I have some ideas for Units, Terrain & diplomacy Tell me what you think.
Okay here are my ideas:
The first and only unit I think they should add is a trade ship. It would carry one unit along with that it could cross water and it could set up a traade route across waters.
I think that Engineers & settlers should be able to build canals to get your naval vessels across land, however I think that it should take a settler 10 turns to build one piece of the canal and a Engineer 5 turns in other words to build a full network of canals it would take a long time just like it does in real life so that the game is more realistic and so it is more rewarding when you finally finish a canal. Canals would be awesome for battle.
I think that diplomacy should be much more involved. The first thing they should add is a new land map showing a the tiles the enemy has and you have and so that to sign a peace treaty you could demand some of there land and visversa now I think they should set a limit on the land you can take or your enemy can take though up to 10 or 15 tiles.
Next they should have Eco pacts to help reduce pollution and when you sign one you have to reduce pollution or they give you a warning, if they have to give you another warning after that it is there right to declare war on you for breaking the pact. And vis versa. If they don't reduce pollution a little message box will pop up saying that the (tribe name) have not reduced there pollution would you like to warn them yes or no? And then the next time this pops up it will instead say Do you want to declare War on them? Yes or No? And finally when you end a war they can demand a city from you (not your capital of course! Also if you only have one or 5 cities left they can't demand one from you). And you can demand a city from them also (not there capital and if they only have 1-5 cities left you can't demand one)
Well I think these are all fair suggestion all stuff that might happen in real life! Please I'm open for constructive criticsm what do you think, you can also personally E-mail me at: Tootool2@cs.com
P.S. This topic has been renewed, since the older one was removed. Please post responses to my ideas here. Thanks