August 10, 1999, 00:51
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VERSION 2: End of August Deadline: TMs Please Check-In
Dear TMs:
After finishing version 1, we set the end of August as a preliminary deadline for thread summaries. Please post here to let me know if that will be possible for you.
What is required? Well, I learned the hard way from our first version that unless I get files from you in a standardized format, my life becomes very ugly for a few days.  So, please refer to the previous list for the numbering system you should use.
Also, Brian noted that he'd like to see expanded coverage of the ideas in our first list. This, where possible, should also be included in your summaries.
Again, please post below just to let me know that you can send us your summary by the end of this month (I'll also use the posts to guage who should be given exclusive rights to post new topics in this forum, so please sign-in). Thanks!
Please e-mail Yin and Shining at:
August 10, 1999, 03:37
OTF Moderator
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Hi all
I know I am not a TM but please remember the threads that were before the deadline but got looked over (like a old combat thread where I posted and was told would be included in the next list)
there are probably other occurances like this and I would just like to remind everybody
keep up the good work (I do not envy you)
Jon Miller
August 10, 1999, 08:11
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. . . And the first mystery guest has signed in . . .
August 10, 1999, 11:04
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Theben checking in...
Jon Miller thanks for making that comment. I do plan to go back to all the old COMBAT threads except those covered by Victor Galis's summary.
August 10, 1999, 16:57
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Ding dong.
End of august is fine for me.
August 11, 1999, 08:48
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Sounds good to me. Could you please e-mail an example of the format you want me to use... Use my address.
August 12, 1999, 00:30
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All right!
A hint for TMs:
Summarize the thread as soon as you get time, and update the summary continuously. If you do it in a smart way, you can in fact decrease the work needed, because frequent summaries will give you and the posters a good overview of the ideas.
The best ideas are those that can be improved.
Ecce Homo
August 12, 1999, 15:59
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Checking in- but nobody seems very interested in either Customization or AI, though the AI thread got some talk in the general area.
I'm not sure what to do- I think these are the 2 most important things to consider, but nobody seems interested in saying much.
August 13, 1999, 08:24
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( Peace offering to the mighty hybrid )
Me and Don Don will be ready for the end of August.
August 13, 1999, 09:42
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Yeah, I've been continuously updating summaries, and since the thread has stalled, it's no extra work for me. So it's ready now, pretty much.
August 14, 1999, 01:06
(sweating profusely under the glare of the lights; his hands forced to the keyboard by two Mossad agents)
Uh, yes, of course Harel is right. We'll be ready. I don't have that much else to do.
August 14, 1999, 09:41
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What do you mean two?
I explictly asked for atleast four!
Now where did I put that red phone...
August 14, 1999, 18:37
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checking in
no problem yin
August 16, 1999, 07:04
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Checking in, for the Wonders and Terrain threads. Bloody hell, that Terrain thread is hard work... I've gotten as far as Gordon the Whale's dissertation, and I've got about thirty more posts to summarize... once that's done, I should be able to keep on top of things and finish by the end of August.
Hang on, I've just received a letter from the Mossad... er, I'm not entirely sure what it says because the grammar and spelling are so atrocious, but the tone is fairly threatening... maybe it'll make more sense if I read it from right to left...
August 16, 1999, 11:38
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Why EnochF! What a carefully written post. Bloody hell, it's almost as good as your idea to put laywes in a sub!
BTW EnochF. The Mossed never bothers to sound dangerous. When they want to threat someone, they just kill him.
Still looking for the red phone, but now for an entirely different reason...
August 16, 1999, 15:37
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"Laywes"? Usually I like my sub with pastrami and mayonnaise...
August 17, 1999, 13:59
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The two companains walked briskly along the road. It was thier habit for ten years now, and they were not ready to give it up just yet. The alien surrounding didn't intimidate them. In fact, it was quite a charming scene. The sky had a deep, clear blue tone. The streets were extreamly clean, spotless. The people, all of them, charming in every way. In every turn, a smile, a short node of reconigization.
A lovely town, in all opinions.
"I am so glad they decided to hold the conferance in Apolyton. It's such a charming city, isn't it?" said one of the two friends.
"Quite so."
A few minutes later, their strole lead them into a small square in the middle of the boulvard.
The towering statue of Apolyton stood above them, on a large pedestal of clean, white marble. The dead philoshoper eyes, almsot life-like, watched over the small town with caring looks and vast knowladge.
A small bird positioned itself on the top of his head and started with a most beautifal chearing.
The small golden plaque on the pedestal read: "Contributed to Apolyton by Yin, a benefactor of the city".
"Such a powerful statue, full of prowress." said the first traveler, while gazing up, up to meet the eyes of the dead thinker.
"Indeed. How is the conferance going?"
"It's... intersting. I am learning quite a lot. Ofcourse, you know those international meetings..."
The other person nodded in agreement.
"...You always need to worry, to make sure the other side completly understand you. We all use english, yes, but the difference in cultures!"
"I KNOW! I was just having the most delightful meeting on those new polymers they want to use in the new shuttles. They one they want us to finance, you know?"
the second nodded in approvel, arguing his friend to go on.
