May 21, 1999, 21:36
Born Again Optimist
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Thread Masters Needed for the Following Topics:
Let's use this thread to post topics that we'd like somebody to Thread Master. There are already a few new topics that will be added today or tomorrow (SPACE EXPLOITATION and THE MANUAL/HELP FILES), but if you think of some more potentially good topics, please list them here. I have one to start us off:
Now, if we decide we don't need that or some of the topics we post here, no big deal. But we need a place to post ideas for topics. So, having said that, let the posting begin!
**(un)Officially Making Lists for Firaxis Since SMAC Enhancement 3!**
May 21, 1999, 21:44
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We definatly need something for space. I want Space Cities! This is one of the very few areas in CTP which I liked!
I'd also like underwater cities, but that's another thread.
-Civ3 Thread Master of OTHER and UNITS.
"We get the paperwork, you get the game!"
May 21, 1999, 22:52
How about one for civilizations?
How many do we want?
How many to play in one game?I know JT wants at least 30 civs. BTW for any CTP players, how interesting is it with all of those civs?
Do we want each civ to have its unique advantages/disadvantages like SMAC and AOE?
If yes, then any suggestions?
May 21, 1999, 23:03
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Yin26,I'd like to submit my name for the 'borders' threadmaster.You have my email address I'm sure,or I'll just check back here from time to time.
BTW,I've voiced my opinion here in these forums and would like to thank those who made it possible.
May 21, 1999, 23:06
Born Again Optimist
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Can you get your ideas ready for an opening post? It should be titled:
BORDERS: Hosted by Lancer
Please read and sign the Thread Master's Creed, and drop by the War Room often. Welcome aboard! (I hope you're ready for all the paperwork.  ).
p.s. I'll add your name to the list later today.
**(un)Officially Making Lists for Firaxis Since SMAC Enhancement 3!**
May 21, 1999, 23:13
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How about a thread for an alternate to the basic theme of CIV3... Cities as the primary focus.
There has been a lot of talk about using "Regions" and removing the emphasis of cities on the game.
Roll over subject include nomadic and Indigionous population, and National availability (pooling) of resources (under certain goverments). This is just to name a few.
I would take this thread, if no one who originated the ideas initialy wants it.
I posted my basic ideas on this matter in the Radical thread, but I think that focused debate and brainstorming on this matter might be helpful to determine if this should evolve into a major game focus.
May 22, 1999, 09:36
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I second the need for a thread on regions / alternate production paradims / resourcse managment thread. I could help or take this one on, if needed (it's a topic i'm very interested in, and have a few ideas, just not a whole lot of time) "RESOURCE MANAGMENT: hosted by ember" ?
May 22, 1999, 09:47
Born Again Optimist
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Trachmyr + ember,
Can you guys decide between each other who would like the Thread Master what thread(s)? The title should be in this format:
THREAD TOPIC (ver1): Hosted by ???
You should read the Thread Masters Creed and The War Room to get up to speed on what your duties would be. If you agree to them, please 'sign' the Creed and start your thread(s). I look forward to seeing you guys help!
**(un)Officially Making Lists for Firaxis Since SMAC Enhancement 3!**
May 22, 1999, 13:59
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Trachmyr, If you want to have this thread start it up, or e-mail me (i'm not at home till tonight) if not i'll start it up later today when i get back.
[This message has been edited by ember (edited May 22, 1999).]
May 22, 1999, 16:40
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Is there a thread to improve the AI's ability? I'm talking about specific actions that strike me as suicidal, such as consistently paying huge amounts of tribute, or declaring war while on virtual life support.
Do these belong in the Diplomacy or AI threads?
May 22, 1999, 17:37
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It just hit me that we are so concerned about how the game should be that we have forgotten how the game should end.
So I suggest a thread:
WINNING CONDITIONS (Ver 1): Hosted by xxx
An idea to start the discussion (This have to be modified)
Many of us liked the new ways of winning the game in SMAC, only to be disappointed with the missing "end-movie".
In this thread we are to discuss the different ways of winning the game and what, if any, "end-movie" there should be.
Also some criticism has been against the calculating of score. How should the score be calculated? What should/shouldn't affect and how to balance them. (In SMAC go for max population if you want a high scoore. So it is unbalanced.)
Thread master for DIPLOMACY:
[This message has been edited by Jeje2 (edited May 22, 1999).]
May 23, 1999, 00:28
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I'd love to be the thread master for Civilizations. This has always been a bone of contention with everyone - and it's sparked several arguments over whether America counts as a civilization or whether Nicaraguans actually should be in the game!
May 23, 1999, 00:40
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Shouldn't there also be a terraforming thread? For all discussion re Farms, Roads, Airbases, et cetra...
