June 5, 2001, 12:14
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Hi guys!
I'm almost back in circulation. I was indeed moving, but the move is now complete. I should have my desktop machine set up and connected to the internet some time later today, at which time I'll play the turn and pass it on to cbn.
I appreciate your patience, and I apologize again for the delay.
June 5, 2001, 12:30
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No problem Walt
No I can get to see what those evil cultsters (note that I am the Cult in AXT041) are doing to me
June 6, 2001, 12:08
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Walt is back ( but unable to post here) and I have the turn !!
I will be playing around 18:00 apolyton time and we should be able to get back to our good turn rate !!
June 6, 2001, 12:39
Local Time: 08:12
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I'm able to post again. Just thought I'd let y'all know...
(there, is that enough of a Kentucky drawl...?)
June 6, 2001, 15:31
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Turn 2174 ends and a new day dawns on the Cult
June 7, 2001, 10:15
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hey all,
something seems to be wrong with mail stephen send me. so the turn will be moving soon when things are fixed.
June 7, 2001, 18:02
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The turn has been resent to those cultsters.
June 8, 2001, 01:23
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played and away to tench
June 8, 2001, 04:29
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Year 2175 to Walt.
Our war with the Cyborgs does not go well. The top secret mission to infiltrate the 'Borg Datalinks was met with counterintelligence resistance. We have eliminated the Borg's CI resistance, but they delayed our Probes long enough for a 'Borg rover unit to arrive and capture our team. Meanwhile, our naval vessels continue to flee from the stronger and better trained Cyborg ships, and the only naval victory we can brag about is our sinking of an empty transport off of the Gaian coast.
We are considering drastic measures, such as declaring a state of emergency and shifting the government to a Fundamentalist regime for the duration of the war. We are also looking into breeding our own mindworms, which we now have the ability to do (in theory, at least, since we have never attempted this before). Hopefully our second intelligence team can finally break into the 'Borg Datalinks so that we may truly know just how great the threat really is.
By the way, guys, no turns from me starting Friday evening (my time, which of course would be early Saturday morning for knowhow2's Cult). It's too bad that after our excellent progress last week that we got off to a very late start this week. Hopefully we can squeeze one more turn before the weekend. I'll be back Sunday evening.
June 8, 2001, 08:57
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Thanks for the notice
If Walt (in a new location) gets a chance to get the turn to me today I will get it to knowhow by 1800 Apolyton tonight and hopefully it can make its way back around over the weekend.
In other news, I will be changing locations myself as I am picking up and moving to Calgary Alberta. The move will happen in mid - August so there may be no effect on this game at all if we keep our turn rate up (I could be eradicated long before then if I do not fight off this cult threat)
June 8, 2001, 20:11
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,,,,,,, doesn't look good for the turn to get around in time on more time.
June 10, 2001, 11:21
Local Time: 08:12
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Hi guys.
My sincere apologies for the delay.
I've just sent 2175 to Stephen, having not checked this board for two days (oops!).
My move to Kentucky was to move in with my girlfriend, so we're going through a bit of "honeymooning". That and graduation exercises for family members have kept my mind off of SMAC. Sorry that the game has suffered.
I expect to resume a more regular turn schedule now, however, as a return to work puts our lives on a more regular schedule.
Thanks for your understanding.
June 10, 2001, 19:19
Local Time: 04:42
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Turn to knowhow2--
No problem Walt-- It wasn't hardly a delay at all and Tenchusatsu was gone until tonight anyway
June 11, 2001, 10:40
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Foreman cbn looked around at his advisors, "So you have no explanation at all for the prophets behavior. Without warning a bunch of explorers and scouts are attacked. Now a couple of years later they are offered a truce. I accepted since I am still trying to figure out what is going on. Input people . .. . What is going on?"
The ambassador to the Cult spoke, " They offer no apologies or explanantion. There was that single contact where they demanded energy credits and then the attacks. Since then there was a terse truce offer and nothing else. We have sent a diplomatic message to try to clarify our relations"
The external affairs minister frowned, "There has to be more going on here than we can see. The Morganites or the Druids cannot be staunch allies of the cult since each was willing to provide the needed anti-worm technologies. However it is possible that the cult has a hidden backer. We have attempted to foster good relations with all the factions on Planet, I can't imagine who would sponser such an attack.
