hmmmm...the combat thread as I originally intended it appears to be too broad. Therefore I am going to narrow the scope of the topics in this particular thread. This may reduce the popularity of this topic, because some of the ideas here (including my own) are appropriate in other threads.
If you have an idea that is combat related, but dependant on another thread subject, post a condensed version of the idea in the other thread and point them here for the full details.
When posting, keep your ideas seperated. Post different ideas in different posts so it is easier to read.
Combat will be focused on these subjects:
Combat look and feel, the interface - if any
Combat factors and modifiers
Combat resoulution
Combat effects on units after resoultion
Any others that I didnt think of.
If it happens in the "CTP Battle Screen" equivelant, or happens when two units fight, the post belongs here.
Some ideas may more closely fit under units, supply and movement, or AI. Some ideas fit here AND there. You make the call.
Small minds talk about people, Average minds talk about events, Great minds talk about ideas.