May 4, 2001, 06:40
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Turn to the cyborgs --2179
May 5, 2001, 05:43
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MY2179 sent to the Spartans.
May 6, 2001, 18:35
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On to CBN.
May 6, 2001, 22:19
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Turn to the cyborgs 2180
May 7, 2001, 08:50
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MY2180 sent to Zaphod.
May 7, 2001, 17:05
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On to CBN.
May 7, 2001, 21:40
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On to cyborgs 2181
May 8, 2001, 10:57
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MY2181 sent to Zaphod.
Prime Function Cedronian Address to the Nation: "It´s a sad day on Planet as a Cyborg Scout Rover witnessed a horrific attack by the Planet Cult against Pirate installations and units. We do not know the full extent of the attack or the losses incurred, but our thoughts are with the Pirate faction in these sad times. The Planet Cult have become a serious menace on the northwest expansion front and they will have to be dealt with accordingly. Cyborg troops are deployed near the site of the incident and will retaliate with full force against the Planet Cult in defense of our allies, the Pirates. Planet Cult forces are too close to our most recent settlements and fresh troops have to be raised and brought in to protect the lives of our citizens."
May 8, 2001, 11:25
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Emporer cbn gave a public adress upon learning of ther Cult attacks on the Pirates
We share the cyborgs revulsion at the Cults persistent attacks on all the peaceloving nations on Planet. we have been forced to destroy several Cult units that invaded our lands for the purpose of destruction and war. All peaceful overtures have been ignored. I implore anyone with influence to attempt to sway this rogue nation to the ways of peace.
Our forces are currently engaged in a battle against the Data Angels in response to their attacks against our people. Once we have routed these vermin, we will focus the full power of our expeditionary force against the Cult. It is our fervent hope that the Cult will cease their attacks and learn to live in peace.
May 8, 2001, 15:55
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An open message to Zaphod
We are deeply concerned about your expressions of support for the Cult in the face of our dispute with them. Did you not see our previous message? We have also been attacked without provocation or explanation by the Prophet. They do not even return diplomatic messages. Be warned that we will tolerate no interference in our defence of our lands. Deal with the cyborgs as you see fit but the terms of our agreements require that you do not interfere in OUR military operations against an agressor.
If you have any influence with the cult, we formally request that you attempt to mediate a peaceful resolution to the conflicts.
May 9, 2001, 00:16
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An excerpt from Spartan Public Radio - Governor Zaphod addresses the Planetary Council:
As the sole ally of the Planet Cult, we are quite concerned about the recent saber-rattling on the part of the Cyborgs. It is true that the Cultists sometimes take extreme measures in defense of their beliefs, but I believe that they are as worthy of a place on Planet as the rest of us. As Colonel Zaphod, leader of the Spartans, I caution Prime Function Cedronian that we will come to the aid of our allies if necessary.
I do hope that it will not come to war, however, and my present role as Governor may help. In the interest of peace, I would like to invite both parties to a summit at Sparta Command to discuss the issue and work out a peace plan. Shall the doves prevail over the hawks, or will we devolve into general war?
May 9, 2001, 02:17
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I take the opportunity to declare war on the damn fungal-loving Cha Dawn. Without warning and for no reason he attacked and destroyed a CP, a former and a base.  I call upon all players to do likewise, regardless of the governors mealy-mouthed rhetoric.
The turn is turned.
May 9, 2001, 06:44
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Open letter to Colonel Zaphod:
The Cyborgs are concerned about the recent threats of war that the Spartans have brought against the peaceful Cyborgs. The Planet Cult declared vendetta against us a long time ago and though we have tried to come to a peaceful resolution with them, they won´t even respond to our diplomatic commlink messages. The Cyborgs have been in a state of vendetta against the Planet Cult (started by them) even before the Spartans and Planet Cult became allies. It´s also important to note that WE are not the instigators here. They attack OUR holdings, they threaten OUR cities and attack OUR units. Not the other way around. The Planet Cult started this and now you, the Spartans, want to join in on the side of the instigators, the backstabbers? We fail to see the logic in this…and we would also like to point out that the Spartans are allied with us too.
We think that other reasoning is behind this. Why would the Spartans join a crusade with a faction that are not that close to them geographic-wise, can offer no tech-trades, offer far less commerce and trade income than we do? Just for the sake of them being allies (as we are too)? That´s a big pill to swallow…
As for coming to the Planet Cults “aid” if necessary: The Cyborgs have ONE Scout Rover near where the incident took place. I have at least seen 3 Planet Cult units in the area. If anyone needs aid it would be us and not them. Also, the Planet Cult are the most powerful faction, military-wise. Since we are allies, the Prime Function urges Colonel Zaphod to take this into consideration.