Cbn turned to the generals, " Where do we stand militarily?"
" Thats what is so perplexing. The attack only makes military sense as a precursor to invasion. In the years since the first attack we have radically strengthened our defense technologies and the numbers of our units. There have been no follow-up attacks and we are closely monitoring cult units. We have prepared a series of detailed projections of our budgetary needs to impleme--"
Cbn cut him off " I know, I know. You folks are always wanting more expensive equipment and toys. Has there ever been a time in the history of man that the military has NOT seen the need for large scale budget increases to deal with some "threat". However, here the threat is real. Until we can better understand this cult we must assume that they are preparing to invade at any time. I have read your reports. Implement Operation "Shield and Dagger" immediately. Pull out the map and explain . . . . "
The deliberations continued throughout the night but came no closer to discerning the intentions of the Cult.
This is Gotit Rite with the Channel 10 news
A mob gathered outside the cabinet building today to protest the the foreman's acquiescence to a truce with the prophet. The group was composed mainly of family members of the the deceased voyager group members killed in what is now known as the "boy scout amssacre". The grief among the families is palpable as they call for the government to strike at the Cult with all its powers. A government spokesman responded that all options are being considered but it was felt to ne in the best interests of all concerned to achieve a cease-fire during which negotiation can take place.
June 11, 2001, 11:02
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I just configured Eudora to work with my Yahoo address, wschellin@yahoo.com, so if you'd all be so kind, would you send turns (and other mail) there instead of shedim@altavista.com?
This address should remain the address of choice for some time.
June 11, 2001, 20:01
Local Time: 09:12
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I don't have the turn. Although I did get the "dimplomatic" post from Foreman cbn.
June 11, 2001, 20:15
Local Time: 04:42
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Turn sent again to the prophet-- Sometimes cyberspace loses the mail LOL just like Canada Post.
June 12, 2001, 11:56
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turn 2176 to tench
June 12, 2001, 12:26
Local Time: 08:12
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Year 2176 to Walt.
Just when we thought our foreign affairs was going south, we achieved two major milestones this year. One was the successful infiltration of the Cyborg Datalinks. We have indeed confirmed that the Cyborgs are well ahead in technology. But what we did not know before was that the Cyborg economy follows the practices of a wasteful and environmentally-unfriendly Free Market. Already our infiltrators report that the Planet psyche is feeling very disfavorable toward the Cyborg bases. This means that if we employ our mindworm trainers against the 'Borg, the Planet will definitely assist us in battle. However, we have also noticed that on their naval vessels, they are employing some sort of crimson armor that radiates a kind of alien energy. We fear that this "Resonant Armor" will help the 'Borg vessels against psionic attacks. It probably won't be enough to overcome the advantage we will have because of their Free Market, but it is definitely something to watch out for. We have not seen any land units employ the armor yet, but no doubt they are already in the process of equipping their land units with the technology.
The other milestone is the successful signing of a treaty with Lal of the Peacekeepers. Not only that, but we were also able to sell a technology and a comm frequency to Lal in exchange for some badly needed energy credits. This marks another step in peaceful relations with the PK.
Imagine that. I get this turn just as I was about to leave for work. And as everyone knows, SMAC always comes before work! (unless the former threatens the existence of the latter ...)
June 12, 2001, 12:34
Local Time: 09:12
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Heard from a Cultist traiter.
"Young Prophet Cha Dawn has just order the removal of First Advisor knowhow2, although highly temporarily, and he will be replaced by Daytrippin as the new First Advisor of the Planet Cult. The romour is that he's being held resposible for the drone-conflict and the circumstances that lead to it."
The official message to planet factions
"The Planet Cult inner affairs will continue as usual and the saving of mankind will proceed without delay. However the Planet Cult representation and management will be preformed by our new First Advisor Daytrippin from now on."
Former Planet Cult First Advisor Knowhow2
"I have no comment at this moment."
