May 19, 1999, 18:43
Born Again Optimist
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The OLD List of Thread Masters and Their Topics
In case you don't know, I'm Yin, the organizer of "The List of Ideas for Firaxis." As with any organizer, however, I'm useless without something to organize, and that's why I put out the call for Thread Masters--people who have agreed to share a great deal of their own time on a specific topic related to Civ3's development by gathering gamer feedback and periodically summarizing the discussion (and pointing out problems, concerns, etc.). I, in turn, will take all the sublists the Thread Masters generate and make THE MASTER LIST that will be sent to Firaxis (approximately each month as the list grows.) The first list will be sent at the end of June.
Anybody interested in becoming a Thread Master for the lists should look here first. If a topic is already taken, please just work closely with the current Thread Master--you will be given credit for your work, of course. If you have a new topic you'd like to start, please e-mail me first.
My thanks again to those who have already become Thread Masters, and I encourage even more people to step up and become Thread Masters if they have a good topic, time, patience and passion to make sure we give Firaxis the best possible chance of making the Civ3 WE want to see.
(Per Octopus' good suggestion, I will add e-mail addresses to this list later today. If anything is in error, please tell me.)
AI: Mindlace
COMBAT: Redleg
GRAPHICS: evil-conquerer
INTERFACE: Frank Moore/Shining1
P.S. How do I make the e-mail addresses "clickable"? Can somebody please tell me how to do that? Thanks.
May 19, 1999, 18:50
Local Time: 01:16
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A good explanation of the UBB "email" code is given here:
Basically, just surround an e-mail address with the "email" code like this:
Only spell "email" correctly (no dash either)!
SMC3  n ... Ted S.
May 19, 1999, 18:56
Born Again Optimist
Local Time: 04:16
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Thanks Ted! I guess I'd better start learning some of that code after all...
May 19, 1999, 19:00
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Yep, it's pretty fun. You can also do things with text, like this:
<font color="blue" size="+7" face="Impact">Yin26</font>
Or make it blink:
May 19, 1999, 19:02
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Just one more example post:
<blink><font color="yellow" size="+5" face="Mushu">I love this.<font></blink>
May 19, 1999, 19:06
Local Time: 01:16
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Oh my! HTML is on too! Golly, gee whizzikers.
SMC3  n ... Ted S.
May 19, 1999, 20:20
Local Time: 08:16
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Posts: 283
HTML is very powerful. But, with great power comes great responsibility. It is possible to mangle a thread with improper use of HTML.
Keep in mind you should:
<ul>[*]be careful[*]be tasteful[*]avoid annoying HTML features like, oh I don't know... blink?  [/list]
[This message has been edited by the Octopus (edited May 19, 1999).]
May 19, 1999, 20:24
Please do not use html. UBB Code is fine for everything you actually need...
Markos, Apolyton Civilization Site
May 19, 1999, 20:32
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Although not an absolute necessity, HTML has certainly made my Launch Pad Topic much tidier. <A HREF="">Check it out</A> MarkG and I think you'll agree!
SMC3  n ... Ted S.
May 19, 1999, 21:15
Born Again Optimist
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By the way, do I have to enter the codes in again each time I cut and paste?
May 19, 1999, 21:18
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May 19, 1999, 21:21
Born Again Optimist
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Ted: That's awesome work! (  ).
May 19, 1999, 23:16
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Yin, you can edit an old post by clicking on the rightmost icon right above your message.
How come the (arguably) most important AI thread hasn't been moved to the new forum yet? I want to be a co-master if there is no objections.
May 20, 1999, 00:23
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Agreeing w/ Rong about the missing AI thread.
May 20, 1999, 07:18
Born Again Optimist
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I've asked that the AI thread be moved over. I'd better check into it further.
May 20, 1999, 10:19
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Sorry Yin... I have no intention of posting my e-mail addresses in a common area. If you would like, I'll e-mail you something so you have it... but I don't really see a need for it at this point in time. This site provides all the communication we need.
May 20, 1999, 10:29
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Ming, isn't the time far behind us that we didn't dare to publish our personal stuff at the internet ? Even my home adress and phonenumber can be found online lately. Or do you have enemies ?
I think you should open up a hotmail addy then, and use that for public purposes, but how can you operate online without an e-mail addy ?
I see there's a City Improvements - treath and a "New Ideas" discussion missing.
And then I mean new ideas that don't fit in any of the other discussion, because they're totally new.
I volunteer to manage one, or both of these lists.