"I was just trying to explain it to this demantic fool for accounting. That swine just happenes to be from from abroad, so he couldn't understand one thing I said! Try to explain scientifical elements to complete idiots."
The both sighed. A small pair of seats offered relief: they gladly accepted it. As time passes, they looked around the small miditerrianian city. The walls were painted in bright, alive colors. The entire city seemed to explode with power, and zeal. The town itself was small, only three thousand people. But the highly anticipted annual international meeting of Global-FiraYin seemed to fill the town with happiness, a feeling that something is going to happen.
A loud bark startled the two. A small terrier dog position himself just below the stool, barking like mad on the two.
A look of puzzlement on thier faces, thye shot a glance to each other.
They got up quickly. Maybe they sat on something?
But no. They small dog chased them, and start circling in tight circles.
"What is it that he wants?"
The other shrugged. He crouched, shot a quick hand to the dog colar.
"Well, atleast he belong to someone. Now, let's look what's the puppy name..."
the dog struggled against the grip, trying to get free.
"It's... EnochF... Odd name. Greek?" he asked the other.
"I really don't know. What IS IT that he wants?"
"I don't think he know either".
The dog, full of fear for the grip, bite his capture. Startled, he pulled off his hand. The dog pulled free, but still orbited them like a moon, barking like mad.
"Harel, are you injuried?"
"No, no. I am fine. Just got a bit startled. He's teeth seems to bit totaly rotten. He gnawed me a bit, that's all."
"Seems to be too young to have rotty teeth. He acts like a young pulp: but I never could tell the age of those terriers. Too small.
Oh confine that demon. Harel, I am going to kick him... what?"
For the last minute, the dog relived himself on the shoes of the two friends. The small, brownish orbs glistened against the morning sun.
"Now, now. Don't get mad."
But, Harel, my shoes!"
"It's just nature ways. That's what dogs do, the mark thier area."
He looked at his shoes.
"My new ones. Damn!" A look of anger clouded his eyes for a brief moment. But after a second, the look of happiness and acceptness returned.
"But look!" said the other. "The dog caputrer is heading our way!"
And indeed, a tall man in a blue, offical uniform hurried toward them.
The small terrier let out a yelp and dashed away, the offical after him.
"comeon, let's go!" said Harel to his friend, that stood by still looking at the new offsprings of the dog.
"Odd, isn't it?"
"What is?"
"That". He pointed at the remains.
"It doesn't fit, don't you see?"
"I don't quite follow you" replied Harel.
"To this! This!" he swept up his arm, embarcing the entire town.
"Filth? Here? In Apolyton? It's all so clean and friendly here... it' just seems wrong".
Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls.
Then, he raised his head, and smiled. He grabed his friend shoulders and pointed at the end of the steert.
For another officer in blue farbic with allready near, pushing a large cart with a big garbage can and a broom.
"You see? Do you see?" cried Harel in happiness. "Apolyton always stay clean in the end!"
Glad, the two friends started walking again, going to meet the cleaning man.
August 17, 1999, 14:53
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Cute story...but what's it doing here? A little "off-topic", don't you think? Or don't you think?
August 17, 1999, 17:49
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Definitely off topic. So was mine, but mine was short.
Still, I got a nice signature out of the deal:
"Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls."
Twenty-five more posts to summarize on Terrain before Version 2.0, almost there...
August 18, 1999, 22:29
Local Time: 04:24
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whoops, double post
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by technophile (edited August 18, 1999).]</font>
August 18, 1999, 22:31
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technophile here, Units summary will be done on time. Remind me to never volunteer for anything ever again.
"Providence is always on the side of the big battallions."
August 19, 1999, 16:38
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Theben, I know it's off-topic, but I just love to snipe at the under developed one.
As for EnochF: Yes, I should have known that part will interst you the most. Line of work, eh?
August 29, 1999, 05:21
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Check in, check out.
August 29, 1999, 11:51
Local Time: 03:24
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Ming again... could you e-mail me a copy of the "accepted" format... Otherwise, I will just do it like I did the last time.
Use the below address to reach me.
Off Topic Forum Moderator
August 29, 1999, 23:05
Born Again Optimist
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Ming, here's a sample. 
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by yin26 (edited August 29, 1999).]</font>
August 30, 1999, 00:00
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Thanks... One last question. We are just adding new stuff right into the first list where it fits, or adding new sections... Right? We aren't really doing a seperate one... Right?
Just checking.
August 30, 1999, 00:56
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Ming: Correct. Though you many need to add new sections if you get a whole new slew of ideas in a different direction.
August 30, 1999, 17:19
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Sorry about not checking in earlier. I was on vacation for a while. But (except for some philosophies that might claim that there's no way of proving it) I'm still here.
August 30, 1999, 19:47
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Hey Big Yin:
Combat has fallen victim to the information age, as Theben's computer has fritzed up on him. I'm still putting the finishing touches on Units, but if nobody's taken up the slack in Combat by the time I've finished I'll go ahead and pick up where Theben left off.
August 31, 1999, 01:20
Born Again Optimist
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I've alread sent the e-mail. And a dozen roses.
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