I leaned back in my chair. The pipes were dripping again in this shabby joint. No, this wasn't easy street, but that's not my style. I'm a private detective, and to get the cases, you can't always hang the sign our where you want to. Besides, cash flow had been a problem lately. I leaned back to open up the bottom drawer of my desk for a nice chilled fruit juice when the door opened. A man completely in a trench coat walked into the door, so obscured you couldn't even see the face.
"Mr. SnowFire. We hear you're pretty good."
"Um, we?"
He ignored me. "We have a case for you, if you're willing to take it. A nice payoff. One condition: no questions asked."
"Er, how am I supposed to investigate the case then?"
"Oh, fine, you can ask questions. Just no ruthless supression of ideas. We want the truth in this matter, and we want it fast and concise. And we want it by the end of June. Deal?"
"Sure." The man wordlessly turned and left. I caught only a fleeting glimpse, but I could have sworn I saw the FIRAXIS logo sticking out of his worn briefcase.
I cracked open a new bottle of a particuarly fine year of apple juice to celebrate, as I kicked my heels up on the desk. This would be an interesting case.