May 20, 1999, 10:30
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Yeah, the reason I don't have my E-Mail open on the Forum is so noone will E-Mail me if I don't want them to. The Forum gives more than enough publicity. E-Mail won't really make any difference, 'cause you have to go on the internet to get it anyway, and you can get here just as fast.
May 20, 1999, 10:32
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Ummmm.... the new ideas would go in the "Other" list. You can co-master this thread with me, if you want.
May 20, 1999, 10:38
Born Again Optimist
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JT and MING:
The times that I have found e-mail most helpful in this situation is when somebody wants to suggest something to me privately for whatever reason. Of coure, my e-mail was setup with Hotmail just for "fun" purposes, so I can walk away from it if I want to.
At any rate, please feel free to not provide an e-mail; however, can you please send me an e-mail (again?) so at least I can contact you as needed?
**(un)Officially Making Lists for Firaxis Since SMAC Enhancement 3!**
May 20, 1999, 10:38
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Cybershy: I respect Ming's reticence. I know how easy it is to "cross-reference" available information to get the information I want, so I understand why Ming wishes to protect that information. Also the spam factor. I have received unwanted e-mail because I kept my e-mail public.
I take the Hotmail approach, but really, if someone got really pissed at me for something I said on the forums (real or perceived), they could find me "uncomfortably" easy.
May 20, 1999, 10:43
Born Again Optimist
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Can you send me a quick e-mail requesting the City Improvements topic? It's sort of my e-handshake.  Also, for the other stuff you mentioned, as JT says, we have an "OTHER" thread, which he has kindly offered to co-host with you.
**(un)Officially Making Lists for Firaxis Since SMAC Enhancement 3!**
May 20, 1999, 10:46
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I want to second everyone's suggestion that getting a Hotmail account is the perfect solution for having an accessible e-mail account, but keeping it separate from your "real" e-mail. This is what I have done.
E-mail is important. As has already been suggested, it allows for private communication. It also guarantees that you, in particular, will see a particular message. If I have something I need to say specifically to Ming or JT (I don't  ) then I would know they got the message if I sent them e-mail. If I just posted, I would have to wait and hope. It is just easier. The hardest part about getting a hotmail account is coming up with a name and password.
May 20, 1999, 11:03
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Am I the only one that thinks there should nbe a "governments" thread? Or is that already covered somewhere, and I'm just missing it?
May 20, 1999, 11:07
Born Again Optimist
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I think you missed it. Bell has that one--
But if you can think of other important topics not covered yet, that would help a great deal. Maybe you'd like to Thread Master a topic?
**(un)Officially Making Lists for Firaxis Since SMAC Enhancement 3!**
May 20, 1999, 11:13
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Not that I want to sound cool,
I'm co-leader of ¿ The Riddler's Club ? ( / member db= (created by me))
This club has over 500 members, and there are about 100 clans (you know, 7 guys that downloaded some hack-proggies) that are yealous at the success of our club. Because our club hires a server and a domain name etc. we ask our members to donate. To let members donate, they need my home-adress. That's just onlin for public.
When a few months ago there was another clan that "Hacked down" computers of people that didn't got any knowledge about computers, I putted all MY info online, everything, and I dared those people to hack me down, instead of people that are easy to hack down. Dang, no-one even dared to try.
I've been hacked one time totally down, 4 weeks ago by Back Orofice, but again, that was because I turned of my BO-shield for one month, and that can happen to everyone.
To make a long story clear, I've loads of enemies. (well, the club has, nobody has anything personal against me) and all my info is available online, though in the 3 years I'm at the internet I never experienced problems.
Of course I'm spammed 4 times a day, but who cares ? I've a cool delete button that works in ,5 seconds. And that spamming is because I'm in several mailing lists and newsgroups.
Of course I respect it when you don't want to make your e-mail public. But I just want to make clear that there's nothing to fear. Your name is in the telephone book as well ;-)
I disagree that "New Ideas" and "Other" are the same. New ideas is about concepts that's never thought about (like me semi-turn idea, in example) while other is more about all current civ-topics that don't really fit in any of the other treads. But, well, maybe I'm wrong.
My mail to Yin is on the way.
May 20, 1999, 11:18
Born Again Optimist
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I see your point better now. Yes, in fact, I have invited Rong to Thread Master a "Radical" thread here (at the request of our friendly neighborhood Freddz), but I still haven't heard from him yet. If you can hang on a day or two until I investigate that further, I'd like to invite you to do that as well if you have LOTS of time.
**(un)Officially Making Lists for Firaxis Since SMAC Enhancement 3!**
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