London, for example. Startrd off as a small town. It grew and swallowed up towns such as westminster. Cities should grow over 1 square and swallow other cities up.
Very big conurbations near the border can have parts of them captured making a berlin wall situation.
This topic seems like it would be better discussed under <a href=>CITY IMPROVEMENTS</a>, <a href=>RADICAL IDEAS</a>, <a href=>OTHER</a>, or <a href=>CITY INTERFACE</a>. It seems to me to be too narrow to be a thread of its own. I'm not even sure what you are proposing.
I'm going to ask you again - PLEASE shorten your name. It's just so long and pushes over all the other boxes. It's extremely disrespectful. A simple "Rincewind" will do.
I'm locking this thread because you should discuss this with me a bit first--simply because I have to try to control the creation of topics a bit.
Please e-mail me so we can talk, o.k.? If we agree with each other, I'll invite you to start a thread. Thanks a lot for understanding our quirky List ways!
**(un)Officially Making Lists for Firaxis Since SMAC Enhancement 3!**