I can´t help but feel that the Cyborgs have suddenly, and wrongely, been labeled by the Spartans as a warmonger faction. We have almost no military might and have to defend ourselves against a powerful military faction. We will build the units necessary to protect our bases and interest. No more. I can assure the other faction leaders that the military units will only be used against the Planet Cult and in a defensive manner. We do not strive to wipe them out from the face of Planet. We only intended to protect what is ours against THEIR attacks.
We also note that only the Cyborgs where targeted in the Colonels speech. Following the Colonels logic, should he not threaten the Pirates and the Hive too?
Regarding the peace-talks: You present the sides as the Cyborgs and the Planet Cult. What about the Pirates? It was against them that the Planet Cult commited these vile acts. No declaration of war, no nothing, just a cruel attack against the Pirates.
The Cyborgs don´t like war, and we certainly would not want to go to war against our good neighbour and valuable ally, the Spartans. If Zaphod can convince the Planet Cult to cease hostilities and end the vendetta, the Cyborg would do likewise. Nothing could please us more. We hope that the Spartans are more succesful in this endeavour, seeing as we have tried to do the same thing about every third year with no response from Cha Dawn. The Cyborgs will be at the Peace Summit in Sparta Command to show our good faith and hopefully to resolve peace so that we may go back to being happy neighbours once again.
Hopefully, the doves will prevail.
Prime Function Cedronian.
May 9, 2001, 06:46
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Phew, the post above got a bit longish
To sum up: We want peace and I hope that Colonel Zaphod recognizes this and that we can come to terms without hostilities.
What say you Colonel?
May 9, 2001, 08:23
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MY2182 sent to Zaphod.
May 9, 2001, 09:27
Local Time: 04:40
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Hey ced you beat me to the turn posting-- 2182
As ced has already seen I have a reload message. It actually happened when I hit "save and exit"-- Roze moves after me and while her units were moving ( I always see her moves if the units are in my units view)I got a terranx crash. This was doubly frustrating since I had captured one of her bases on the turn.
So I went back and replayed the turn doing everything the same. I did capture the base again-- (but took heavier damage)-- has anyone else experiences the teranx crash while attempting to save and exit? I would have been real ticked if my attack had failed on the replay LOL.
Now into character
Open message to all faction leaders
People, I ask you to recall our common Earth history. It is known that webs of alliances has led many nations to be drawn into conflict in a war that enveloped all of Earth. I speak of World War I. The Hive urges caution so that this world does not become enveloped in such a conflict due to the actions of the Cult.
I do not know the nature of the Sparta-Cult alliance but out of respect for our alliance with the Spartans we pledge not to exterminate the Cult. We hope that this is sufficient as we will not forego our RIGHT to destroy any Cult troops that enter our territory or to attack the bases from which they come .
As for the Cyborgs, I agree that the first message seems benign as you proclaim an intent to defend yourself. We applaud your decision to protect your territory and citizenry. However there is other behavior of the Cyborgs that we find troubling and wish to make known to the world. The cyborgs without any discussion, established a series of bases designed to reduce the size of Hive territory and then made further claims to even greater lands. They have been persuaded to desist from these claims, as rationality and diplomacy ruled the day, BUT all factions should be aware of their expansionist leanings. They have border pushed the Hive even while they have LARGE tracts of vacant land in their undisputed homeland.
To Captain Hobbes I send best wishes and the offer of assistence. We have also suffered the indignity of an unprovoked Cult attack. Medical aid and food will be sent to the war zone to assist your refugees.
6 O'clock news
In Hive news today the military adjunct announced the annexation of a key Angel base. The base will be renamed "Triumph" in a ceremony to be held early in 2183. Upon this capture the Angels immediately offered a truce and substantial reparations. While these were accepted, the military forces remain on full alert as further Angel troops have been detected in the area. Roze refused to answer diplomatic overtures designed to request the withdrawal of these forces and tension remains high in the region.
