First of all, after reading your post i went and looked... i did indeed replace fusion for fission. My apoligies. The proper translation from hebrew is cold fusion. And indeed, we are talking about fission, the BREAKDOWN of matter.
However, i didn't mean the elctro-magnets create "heat". By have a confined space surround with repulsing magnets, the heavy hydrogen atoms are PRESSED toghter, which after a while create heat.
LASERS are very un-likely source to do this, as the area of effect is very small. Indeed, the fusion research at Nova laser center ( the biggest laser on the world ) show power outputs which are VERY far from being effiecent.
However, research on pressure-induced hydrogen, in a tight tube in which matter is transformed into plasma and beyond, show a very likely chance of being a commercial used technology.
Now, I am not talking about the plausible chemical abilities to create heat, like Don don stated cause they are even FURTHER away from being productive and used, as the energy outputs are no where near the required energy to control the process.
Cold fission ( not fusion, sorry

), is a process which quantum relations start a chain reaction where matter is breaking down, similar to radio-active fission.
Best example? A chapter in Star-trek showed it best about a ego-maniac scientist who tried to re-live a sun by creating a chain-reaction.
In the end, he made a suicide crash on the sun, triggering a cold fission reaction which turned the white dwarf fusion residue ( iron, and bits carbon, silicon and oxygen )
into a hydrogen ball which then blazed with the enternal fire of suns.
Ofcourse, the energy doesn't come from anywhere: a potion of the matter is transformed into energy.
One point, cold fission is not a fraud as short-term fields of cold fission can be created.
However, they are energy-costly and un-stable.