May 23, 1999, 02:29
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Well, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to go ahead and create a Civilizations thread, titled:
CIVILIZATIONS (ver1.0) hosted by LordStone1
May 23, 1999, 10:04
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My Very First Civ 3 thread will be:
CONURBATIONS - Hosted By Robert
May 23, 1999, 15:07
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And I would like to host the cross-platform thread.
Cross-platform release: Hosted by monolith94
"Love your enemy, for he teaches you patience!"
-Dalai Lama
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May 23, 1999, 23:05
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Posts: 124
There should be an espionage/unconventional unit thread.
May 24, 1999, 01:25
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I'm glad to hear Trachmyr mention the issue of non-urban populations. I just presented my ideas on that topic on MarkG's list, but my points also covered ethnicity and indigenous populations. I think it's a big issue and can be split into at least three threads:
I would very much like to do a thread on the indigenous people topic, 'cause I already have loads of ideas boiling in my head on that. Please look to my post on MarkG's list for more on my ideas.
May 24, 1999, 01:32
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Lord Stone1: Terraforming has been covered under the city menu thread, oddly enough.
P.S I seem to have acquired the regional menu thing as well, since there weren't any other threads on this one currently. But Trachyr et al put their request in before... *shrug*.
May 24, 1999, 10:17
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Posts: 283
Before starting threads of their own, I think people should take discussions to already established threads (e.g. <a href=>OTHER</a> or <a href=>RADICAL IDEAS</a>). I'm not sure we need entire threads devoted to topics which are only possibilities to be included in the game. If enough posts build up in those threads to warrant branching off, then maybe it would make sense. I think there is a tendency to want to start new threads when they are not warranted. That's just my opinion.
May 24, 1999, 10:19
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Posts: 283
That isn't to say that I'm opposed to all new threads. I thought Civilizations was a good one. As a rule of thumb, I think that if you find yourself saying "this has already been discussed a bit here", or "maybe this falls under _____, but..." then there is serious question as to whether a new thread should be started.
May 24, 1999, 10:49
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Monolith, what would a cross-platform thread be about, besides people saying "support platform x", and several posts of agreement? I assume there are 2, maybe 3, unique posts for that thread:
May 24, 1999, 17:16
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Did everyone notice what is says in Fusion techs, in SMAC?
"Fusion was allready discovered on Earth"
and the unity also used fusion techs. This means you need future techs to connect with the unity... Close-future techs, that means. I belive we need a new thread, Future techs that will talk about how far we need to go with the future, and suggest techs.
This is because the current technoloy thread is busy with the critical job of decideing how the new research model should be.
May 24, 1999, 21:19
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Harel: "I belive we need a new thread, Future techs that will talk about how far we need to go with the future, and suggest techs. This is because the current technoloy thread is busy with the critical job of decideing how the new research model should be."
There are already complaints of too many topics and confusion about where to find things. I am not going to split the Technology thread unless there is a lot of public support for the idea. I currently do not believe that such a move is warranted.
May 25, 1999, 01:11
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I concur. Keep the Technology thread together. It's simpler that way.
June 1, 1999, 00:31
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How bout a 'third game in "The Sweep of Time"' thread?
"I think you're all f*cked in the head!"
Chevy Chase-Nat'l Lampoon's Vacation.
June 1, 1999, 10:54
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I suggested this in one of the other meta-topics but have no response:
we need a forum for TILE IMPROVEMENTS!
Discussions of:
TIs vs. city-based improvements
Public Works v. Settlers
Airbases, Listening Posts, and other fun things
How many levels do we want? 2? 3?
How will they upgrade?
Ease of terraforming
TIs at sea and in space like CtP?
Wider varieties like SMAC?
I'll host - I've got some ideas. Just let me know what the deal is.
June 1, 1999, 11:18
Born Again Optimist
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Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner on this, but we are getting ready to make the list--so there won't be time to really get your thread going for this version of the list (if there IS a next version  ), so could you please put your ideas in OTHER so we can make sure to put them in the list? If people are still interested in sending an updated list after this one gets sent, I'll make sure to invite you to host a thread then, o.k.? Thanks.
June 1, 1999, 11:45
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Some ideas:
Disasters and Random Events - Rather obvious, but might also include global warming, nuclera winters, etc...
Winning and Losing - How do we win? How long should the game last?
June 1, 1999, 18:26
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In the Game Atmosphere thread, Snowfire came up with a good idea. A thread about the Scoring System. I propose Snowfire become thread master of it (and No, I don't wish to be a thread master. I merely wish to impart whatever wisdom I have to make CIV3 better).
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