Some grocery and hardware stores in Hole of Inspiration today sold out of most staples as panicked citizens reacted to rumours of a war with the Spartans. Citizens are anxious over recent exchanges between world leaders and this was incited into panic when a Channel 10 webcast announced that hostilities had broken out. Authorities and Channel 10 deny the report and have tracked the source to a highjacked feed. Police have apprehended a 14 yr old youth who is quoted as saying "he did it on a dare". External affairs officials deny that there have been any hostilities with the Spartans but training exercises near the DMZ have been cancelled in what is viewed as a move to prevent escallation. At last report diplomats for all nations were meeting to try to resove the "Cult question". This is Gotit Rite for Channel 8 news.
May 9, 2001, 10:08
Local Time: 09:10
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Yeah, I was fast today

The cyborgs without any discussion, established a series of bases designed to reduce the size of Hive territory
One base  and you know it was not designed to reduce your territory as that question wasn´t even raised back then.

BUT all factions should be aware of their expansionist leanings.
Not just true...we have gone out of our way expand in a direction where no other factions have any installations. And have not expanded more than anyone else in this game.

They have border pushed the Hive even while they have LARGE tracts of vacant land in their undisputed homeland.
Again, one base and it was not designed as a border push since your closest base is about 25 squares away...Morgan might think it was a border push though
And what about your decision to border push me out of the Nexus Landmark when you already have 2 Landmarks of your own? I know you base that on "he did it to me first" but that´s not the case, since it wasn´t an issue when I founded the base south of Morgans only base (which is the base you keep referring too).
Crashes: I have not experienced any crashes on save and exit.
Oh, and congratulations on taking that Angel base. Good work!
May 9, 2001, 13:34
Local Time: 03:10
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An excerpt from Governor Zaphod's latest address to the Planetary Council:
I am saddened to announce the failure of peace talks between Planet Cult and the other factions with which it is a war. Our mediation team made a supreme effort to work out mutally agreable peace terms for all parties, but have met with failure on all fronts. Unfortunately, the difficulty lies with the fanaticism of the Cultists, and their steadfast refusal to compromise. All of the other parties were willing to discuss comprise, and we must apologize to Emperors cbn and Hobbes and Prime Function Cedronian for our lack of success.
As a result of this diplomatic impasse, we must reconsider our relationship with the Cultists. We will not interfere in the efforts of the other factions to defend themselves against Cultist agression. We do reserve the right, however, to condemn any military action that results from another faction's incursion into the Cult's territory.
One very troubling piece of information that came to light during these peace talks was the the Cult had been paid to attack the Hive. We are very concerned that one of the factions has been attempting to subvert the peace in a covert manner. We have assigned a crack team of investigators to look into this matter. Rest assured that the perpetrator of this action will be dealt with severely.
May 9, 2001, 16:08
Local Time: 04:40
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Heard in the Intelligence ministry. . . .
Cbn scowled at the report in front of him. " What happened to the days when an enemy would honorably declare themselves before you in battle. Does no one conduct themselves with honour. Either the Spartans are mistaken or lying OR we have an unspoken enemy that has purported to be our friend. Send out ther diplomats and unleash the secret police. we must know the truth"
This is Gotit Rite with Channel 8. Panic buying began in all communities on the Cult frontier upon news that the Cult may be focusing its attacks on us on the instructions of some other hostile power. Authorities stated that this is pure speculation and increased patrols on all frontiers in an attempt to allay citizens fears. As well diplomats indicated that relations are amicable with all the major powers and in fact there is movement toward more cooperative ties. However local citizenry expressed distrust of the statements of the authorities. "Politicians are just saying stuff, I never trust them anyway".
This is Onthe Scene with Channel 8 at forward encampment 7. I cannot report where we are due to military blackout rules but can report that I witnessed a Hive unit destroy a cult attacker. Our troops fought valiantly and emerged with only minor injuries to squad members. This is one of several outposts that have been established to inderdict Cult units. A military spokesman stated that it is highly unlikely that the Cult could threaten any Hive settlement. " we are patrolling quite actively" he said.
In other news today analysts speculated that the recent rash of rumours has actually been initiated by members of the Hive military industries. These industries had experienced sagging sales due to the peaceful relations among world powers. However a spokesman for Build Big Guns industries denied that there was any involvement and condemned those that would believe they would be so socially irresponsible. BBG stock rose 23% today on news that ammunition orders worldwide have increased 12% in the past 2 days.
May 9, 2001, 17:40
Local Time: 10:10
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Another turn is turned to CBN.
May 9, 2001, 22:48
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2183 is on its way to ced
May 10, 2001, 17:13
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MY2183 sent to Zaphod a couple of hours ago.
