February 27, 2001, 05:13
Can you guys post some powergraphs and other stats? A lot of people really enjoy that sort of info, along with your most excellent stories
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
aka: half-assed dieticians
icq# 8388924
February 27, 2001, 19:06
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That is an excellent idea! Yes, we could make a screenshot of the powergraph and the top 5 cities for example.
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February 27, 2001, 20:57
Local Time: 18:18
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Locutus Epik will now speak for the Borg Collective
The Borg are not happy... however the Borg are now very content. The music from the wonderous organ in Hive 07 has added to the contentment of the One Mind.
The Celtic indivduals added to the contentment when they replaced the murdered diplo drone. The drone immediately completed an observation post in an English city.
Communism maintained contentment and productivity for many years, but at the beginning of the next era the One Mind has decided to change to Democracy. This may bring irrelevant happiness to some of the drones, but it is being done to improve research and increase the wealth of the Borg Collective.
The move of Hive 04 to a new location was completed. There are now 29 Hives. Hive 13 is still in the process of being relocated.
Settler drones are being replaced with engineer drones.
Here are the requested images.
February 28, 2001, 11:25
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Species prime minister for Dannan's son, son of King Dannan, makes a report of the high Council meeting at 1040AD
Minister of labor
The skilled labor of settlers has grown to one of the strongest forces in the empire. The empire was strengthened so much in the canalization and roading of the lands, that food supplies were no longer be containable in most of the cities' graneries. In combination with the yearly celebrations of the most respected prime minister, the empire has grown to unforseen numbers. The recent aquired knowledge of explosives has made our current settlers absolete. They are send out to found new cities, or go back to their wifes for retirement as the new engineers are graduating from university to replace their jobs.
Minister of trade
As the skilled settlers were praised and glorified by the farmers for their marvelous jobs on the lands, the roads atracted a new kind of skilled labor: the gold smith. The traded gems from the far distand country of the Japanese were transformed into the worlds marveloused jewelry.
Finally the great settlers could spend the riches they acquired by buying diamond rings and neglaces for their glorious wifes.
Attitude advisor
"Sire, the people, they can't help falling in love with you!"
Minister of science Yuck! and Pa-tuweey!
Minister of science
We have reached the time of the middle ages Sire. Science production is alarmingly low. The attitude of our people be damned! We have now reached the situation where we have to beg other nations for knowledge. The people have grown so fond of their luxeries they can't think straight anymore. They would trade gold and fur for shiny glass marbles and mirrors.
Sire, what good do all these roads, if we have to beg the mighty Horde empire for the science of the wheel at 1000AD? Do you have no pride?
To put it simple sire: We suck!
Minister of trade I agree sire!
Attitude advisor: Pay them no heat sire!
Foreign minister
Our relations with other nations have grown strongly. The relationship with the Japanese was sustained and we made a new companionship with the Horde. This new alliance has given us much benefits like the knowledge over Democracy, explosives and the wheel. Furthermore they gave us their advanced maps of the world, so that we can now trade better with other nations.
The relationship with the Celts has improved from Hostile to receptive as their Government changed into Republic, while ours went to Democracy. Old vendettas were soon forgotten when common sence took its place. We welcome trade with the celts.
Minister of defense Pah! Our mighty forces are sitting on their lazy ass! They have the will to fight, let us go forth!
Minister of trade Hold your tongue, sera!
Minister of defense
Sire, we have acquired technologies for excellent defense and attack, while our phalanx are still defending our cities with hay stacks! What good do all these city improvements if we get overrun by backstabbing allies? Expenses be damned, our mighty wonder "Sun Tsu war academy" is going to waste sire! we need musketeers and crusader, to take what rightfully belongs to us!
Minister of science I agree sire!
Foreign minister And have us destroyed, those who we could exploit?
Prime minister
Our new Democracy and the current acquirement of explosives will lead to an explosion of growth. Roads and irrigation will go fast, as our luxeries and grain will make the cities grow out of proportions. We can not afford to let our science gap grow much bigger though, for our allies will grow weiry of our selfish attitude.
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March 1, 2001, 19:47
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New English Times issue 6 date: 1040ad price: 2 gold
British prime minister champions NATO
This is an excerpt of speech made by the prime minister at a special international meeting
In recent centuries it's become clear that the only world power that can stand against the central-Asia power block is the NATO alliance in which we cooperate with our Celtic allies. However, despite making new diplomatic relations with other nations, NATO, as an organization, has been rather dormant. It's clear that NATO did not respond or take a stronger stance in world affairs when the balance of power shifted towards central Asia at the very moment the Egyptians allied themselves with the central-Asia power block. Part of this is due to neglecting our relations with nations outside our sphere of influence. But some part of the blame also falls on the Egyptians themselves as they never bothered to establish contact with us or even inform the international media that they would sign this treaty. If the minister of foreign affairs had been aware of this fact the Egyptians might have gotten a far better deal with us or they could simply have chosen to stay neutral and play out both sides against each other. Yet they did not. Which might proof the indication that the Egyptians are not savvy in the ways of diplomacy as other noted world leaders. We believe that the Egyptians missed an opportunity by blindly siding with one party.
