of Vladivostok, involving the return of New Yakust have been released for public viewing. The deal states that Russia recieved 750 gold, planning permission for 3 new Russian cities north of Chinese territory and an embargo on offensive naval units. Pres. Superstarski today commented "The return of New Yakust was beneficial for both parties. Trade ships will now have safe passage across the Pacific and the new cities will not only serve as further breathing space for the crowded Russian Empire, but will also open new doorways into the Eurasian market. The Chinese will now have a trade port, and they're dignity has been restored."
Improved relations with the Chinese were slowed with the escalating tension between them and our long serving Allies the Vikings. Russia remains committed to the Viking cause, not wishing new Pres. 'Nice' Blondes (ahem!) to suffer further squeezing of his territories. We can only hope that the matter will be resolved without significant damage to the Viking populace, one of the longest serving human competitors.
An English trade city in N. America has provisionally been agreed. Although based mainly in the West coast desert it will allow a huge trade boost when the English freights finally arrive after the completion of a new airport. The details remian sketchy but watch this space.
Military Mule.
Further Peasant revolts were beaten down as a group of rogue partisans attempted to capture Uralsk. The brave cavalry that finally saw them off was seriously wounded, barely surving but keeping Russia's untouched military in place. Russia remains perhaps the only nation not to have lost a single unit in open warfare, a tradition that we are highly proud of.
Environmental News.
There is increasing concern over the escalating pollution clouding our atmosphere. The Russian nation, despite having several factories is keeping their air clean with engineers working overtime to counter balance the problem. So far, a maximum number of 2 polluted sites per year are the only problematic areas. If Russia can manage this, why can't other nations. We at the Mule say "Clean up your messes", or we'll all pay the price in global warming. This issue is serious gentlemen, build mass transit and engineers ASAP to control this problem.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Superstar (edited September 25, 1999).]</font>
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