May 11, 2001, 02:55
Local Time: 10:10
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On to CBN once more.
May 11, 2001, 07:41
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and on it goes to ced (2184)-- too tired to create much "flavor
Investigations continue into the causes of the unremitting Cult hostility towards the Hive. Denials have been received from Morgan and cedronian. As for hobbes, it is possible that the action was before the revolution that brought him to power. If his nation had precipitated this act he would likely have no record of it. it must be those hated Angels. they shall be exterminated shortly and perhaps Roze will reveal the information under Hice "persuasion". Would that end the Cult's obligation to them if in fact Roze is the guilty party?
May 11, 2001, 10:32
Local Time: 09:10
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MY2184 sent to Zaphod.
"Cyborg citizens today started protesting against the recent build-up of Cyborg military forces. One of the protestors, living far from the front, where quoted as saying: "We have always been a peaceful society. Why do we need all these guns?".
Prime Function Cedronian answered the many protestors in the evening news: "Fellow citizen. The attacks by the Cult have been relentless in the last few years but have now receded somewhat. There is still no word from Cha Dawn but we continue to keep diplomatic options open. Since there seems to be only a few fragments left of the Cult invasion force, we have decided to scale back the initial military build-up and instead focus on community-enhancing facilities and peaceful research once again. The troops that have started training will finish boot-camp but the forces that are on back-order will be cut back and replaced with aforementioned items. We hope that this will calm your worries and we also hope that this will send a message to the other factions that we are not a war-inclined faction."
"Early morning news bulletin, Alpha Prime Channel 57: News are trickling in that the government has increased spending on leisure activities and holotheaters to quell the recent outburst of discontent among the Cyborg citizens. Our reports are showing that the protests have calmed down and people are again going back to work. A spokesperson for the government, who has chosen to remain anonymous, said that the "psych-enhancing" spending would cease as soon as the production-shift in favour of more research-oriented facilities was finished".
May 11, 2001, 21:40
Local Time: 03:10
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An excerpt from Governor Zaphod's recent emergency address to the Planetary Council - brought to you by Spartan Public Radio
Our team of investigators found that it was indeed Datajack Roze who sent funds to the Cultists as incentive for their attack on the Hive. In response to these findings, an elite mobile force was sent to Data DeCentral to capture Roze and bring her back to Sparta Command for interogation.
I am happy to report that this operation was a complete success. Our force has occupied the city and captured Sinder Roze, without suffering anything more than minor damage. Sinder Roze now resides in a high security cell in the catacombs under the Octagon (Spartan Military Command Headquarters building)where she will no longer pose a threat. Data DeCentral, and the potentially subversive group of hackers located there, remains under the watchful eye of Spartan forces. Now that this heinous terrorist element has been brought under control, Planet may rest easy!
May 12, 2001, 01:28
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I have not seen the turn yet but here goes
CBN addressed recent events at a meeting of council as he spoke to the assmbled faction leaders
While the Hive salutes the extermination of Roze as a benefit to all right-thinking factions we are dismayed with the Spartans appropriation of our war booty. The Spartans victory was due largely to the bombardment and probe actions by Hive units. Our units were assembling for our victory parade into the city when a bunch of Spartan rovers, without so much as a "how-do you do" whisked down the road and proclaimed the area as sovereign Spartan territory. Even among allied nations, a certain courtesy is to be expected before appropriating territory cleared of the enemy by the blood of loyal Hive soldiers.
We wish to lodge a formal protest with the council and seek reparations. we ask all nations to censure this type of behavior. Ced, Hobbes, Morgan, How would you feel if your troops battled into a cult settlement and fought until only a token defense remained. Then as you made preparations to accept the surrender of the city, I roll in and claim it as my own without even having to scratch the paint on a shiny new tank.
Zaphod, I will acknowledge that your actions are in accordance with the strict terms of our treaty but also believe that it is not in the spirit of friendliness between cooperative nations. Zaphod, are the Spartnas commited not only to peace but to a friendly relationship with the Hive? A skirmish almost broke out between our troops this morning when our units began preparations for their final assault. At the very least, parties entering a war zone should notify the warring parties to avoid unnecessary injuries. I ask council to develop a resolution on this issue as soon as possible.
May 12, 2001, 20:17
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Turned to CBN.
May 13, 2001, 05:18
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Turn 2185 to ced
May 13, 2001, 08:56
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MY2185 sent to Zaphod.
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