I posted this in the other civ3 section but no one seemed to notice it so here it is again and PLEASE tell me what u think about my ideas cuz im real curious as to what people think. I think a new approach to creating new cities could be implemented in civ3. First of all governments usually didnt have control over new settlements. Religion or overcrowding were usually main reasons. I'm not to sure where to go with this but i have a couple of ideas. First: settler units are created randomly when conditons in the city arent too good. Second: or maybe towns could pop up when the conditons I talked are in affect or people seeking new new riches and adventure. Does california gold rush mean anything. Suitable sites around your empire could turn into towns . Towns could be something like a city just be spread out more across the map. This would make a larger map funner and maybe easier to play.Your military units could create military outposts and fortresses to protect these towns which would soon combine to make cities and people would build towns around your forts because of the protection they offered like in the wild west when america was growing but indians were still a threat. These are just ideas and i dont want to take anything away from the game so any other ideas or suggestions are more than welcome.
You might try the City Improvements thread, of if you think your ideas are 'radical,' the RADICAL IDEAS thread is there, too. In order to make the list, can you please put your ideas in the list threads, otherwise it becomes too hard to follow everything.