After the withdrawal of Milo from the Civ world, we are looking for a new leader for the roman civ
The game is ongoing now for more than 18 months. Look here for more details about the game setup and technical details:
It is a seven player game with actually six active (DaveV, Eddy, Ian, MacUser, Sparrowhawk, and me). In average, there is one turn per week at the moment.
The game is amazing well balanced at 150 BC:
Click here for game demographics
Interested in joining? The roman civ is vacant now.
Important: For speed reasons, you should be able to play your email turn most of the days to the same time!
Players with time schedules between 20.00 EDT and 22.00 EDT will be most welcomed (and preferred

), time schedules between 22.00 EDT and 06.00 EDT are also acceptable (second choice, sorry

Oh, translated for other timezones: 20.00 EDT = 01.00 GMT = 11.00 Aussie time (AEDT) (I guess?)
Don't worry about the technical how to, it is really easy to learn!
(Many thanx to Dave for informing me in time that geocities didn't work

greets from the Warrior of sky
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