You can review the progress of this game in the following thread:
Ecthelion... AbsurdDoctor is returning this week to resume his leadership of the Celts. You would need to take over the Horde (Mongols) or Egyptians.
It is true that the Horde do lead on the Power Graph, but they lost the Hanging Gardens when Railroad was discovered, and have been in anarchy for many turns. It will take some work to get things fixed for that tribe. Also, this game has a 30 city limit and the previous ruler of the Horde did not know this and built 3 new cities. So, 3 of the Horde cities will need to be disbanded as soon as possible.
The Egyptian (Tuatha Da Danann) tribe is not as strong on the power graph, but their government is stable.
Markusf... The game has moved along quickly to this point. However, we will be switching from simul to turn based this session. That will slow things down some, but it is hoped that it will encourage more diplomacy (negotiations).
The game is set to resume today at 4 PM eastern time and we will play until 7 PM eastern time.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Epik (edited March 25, 2001).]</font>