June 12, 2001, 12:39
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Okay guys,
I'll be away to my vacation now and as mentioned before, Daytrippin will be substituting for me. He'll drop by and say hello later (hopefully).
have a great summer and I'll hopefully see you again later this year.
June 12, 2001, 14:20
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2176 to cbn.
June 12, 2001, 19:05
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2176 is done and 2177 moves forward for the Cult. It is hoped that the change in first advisors will lead to less conflict but the drones remain wary of cultist intentions.
June 13, 2001, 03:09
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Year 2177 to Walt.
June 13, 2001, 09:10
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2177 to cbn.
June 13, 2001, 20:17
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2177 to daytrippin
Channel 10 News
In our lead story today, hostilities broke out again between the Drones and the Cult. A Drone naval task force detected a Cult landing craft containing at least one worm unit. Despite warnings to turn back, the unit approached the Drones coast and was destroyed by Drone coastal forces. A military spokesman stated that they are treating this as an isolated incident but at this time all Drone forces are on high alert awaiting the Cultist response.
Analysts indicated that this incident is indicative of the lack of trust the Drones have for the Cult in the aftermath of the "Boy Scout" massacre of 2172. At this hour, tensions remain high.
June 14, 2001, 03:27
Local Time: 08:12
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Year 2178 to Walt.
Gaian Defense Minister Report, Year 2178
- We have achieved our first naval victory. Our mindworm trainers aboard an Isle of the Deep report that they have been attacked by a Cyborg vessel. They successfully defended themselves against the attack, but they suffered moderately heavy damage in the process. We have ordered the trainers to retreat and allow the IoD to heal and recover from the battle. [Late correction: Technically this is not our first naval victory. Our previous victory was the sinking of an enemy transport, but that's not really worth bragging about.]
- Our infiltrators within the 'Borg datalinks report that the 'Borg government has taken control of their economy. Their new Planned Economy seeks to control the environmental destruction caused by their former Free Market. It seems they want to improve their relations to the Planet psi in an attempt to better resist the psionic powers of our mindworms. Our trainers report that we still have the advantage when it comes to psionic combat, so we need not be alarmed. Moreover, the inefficiencies of their Planned economy will no doubt have a major impact on their energy production and scientific research. It is my opinion that the Cyborgs cannot afford to continue waging a vendetta against us for very long, and that sooner or later they will want to discuss terms for a cease-fire.
- We have received reports of a war brewing between the Drones and the Cult. We have very little intelligence on either faction, not even the location of a single base. But from the Planetary power graphs, it seems the Cult is outmatched by the populous Drones. Perhaps the Cult is receiving assistance from another faction. Or maybe their leader is on some sort of suicidal "Holy Jihad." The heavy industries of the Drones would definitely be a prime target for a faction who claims to be acting directly out of the will of Planet. (Bunch of loons if you ask me. At least we Gaians don't sacrifice our humanity. We want to live with Planet, not become Planet.)
- I recommend to our diplomats that we remain strictly neutral in the Drone-Cult conflict. The Drones can overpower us with their industry, and the Cult can "out-worm" us with their superior connection to the Planet psyche. Plus we already have our hands full with the 'Borg given our current military budget.
Last edited by Tenchusatsu; June 14, 2001 at 14:02.
June 14, 2001, 09:44
Local Time: 04:42
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" Foreman cbn, we have a dispatch from the cult advisor daytrippin. In addition to comparing you to a bodily orifice it also demands reparations"
Foreman cbn turned, "Reparations are they mad?? They paid us no reparations for our lost scouts!! Also we warned them repeatedly that we would not tolerate a Cult ship bearing troops in range of our coast. What did he do but load a worm on the ship we had already warned him about ! Our sinking of this vessel was entirely in line with what we said we would do."
June 14, 2001, 22:03
Local Time: 08:12
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Turn passed to cbn. Couldn't hook up to the mail server earlier today... :-(
I'll be gone from tomorrow (Friday) morning, EST, until Sunday evening, again EST. I'll be unable to play turns during that time.
Have a good weekend!
June 14, 2001, 23:10
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Turn 2178 is done -- 2179 to daytrippin
The war continues.
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