Cross Platform
I don't believe that this topic has come up yet, but in case it has, well, repitition will get it noticed.
I think that Civilization III should come out for Macintosh and Windows at the exact same time. A Linux version of the game would also help. The thing is, Windows may be the most common platform, but that's mainly because businesses snatch up PCs at cheap prices in large quantities. With computers such as the iMac and new software such as Red Hat Linux, Windows is not the only OS that gamers are buying these days. If you guys really want to make a huge impact in the game market, get a multi-platform release going. Putting all versions on one CD would save some money as well, but if the game is too large, that can't be helped. Whatever you do, don't put it on DVD. Not enough people have that to make it a good idea.
Thanks, and if anyone agrees with me on a multi-platform release, do tell.