50+pc Players-More Realistic UNITED NATIONs, larger realistic maps,
I think it would be terrific to make civ 3 where u can play up to 50 or more computer players, larger more realistic maps, such as a real world map, a map so large that you can play against 250 nations like in real life. a more realistic United nations, Where you can do peacekeeping operations, all the technologys Earth has discoverd in the past 5000 years, the ability of enginerers to lay mine fields, the abilty of the UNITED NATIONS to establish nation borders, Neutral zones, cease fire lines, (in other words i would like to for civ 3 to simulate REAL LIFE. all the different military units that have ever been developed in real life. should also be added, and the abiltiy to edit any unit, nation, or empire, to make that empire sign peace treatys with their eniemies, so that no single nation can conquer the entire planet, before the year 1300, My problem was with China, they have always eliminated other computer players, before i had the chance to go to war with them. (it degrades the game play when a nation or empire is destroyed before the entire game as been played out in full.)