Meanwhile the British empire is now prepared to accept the position of an international spokesman for NATO. We accept the responsibility that comes with it for the fate of Western Europe. While the British empire ranks as the 3rd world power our influence is considerable. What some people don't see is that we have power around the world in part because we have allies, like the faithful Celts, around the world. And in part, because we have other nations that we cooperate with in ventures that the British empire is interested in. For this we've restructured our economy largely, at least in recent centuries, as an export economy. We've become more dependent on other countries for trade as other nations have also become more dependent on us. We have been very fortunate to come in contact with nations that have well established institutes of research. As we establish new trade routes around the world, our research institutions also benefit. Much of our scientific advancement is really because we are part of the world; not because we're separate from the rest of the world. And I think we have to recognize that as an open society, we have to care that rules of conduct, international relations and treaties, really hold sway, rather than simply the power and the might that might be important in the jungle, for example. We're really, we are a law and order society, our values thrive in an open kind of a world; therefore, we have to care about whether other nations are relatively open or whether they're totalitarian. And yet the rest of world seem to ignore that kind of approach, and takes a very different kind of view towards diplomacy, this conduct could in time be very threatening for the fate of the world as a whole.
[*] We have a winner!
We're glad to announce a winner for our Shakespeare competition:
The lucky winner is Andy Wellman
Andy Wellman was only one of the few who managed to answer both questions correctly. Which of course was the The Globe Theater at Stratford upon Avon. Unfortunately Mr Wellman included a wrong address! The postal service informed us that the town for this address doesn't even exist? However Mr. Wellman is free to pick up his price at our press office in Fleet street, London.
British Guild of Cartographers reveals first detailed map of the world
In recent years many new discoveries have been made, this updated map includes several changes.
color codes[*]Celts: grey[*]Japanese: green[*]Borg: blue[*]Egyptians: yellow[*]Americans: light blue[*]English: orange[*]Mongols: purple
[i]All white areas are either unknown or unclaimed as yet.[i/]
[*]Price increase
Due to increasing printing costs and higher inflation we've been forced to increase our streetprice to 2 gold. While we could have reduced the number of articles and editiorials we've decided to uphold the quality of this paper, which is our true strength.
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March 1, 2001, 22:47
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The Horde Rebuttal... Vol 1 1040AD
It has come to the attention of the Supreme Horde Empire that other cultures view our society as a plague that lives in the jungles of the orient. Why is it cultures plagued by idiocy fear our peoples. Why is it cultures whom assassinate world diplomats cry foul when caught. Why do the English fear us so?
The Horde empire has been an agressive expansionistic empire built on exploring the new world and asserting to be the first to the stars. In no way shape or form have we even been hostile to any nation whom has not slighted us first.
Our nation has granted technologies to those not possesing our literacy rate...... cities to those not fortunate to expand quite as rapidly and alliances with neighbors whom we wish to protect from the aggression of hostile rivals.
The Nato bloc sounds more like evil English and Celtic policy to police the world as they see fit. The Horde empire sensing hostility from the round eye decided to ally themselves with the powerfull Borg nation. The Aztecs allow for another ally to secure our postion in case of Nato's wrongfull peacekeeping missions that we expect to be inflicted via public affairs.
Let it be reminded to the Nato alliance..... your not wanted in our land. Nor are you wanted in our politics. This political upheaval that you bring with you is a curse and will not be tolerated. We will not strike first, but if you are aggressive with us...... you will taste our steel.... the Horde will not bow down to any power. We don't wish to write the rules...... we wish to abide by our own set of morals and understandings. We feel as if the Borg incident of many centuries ago has not been rectified to our liking and there for will not trade with the Nato block. However in the interest of our allies, we will not ask them to do so as that may not be in their best interest.
Dutifully yours, War4ever of the Horde
March 1, 2001, 23:26
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King Amerigo the More-than-Fingers-and-Toes - XXXIV or something like that. We have lost count.
We have read the speech of the Leader of the English and we are greatly impressed by His speechwriters! If You will send your Number 2 writer over here, I can assure him of a fine Yurt and 2 fine wives without any hesitation whatsowhomever! Plus tea every day. And curry.
At the same time, if you could send a few of those weirding weapons over here along with your number 2 speechwriter, that would be a rollicking fine thing, too. I'm harrassed by Barbs day and night, and new ways of fighting them would be sore appreciated. We have sharpened our bayonets so many times that we are injecting rather than stabbing those nasty barbstards!
March 4, 2001, 18:57
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Diary of Council Leader Absurd Valdrast II:
The murder of my father (yes, the public was lead to believe it was a suicide, as the murderers obviously intended. but they were not very skilled in their craft, the fact that it was a murder was not hidden very well at all) was a great personal pain to my family. Our investiagators have tracked down a Celt, a member of the Borge, and a member of The Horde that we belive to be responsible. However, it doesn't seem that either of the foreigners were acting on orders from their leaders (at least not directly).
