Get rid of named governement types?
How about a more subtle differentiation between government types, with no named government types like democracy and fundamentalism. The differences between government types in Civ2 seem quite arbitary to me, and not at all realistic. Lots of democratic countries have loads of corruption. Fundamentalist governments are no more efficient at production, or less likely to have unhappiness than other types.
Perhaps instead of government types there could be governmental structures that you could adopt, with their individual benefits. For example, you could have a city council, which would make people in that city happier because of the democratic element, but the city council would possibly disagree with what you wanted the city to build, the tax level and so on, and favour more city improvements. You could have a parliament, with similar advantages and disadvantages across the whole of your empire, or a region. You could have a theocracy, where you are the religious leader, which would reduce unhappiness arising from your actions, but would introduce priests who would possibly disagree with what you wanted to do, and favour more temples etc.