I am bringing up a subject which does not appear to have been discussed so far on this DiscBoard. This subject is that of cross-compatability, on both the platforms of windows 98 and NT, and also Macintosh (and possibly linux

). It has become obvious that games are returning to the Mac en masse. (bear with me, I'll get to the point soon). One good sign is that lucas Arts is producing their first game for the Mac for many years, and many other titles, including Quake 3, will be simultaneous releases. I do not like having to wait for Civ:CTP on the mac, and I'm not even going to bother with SMAC, if it ever comes out for mac at all. However, firaxis, and Sid Meier should remember, Civ 2 for Mac has sold phenomanally well for Mac, and it is still going pretty strong years later. It is obvious that with the new people coming to Mac, and Apple's increased market share, that a Civ 3 port would fare even better.
So, in conclusion, please think about it, Firaxis. . .
"Love your enemy, for he teaches you patience!"
-Dalai Lama
Read "The Third Eye" - T. Lobsang Rampa