However, his death has probably backfired on those who committed the act. Our nation is now improving by leaps and bounds. Our great eastern army has been withdrawn. Much of the standing army was disbanded, freeing up people and resources to improve our land and cities. The quality and quantity of our transportation have both increased dramtically. Granaries, places of trade, storage places for money, and everything else once can think of is being built in our cites. Men are again leaving for foreign lands, but this time unarmed, and carrying great amounts of the items to trade to the foreigners. While they have yet to reach many of their destinations (travel in foreign lands is quite harsh, roads do not seem to be something the easterns hold in high esteem) when they do we excpect to reap great rewards, and also hope to invite the foreigners to come to us with their goods.
The English leader made a great speech considering our alliance. The Horde's response to this was puzzling though. Whey the expect to receive any sort of payment for the unhappy demise of the Borg diplomat is a mystery to me. In the meantime their refusal to trade is unfortunate, but since wisdom does appear to rule in the rest of the world, it will not hurt us too much.
March 5, 2001, 16:41
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The transition to a voting status has been hard. For 70 years, we struggled to acheive stability and democracy at the same time, and it has been like herding cats.
The lonng nightmare finally came to and end when the people chose me, the Head Librarian, as their Leader. In honor of that, I choose to take a name reminscent of the dynasty-that-is-no-more and my own peoples' name. I am President Americus of the Americans.
We (I) shall honor all treaties formal and most of the informal ones. Common sense requires no less, and practicality requires no more. Since I have been the de facto head of government most of my time, that is not a major change in any regard.
What you know of us will continue, and what you do not know is irrelevant, anyway. Mainly, trust that things shall be as they were.
President Americus declares...
March 7, 2001, 11:11
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Locutus Epik will now speak for the Borg Collective
The change to Democracy has proven to be very valuable to the Collective. The assimulation of knowledge has been rapid since the change. We must also credit our friends who voluntarily allowed the Collective to assimulate some of their knowledge. These events allowed us to rapidly assimulate the knowledge of Physics, Steam Engine and Railroad.
The One Mind was concerned when it was informed that the English gained the knowledge of Railroad at the same time as the Collective. Gold and Caravans were rushed to Hive 07 to obtain the wonderous secret of evolution before the English.
The Borg Collective mutated when the wonder was completed, and this allowed them to assimulate the knowledge of Industrialization and Magnatism. Research drones are now hard at work assimulating the knowledge that will allow the first electronic implants.
The Collective has begun the construction of 2 diplo drones, and there mission will be to establish observation posts with the 2 additional species on this planet ( Japanese and De Danann ).
The One Mind is greatly concerned that the Horde has reverted to Despotism. They have been a good ally and the Collective will do all it can to help them return to a productive form of government.
March 7, 2001, 14:34
Local Time: 18:18
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Locutus Epik requests data
What is the meaning of "giving knowledge for free"? The One Mind has never encountered such a concept.
When it has been in the interest of the Collective, knowledge has been exchanged. Something of value was always assimulated in this process.
There are Borg drones that specialize in haggling, and we call them negotiators. The process involves offers, counter-offers, counter-counter-offers and so on, until an agreement is reached.
The Tuatha offer of 50 gold would not even purchase one warrior drone, so the Borg negotiator asked for 300 gold. A new offer was expected, instead the Tuatha ended the negotiation. The One Mind has since determined that the negotiation was futile, since no offical contact had been established with the Tuatha and the exchange could not be completed.
Perhaps negotiations can be resumed in the future, when an observation post has been established, and they can offer a better value for Borg knowledge.
March 8, 2001, 01:46
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Letter from the Tuatha emissionary to the Prime Minister. Intercepted by the Foreign Intelligence Agency (FIA)
In service of the Democratic Constitutional Monarchy of the Tuatha, we hereby report the outcome of the Diplomatic results requested by our Prime minister Species8472.
History of this meeting
Travellers reports indicate a large knowledge explosition in the middle east of the world. The production of drones has been optimized by the use of organized manufacturing in factories. Although the result of this great knowledge is noticable all over the world, the method used remains a mistery to all. We were send out to contact the great leader of the Borg empire to find a trade agreement to learn us this knowledge.
Meeting with the Borg Queen
The Borg denied the offer of 50 gold for Industustrialization and highered the demand with 300 gold, to be payed of in 6 generations in return for Industrialization. The argument behind was that the knowledge was too important. The argument that this prize is far too high at this time in history was ignored and the meeting was ended in 5 minutes.
Analyses by the FIA
This first meeting between the Borg and the Tuatha has been a big failure. Maybe the request was made to harsh and the Borg had no time to analyse the request in full depth. Perhaps the Borg did not see the underlying friendship they could have created between the 2 empires by giving the knowledge for free. Or perhaps they did realize but did not need the Tuatha approval in their arrogance. We believe the Borg have made a very poor show in Diplomacy and hope the Tuatha Council will not make too harh decissions based upon this outcome. The relationship with the Borg maybe ruined for eternity and we expect an icy relationship with the Borg empire. We wonder what the other nations will think about this attitude of the Borg and shall investigate this with our allies.
March 25, 2001, 10:52
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bump... to get this where possible replacement players can read it.
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