Hello again,
I've read your postings and now I will tell what I think you want in DIPLOMACY of Civ III. If I have misunderstood of forgotten something feel free to correct my mistake.
I have tried to make a systematical way of representing things, but everything is so mixed that it's difficult. So please have patience and if you know a better way tell it to me.
(This is over six pages on my MS word, so hope you have the strength to read it

1 Levels of meetings
In several postings it has been suggested that we need a three-level meeting system for discussions between players.
1.1 Meeting between A and B
This is the normal meeting were things can bee discussed freely. Here should exist most freedom. Something like SMAC, but more options. (I will come to options later)
1.2 A pact meeting
Something likes NATO and EU meetings. Discussion is still quite free.
1.2.1 Forms of pacts
I like Midlance's idea of three types of pacts, military, economic and research. (Have I forgotten something?)
Can there be combinations of these?
1.2.2 How to form a pact?
This is still a little open. So I give one solution now. Players A and B meet and decide to form a pact. This can then grow later. (Like it?) How can a pact grow?
- C summons the pact and requests membership
- C asks A to join the pact and A summons the pact for approval of C
- The pact decides to ask C to join How can one leave a pact?
Should it just as simple as leaving?
Or should there be somethig? Can a member of a pact be expelled?
This has happened in real life, ex. South Africa was expelled from British Commonwealth. For what reasons can one be expelled from a pact? Can it be temporarily?
1.2.3 Who can form a pact?
Can a pact exist between different political/economic/religious systems? What happens if a player changes his system?
- Automatically rejected
- A voting is conducted
- Nothing happens until someone summons a meeting about it. (I like this one. Less micromanagment)
1.2.4 Can players form pacts from the beginning?
1.2.5 Agendas for a pact Declaring war as a pact
(My suggestion) Many small countries can make a good response to a big aggressive country if working together. Having a common foreign policy
A pact can decide that Ex. They are against pollution/pollutioners. What is there that a pact shall not be able to talk about?
(My opinion) To make these three systems balanced, I think there should be something that can only be discussed in "privacy".
What is your opinion?
1.3 UN-meeting
A summoning of all players to vote for an agenda, like in SMAC. Here only one thing can be suggested and voted for.
1.3.1 Veto
It has been suggested that UN is to be a wonder of the world (WoW), with builder having the veto-right. So no meetings with all players are to exist before UN is built.
(I personally don't like the idea of builder being only with veto. Currently there are five countries with veto right in UN, so why should there be only one in the game? I suggest that builder is a permanent member and then there is an election for another player to have veto for XX turns. Election every XX turn or sooner if player dies. This way we get closer to real life.)
1.3.2 Agendas
At least same as in SMAC, any more?
Suggested so far:
- Peacekeeping forces
- Ultimatums for peace
- Penalizing a player for something he did
1.3.3 Shall the membership cost?
There has been this idea, but I am confused about this. This requires more discussion.
2. War
There has been discussion about what happens if a democratic land attacks another player who is democratic. OK this is good, but what about the rest? We need more discussion here.
2.1 Declaring war
We seem to believe that the regime must influence on a player's ability to declare war.
2.1.1 Demanding for patience
And computer always knows how much money I've got. Gimme a shotgun, I hate it.
More modifiers here are needed.
- If the demander is poor, he should satisfy with less.
- There should be an uncertainty in his knowing about my fundings.
- The ability to demand for multiple things would also be good. (Goes for response too)
2.1.2 Giving an reason for war
One could try to settle the own people and/or other countries by giving a reason for declaring war. (Ex. Religious war, Defending own race)
2.1.3 Earlier happenings
Should this influence the reaction of people?
I say yea. Ex. In late 1939 Russia attacked Finland. War ended next spring in peace, but many Finns were angry. Finland lost a lot of its land. So Finland joined Germany and attacked Russia. Rest is history. But there weren't too much complaints about joining the second war in Finland at that time.
2.2 Wartime
One thing is clear, in war there shall be no co-operation between countries.
2.2.1 Asking for help
It happens to often in Civ II and SMAC that when you join a war, the asking side makes peace and leaves you with an unwanted war.
