[Enter Usurper Zylka (Hydeshan), and Sir Advisor]
UZ - Oh whoa is me, that I must sit another dreadfully drab day in this throne. Yet what a noble sole I am for lending my genius to this pack of ungratefuls! Sir Advisor - Fetch me my brew at once; so I might brave another day in this pit.
SA - My apologies M'lord, Starbucks is not yet open.
UZ - Bah! Well then, we shall proceed to the day's planning without it.
SA - Grant me your will sir, and I will see it carried out amongst the other advisors.
UZ - Bah! What to do with this troubled little empire, when the land it sits upon is worth little more than an eggshell? The climate is too dry, the earth sandy and worthless... such conditions make it too difficult to cultivate crops, yet even my lowly subjects need to eat. I tell you, these wretched geographic conditions are a curse! As such my people will grow far and few, pathetic little savages of wild temperment and slow wit...
SA - Your strict adherence to the ideas of environmental determinism are a little old fashioned m'lord, most universities now side with possiblism...
UZ - Universities?! Strange you must always talk of what does not exist. You haven't even built sufficient amounts of libraries!
SA - As I would have with a sufficient treasury... but it seems that the incompetent raiding parties and their riches of ransom favor other lands. We can not capture what does not present itself.
UZ - Enough playacting! How sits our state international of affairs?
SA - Well as you know, we only have contact with two nations, the Americans and the Deitians. Agartha of the Americans seems a little hostile to the entire civ community, having publicly announced his recent construction of a ballista - his "big, mean, machine which tosses large objects".
UZ - I see. A force to be reckoned with?
SA - Hardly. He has been sniveling and begging for our assistance in setting up a republic in his backward nation, which at 450 B.C. is quite alarming. Imagine that he does not have republic at this age! I can practically hear the public castration of his science advisor!
UZ - And the Deitians?
SA - We are on favourable turns with them, and have been presented a rather cooperative attitude likewise. If anything, I forsee them being our lifelong allies in this game like situation. The only complaint I might muster is Deity's care free attitude. Much progress would have been made had he not taken so damn long to move his peasant workers to and fro

UZ - Tis a pain I'd rather you not remind me of... Oh whoa is me!
SA - Me thinks though doth protest too much m'lord? Perhaps you would have been happier had the previous king Hydey not met such a mysterious demise(thereby putting yourself in power)? *cough cough*
UZ - Enough sass talk, impudent strumpet! [Whispers] Besides which, his daughter Hamleta seems the case of growing suspicion, keep your voice down!
SA - Very well sir...
UZ - Take 5, Sir advisor. I have a fire in my loins that can only be quenched by the lovely Queen Hydey. At least this strenuos usurping business has it's perk benefits. Muha!