Some ideas have been suggested:
- When A and B make a peace treaty, it affects you too.
- You can become a supporter of some form. (Money, units etc.)
- If you join A, he agrees to wage war for a certain time.
2.3 Peace negations
Classical A and B make peace.
UN or a third can negotiate
2.3.1 Surrender
- Definite surrendering, ending the game for loosing side
- Making peace by giving one or more cities/tech's or buying peace
- Making peace by giving shield and/or research points
We need more discussion on war, so please help me.
3. Interaction
There shall be several possible interactions between players. They can be working together on military, commercial and/or research. The possibilities depends on the relations between countries. Please read the posting by midlace.
3.1 Military interaction
3.1.1 Lending units
Player A can loan some units to B for some time.
Questions for discussion:
a) If A lends a unit with technology that B doesn't own, what happens?
b) How many units can be loaned and for how long?
c) If B uses units against C, is it considered as a declaration of war between A and C?
d) If B uses units against C, can C declare war on A with no penalties. (Penalties discussed later)
3.1.2 Using others ground
Players A and B can allow units to move in others territory.
Questions for discussion:
a) Will A:s units defend B:s cities automatically when C attacks? If yes, does it lead to war between A and C. Will C suffer from penalties by doing this?
3.1.3 Combining forces
Players can combine forces for a common goal
3.2 Commercial
There are to be several layers of commercial between countries.
- Embargo
No trade between players. (War means always embargo.)
- Protectionism
Limited trade
- Normal trade
Some limits exist
- Free trade
No limits between players
I like this idea. Embargo is embargo, but the rest I wonder?
So how shall this be?
- One needs a certain tech for normal trade and another for free.
- Between different economic systems there can only be some forms
3.3 Research
Same as previous, but I have one more idea.
3.3.1 A common goal
How about the possibility to combine forces for a common goal.
Ex. Player A has nuclear technology. Players B, who can begin the research on nuclear technology, asks C and D, who may or may not have the possibility to research nuclear tech now, to join him. Then B, C and D research is summoned together (maybe a small penalty is subtracted or there is a gain [< 1] for summoned research points) making research much faster and they all get that tech.
Questions for discussion:
- Shall this be possible?
- If player C is missing a tech in between, does he get it for free?
- Do C and D join at once or after they have finished there previous one?
4 Trade
Multiple trades.
I give tech A and 150 gold for tech B, etc.
5. Way of talking
Personnel responses according to nation and used government.
6 Domestic politics
Ok, this is important too.
One should be able to affect own people. (I have to ask for more suggestions here. You can give more money to luxury already, what more?)
7 Reputation
One is to have a reputation with all players. This could be used as the modifier for people's response when declaring war on somebody.
7.1 Atrocities (THX Ecce Homo)
Some kinds of acts should reduce a civ's reputation. As before, we have sneak attacks, diplomatic scandals and diplomatic betrayal (when you declare war against the Greeks because the English tell you to).
In a more complicated game, more acts should be declared Atrocities, for instance usage of ABC weapons, genocide or refusing to aid a minor civ in an emergency.
In the ancient age however, a feared leader was also a respected leader. Throughout history, the world has turned more critical to violent acts. So, concentration camps might not be an atrocity until the Geneva Convention Wonder, for instance.
7.2 Repairing reputation (THX Ecce Homo)
In contrary to Civ 2, reputation should heal through time, though slowly. Certain Wonders would also improve it. (Not the Eiffel Tower - Hitler wasn't more respected after the capture of Paris!)
(My idea) How about improving your reputation, by giving/lending units for UN, to be used in peacekeeping operations.
8 Size does matter don't it?
Well not in earlier games. A one-city nation declares war on you, when I have tens of cities. Argh!
9 Others
- Possibility to use a third party to make connection
- Possibility to buy a single country out. (In SMAC one can only buy all at once.)
If you read this, you made it!

Now it is your time to give me more response.
Thread master for DIPLOMACY:
[This message has been edited by Jeje2 (edited May 22, 1999).]